[ENG SUB] 안재욱 성지루 EP.40 언제 짤릴지 모를 서울예대 레전드 SSUL🔥 '우리 찐친 맞는 거지?' '그렇지?' 😅😅😅

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Hey... Do you want all three of us to die? [30-year friendship is about to crumble] All three of us. Are we all just going to die talking about our early to mid-20s? You two can die, but I have nothing to lose. Oh my. (Expose) If you wish, there is. What? - I could say one letter and you'd say stop. - What? [Our Friendship Forever] No, no, no. [Zzanbro] [The restaurant we found on Zzanbro Day 0!] [(Are you there?) / I haven't been back in a long time] [(On the phone)] You should still come and get an autograph. [The owner behind the wall] I held him in my arms. Okay, come later. I'm waiting impatiently. - What's the commotion? - Oh my. What's the big deal? Oh my god, what's the big deal? - Oh my, hello. - Wait for a minute. Oh my. Oh my. - I waited for you. - Yes. - Hey. - What? Mr. Dong-yup is here. Mr. Dong-yup, say something. - Hello. - Hello. - Mr. Shin Dong-yup. - Yes. I've been waiting for you all day. - Oh my, I see. - Come here quickly. Can we go now? You can come. Hurry up. How are you? - I can't survive a day without missing you. - Oh, my God. But, boss. Yes. Do you remember me? You came here that time. - Yes. - I don't. You don't remember. The face is familiar. - Oh, I see. - What should I do? No. She hasn't watched adult videos yet. By the way I was so excited about Dong-yup's visit that I had a wild dream last night. Really? In your dreams. You can't do that to me. No way. I can't help it, it's a dream. I'm so excited to meet Mr. Dong-yup that I've dreamed of everything. I'm so excited. Do whatever you want in your dreams. - Because it's a dream. - I love it. [Shot Zzanbro Ep. 0] No, you actually did show your true colors here. So I hear we have another guests - of our best friends coming on today. - Yeah. How many years have you been with them? [Meeting up with a friend of 35 years!] - 35 years. - Both of them. [Nice Timing!] Oh my. [Legendary Seoul Institute of the Arts Alumni] [Ahn Jae-wook X Sung Ji-ru] - Hello. - Come in, come outside. - Come in, come in, come in. - Hello. - Oh my, here. - Hello. Hello, oh my. I'm honored. Hello. You've found another amazing restaurant. This is our Ep. 0 the one where [(From 1st round)] we just ate when we first met, and then I just walked in and decided to have another drink. Really, by chance? You've found the right place. Don't misunderstand, this is just his normal expression. I thought you're not feeling well. No, this is normal. Normal expression. He's always been like that. Because my eyes are blazing. Ji-ru is, Dong-yup and I are college classmates and when we were in school he went to the army and then he went back to school, and he was in our class - and now he's in our class, so he's very close to our classmates. - That's right. - We were very close. - This is my face from college. But you all wear makeup. I've just finished shooting. You are... - Shouldn't I use makeup? - No. I've seen you wear makeup before and it doesn't change much. I'm different too. I am also an actor. Congratulations on your wedding. - Thank you. - I'm honored. I think it's the #1 trending topic since my wedding. Oh, but why didn't you come to my wedding? I don't know you, so how can I go. [Why didn't you come to Ahn Jae-wook's wedding? / How can I go if I don't know him?] Cho Sae-ho. Hey, back then why didn't you go to Ahn Jae-wook's wedding? What's delicious these days? Seafood green onion pancake, oyster pancake. - Please make the seafood pancake flour thin. - I'll thin it out. - Chicken feet. - Not pancake. One soup. One spicy soup. I'll have a small bowl of mussel fish cake soup, please. Mussel fish cake soup. What do you want to drink? - I am soju. - Soju. - What kind of soju? - I just can't drink beer, wine or anything like that. - Only soju. - It's just soju from start to finish. Only soju, I see. Don't you have one or two bomb liquor? - In the beginning. - In the beginning. At first, go with somaek*. (*Soju + beer). Let's try one somaek. [(I'll prepare)] - I'll make you a drink, and then a welcome drink. - I'm thirsty. Have you and Ji-ru reunited for a long time? - We see each other often. - We see each other often. - Right? - I'm tired of meeting him. - We play baseball together. - Baseball? And lots of short meeting. - I was there a while ago. - That's right. - It's been a while. - Thank