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I'll really show you what Apple is talking about spatial computing. If you turn around and look around like this, you can see that all the windows I've set up are floating in the air like this. If you put on the Vision Pro and move around like this, you can see my The transparency of the window changes depending on your gaze. When I sit at the desk where I usually work, the Mac screen that I use to edit videos is mirrored in the middle, and Internet windows like this are floating around Isn't it crazy? Hello, this is Techmong. In the last video, I explained in detail what kind of product Vision Pro is, what it likes, and what it doesn't like. So this video is a sequel to that video. Instead of talking about the pros, cons, or value of this product, how can I use this Vision Pro? I'll show you how it can be done, and I'll give you my personal opinion on what this Vision Pro will be like in the future. In the last video, I said that Apple defined this Vision Pro as a spatial computing device. You can display the Mac screen on the Vision Pro like this and other windows as well. I showed you how to use the Vision Pro by just sitting in one place. But at that time, I just showed you how to use it while sitting in one place, but I used the Vision Pro and moved around a bit and it was a new experience. And after doing that, I became clear why Apple used the word spatial computing. In fact, what I showed in the last video can be similarly imitated in the Meta Quest series. But what about the spatial computing for Vision Pro that I'm showing you now? As far as I know, this is not a function in Meta Quest. In Meta Quest, you can control about 3 windows like this, but at first glance, it looks very similar to Vision Pro's function . But movement is very limited . So, what is Vision Pro from now on? I'll show you in detail what's different. I have the MacBook screen I'm currently using displayed in the center like this, and I've also displayed Internet windows here and there like this. To search Google in this state, you just have to raise your head slightly like this. If you want to scroll in that state, use your thumb. You can tap with your index finger and move it up and down to easily scroll. And if you want to move to another window, just move your gaze a little to the side and you can go straight to it and scroll like this . It moves very well in real time. And even when using a calculator. It's the same . You can use the calculator by looking at the numbers with your eyes and tapping your hand, or by pressing the screen with your index finger . But if you've seen the last video, you know everything up to this point. Now, I'll show you what spatial computing really is. Now, I'm going to stand up from my seat. I see a photo gallery attached to the wall in front of me. I'll click on the photo I want to see in this gallery and pop it up. Since it 's a panoramic photo, I can click the button on the top right to enlarge it and see it clearly. I'm satisfied. And when I look to the side again, I see the App Store. You can also scroll up and down by tapping with two fingers. And like the calculator method, you can also scroll by pointing your finger on the screen. It's quite convenient. Of course, now you can scroll the screen. In addition, you can also select these menus on the left by touching them with your finger. Now, let's go to a different place. As I walk forward a little further, I can check the amount of water I drank today like this. I will pull out a cup and drink another glass of water When I press a cup of water, the amount of water rises. Then, I take water from the water purifier and drink it. When drinking water, I have to tilt my head back so that the water flows smoothly. Then, I throw the paper cup I just drank into the trash can. When I look at the table next to me, I see a stopwatch. You can press this to check how often you drink water. And I'll take a look to the side. Oh, it's on Disney Plus. So now you can sit on the sofa and watch a movie. Wow, I don't know about anything else, but the video quality of this Disney Plus is as good as Quest 3. It's so good that it's incomparable. Of course, there are many ways to run Disney Plus in Quest 3, but the quality of the video source and the Vision Pro video source itself are different, and even the display resolution and lens type are different, so it's the same. Even if you look at the video, there is a huge difference. And in the last video, I told you that you can watch 3D videos on Disney Plus for Vision Pro, but I said it's not that good because it hurts your eyes a little. But if you don't want to watch 3D movies, you can just turn off the 3D movie option. Then, you can watch all 3D movies in 2D. It's in high definition , so it doesn't hurt your eyes. So, just because the Disney Plus feature of this Vision Pro is a bit disappointing in 3D video, it doesn't mean that all of this Disney Plus content is of poor quality. Now, get up and go to the side. Let's check the calendar in the same way. With the calendar, you can see the menu you want in the air and tap it with your finger to move to that date. As you can see, you can make very detailed adjustments. And right next to it, I have a to-do list like this, so you can check it here as well. You can check the content you want right away. And if you stock like this, you