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Hi. This is Han Hye-hee, a lecturer at a short course. In this tutorial, we're going to I want to introduce the content. As print pre-work It is recommended to set the page. With this page setup, the type of paper Or, the data content can be printed in a beautiful way to fit the width of the page. Print or when printing, Is it not focused or the margin is appropriate, If multiple pages are printed, number each page. Insert it or repeat the title line for each page You can set the page to see if it is printed or not. Then let's take a page setup Let me explain. And before the page setup, the current data We should preview it first to see if it prints properly. Select the File menu and click the Print menu. Then you will get a print preview like now. The content to be printed is slightly larger than the width of the A4 paper. You can see now that some of the content has been cut. If you look at the data here, in addition to the quantity, the deposit amount, The amount of money and the amount to be paid should appear. It's clipped to that part so it doesn't appear now. In print preview, click the next page at the bottom. There is a button to see. How about checking it by pressing this button? The cut off part is on the third or fourth page You can see that it prints like this. So you can get out of print preview and go to the page setup Let's go inside. Select the page's layout menu Of course, you can also use the page setup menu here. But if you click here page setup You see the icon here? Click here to bring up a page setup window. Here you can change the paper orientation first. But I use a vertical document I want to print. In the case of a new document, there is a lot of content right now It was cut off from printing. So select the Margins tab and select the margins You can set. I am trying to set the margins for the left and right margins The default margins should be maintained to some extent. I don't want to see it when I print it like this, even if there is no margin. And the current content is the column itself Three columns are the amount of money, deposit amount, and outstanding amount. I can't get into A4 paper pages right now. So, how about even if you reduce the margins? I don't think it's possible that all three columns can enter. So the way to set margins is now I don't think it's suitable. In this case, tap the tab called Pages again. Click the page tab, and in the new document state You can enlarge or reduce the magnification. In other words, how good the magnification should be on A4 paper I don't know if it will be printed. In this case, rather than giving the value directly Auto-fit is suitable. I choose Auto Fit. Then, here, the paper width and the paper height It can be set. Entering 1 here is currently A4 paper In one width This is a method to set all data to be printed. And the height of the paper is that this data is all on one page The amount that can be printed, the amount of two pages, It is unknown whether it is three pages. I don't know exactly. Then this part is left blank. If left blank, two pages will print two pages. It's three pages and it's printed on three pages. Then in the vertical state of A4 paper like this How it prints when auto-fit Let's check it by clicking the preview below. How are you now? The previous amount, deposit amount, and outstanding amount were cut off from the paper. It was cut and was not printed. Another page was being printed. However, it looks pretty good at printing We can check in the preview. And this part that was not printed before It turned to page 3 and page 4 and printed. But what about now? Up to 2 pages like this, it becomes a print preview. And we can see that the rest of the second page is now printed. Then go back to the page setup and see how much magnification Let's check if it is reduced. Click the page layout menu I'll open the page setup window by clicking the icon. How about this? The zoom ratio is automatically reduced to 72%. I can tell. Yes. Then this time, it is not a way to reduce the magnification How to change the paper orientation to landscape Let's take a look. Again, zoom in and zoom out manually like this It has been changed to 100%. And I will select the paper orientation horizontally. If I select it horizontally and preview the print again, Because the direction of the paper has been changed, All of the unpaid amounts of money have entered the life zone like this. But what about this document? That this data is a little to the left We can confirm. In this case, I will go to the page setup. Go to Page Setup and click on the Margins tab here. If you click on the margin tab, There is something called centering on the page. How was it a while ago? If you explain based on the preview window here The data was written to the left. But he said he wanted to center the data. I'm checking to place it in the middle of the street. If you want to place it in the middle, You should also check the vertical. However, in general, the page is centered horizontally rather than vertically. Most of the cases are correct, so check the horizontal I'll click the preview again to confirm. How about over 3 pages if you preview it? You can see that it prints neatly like this. And divide the page like this Now it is printed as a horizontal document. I tried setting it up so that it is placed in the middle. When I check the next page I'm a bit disappointed with the title line. The title cell part is also on the second page here or The print on the third page like this I hope it works. However, the title cell is displayed only on the first page. How about the rest? It is not displayed again. Then how to set this to be displayed Exit print preview again I'll go back to the page setup. At this time, press the tab called 'Sheet' to display the print title. Repeatable row and column estimates There is a part. We're going to make all the pages visible by repeating only the rows. So, put your cursor on the row you want to repeat Click the cell [A3] here. Then how is it? The entire range is specified for this 3-row part. Even the title of transaction details by regional branch above If you drag it like this, you want to include it. It is designated as it is now. Absolute reference mark? $ 1 'in' Joe Colon (:) Absolute reference line 1 to line 3 It means that it is from the 1st row to the 3rd whole. Then I'll preview it. Shall we go to the second page? How about the second page? All page titles are like this You can see that it prints together. Then let's preview the print again. If you have a problem with selecting the print menu, Page number, when multiple pages are printed, like this The page number appears It would be much easier to organize your documents. In this case, go to page setup again. Page setup in page layout Select the tab called Header / Footer. Header / Footer Normal page numbers are at the bottom of the footer. I will mark it. At this time, select one footer style I'll pick a shape. How about this? There are many different types. Page 1 Then the second page 2 It would be something like this. Should we go down the scroll bar? There are so many different shapes. So just select the corresponding shape and the page number It is inserted. This is how you do a few pages out of a whole page There are also numbers that can appear on the entire page. But this is just inserted by selecting There is nothing difficult. I directly edit the footer and insert the page number Let me introduce you how. I clicked Edit Footer and left, center, right here It is divided into zones. If you want to put the page number in the middle Place your cursor in the middle section. And does this icon have any meaning? This icon marked with a 샾 (#) here That's the number on the right side. Then the second is the entire page. And today's date and time of writing And the folder where the document is stored, the file name, Sheet names and logos are repeated in the document over and over again. If you want to print, click on the icon called the picture You can insert. I decided to put the page number here. I'll click on the icon called Insert Page Number. How about this? It goes directly to the page number here. If necessary, you can put a phone called hiphone Display is possible. I'll press OK once. One hyphen is fired. Yes. I'll try again. I'm going to edit the header / footer Shall we check it out here? As you can see, click the icon on the page number I inserted the page number. If you want to put a decorative letter called hyphen, The hyphen will be displayed normally until it is floated. Press OK and let's preview it. As now, the page number is like this It was marked with the page number used. How does each print preview look like on a page-by-page basis? The page number is now You can confirm that it is inserted. I looked at how to set up the page before printing. You can also print with more options, With just this content I just introduced, without much discomfort You will be able to print. In case, in addition to what I explained, If there is something uncomfortable or if you have any other questions Please post a comment. I will give a sincere answer. I hope this article will help those who need it I hope this course helps I was writing on a blog I said, "I hope the article will help." I hope this video helps you I will finish this. Thank you.
Channel: 짤막한 강좌
Views: 434,821
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Keywords: 엑셀, 엑셀강좌, 인쇄, 페이지설정, 엑셀머리글바닥글, 엑셀여백설정, 엑셀페이지가운데설정, 엑셀여러페이지에나누어인쇄, 여러페이지에제목행과지정하기
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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