you. It's good. - Does it taste good? - Yes. [(Zzanbro)] - Right, if you've done this much, it should be delicious. - Right. One more drink? Would you like another of these? It tastes good, right? It's good. So one more drink. You don't look happy. - I told you this is how I am. - Yes. - Original. - Ah. Smile, always smile. Do you think I'm making a face? No. Oh my. Oh, by the way I found him so funny because we hadn't seen each other in a long time, and we met at lunch on Children's Day. He'll do what he wants with the kids and I'll do what I want so maybe we'll see each other later in the evening after it's over and we'll let the kids in and see if we can. He lives in Bangbae-dong so I went to Bangbae-dong. I took a taxi. We ate and said it was good to see each other after a long time and then I said, "I'm going home." He said, "I'll call you." I called a taxi and got in and he suddenly took a taxi so what's going on, I said I'm leaving and he said he'd drop me off. I live in Hannam-dong but I said I'd go alone, but he said no, no we haven't seen each other for a long time so he took a cab and came to Hannam-dong. So what is this? We drank at Hannam-dong again. Now that he's here. I drank so much there and then I said, "Let's really go now," and he said, "Yeah, I'm so happy today, I'll leave." Then he called a taxi and told me to go back to Bangbae-dong. He wants me to take him home. Are you crazy? A little bit like lovers who don't want to break up. For example, when we're done talking on the phone he'll say one, two, three, and then hang up. Gimmick. To drink a little more. I know a few legendary stories. [(At college)] Originally, Jae-wook was more on the comedy side and now Dong-yup was more on the acting side. He's in a comedy club. Oh,he's in the comedy club. And Dong-yup was a good actor But it's completely changed. - I am president. - He's president of the comedy club. He's a regular member. Really? But Dong-yup was so funny and he was so funny in person and I think the reason I joined the comedy club is because I was on stage a lot and anyway, I want to do plays and musicals so I was on stage a lot to develop my wit and Dong-yup was just a very funny friend in his own right. Speaking of old times. - I have a lot to talk about. - Right. You two have a lot to talk about from school. They were in the same class in the first semester of their second year. - We've been hanging out all the time. - They're in the same class. They went to school together. [(Play)] I'd rather go with my brother to put up the poster. Put up a poster for the play. - And friendly. - Come here. Hello. - Hello. - Oh my. Nice to meet you. [Boss' friends enter] Come here. How did she manage to call them all? They came to see. [Initiate an impromptu fan meeting with the Noryangjin sisters.] One, two. You got big because of me, right? Do you want me to move out of the way? She continues to pose even though no one is taking pictures Please take a picture. I've come to the wrong place. Why? When Sooji was on SNL she was impersonating a lady answering her phone and boy, can Sooji act! Because earlier, when this lady answered her phone "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Yeah, yeah, sure." Hey, Dong-yup is here So I thought, isn't Sooji overdoing it a bit? No, Sooji got it just right. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. [Thump / Thump / Thump] - Why the discomfort? - Are you okay? No, it keeps making noises. I worried he might be misunderstood. - I worried he might be misunderstood. - I'm so sorry. Then make it stop making noise. That's why I keep taking it off. Just stay still, will you? Imagine how uncomfortable it is for the audio directors. It keeps going squeaky - Worried that you might be misunderstood. - True. But Isn't he the senior from your college? These guys are seniors. Sometimes, I really want to tell them, really. Why do they treat me so badly? Sometimes he hits me, especially when he's drunk. No way. Sometimes he kicks me. Right here. that was just trying out what we saw in a UFC game. If you hit your younger one, it's big trouble. You like working out, so now I thought you can handle this stuff. [Translation not possible.] But he likes this kind of stuff. Still alive. Really likes that kind of stuff. But really he acts like a senior to me . Oh, is that so? Even during filming he says, "Go there," so I go. Then he says, "Follow me," so he