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[Music] thank you Linus time to get up you don't want to be late for school Linus time to get up you don't want to be late for school lioness time to get up goodness time to get up you don't want to be late for school I don't want to be late for school [Music] no school today dreams do come true today dreams do come true Snow Day no school today no no goal today dreams do come true Franklin and Peppermint Patty are on my team I got my hockey sticks I got my skates who has the pups Franklin and Peppermint Patty are on my team I got my skates who has the pups Franklin and Peppermint Patty are on my team Franklin and Peppermint Patty are on my team I got my hockey sticks I got my skis I got my skis who has the pups looking sharp today big pen sorry I'm late what's taking him so long what's taking him so long come on looking sharp today big pen looking sorry I'm late sorry I'm late what's taking him so long what's taking him so long come on got my kite today's the day I can feel it a kite today in the middle of winter come on guys it's only Charlie Brown got my kite today's the day I can feel it a kite today in the middle of winter come on guys it's only Charlie Brown I got my kite got my kite today's the day I can feel it tonight today in the middle of winter a kite okay in the middle of winter come on guys only Charlie Brown come on [Music] come on a new kite a perfect breeze it all feels just right now that the kite eating tree is sleeping for the winter we have nothing to fear a new kite a perfect breeze it all feels just right now that the kite eating tree is sleeping for the winter we have nothing to fear liftoff a new kite a perfect breeze it all feels just right it all feels just right now that the kite eating tree is sleeping for the winter now that the we have nothing to fear we have nothing to fear liftoff hey Charlie Brown still no luck huh oh remember it's the courage to continue that count hey Charlie Brown still no luck huh oh remember it's the courage to continue that count hey Charlie Brown still no luck huh hey Charlie Brown still no luck huh oh remember it's the courage to continue that count remember it's the courage to continue good grief I should have known what kind of a person tries to fly kite in the middle of winter good grief I should have known what what kind of a person tries to fly kite in the middle of winter good grief Blockhead I should have known I should have known what kind of a person tries to fly a kite in the middle of winter kind of a person tries to fly a kite in the middle of winter don't you ever know when to give up you will never get that kite to fly why because you're Charlie Brown don't you ever know when to give up you will never get that kite to fly why because you're Charlie Brown don't you ever know when to give up don't you ever want to give up you will never get that kite to fly why because you're Charlie Brown you will kite to fly why because you're Charlie Brown I don't care what Lucy says I may have had troubles in the past flying a kite and I may have never won a baseball game but it's not for the lack of trying I don't care what Lucy says I may have had troubles in the past flying a kite and I may have never won a baseball game but it's not for the lack of trying I don't care what Lucy says I don't care what Lucy says I may have had troubles in the past flying a kite I may have had troubles in the past flying a kite and I may have never won a baseball game and I may have never won a baseball game but it's not for the lack of trying but it's not for the lack of trying Charlie Brown is not a quitter bottom of the ninth two outs a strike out here would make the pitcher an instant hero it all comes down to this one pitch let's see if you can handle my fastball it's going to be a long winter sure Lee Brown is not a quitter bottom of the ninth two outs a strike out here would make the pitcher an instant hero it all comes down to this one pitch let's see if you can handle my fastball ah it's going to be a long winter actually Brown is not a quitter Brown is not a quitter bottom of the ninth two outs bought two outs a strike out here would make the pitcher an instant hero the strike out here would make the pitcher an instant hero it all comes down to this one pitch it all comes down to this one pitch let's see if you can handle my fastball let's see if you can handle my fastball ah it's going to be a long winter [Music] someone's moving in across the street from me hey gang look there's a new kid moving here brother put yourself together come on Charlie Brown get out of the way ow hey guys what do you see who is it someone's moving in across the street from me hey gang look there's a new kid moving here brother put yourself together come on Charlie Brown get out of the way ow hey guys what did you see who is it someone's moving in across the street from me someone's moving in across the street from me hey gang look there's a new kid moving in brother put yourself together yourself together come on Charlie Brown get out of the way come on now hey guys what do you see who is it hey guys what do you see who is it I think I see a piano I hope he loves Beethoven Beethoven's Beethoven maybe he will appreciate my natural beauty who cares about that as long