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Were you satisfied with last year's year-end tax settlement results? For those who vomited taxes but don't know why, those who want to get more refunds, gather [Music] What is the wallet made of for office workers ? It's called that because it's a structure that takes away. You can't even look at my annual salary. How much shrimp is recorded in my bank account. The principle of tax is purely based on what I earn. It is said that tax is deducted at the source, so it is withheld. This is not an accurately calculated tax . If you pay more taxes than you actually have to pay, you get a refund, and if you pay less, you pay more . We subtract the amount. This is called a deduction . I'm supporting myself , so the basic deduction goes in from the person himself/herself. It's 1.5 million won per person. This is very important, so I'll talk about it properly in the next section. Borrowing money when buying a house is deductible to some extent. Savings from subscriptions to buy a house are also deductible if you are a homeless person, and other income deductions are added last. Multiply by three. That's calculated by subtracting a certain amount from the calculated tax amount . It's confusing. Let's clear it up. The amount subtracted is a tax deduction after multiplying the income deduction shrimp . Also, if you put in a pension account, a certain amount of tax is deducted . After doing all of this, the determined tax is the final tax amount. If you do and minus, oh yes, you get a refund. For example, the final tax amount came out to be 1 million won, but if I paid 1.2 million won for a year, 100,000 won every month, I get a refund of 200,000 won. These days, the year-end tax settlement process is not that complicated. It is thanks to the year-end tax settlement simplification service . It's the same [Music] Constitution Article 38 All citizens are obliged to pay taxes according to the law. Yes, taxes are so good. I have to look into it. Perhaps the biggest difference is personal deduction. I am alone, but Assistant Manager Lee earns money alone in my household, and there are 3 dependents, such as a disabled person aged 70 or older. You can do anything without any criteria. If you have dependents, you can deduct 1.5 million won per person. It is possible. No de facto marriage, no separate consideration for children. Just look at the annual income and age. Parents, grandparents, and grandparents can also be included. If you live while paying living expenses, you can apply as a target. But in fact, if you announce 1.5 million won per person in your income, the actual tax is about 2 refund, but you may wonder if you should do this with your eyes open. But the benefits that follow here are very good. Yes For example , if you raise your 70-year-old father as a family member granted, you can receive a deduction of 1.5 million won for dependent family engineering, 1 million won for senior citizens, plus a credit card cash receipt used by your father, medical expenses, insurance premiums, and donations. Shall we try a simulation? 10 million won was spent on the card, 1 million won in donations, and 3 million won in medical expenses . Then, you can save a total of 1.65 million won in taxes . Since people with high incomes are highly likely to receive a high tax rate, it is advantageous for those eligible for basic deduction to be applied to those with high incomes. However, it is different in the case of expenses. You can get a deduction from the amount. Then it would be advantageous to pay with a credit card for those with low income . Single people like me, who have no dependents, tend to vomit during year -end tax settlement. Even if you do not receive personal deductions because you have not yet received personal deductions, donations, medical expenses, and credit card expenditures can be included in year-end tax settlement. It is also possible to deduct income from comprehensive savings . It is also helpful to use financial products such as pension savings and investment in venture companies. However , you should know that this comes with the risk of losing principal. There is no condition to receive deduction for dependents. However, all donations and medical expenses can be deducted for the use of a parent's credit card. If siblings also live together and their annual income is less than 1 million won, donations, medical expenses, and educational expenses can be included in year-end tax settlement for unmarried workers University Tuition fees are especially large. This is also possible if you submit a certificate of payment for education expenses paid by the employee himself . If you divorced in June, is it possible to deduct the spouse for 6 months of married life this year ? For single dads and single mothers, there is a single parent deduction. You can deduct 1 million won. There are two conditions. First, you must not have a spouse and the child must be listed as a dependent . A lot of people ask me what is the best way to spend credit card debit card cash . Of course, cash is the criterion for cutting off cash receipts. Cash receipts for check cards are only 30%, and credit cards are only 15%. It would also be nice to have a lot of spectacles, but it's nice. However, if the usage amount is less than 25% of the total salary, the deduction is not possible . [Music] If you don't get all your refunds because of missing items during the year-end tax settlement, you pay the last minute. Then it's too unfair. The year-end tax settlement for the year in which you want to file a claim for correction must be completed normally. If you leave the company a little more, the company you worked for goes out of business, or you miss the year-end tax settlement for one reason or another, you cannot request a correction. Anyone other than these can do so. You can do it, and you can do it by going directly to the competent tax office. Also, from January to March is the year-end tax settlement season for workers . What happens if you don't report it? It's natural that you can't receive tax credits or reductions, and you might end up paying additional taxes. [Music] According to a report released by LG Economic Research, a person will have to pay a total of 12 taxes throughout their lifetime. It is said that it is worth 70 million won . No, I don't think I can earn that much money. What are you talking about? Actually, we don't recognize it, but we pay taxes every day. While refueling at the gas station, eating coffee and drinking coffee, we paid various taxes today in our lives. Taxes account for a huge portion. You can say that investment technology starts with new technology. I hope today's video will help you with your investment. A year is 12 months, but I hope you get 13 monthly payments. So far, this is the money . was [music]
Channel: 대신TV
Views: 143,544
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Keywords: 연말정산, 연말세금, 세금, 국세청, 국세청홈텍스, 연말정산간소화, 연말정산방법, 절세방법, 세금환급, 세금돌려받는법, 연말정산정리, 세금폭탄, 직장인연말정산, 연말정산무주택, 종합소득세, 종합소득세신고, 이직연말정산, 연말정산미리보기, 2022연말정산, 인적공제, 연말정산환급금, 환급금, 절제, 세테크, 소득공제, 세액공제, 연말정산하는법
Id: Kx337d6GOzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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