books his room and has me sleep next to him. To memorize the lines. - For acting? - Yes. He makes me stay up to memorize the script, and when I try to sleep he says, "Wake up." - To a senior like you? - Yes Back when we were shooting a drama called "Light and Shadow" it was a historical drama we spent nearly 10 months traveling and filming in the provinces. Watching them film together then I thought, "They really hit it off." He had foresight, you know. He got so many things wrong on the spot. - One day, it just wasn't working. - You mean Ji-ru? I did not make mistakes on the spot. [Back when he managed his schedule alone...] - I read the schedule wrong. - Every time? - How can you read it wrong every time? - What do you mean, every time? - What do you mean, every time? - So what happened? I got it wrong so many times, I was embarrassed and back then the staff and actors we all stayed together in a motel. When I asked, "What are we doing today?" he said, "We're shooting tomorrow, so we need to sleep." "Okay, then come and sleep in my room," I said. "Why?", he said. And I said, "Come here, bring the script." What? So I'd be lying down [(You should)] Memorize it. Hey, darn it! I've memorized it all you know! - So I said, then show it to me! - I've got the hang of it. I read the schedule wrong so I messed it up. I thought it was all over but an incredibly long script was actually waiting for me. So I said, "I'm sorry/', asked for just 5 more minutes. I asked for 5 minutes to read and I can't forget the look in his eyes then. [(Cursing with his eyes.)] You rascal. But what about me in front it's not someone else shouldn't you be a bit more supportive? But he went like this. And I can't forget it. After that, whenever we went to the provinces he'd say, "Come here." "Come here and memorize." Am I his younger brother? Whether you're younger or older, you need to memorize it. - I did memorize it, didn't I? - How did you sleep at night without memorizing it? I can't sleep because I'm anxious and uncomfortable. When I was doing, "A Wish Upon a Star" You know that hairstyle. Back then, I really followed that gel style, applying it liberally. Gel, gel. Gel. - You mean this? - Yes, that sparkly one. Mousse goes "squeak" as you apply it. - Gel is the one you apply it. - That's right. Why does he keep talking about this? I don't know why he's explaining this. When I was young my grandmother used to call me "Jjeri." She never once called me Jiru. Even though my name is Ji-ru she never once called me "Ji-ru." - Jello? - Jjeri Did you change your name? To make it sound more appealing? Don't talk as if you don't know why. You know. - No, I really don't know. - I really don't know. But I really don't know. My dad named it. - Oh, really? - Yes. The last name is Sung for "to achieve" and then the name Ji-ru is in the Korean alphabet. Tell me that story, why did your father say that? Because it was boring waiting for me until I was born. - Huh? - I'm the second child. Making your mother feel uncomfortable and your father thought it was boring to wait for you to be born? Yes, that's right. - Really? - Yes. But the fact that my father named me that used to make me really mad back in the day. I was teased a lot because of my name. - I see. - Does "Ho" mean "Good" in your name, "Hocheol"? - Joru? - Does "Ho" mean "Good"? - I'm sorry - Hey! I'm sorry, I heard you wrong. Am I Joru? - No, no, I was just listening. - But it's better than Sung Jo-ru, right? Isn't Sung Ji-ru better? - Sure. - It does sound more masculine. Be careful, I'll kick your ass. I'm Sung Ji-ru. Your father loved you so much! - Wow - I'm sorry. He totally saw it coming. But what? Dying from boredom? [(Yawning.)] If your name is Joru well, let's change the subject quickly. Because of my name, I can write a book about it. - You've had some disadvantages because of it. - I was so stressed. Because when we first met, I was nineteen or twenty. I said, "Your name is unique!" - He was so stressed about it. - I hated it. Even in the military, Sung Private, Sung Corporal Seong Sergeant. That was a bit too much. That's why I still can't forget it even now. I should open a Chinese restaurant because of my name. [Chinese Cuisine.] - SungJiru. - Ends with "ru." Does the jajangmyeon come out late there? Yeah, it probably comes out a bit late. I don't know about that. Your wife when you first got married Don't talk about it. What were