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[Music] Zeus but no lightning stolen what you think I took it we are forbidden from stealing each other's Powers but our children aren't you're accusing my son he must return the Bol to me in 14 days by midnight on the summer soltice or there will be War oh come on man you have to do that right here show some respect right that's my mom right there this is my house you show some respect think three of the brothers Zeus posidon in Hades they would hook up with Mortals The Children of these unions were half God half human so we need to talk C this dods oh whoa hey did you get up there give it to mey release him you release him or I swear I'll tear you to pieces Percy calm down okay everything's going to be okay she just turn into that thing a fury concealed in our school I should have known take this to defend yourself it's a powerful weapon guard it well only use it in times of severe distress take him to his mother and don't let him out of your sight okay Percy come on come on man come on why did Mr Bruner ask you to watch me because I'm your protector wait wait wait wait hold up my protector are you kidding maybe you're not seeing what I'm seeing you have crutches we got to warn your mom come on person come on I know hey mom mom mom mom mom look we got to talk okay hey he can't you see she's servicing me and my friends hey hey don't talk about my mom like that you baldheaded freak nice one like I said I'm your protector get out why are you taking your pants off what are you doing my job whoa whoa you're half donkey I'm half go [Music] what can I do use the pin what use Corner's pin and click [Music] [Applause] [Music] it W are you okay behind you all of it was real my mom's gone I'm sorry Percy I tried man I really do frankly I'm just a junior protector I don't have my horns yet it's my fault it was my job to protect you both of you p no way yes way you're a demig God two points to Percy Jackson what's your name Annabeth daughter of Athena the goddess of wisdom Mr Brun in my world I'm known as Chiron not in a wheelchair you have I apologize for hiding My True Form but I needed to keep an eye on you I hope you'll forgive me La you're here because you're in Jeopardy everyone thinks you're the Lightning Thief look I didn't steal it Zeus's bolt is the most powerful weapon ever created and if it's not returned by the summer solers in 10 days there will be a war Olympians would be forced to chew sides Earth would become a Battleground mountains erupted earthquakes raging fires the end of life as you know it what can we do I want to take you to Olympus convince s of your innocence someone's using you to start a war what are we doing here let's go now your boldness is commendable the fury and the minitor were only the beginning first we must train there Percy Jackson and he's going to need a team we'll take him I'm Luke son of Hermes and Camp leader not necessarily in that order Percy get out of here go look for the flag how did I just do that I always win I always lose okay KY should we get in there and stop him she's killing him man you got to be kidding go to the water the water will give you [Music] power a pish stay back Mercy Jackson bring me the bolt be a good boy hand it to me and I will exchange it for your mother my mother's gone no your mother is still alive [Music] on what have you done with my mother I sent the minor to abduct her she is here with me in the the underworld if you ever want to see your mother again you will bring me the bolt Karen I have to go get her no you cannot negotiate with Hades when he finds out you don't have the bolt will kill you and your mother once you convince him of your innocence we will do everything in our power to Bring Back Your Mother one small victory and you're ready to fight Hades o double team really you too today you tried to kill me now you want to defend me I've grown up here I've only been in the outside world a couple of times and I've never had the chance to go on an actual Quest you've won one battle and I've won hundreds you're going to need my experience your dad is the messenger of the Gods one of the only ones who's gotten in and out of the underworld you see people have gone to the The Under World before without having to be dead getting in is the easy part getting out that's tricky this is a map to pran's pearls these pearls they provide a quick escape from the underworld right now there's three pearls in the United States this map will guide you there right here is your first location reminds me you guys might need some extra protection so uh look get out she's coming what we stopped the dire my poor husband help me check this out he's just like my uncle fan it's not my uncle F cuz my uncle F was killed by they say the eyes are windows to the soul don't look annabet don't open your eyes thanks come on let's go okay I hear you have the lightning going may I see I don't have [Music] it are you [Music] okay heads up we should take it with us the head oh no sick if you open the eyes they still work [Music] it's the Pearl that was easy easy it's 30 ft in the air and this place is filled with tourists I got it yes yeah Percy there we go just give us the lightning bolt and we'll let you go I don't have the lightning bolt hyra guys watch out the middle one SPS [Music] fire Percy stop [Music] no how flipping awesome was that I just killed that you killed it you only made it worse what are you talking about Percy when you cut off one Hydra head two more grow back back distract that thing I'll get the Pearl open the door the door [Music] open can I get you something try a lotus flower it's really good wow it's the most delicious thing I've ever consumed no [ __ ] don't eat the flower you need to escape wake up you could really use a lotus flower I really don't want one thank you no Percy Jackson's awake Percy what's wrong with you why are you doing this both of you need to wake up now look at me look at me you're in a trance okay we're trapped listen me you eat the flowers you're never going to want to leave okay we're going to be stuck here forever oh no we got to go [Applause] [Music] okay de out the way in come on come on in the car in the car let's go Keys got the keys come [Music] on guys look tomorrow's June 21st no no no it can't be today's the 15th no tomorrow is the 21st we were in there for 5 days felt like ours then tomorrow's the solstice our deadline is tomorrow at midnight okay look we got to move it where's Hades listen Hollywood who are you we need to see Hades the living are not permitted here die and come back welcome to the underworld you're Hades yes kind of stylish I like it would you prefer that I looked like oh no no look you're very brave coming here you give me the bolt and I'll give you your mother I need to tell you the truth I'm I'm not the Lightning Thief I don't have the bolt yes you think I'm an idiot Now give me the bolt or say goodbye to your mother [Music] [Music] [Music] liar I swear Luke rigged it he put the bolt in his shield and used us Luke stole the lightning bolt um I I think we're done [Music] here I am going to be king of the Gods all right come on come on give it back he won't remember a thing why'd you do that he's cruel and abusive the only thing I look forward to is my allotted time away from this hellhole a war of the Gods would put an end to that only three there are four of you one of you will have to stay I'm staying because I'm the protector Rover come on look man I don't want to hear it just go I'll take very good Percy the entrance to Olympus is there well there's 10 minutes till midnight let's move Percy Jackson I can't let you take that bolt to Olympus I'm the Lightning Thief you hid the bolt in my shield why that is the perfect opportunity to get the bolt to Hades why would you do that to bring Olympus crumbling down it's too late cuz I'm returning the bolt to Zeus right now Luke why do you want to war the Gods they've been in power for too long I say it's time for our generation to take [Music] [Music] over [Music] oh maybe you're no son of Poseidon yeah I think I am the son of [Music] posidon time has run out wait wait wait my name is Percy Jackson and I think you might be looking for this give me the bat Lightning Thief I didn't steal it and I have no connection to Poseidon you didn't steal it and who did Luke son of Hermes you have done well you don't have much time why didn't you ever come back I was becoming human just because you didn't see me doesn't mean that I wasn't there I heard you I know I'm not the father you always wanted but if you ever need me I'll be there for you the Conquering Hero returns triumphant Grover hey you know there anything different about me no look man I got my horns oh oh I see I've seen him the whole time look at that thing got little horns in your head right crazy Zeus came through wow now seeing Protector first class baby congratulations definitely earn them thank you man welcome [Music] home whoa who wait don't ever let your opponent distract you [Music] 7 years ago four of these children were headed to Camp Half Blood go Lo go I'll be right behind you was Talia and she gave her life to save three her father Zeus found another way for her to live a way for all half Bloods to live a gift to ensure no one in Camp Half Blood would die the same way to protect them from those who lived for their death and her tree protects my [Music] home [Applause] so what I'm wondering is Percy that first Quest you went on beginner's luck wasn't it yeah but the spawn of witch God technically Tyson's not a half blood half blood's a half human that's the name I don't get it if this new kid is not half human then what other half is he nymph see nymph this this supposed to be some kind of joke I mean a half brother Cyclops come on well somebody's got a new brother Maybe siden decided he needed another son to you know represent smells