오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)_Dolphin - Special Clip @따따따따🌀 물보라를 일으켜〰🐬💦
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: OH MY GIRL
Views: 10,047,160
Rating: 4.9507833 out of 5
Keywords: #오마이걸, OHMYGIRL, NONSTOP, Dolphin, 돌핀, SpecialClip, 스페셜클립, 따따따따, 물보라를일으켜
Id: oaRTMjLdiDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
this was so lovely! such a great idea to compile their old footage into a video for a track that's doing surprisingly well.
The parallels between Closer, Secret Garden, Remember Me, SSFWL, and Bungee... is this the Oh My Girl Extended Universe?
Good on WM to release a separate video for Dolphin. Along with Nonstop, the song's gaining a lot of traction on social media and music charts rn.
In related news, OMG got their 8th music show win for Nonstop today! A true success story
Dolphin just keeps climbing and climbing, and i know WM didnt expect it to perform better on the charts than most of their title tracks to date so this was a nice little thing to do. The video is cute and fun, and i like the inclusion of all their prior stuff too since thankfully new fans are also checking out all of OMG and not just the new album. Almost all of their prior title tracks (as well as 1 Step 2 Steps) back to Closer in 2015 have been re-charting on Melon's top 1000 daily charts for weeks now, and Secret Garden, Bungee, and Fifth Season all re-charted on Gaon top 200 digital chart the past couple of weeks. I really think that the next OMG release could be even bigger with how well Nonstop and Dolphin have been doing and so many people checking out and enjoying their back catalog as well.
Well that was fun!
I see many unused cuts and bloopers from previous MV's like Closer, Secret Garden, Remember Me, SSFWL and Bungee ♥
this is actually very smart bc it mirrors the twitter edits that fans of other groups have been making for their idols using dolphin. it even uses the ocean border, dolphin animation, and dolphin emoji like the twitter edits do.
overall very cute!
So, oh my girl is like that anime protagonist who has potential at the beginning of the story, but is not as strong as the others.
And throughout the history, they go through tribulations and getting stronger and stronger, huh
There are not enough of these kinds of moments through time videos from official sources.
The bungee aesthetic works perfectly with this. If you didn't know it was a different song, you could just about re-cut that MV for Dolphin and no one would be any wiser.
Dolphin is now the 2nd highest charting girl group b-side on Melon since 2014.
Edit: The clips are from older MVs directed by Yoo Sung-kyun (Sunnyvisual), excluding Banana Allergy Monkey. In a way, he's like the Seo Ji-eum for music videos.