you going to say? Something about the name? - That never happened? - It was just a nickname then. Joru. Stop it, Joru. Your name is Ji-ru, but the nickname was Joru. You had to go and say it exactly like that. But still, in South Korea your name as an actor is unforgettable making it quite a precious name in a way. An actor can leave behind only their name. That was my goal, for me. You can be recognized from TV, known since childhood but sometimes people wonder, "What's that person's name?" Right? Lately, I've been having a strange experience going places and doing things I never knew my voice was unique. When I first walked in, said hello, and sat down and I said, "Can you give me this?" People go, "Oh, you are the actor, Ahn Jaewook!" I've experienced that multiple times recently. - If people hear your voice? - My voice is kind of... Of course, your voice is totally - I know right? - recognizable. [(Just by hearing it)] People can tell it's you just by your voice as well. - Your voice is unique as well. - My voice It's not his sound, it's his tone that's unique. I didn't realize it, but I also have my little quirks, habits. Don't you have a lot of quirks? Really? - So... - And people can recognize who he is. After watching for a few months, when he really thinks he slightly shakes both of his legs. So... back in the day And he goes like this. So, yes. I speak slowly because I think a lot. I really do think a lot. That might just, just maybe, hey you... ugh... Did you see me go on the Sora Channel? I saw that and thought, these guys are crazy really. Crazy really. - Oh. - Why? No, it's just opening a new horizon - so I'm not trying to encourage it like this. - Oh, I'm not encouraging it but it's been 23 years since we met. Well, my wife [(With gracious permission)] - liked it - Is this what happened? when she was young. But I asked his wife a couple times in the past and she's an entertainment PD. But she's not like my husband's ex-girlfriend or something she's just really into funny stuff. And she said that she's free to exchange it for anything. That's pretty awesome, too. I thought my wife was still my first love. Who? What? She is my first love. She is your first love. - Of course. - When you find true love, it's your first love. Who are you talking about? I was just talking. You talked about your first love? Anyway, watch out. [Set Lock] I'm really curious, when you were in college Hwang Jung-min he used to be on the show. He's your classmate, right? - Yes. - What? - Dong-yup is the president, so they used to drink up there all the time. - Ah, the club association. I watched Jung-min episode. Did you watch that? But Jung-min, ah, Dong-yup was the president of above the club room, and he was just like that and he wasn't acting at that time, he was living like a staff member but at least you have to admit that you weren't the president at that time. That's not right. [(Jung-min and I)] I split up and I'm not the president. If I tell you what's even funnier I'm the president of a physical training circle called Prana where we do acrobatics, dancing, and physical training like this because we have to do musicals at that time. Kim Hyun-chul, the conductor, is also our classmate. He's the president of the outdoor theatricals and he's not interested in that kind of thing. Why should the president do such a thing [(Interest)] and he doesn't have it but the seniors and he suddenly started Motion one day. [(Remember)] Suddenly they started to make a runway for film, acting, dance, and drama students - to create a runway - the pretty girls. where pretty girls can walk and model at festivals. He was in there. I was like, why are you modeling if your legs aren't this straight? Oh well, the older brothers told me to join, so I did. You, this person! Do you want all three of us to die in here? All three of us. - Should we all just die from talking about - It's so fun. - our early to mid-20s? - This so fun. (Take a drink in silence)] Don't do that. In moderation, I'm speaking now. We're all dead. Die for what? You two can die, but I won't. Oh my. - Oh my. - What? Why? I've had enough. If you wish, there is. What? If I take out one letter no, no, no. [A close push and pull] But back then, there was so much. In your 20s, whatever. Yes, that is. He's a little weird because he's not the owner of the building when he came to school but he's just one of the shopkeepers. - That's