as he's a better goalie than Marcy I think I see a piano I hope he loves Beethoven Beethoven's Beethoven maybe he will appreciate my natural beauty who cares about that as long as he's a better goalie than Marcy I think I see a piano I hope he loves Beethoven to your piano I hope he loves Beethoven Beethoven's Beethoven maybe he will appreciate my natural beauty Beethoven's Beethoven maybe he will appreciate my natural beauty who cares about that as long as he's a better goalie than Marcy who cares about [Music] here's the better goalie than you're hurting me sir I'm sorry but it's true no you're pulling up my hair you're hurting me sir I'm sorry but it's true no you're pulling up my hair you're hurting me sir I'm sorry but it's true no you're pulling on my hair you're hurting me but it's true no no you're pulling on my hair I just hope this new kid has never heard of me he would know nothing of my past imperfections [Music] it's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate I just hope this new kid has never heard of me he would know nothing of my past imperfections [Music] it's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate I just hope this new kid has never heard of me I just hope this new kid has never heard of me he would know nothing of my past imperfections he would know nothing of my past imperfections it's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate it's not it's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate this time things will be different this time things will be different this time things will be different this time things will be different [Music] Snoopy why is it that everything I try turns out wrong sometimes I wonder if the kids really like me maybe that new kid will see me for who I really am like you Snoopy why is it that everything I try turns out wrong sometimes I wonder if the kids really like me maybe that new kid will see me for who I really am like you Snoopy why is it that everything I try turns out wrong Snoopy why is it that everything I try turns out wrong sometimes I wonder if the kids really like me sometimes I wonder if the kids really like me maybe that new kid will see me for who I really am like you maybe that new kid will see me for who I really am like you the dog doesn't try to give advice or judge you they just love you for who you are it's nice to have someone that will just sit and listen to you the dog doesn't try to give advice or judge you they just love you for who you are it's nice to have someone that will just sit and listen to you the dog doesn't try to give advice or judge you they just love you for who you are the dog doesn't try to give advice or judge you they just love you for who you are it's nice to have someone that will just sit and listen to you it's nice to have someone that will just sit and listen to you first impressions are everything already done she must be smart foreign first impressions are everything already done she must be smart first impressions are everything 's where everything everything already done she must be smart already done she must be smart huh it's got teeth marks she nibbles on her pencil like I do we have something in common one minute left huh it's got teeth marks she nibbles on her pencil like I do we have something in common one minute left it's got teeth marks it's got teeth marks she nibbles on her pencil like I do we have something in common she nibbles on her pencil like I do we have something in common one minute left one minute left what are you in for have you ever had that feeling when you can't stop smiling huh your heart pounds inside your chest you try to stand but your knees become weak what are you in for have you ever had that feeling when you can't stop smiling huh your heart pounds inside your chest you try to stand but your knees become weak what are you in for what are you doing have you ever had that feeling when you can't stop smiling huh have you ever had that feeling when you can't stop smiling huh your heart pounds inside your chest you try to stand but your knees become weak you try to stand but your knees become weak and then that little red-haired girl glances at you and all of life's possibilities become so clear and then that little red-haired girl glances at you and all of life's possibilities become so clear and then that little red-haired girl glances at you and all of life's possibilities become so clear [Music] lifestyle disabilities become so clear and then you realize she has no idea you're alive and then you realize she has no idea you're alive and then you realize she has no idea you're alive [Music] then you have no idea you're alive the key is keeping a low profile for now we just keep our distance if I could only work up the nerve to go over there what are you looking at Big Brother are you crazy huh oh you're in love the key is keeping a low profile for now we just keep our distance if I could only work up the nerve to go over there what are you looking at are you crazy huh oh oh you're in love the key is keeping a low profile the key is keeping a low profile for now we just keep our distance for now we just keep our distance if I could only work up the nerve to go over there if I could only work up the nerve to go over there how do you look in that big brother are you crazy what