can always display the stock next to it like this. And let's take a look at what's next to it. Now, I have YouTube Music displayed here. You can press it with your finger to play music. Let's play it. Of course, you can tap it with your finger from afar, but it's also fun to press it. And if you look next to it, the more I check today's weather, the more it floats like this. So, Apple can move through space in this way and compute things that are floating here and there. I think this is spatial computing I'm talking about. So now let's look at the finale of spatial computing. Using Vision Pro, you can play games that you can play on iPad or iPhone on a huge screen. It's also like the really popular Collapse Starrail. At first, I wondered what was the significance of just playing a flat iPad game on a Vision Pro with a larger screen. But it really meant something. It was more satisfying to watch the game on a large screen than to play it on a small smartphone like this. It's really high. Even when you watch a regular movie, you can just watch it on your smartphone. For that, you go to the movie theater and buy a big TV at home. That's because there's a sense of satisfaction that comes from a big screen. This is really implemented in Vision Pro . But here, eye tracking, hand tracking, etc. are really high. Can you properly control a game like Collapse Starrail with tracking? Yes, it works. I tried it too and was surprised. I can play without much inconvenience. Of course, it's not as comfortable as pressing the button directly on the smartphone, but it's quite doable. And above all, what's really great is that you can play a really high-end game like this. It's running smoothly. So I suddenly became curious about the performance of the Vision Pro and did a benchmark test. Since you can install iPad apps on the Vision Pro, you can download and run it using Geekbench. But look at the score, the multi-core score is over 8000 points. This score is lower in single core than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is the best iPhone released so far, but higher in multi-core. So, I tried to test the graphics performance here, but I ran a GPU test. It crashed. Anyway, the performance is like this, so it collapses. Even though I run a high-end game like Starrail at the highest settings and set the frame rate to 120, it doesn't crash. Wow, I posted the Geekbench results in the Meta Quest 3 video, and it 's like this for Quest 3 and Vision Pro. When I compare the Deep Bench scores, there is a huge difference. So, the game I am currently playing cannot be run on a chipset like Meta Quest 3. But Vision Pro has no interruption even when such flashy effects are used . But this is also the case with eye tracking and hand. Since it is operated using tracking, precise operation is a bit difficult. However, because the Vision Pro supports Bluetooth, you can connect a Bluetooth device to it. This means that you can connect an Xbox gamepad like this to the Vision Pro, and the collapsing star Rail officially supports this Xbox gamepad. Then, you can play Collapse Starrail on a large screen in Vision Pro with a joystick. Wow, I tried playing a real game with this gamepad. Oh, Vision Pro is still a VR-only game. It's not very sloppy and doesn't have many games, but I thought that this could be a better device than I thought to play flat games that can be played on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone on the Vision Pro, a high-end device with a really large screen . So, I'll definitely say a little bit here. So you can better understand what Apple is talking about when it comes to spatial computing. As you move through space, the window you want is floating at each location, and you can use the computing technology to process that, which is what Apple is talking about right now. I thought it was computing. But if you've seen this far, you know that Vision Pro spatial computing is good. But so far, all the content is 2D at best, just a window shape. Floating 2D in a 3D space and viewing it is not real VR. No Real VR content? So I looked into it and found something really cool. It's Amaze VR, where you can watch everything from famous foreign singers to Korean idols in VR. There are a few videos you can watch for free in this app, so I took a look. Wow, this is really awesome. In the last Meta Quest video, I told you that you can watch Korean idol videos through an app called Venta As for Amaze VR, the picture quality is much better than that , and the Vision Pro's speakers are really crazy. So, I couldn't contain my excitement while watching various videos on Amaze VR with Vision Pro. As I'm watching the video now, I'm so excited. I'm so excited that I'm gesticulating with my hands and shaking my head, so the video is really shaky. In fact, if I did it to this extent, the video would be shaky. So, instead of filming it like this, I'll show you what I filmed after I calmed down and kept my head still. The quality of this video is right now. Can you see it? Isn’t the picture quality really good? You can see all the texture details , but what you need to know here is that this was done using the basic recording function of Vision Pro. However, since this is a recording, the image quality has been degraded, and this is the extent of the degraded quality video. If you look at this video, the Venta you saw in Quest 3? There's no