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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video in today's video we're going to be writing a formal email let's say you're in college and you're emailing your professor or let's say you have a business and you're emailing a potential client those are all situations in which you want your email to be formal generally speaking it's best to keep your subject very concise this also depends on the context so for the subject line you want to make it as concise as possible you don't have to write in full sentences you want to keep it around five words I'd say let's say for example that I want to schedule an appointment with my professor to talk about my exam then I'm gonna put in the subject office hour hours appointment okay so once we get into the body of the email we're first gonna have to put a salutation let's say I'm emailing professor professor King you could just put it professor Kim or you could put a hi professor Kim or dear professor Kim or just professor Kim and then in the body you want to introduce yourself this depends on how well the person knows you so assuming that this professor doesn't know me going to introduce myself my name is yaara and I am enrolled in your physiology course I'm just gonna make up something here I would like to schedule an appointment with you to ask you questions questions about my exam would 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday work for you okay I literally just made something up for this one so I said my name is yaara and I am enrolled in your physiology course I would like to schedule an appointment with you to ask you questions about my exam would 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday work for you obviously the content of the email just depends on why you're emailing the person and then last but not least you're going to sign the email off the most generic one is writing best comma enter and your name so best Europe I've also seen people write best regards or best wishes or sincerely you can write thanks but the most generic one the most common one I've seen is just best yeah that's pretty much it for the overall format one thing to keep in mind is while you're writing your email in the body of it you want to make sure that you don't you don't want to use slang or you want to steer away from using emojis or anything too extravagant especially if you're emailing your professor your professors will definitely not want to see you emojis in the email so emojis definitely I know try to keep your language as polite and as formal as possible I guess that's it for today's video if you want to learn more things like this then make sure to subscribe to my channel on the cake app on the cake app you can practice other expressions and phrases in English so if you found this helpful go over to that app you can also subscribe to their YouTube channel yeah that's all I have for today thank you guys for watching and I will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: Cake English I 케이크 영어
Views: 15,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4_HORU4ckJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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