are you looking at Big Brother are you crazy oh you're in love [Music] you're in love Charlie Brown what brings you out here so late in the day ah I need your advice on girls Lucy you're a girl right Charlie Brown what brings you out here so late in the day ah I need your advice on girls Lucy you're a girl right Charlie Brown what brings you out here so late in the day Charlie Brown what brings you out here so late in the day I need your advice on girls Lucy you're a girl right I need your advice on girls Lucy you're a girl right let's just say there's this girl I'd like to impress but she's something and I'm nothing let's just say there's this girl I'd like to impress but she's something and I'm nothing let's just say there's this girl I'd like to impress but she's something and I'm nothing let's just say there's this girl I'd like to impress but she's something and I'm nothing if I were something and she was nothing I could talk to her or if she was nothing and I was nothing I could talk to her but she's something and I'm nothing so I just can't talk to her if I were something and she was nothing I could talk to her or if she was nothing and I was nothing I could talk to her but she's something and I'm nothing so I just can't talk to her if I were something and she was nothing I could talk to her for something and she was nothing I could talk to her or if she was nothing and I was nothing I could talk to her or if she was nothing and I was nothing could talk to her but she's something and I'm nothing so I just can't talk to her but she's and I'm nothing so I just can't talk to her you're being ridiculous Charlie Brown why you have much to offer she is a pretty face and pretty faces make me nervous pretty face pretty face you're being ridiculous Charlie Brown why you have much to offer she is a pretty face and pretty faces make me nervous pretty face pretty face you're being ridiculous Charlie Brown why you have much to offer you're being Charlie Brown why you have much to offer she is a pretty face and pretty faces make me nervous she is a pretty face and pretty faces make me nervous pretty face pretty face pretty face pretty face I have a pretty face how come my face doesn't make you nervous how come you can talk to me Charlie Brown oh I just need to know the secret to winning her heart I have a pretty face how come my face doesn't make you nervous how come you can talk to me Charlie Brown oh I just need to know the secret to winning her heart I have a pretty face I doesn't make you nervous how this doesn't make you nervous how come you can talk to me Charlie Brown I just need to know the secret to winning her heart I get to know the secret to winning her heart you know Charlie Brown if you like her so much why not just walk up to her and introduce yourself after the complete fool I made out of myself last night yeah and why don't I just fly to the moon you know Charlie Brown if you like her so much why not just walk up to her and introduce yourself after the complete fool I made out of myself last night yeah and why don't I just fly to the moon you know Charlie Brown if you like her so much why not just walk up to her and introduce yourself you Charlie Brown thank you so much why not just walk up to her and introduce yourself after the complete fool I made out of myself last night yeah and why don't I just fly to the moon after the complete fool I made out of myself last night yeah and why don't I just fly to the moon oh brother she's talking to them so much for a fresh start time is running out oh brother she's talking to them so much for a fresh start time is running out oh brother she's talking to them so much for a fresh start time is running out oh brother talking to them so much for a fresh start time is running out I am worthy I can do this I have what it takes hello your girlfriend's on the phone I am worthy I can do this I have what it takes your girlfriend's on the phone I am worthy I can do this I am worthy I can do this I have what it takes I have what it takes hello huh your girlfriend's on the phones hello your girlfriend's on the phone hey Chuck this is Peppermint Patty have you been well listen I have some great news for you Chuck the winter dances in a few weeks and I'm saving a dance for you huh hello hey Chuck this is Peppermint Patty have you been well listen I have some great news for you Chuck the winter dances in a few weeks and I'm saving a dance for you hey Chuck this is Peppermint Patty have you been well listen I have some great news for you Chuck how've you been well listen I have some great news for you Chuck the winter dances in a few weeks and I'm saving a dance for you the winter dances in a few weeks and I'm saving a dance for you anyway Marcy put me in charge of the refreshment committee I took it upon myself and signed you up to make the cupcakes you did what I can't cook cupcakes the only thing I do know how to make is toast anyway Marcy put me in charge of the refreshment committee I took it upon myself and signed you up to make the cupcakes you did what I can't cook cupcakes the only thing I do know how to make is toast anyway Marcy put me in charge of the refreshment committee anyway Marcy put me in charge of the refreshment committee I took it upon myself and signed you up to make the cupcakes I took it