right. - The ones who have been through it all. - I'm. - He's played more than a few hundred games of pool and already moderates fights when anyone gets into one. He just didn't feel like a student to me. He makes the first graders in my class look childish. Ah, I entered after working in society [(University)] for a year and I entered in a state where I was a bit stuck in the trap. He's always felt like he worries about the guys like this. Even if someone is arguing like this from above he said "Hey, hey, he likes music, listen to this," or "This is funny," then it's a little bit like this. And he went out and played billiards and bet. Oh, go eat first [(Bet billiards)] - and then you win 30,000 won or 50,000 won. - I got the benefits. - You got some benefits. - Did you get a benefit? This is Buam-dong, so wherever he is, go to the back of the Blue House, hit this - take the money, come back, and I got some benefits. - Really? We didn't have any money at that time. How much did you play back then? Was it three, four, five hundred? - Four, five hundred. - I admit it, thank you. - And then we go to the pool hall. - Then how much did you really not study? I lied to the pool hall boss and said it was two hundred or two hundred and fifty. We were in Myeongdong for drinks. If we collect money, there won't be much so how can you eat with this give it to me first. Collect a small amount, he would take it and go to the local pool hall and play pool with the uncles and win money and then eat it. We're already drinking. Woah, amazing. And then Dong-yup when SBS first opened [(Part-time job)] he was wearing a mask and passing by. When he gets this voucher and even a few tens of thousands of won he came directly to the school. - He bought us food. - But. The funniest thing was I performed in that comedy circle at the festival. And I reported some social media like this and the next day Lee Sungmi and the PD called me at school. There's a station called SBS launching in a couple months would you like to join it as a comedian and I was like, "Oh, that would be fun," so I went and did it. Are there any sensible people in the group that played yesterday, no, last time so Jae-wook Song Eun-i - and Kim Jin-soo. - Kim Jin-soo No, I attended that reading meeting and I was told to do it as a part-time job because I don't have kids under her, so I thought I would make pocket money once or twice a month but when I went it became a part-time job once or twice a week for a show [A part-time job that was a bit of a burden] but I had to go out with that so I told Sung-mi, I can't do this, I'm only an actor and Kim Jin-soo was cast in a movie called The General's Son at that time. He left because of that movie and Song Eun-i wanted to be a singer. Imagine, right? - Eun-i sang well. - Her dream was to be a singer. - They're gone. - They're all out. and he's the only one left. I was expecting him to be an actor. He was one of the people - who objected when I told them I wanted to be a comedian. - Oh, seriously? But why did you do that? Oh, he was playing Lysander when he was doing A Midsummer Night's Dream. But then you saw it and recommended him to act? I did. He like.... I don't understand. I don't know what the conversation between these two is. Now what I don't understand about this conversation is that at the end of the year, you have to give a presentation at the end of the year and I went to see it. [(Dong-yup)] He plays the main role of Lysander and Jo Joo-yeon from the 87th class, is also taller and plays the main role. Two people who loved a woman just started a knife fight and it's very early in the movie. I don't know how much they practiced how much they didn't match up and then they started to fight and poke each other. - Oh, he's supposed to be stabbed. - Oh, it's a musical. I'm not supposed to die. He can't be dead, it was in the beginning they were piercing each other like this and I was sitting next to the professor at that time. I was sitting next to the professor and he was sighing and there's about five seconds of silence in the room. and he's doing this with the older kid, and then he stabs him and then all of a sudden they look at each other like this and then all of a sudden he pulls the knife out like this and then they both burst out laughing. They're both just laughing like this. Suddenly, my smile faded. And then he comes out and all of a sudden, he said, "Let's