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Hello, I'm a marketing reader. From now on, we're going to introduce you to Naver Smart Store's top exposure. Let me tell you how to find the golden keyword. First of all, we're going to take the concept of what the golden keyword is. I need to understand. So, I'm going to give you a quick look at the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Golden Keyword. If it's not theoretical, If you just want to know how to select a keyword, Skip the front part that I'm going to explain. You just have to watch the video in the back. Now, let me explain about the golden keyword. First of all, before we sell the product, we need to figure out why we need to find the keyword first. Let me give you an explanation. And then, what is the golden keyword? I'll give you a brief explanation. Naver's Smart Store is... This is not a 'direct transaction' between the seller and the buyer. The seller has a system called Naver. You register the product and sell it. The client is on a portal site called Naver. You can search and buy. One platform brokerage transaction. It's called, 'Doesn't everyone know?' There are a lot of people who overlook it. This concept is a very important part of running a smart store. Keywords, product setting, advertising operations, and increased sales Everything that runs a smart store. It's an important part that you always have to think about. So, the concept of Naver Smart Store is a platform deal. Please be aware of it accurately. That's why people who sell products at smart stores, What kind of product should I sell?You can't just stop thinking, 'Oh, my God. 'What does the customer want?' We need to understand exactly what Naver wants and sell it. I've been thinking about this combination. The intensive indicator is the "Naver keyword. It's hard to explain. This is part of the smart store's revenue growth. It's the most important concept. In this clip, you're gonna have to understand this much. I will explain this concept in detail in another video. That is, because smart stores are intermediary transactions. Not only do I sell the products I want to sell, We need to sell the products our customers want. We need to sell the product that Naver wants. It's the "keyword" that indicates what product Naver wants. I think you just need to understand the concept this much. So I'm going to show you a collection of good keywords for a particular product I define it as "Golden Keyword." The keyword that meets the following three conditions is called "Golden Keyword." The first is a keyword with a lot of search words. The high number of search terms means that the customer wants it, the demand is high. That demand is high. It means that customers are more likely to find my product. So, we're looking for keywords with high search numbers. Our mission is to expose our products. The second is 'Keyword with fewer competitive products'. A small number of competitors means weak supply competition. The supply competition is weak. In other words, not having many competitive products Of course, the probability of finding my product will increase. That's why we're trying to figure out a key word with low competition numbers The mission is to expose my product. That is, the "golden keyword" is... "High-demand keywords" and "low-supply keywords". Based on these basic principles of the market economy, We need to find keywords. Think that you need to find the golden keyword. And additionally, we need to select keywords that fit the NAVER category. In Naver, each keyword has a different category to expose. This part is in the back. It would be better to understand through examples. So I'm going to show you how to organize the keywords. I'll give you an example of my method. We'll apply it to the products you're selling. Please select the "Golden Keyword". First, turn on the Excel and write down 4 items. [Keyword, search word count, product count, category] Next, we will access the keyword tool site of Naver search advertisement. This site has the ability to find Naver keyword search count and associated search terms. It's a basic tool provided by Naver. You can write down the key keywords of the products you are selling first. I've been selling wet wipes as an example. Let's enter the keyword 'wet wipes'. The first condition of the golden keyword was 'a keyword with a lot of searches'. So, you can sort the monthly search numbers on your mobile. Check the keywords associated with my product. It's written in Excel. I'm a wet tissue. I'll transfer the 'wet wipes' and 'mobile search word count' to Excel. And then we move on. I'm trying to find the keywords associated with my product again." (Keep repeating) Let me check one more keyword. If my wet wipes can be hand sanitized, Transcribe the keyword 'hand sanitizer tissue' in Excel. In fact, when you make a choice, We need more related keywords. First of all, I'll write down about 4 since it's an example. Now, if you've done all this "number of search words," Next, write down the number of products and the number of competitive products. How do we find the number of competitors? Search Naver for the keyword. You can write down the number next to 'View shopping more' on Naver shopping. Now, the final third condition of the golden keyword, You need to find a keyword that matches the category. First, I will explain the category. The category is Naver, where a lot of products compete. It minimizes the competition. It's a classification that limits competition. When the customer searched for the keyword A, The A keyword is... Only products in category A' are exposed. Only compete with the products in it. Naver has restricted competition. Let's take an example. I'll search it on Naver with 'large-capacity wet wipes'. Below the price is the category. If you look, you can see that all of these categories are the same. That is, if you search for the keyword "massive wipes," Naver is known as "Life Health > Household Supplies > Toilet Paper > Wet wipes." We're only going to expose the products in the category. I want you to compete with the products in the categories. It's limited competition. So, we're going to search Naver for "massive wipes." of high-profile products Check the category and transfer it to Excel. Large-capacity wipes are living health, household goods, toilet paper, and wet wipes. Then write down the category of large wipes in the Excel -> category. I'll organize the rest of the keywords. As you can see, it's a keyword associated with my product. You can see that the categories are different. So, when we set up the product later, If you registered for the category "Life Health > Household Supplies > Toilet Paper > Wet wipes," This structure can never be exposed under the keyword 'baby wipes'. because You have to set this category clearly when you set up the product. I'll pick a keyword that I'm going to expose, You must select a category. And one more thing. By default, each keyword is exposed to one category. By the way, about five percent. Sometimes there are multiple categories per keyword. This is a complex keyword in itself. Or is a keyword that matches the category. I will explain this later in the video. Anyway, there's usually only one category per keyword. So many things like this... It is recommended to select the categories that are exposed to the top as much as possible. So from now on, I'm going to show you some of these keywords I'll explain which one to pick and which criteria to choose. First of all, I just explained.Seafi These two keywords whose categories do not match cannot coexist. Therefore, I choose whether to do this category or another category first. Second, the keyword of 50,000th place in the number of products is overcompetition. We're throwing away all the products that are 50,000th in number of products. Afterwards, among the keywords below 50,000, It's to leave a lot of search words. I picked it as an example, so it's only a few. In fact, when you're exploring, There will be dozens left. You can leave those dozens of keywords in search terms. First of all, this figure of 50,000 is an example of mine. You're going to keep working on these things. And when you write down a lot of products, You'll have your own standards. You can choose the keyword according to that standard. What if there are only a few keywords left that meet this standard?' When that happens, the first way is to find out more relevant search terms. Second, if you say, "I've looked up all the relevant search terms, but I don't see them," This keyword, this product itself, is a product that is not in demand of the customer, It's already a highly competitive product. You have to give up and write down other products and prepare other products. So far, we've learned how to prepare and select golden keywords. Finally, we can choose '10 keywords'. Now, you can set up the product based on this keyword. Basically, by applying this concept and method, If you could pull out the "golden keyword," And then we'll deepen it. How to distinguish 'Good keyword even though there are few search words', How to distinguish 'good keywords despite the large number of competitive products' We can understand and expand. You need to get to know these basic concepts first. You can set the product. After that, we'll be able to find the keywords we picked. How to apply to a product page is: I'll explain it to you in my next video, "Smart Store Product Setting." Please refer to the video. If you think your marketing/advertising insights are enriched, To make a better video, Please subscribe and like it. There is a reason for marketing, but there is no correct answer. Until now, I was a marketing reader.
Channel: 마케팅 읽어주는 남자
Views: 96,099
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Keywords: 스마트스토어, 스마트스토어키워드, 스마트스토어상위노출, 스마트스토어창업
Id: DqYp1SF0mwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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