upon myself and signed you up to make the cupcakes you did what I can't cook cupcakes the only thing I do know how to make is toast you did what I can't cook cupcakes the only thing I do know how to make is toast besides why would I even want to go to the Winter Jam toasting cupcakes that sounds good Chuck see you there hold on I said besides why would I even want to go to the Winter Jam toasting cupcakes that sounds good Chuck see you there hold on I said besides why would I even want to go to the Winter Dance besides why would I even want to go to the Winter Jam toasting cupcakes that sounds good Chuck see you there hold on I said toasting cupcakes that sounds good Chuck see you there hold on I said hey what's going on turn down turn it down in there oh huh she likes to dance [Music] hey what's going on down turn it down in there huh she likes to dance hey what's going on going on turn it down turn it down in there [Music] she likes to dance uh she likes to dance I could really use a dance partner good luck with that one two three four okay Snoopy I got the basics down but if I'm going to win I need to step it up I could really use a dance partner good luck with that one two three four okay Snoopy I got the basics down but if I'm gonna win I need to step it up I could really use a dance partner good luck with that I could really use a dance partner good luck with that okay Snoopy I got the basics down okay Snoopy I got the basics down but if I'm going to win I need to step it up but if I'm going to win I need to step it up these cupcakes don't look half bad if I do say so myself this time I've gone totally prepared these cupcakes don't look half bad if I do say so myself this time I've gone totally prepared these cupcakes don't look half bad if I do say so myself these cupcakes don't look half bad if I do say so myself this time I've gone totally prepared this time I've gone totally prepared I couldn't have done it without me the old Charlie Brown would still be lying in bed with a stomachache oh good grief I couldn't have done it without you the old Charlotte Brown would still be lying in bed with a stomachache oh good grief I couldn't have done it without it done the old Charlie Brown would still be lying in bed with a stomachache the old Charlie Brown would still be lying in bed with a stomach ache good grief good grief okay ladies it's time for you to show off your best moves let them hear it the war winner is she won okay ladies it's time for you to show off your best moves with a damn hearing listen to that noise I think it's safe to say we know where Winter is she won okay ladies it's time for you to show off your best moves okay ladies it's time for you to show off to your best moves let them hear it listen to that noise I think it's safe to say we know where Winter is she won listen to that noise I think it's safe to say we know who our winner is she won it looks like we may have a winner here it's going to happen I'm about to dance with the little red hair girl [Music] it looks like we may have a winner here it's going to happen I'm about to dance with the little red hair girl it's going to happen I'm about to dance with the little red hair girl gonna happen I'm about to dance with the little red hair girl [Music] [Music] do I know you huh [Music] [Music] do I know you huh do I know you huh daydreaming will not make your materialize Charlie Brown she's not here daydreaming me she'll be back on Monday I heard she went back East to take care of her grandmother who wasn't feeling well she seems like the kind of person who would do that sort of thing daydreaming will not make her materialize Charlie Brown she's not here daydreaming me she'll be back on Monday I heard she went back East to take care of her grandmother who isn't feeling well she seems like the kind of person who would do that sort of thing daydreaming will not make her materialize Charlie Brown daydreaming on Brown she's not here daydreaming me she's not here daydreaming me she'll be back on Monday she'll I heard she went back East to take care of her grandmother who wasn't feeling well I heard you went you want to take care of her grandmother who isn't feeling well she seems like the kind of person who would do that sort of thing she seems like the kind of person who would do that sort of thing time to pick up partners oh yes [Music] Schroeder there's no denying it it was written in the card oh boy time to pick our partners yes [Music] sir there's no denying it it was written in the cards time to pick up Partners time to pick our partners yes [Music] sure there's no denying it it was written in the card yes there's no denying it it was written in the card the little red-haired girl my lucky day this changes everything she will see the new me and together we'll win the gold star after that anything's possible we could be the first kids to land on the moon the little red-haired girl my lucky day this changes everything she will see the new me and together we'll win the gold star after that anything's possible we could be the first kids to land on the moon the little red-haired girl my lucky day you did this changes everything she will see the new me and together we'll win the gold star after that anything's possible we could be the first kids to land on the Moon that would