have a rematch." [College student Dong-yup] You've learned some strange tricks from somewhere. And then huh? Oh, the tone. I can't get over it. I know there's a lot of actors in your class. Originally, Jung-min, Hwang Jung-min were not acting at that time. Jung-min didn't act in school. Seung-ryong didn't act either. He did, but only in a short role. He just keeps dancing around. Jae-young came in with the award. - Jung Jae-young - I know. He got top honors in high school. Didn't you shoot it together? Didn't you shoot a lot of movies? Jae-young and I had a drama. Ah, the Public Enemy series is different. [You can go to the restroom now] [You can go to the restroom now] [WC Time] [?] Jae-wook? Him? Dong-yup? What good does it do if I'm alone in the picture? [The lens is only pointing at Dong- yup] No. You should let her. Why are you taking a picture of me alone? Are you going to take a picture with me? [(Of course)] I just feel sorry. You don't even know my name. Why are you taking my picture? I can find out after I take the picture. Why do you have to act so expensive? Right? I mean... Don't be so stiff while getting your picture taken. [(Smiling)] Come on. Shoot this. He looks so stiff. Jae-wook, come here. - I should have you on both sides. - Come on. He could be your son. Why are you calling him that? I call all men like that. Come on. Don't be a nitpicker. I'm not her son's age. She could be my sister. A younger man! You should get closer to her. Get closer! It's done. He hates it so much so I just took it like this. [Cut out] Just the two. Excuse me. Can we get a rolled omelet, too? - A rolled omelet? - Yes. Okay. A rolled omelet and a mung bean pancake. The Jeon Bongjun pancake. Is the young pollack big or small? Young pollack? It's small. Is it fully dried or underdried? [...] Please answer him! [(Chewing)] [?] Ji-ru! Can't you swallow the food you're chewing more quickly? Some older people are like that. They just keep chewing the food as if it were gum. I hate it when people make sounds while chewing but you do this, too. Let's say this is a soup we're sharing. You can eat it like this and do this, but... [...] I just drop my spoon when you do that. If you're the one doing it, it's hard to realize it. Do you know what I mean? Hey, look. It's not like this. It's actually neater. Shouldn't you do it like this? You wipe it? I've wiped it. There's this radio writer that I'm close to and she is not too young. I heard she went on a blind date and it went well. He suggested that they went to eat something so they went. [They went to a meat restaurant] He was like, "Should we go to this nice meat restaurant?" And they went there. I think the guy liked the writer a lot. He asked her, "Can I make you a wrap?" "it's okay. You can just enjoy your meal." She was like this, but he was suddenly like "I'll make you a wrap." And he picked up a lettuce like this and put the meat on there. [Nom] And after he put the vegetable on the wrap... [Nom again] "Do you like spicy food, too?" I didn't do it like that, though. Then, I really want to ask you this. Have you guys met up to drink recently? How long has it been for you to eat together like this? It's been a while since the three of us got together. I personally really want to thank Jae-wook. I want to thank him for a lot of things. I started shooting a TV series thanks to him. You were only doing plays. As for Dong-yup, I say this sometimes and he took me to his house one day. The one in Jeongneung. We went to the mountaintop there and do you know what he did for me? He went to find his brother and his wife and was doing this. My older brother is hearing-impaired. And when he was done with all that he suggested that we go to his room and go to bed. But his grandma was... She needed help with toileting and he was taking care of everything by himself. But he was still very cheerful and pure. He was young at that time, right? - When I say this, - It was a shock for me. I don't know if you'll know what I'm talking about here, Dong-yup but when we were in college, we were drinking with the money we saved up so desperately. And when we took a taxi to Jeongneung... The thing about him is that he had this habit of not getting off the cab. A strong guy will get him on his back when he's completely inebriated. There were kids smoking in the alleyway at that time. [Dong-yup on someone's back] "You damn kids!" "How dare you