comparison. I've also listened to songs sung by other female singers besides T-Pain, and my hand went up without me even realizing it. It's not strange that the hand goes up, but in Amaze VR, if you raise your hand and draw a heart shape, you can say this to the singer in front of you. You can shoot hearts. Don't think it's weird. I'm just explaining the function. When I posted this on the community, I think a lot of people misunderstood it, but I'm not sure what they were thinking. Wow, so I turned to Amaze VR on this Vision Pro. I thought it would be really cool to watch a Korean idol video, so I decided to watch it, but unfortunately, I can't see the Espa and Kai performances in Amaze VR yet. In particular, in the case of the Espa performance , I also held a VR concert wearing the Quest 3 in Seoul. I was debating whether to go see it or not, but in the end I couldn't go. But I heard that people who came to see it were very satisfied. Wow, if the performance video is released in the Amaze VR app included here, I will pay money to buy it and experience it. Vision Pro is Quest. The picture quality of the lens display is much better than that of the 3, and the speakers are incomparably better, so I think I will be very satisfied. So, this is the main use of Vision Pro that I could not show in the last video. It is spatial computing and Playing games with large screen and playing VR videos. Of course, the price difference is ridiculous now, but I was able to understand a little what Apple was thinking when creating this product. So what happens at this point ? Didn’t Techmong say in the last video that Vision Pro is not good? Are you changing your words? You could say that, but no, my opinion is the same. What I said in this video is about utilization, so I focused on the parts that can be used. There are still disadvantages. This dedicated battery line is still annoying, and you can set up spatial computing and that. It's good, but when you turn it off and on, you have to reset all the settings, which is very annoying. And if you use a lot of things like that, the Vision Pro heats up a lot, so I can feel it getting hot. And since I work with this a lot, Because the performance is good and the display resolution of the lens is no joke, the battery literally melts. So why not just install an auxiliary battery like the Meta Quest 3? You can do this, but the Quest 3 has a main body battery capacity of about 5,000, so even if you connect a 10,000 mAh auxiliary battery, which is twice the main body battery capacity, to the back, it won't bother you and can significantly extend the usage time. But this Vision Pro has the same effect. Do you know what I need to do to see it? The basic battery capacity is 10,000 mAh, so if you connect a auxiliary battery with double the capacity of 20,000 mAh like the Quest, there is no mess like this. Even if you put it in both pockets like this, the wires are very uncomfortable. So in the last video, I put the battery on the back of my head like this. I mentioned how to balance the weight and increase the usage time, but can't I do the same with the Vision Pro? You might think so, but no, that's a different story. As much as the Vision Pro has good performance and a good display, the battery consumption rate is extremely high, so even if a strap to attach the battery to the back of the head is released in the future, the battery weight will be very heavy and the usage time will be very short. So, I still cannot evaluate the current value of this Vision Pro that highly, considering the price . But I have no intention of undervaluing its future value. Unlike Meta Quest, I think Vision Pro has better interoperability with PC. It's much better than MetaQuest. And recently, there have been rumors that they will make a YouTube app for Vision Pro again. And many other companies are also saying that they will continue to make apps after seeing the future potential of Vision Pro. I think the Vision Pro ecosystem will be built at a very high level within a year or two at the earliest. Currently, it is said that some iPad apps can be used, but only a small portion can be used, and the apps are being updated every day . We'll have to wait and see when Vision Pro will be able to play VR games like Meta Quest, but the spatial computing environment that Apple is talking about is improving at a really fast pace. So, personally, I think this Vision Pro is better than anything else. I wish they would support a separate controller, even for a third part. Since I don't need to see anything from here in front, I'd like to get rid of the glass in front, reduce the weight, and use Apple Vision Air instead of Apple Vision Pro, which is cheaper and lighter than this I just think that when Apple Vision comes out, Apple's VR devices will be able to encroach on the market so much that it's really scary. Right now, the Vision Pro may not be a valuable product for general consumers in the VR market, but this VR market I think Apple's influence has been really big. What do you think? Please give your opinion in the comments. And if you liked the video, please subscribe and like. That's all for this video. Thank you. It was Techmong.
Channel: 테크몽 Techmong
Views: 77,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nr7GcOyATxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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