be the first kids to land on the moon you've got a healthy Linus I'm not sure I can handle being partners with the little red-haired girl I need to slow things down you've gotta help me Linus I'm not sure I can handle being partners with the little red haired girl I need to slow things down you've got to help me Linus got a healthy Linus I'm not sure I can handle being partners with the little red-haired girl I know I need to slow things down I maybe I'm not ready for a serious relationship how will I support her I can't afford a mortgage Charlie Brown you're being ridiculous maybe I'm not ready for a serious relationship how will I support her I can't afford a mortgage Charlie Brown you're big ridiculous maybe I'm not ready for a serious relationship maybe I'm not ready for a serious relationship how will I support her I can't afford a mortgage how will I support her I can't afford a mortgage Charlie Brown you're being ridiculous you're the only person I know who can turn a simple book report into a lifelong commitment I've never been responsible for anything before this could be the worst thing that's ever happened to her you're the only person I know who can turn a simple book report into a lifelong commitment I've never been responsible for anything before could be the worst thing that's ever happened to her you're the only person I know who can turn a simple book report into a lifelong commitment listen I know who can turn a simple book report into a lifelong commitment you've never been responsible for anything before Linus it just hit me I think I know how to become her hero while she's away taking care of her grandmother I could complete the book report for the two of us that's one way to go but if you want my advice Linus it just hit me I think I know how to become her hero while she's away taking care of her grandmother I could complete the book report for the two of us that's one way to go but if you want my advice Linus it just hit me Linus it just hit me I think I know how to become her hero while she's away taking care of her grandmother I could complete the book report for the two of us grandmother I could complete the book report for the two of us that's one way to go but if you want my advice that one way to go but if you want my advice a perfect score me this can't be right no Charlie Brown look you really do have a perfect score they're posting test scores come on a perfect score me this can't be right no Charlie Brown look you really do have a perfect score they're posting the test scores come on they're posting the test scores come on [Music] perfect score me this can't be right [Music] score me this can't be right no Charlie Brown look you really do have a perfect score huh I have heard peanut butter is brain food nice job chuckle boy I always knew you had a venue I have heard peanut butter is brain food nice job chuckle boy I always knew you had a venue hmm I have heard peanut butter is brain food huh I have heard peanut butter is brain food nice job chuckle boy I always knew you had a venue up chuckle boy I always knew you had a venue it can't be right out of my way Mr Perfect Charlie Brown it must be a typo I don't believe it I won't believe it I demand a recount this can't be right out of my way Mr Perfect Charlie Brown it must be a typo I don't believe it I won't believe it I demand a recount this can't be right out of my way [Music] Mr Perfect Charlie Brown it must be a typo Miss Perfect Charlie Brown it must be a typo I don't believe it I won't believe it I demand a recount I Make Way genius coming through I have a science project due next week can you give me your thoughts hey I saw him first Make Way genius coming through I have a science project due next week can you give me your thoughts hey I saw him first Make Way genius coming through genius coming through I have a science project due next week can you give me your thoughts hey I saw him first the science project due next week can you give me your thoughts hey I saw him first they say you're a genius can you read my mind Hey leave him alone yeah leave him alone they say you're a genius can you read my mind Hey leave him alone yeah leave him alone they say you're a genius can you read my mind leave them alone yeah leave them alone yeah leave him alone now Charlie Brown as far as the book report goes what would you suggest well you can never go wrong if you stick with the classics now Charlie Brown as far as the book report goes what would you suggest well you can never go wrong if you stick with the classics now Charlie Brown as far as the book report goes what would you suggest eyebrows as far as the book report goes what would you suggest well you can never go wrong if you stick with the classics well a comic book I thought Classics had to have hardcovers boy do we feel stupid now a comic book I thought Classics had to have hardcovers boy do we feel stupid now a comic book I thought Classics had to have hardcovers boy do we feel stupid now a comic book I thought Classics had to have hardcovers boy do we feel stupid now [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Papa English
Views: 566,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7yg-wRCpzYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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