in the alleyway in Jeongneung!" "Aren't you" "still in school?" He suddenly started a fight so the kids who were smoking were like "What? If you're drunk, just leave." And I'm right next to him going "We'll just go." "We'll just go." - I don't remember that at all. - "We'll just go." "We're not picking a fight here. We'll just go." "That's not it. You're..." And he just kept going like "Do you want to go at me? Do it! Do it if you want to follow me!" He was running around the mountain and he was all over the place. I kept running next to him, trying to hold on to him so he doesn't fall. "No!" They were high school kids. "Just keep smoking! Don't mind us!" "We'll take care of him." And he doesn't remember it. Geez. He was really... His drinking habit back in the day. He doesn't wake up once he passes out. We can't stop once we start talking about the old days. How are your kids? They're all doing good. They're 26 and 24 now. Really? That's right. They're both boys, right? Boys. It's no fun at all. Because you don't have a daughter? [(Joking)] We don't get along well, either. The kids will be like, "Dad, try to laugh more." I do laugh. - I do laugh. - He does laugh sometimes. Your son must've grown up a lot. He would've turned four, but he's three again now. He'd be so cute at that age. He is like a time bomb. I can't keep my eyes off him. It was so different from raising Soohyeon - my oldest daughter. - It's different. He runs all over place. Right. Last winter, I took them to and from school and it was so hard. It was really happy to do it, but... Geez. It feels like the clock has just stopped when I'm playing with them as their dad. Right. It was harder than filming for 4 or 5 months. It gets a bit awkward, too. When my wife is doing a show and the kids have to go to a meet or when they're coming home from school I'm always there for them. The other mothers welcome me at first, and they go like "Ah! You're here!' But when I'm there too often they're like... Is it okay that he is not at work all the time like that? "He must be taking a break." They look at me like they feel bad for me and are worried. Mothers, I'll do my best. Hochul doesn't let the drinks run out. Yes. That's right. I won't make it boring here. He used to be so weirdly stubborn back in the day. There was this huge sensation caused by a TV series and he was like, "I'm going to get back to basics." He did a lot of meaningless things. He was like "I don't want it to get commercialized." Dong-yup worried about me a lot. "Jae-wook, stop acting, and do this" "to earn some money." I really said that to him a lot. Out of all my friends he was the one who worried about me the most. But when you look at the news, you find articles like, "Shin Dong- yup has a debt of 3.5 million won." When you look at the news it's like, "Shin Dong-yup..." I know that he bought land somewhere and the price went up for everywhere except for where he bought his land. I'll pour you a drink. I'll pour you one first. He is having a great day today. [(The brightest day for him)] Ji-ru hasn't drank this much in years. - Right. I haven't drank this much recently. - Ji-ru doesn't drink often. I didn't know that it was so relaxed here and I was worried that I might turn it into a boring documentary. Come on! Don't worry about that. I mean it. If we were to make a documentary, you'd... I was worried. It'd be like "Countryside Table," What is it? Seoul dining table? A Korean dinner table? You should have went there. Then you should have went there. To create a documentary. And then put a spoon in with the senior, and then get scolded [Please note that these are the personal opinions of Mr. Ahn Jae-wook] and then he say, "Hey, toRL, I can't eat with you while I'm filming this!" What is the point if this restaurant is so good? I can't eat with you! Oh, sir! The flavor is just! [(Clean)] [(Tsk)] Hey. Than "slurp". [(Clean)] Isn't this better? [(Shaking his head) (Shaking his head)] I wasn't aware of that. I didn't eat like this! Today. I... I... I actually don't care about this at all but you! You! Hey. [(Unfair)] I did it with this (ladle)! I used it today. This stew is over! [(Believe me) / I ate it with a ladle!] He's here. You did this earlier. No, I am. Let it go. I do it again like this. [Upgraded spoon(?)] - No. - This is how you eat? I'm going crazy. Yes, it's your preference! I respect you! [(This isn't it)] [(Mung bean pancake)] Woah, mung beans. Why did you order this? Mung bean pancake. I like it... Mung beans pancake. Isn't that song still there thanks to General Nokdu Jeon Bong-jun? Bird. Blue bird. In the mung bean field! Don't sit down? It's not. [(Tilt-)] [Seo Yoo-seok - Tabagne (1972) / The first plagiarism controversy(?)] My mom breastfeed me. [(Singer's back)] Birds, birds, blue birds. In the mung bean field. In the mung bean field. [Inconceivable pitch] [This is it!] That's not a very upbeat song. [(Snap)] An upbeat song? [Again passionate lecture] [Finally a note that settles in] Yes, it's a sad song, why do you brighten it up? Only your love. [Ahn Jae-wook - Forever] [AZ, whose body reacts first when a song comes on] It's too low, raise it a bit. Come back to me. Hey! You sing this bad? Give it a try. Come back. Try it with the original key. Your love is the only thing in this world. Do you think I'd have had a hit if I'd done it this poorly? Only your love. Like this. In this world. Cough. In this world. It was a reason to live. It's flat! Come back. [St... Stop it...] [(Resignation 11) (Resignation 22)] That's not it, I respect him for his acting (but as for his singing...) [Come out high notes!] But does this work? Does it go up like this? I think I would get goosebumps all over my body if I listened to this in real life. [(High notes greedy)] [(Goosebumps)] Something like this. (But) if you look at the singers these days the height of the key is meaningless. It's all about how good you sing and how well you sing it. The higher the key the harder it is to just sing at karaoke! Of course. Sweet Bam Yang Gang. You sing it so sweetly. I am, this toRL (bastard) suddenly Bravo, bravo. What did you think of the song? Disgusting! [Unfiltered best friend vibe] It was disgusting. I tried to console him by saying, "At least you were singing somewhere." Dong-yup likes to sing. This is what Dong-yup used to love. [Deulgukhwa - Please] Please. [Output as soon as you put it in] [(Favorite song)] So he has been singing Deulgukhwa's songs since he was young. - I love Deulgukhwa. - I'm not as perfect as you want me to be. I'm just one lonely person, please. Please don't suffocate me and turn me into a doll... That's good, right? Give him water. [I need some water...] I'm thirsty, give me water. [I also sing a verse] [Yes! No] This song I love the song but I can't get the key right. Open your heart and give love. I need to do this. Oh! You're a little surprised that it's up so high now, right? No. You started so low. All of Dong-yup's relationships, work, and life are safe bets. Don't push yourself! I need to go to the restroom. [Thud] Argh! [(Nice words)] Hey, what is this now? [(Rub) (Rub)] [Stop laughing!] You should sign a big sign that says, "Dong-yup is back." [Put on a large seal and done!] [Keep up the good work!] Thank you. Everyone here can sing better than you. An honest me. The notes fell. [Street Vocal Training] You need to keep this. He's originally a bass. [(Picking his nose)] [(Calm)] I'm like this. I feel like I'm going to lose if I whine about this so I won't whine about it until the end! I hate it! I've said it before Dong-yup's style is to eat everything using hands! That's right. But this... Owh! [2nd round just for best friends...] [Preview 43 seconds] [Guest asking for a drink as soon as she arrives] I want a drink, please. I like alcohol. The drinkers of the world have come! [Women who are serious about drinking] [Cheers!] Wi-fi. That's old stuff. Then so am I. Is the male celebrity that Dasom is interested in the one she's acting with now? Then let's mention real names (shall we?) I think she'll do it! (Soon) we'll be talking about the Idol Star Athletics Championships. That's when I first found out. Our members are running really well. [Revealed without exception to the same member] When Som runs, she runs like this. I'm at (Idol Star Athletic Championships) like that for 24 hours and then the next day I go to Strong Heart taping Star King taping. Ho-dong was really scary back then. Now too...? He's a toothless tiger now. [Unfinished Mala taste Talk] Goodbye, snap. There was something like this. [Soyou / Dasom] [Can we talk about this? / Zzanbro]
Channel: 짠한형 신동엽
Views: 2,624,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 안재욱, 성지루, 조세호
Id: IkM2X5nx8Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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