like bull it's chill the barrier is [Music] [Music] holding [Music] I got [Music] this [Music] Hey Russ [Music] bucket [Music] [Music] turns out you're not the only half blood is hard to kill you know prophecy what prophecy what are you talking about allow that to the long list of things your buddy Kiron hasn't shared with you Luke poison the tree yay you're alive Luke let the bull in without the trees barrier probably figures is enough Demi Titans out there to get on what he want and that would be what exactly our Annihilation Miss laru something Luke said about a prophecy how mentioned in it do you know anything about this I was hoping to spare you this onus a little while longer but go inside upstairs to the attic when you come back down we'll talk some more before Olympus and the gods Titans ruled the world led by coronos Zeus Hadis and Poseidon they destroyed coronus and banished his remains to the deaths of tus any chance at all that I might not be the guy in the prophecy the Oracle references a half blood of the eldest Gods you are the only living halfblood heir of Zeus Hades or bidon time and after great study I have determined that the only thing that has the power to save tala's tree and therefore our home is the Golden Fleece of myth whose touch can heal every person and everything as to who that champion might be our plight calls for only our finest hero the Sion of the God of War claries tune cursed plate shall reap what good is a prophecy if he can't even understand it this is a bad idea you don't even know what I was going to say you going to say that you're going after the fleece to save the camp actually he was going to say we were you left without me Tyson where we're going it's very dangerous the fleece is guarded by polyphemus who poy femus closest thing cyclops have got to someone famous point is maybe I could talk to him you know Cyclops to Cyclops it makes the mystical look normal it's not going to last forever you're going to have to Rey it over here any it's a chariot of damnation they don't have eyes wasp always puts it with the keys shouldn't the driver get the eye she'll be fine timus split we paid extra for that option I think we're a little short on dracus what what do you think we're running here I'm charity get your cheat butts out parcy Luke's going after the fleece that's why he needs a Sader but what does Luke want with the fleece anyway I don't know if we're going to get Grover back we need to find Luke but we don't know where he is I know someone who does come on sir we're looking for Luke because he attacked Camp Half Blood and kidnapped our friend and we really need your help and we don't have a lot of time follow collector's item Mint Condition you twist the cap off this you release the winds from the Four Corners um thanks that's it that's luat what do we do swim but it's water hey Dad we're trying to save camp halfblood and rescue a Sader named Grover and we could really use your help get into that ship out there hi girl tyon do you have to make so much noise sorry okay where's Grover Grover Grover oh right the ster well you should be in the Sea of Monsters right about now I sent him on a head of some friends kind of on a clock wait wait you're not I got something only the fleece can revive and it's not a tree the remains of Kronos the original Titan father to the Olympians and with the flee help destroyer of Olympus go to the Lifeboat that was for Grover what are you doing join me Mercy it's what you were meant to do you can't escape that prophecy let's show both of our fathers I think I'll pass Jackson enough you're on the losing side not from where I stand tell me those aren't sharks those aren't sharks is corbus crib what she gotes to seea Of Monsters hold on you idiot Clarice hey Jackson what are you doing here we got swallowed up just like you what's going on what in Hades is going on with my engine is it ready yet almost ma'am they're working on it wait your crew is zombies you should watch what you eat go don't kidding genius [Music] Holly femus lives in an amusement park no he lives on an island but the goddess Cersei thought building an amusement park on top of it was a good idea it really wasn't what happened opening day long lines of savory half Bloods and one hungry Cyclops bad for business I haven't had a decent meal since those half Bloods you brought and this stupid fleece is supposed to L saders you see these saders around here this hunger is making my eyesight worse I could just take you if you weren't a cyclops huh covercy why are you wearing a dress this is the disguise the guy's have blind he thinks I'm a cyclops chambermaid I was trying to stay uneaten long enough to figure out how to get the fleece off of him um I'm clapsis to uh calm your nerves you smell something smells like half Bloods halfs get up quick I was right AR must eat you wrong hey huh hi my name's Tyson how are you I was hoping maybe we could talk you know Cyclops is Cyclops you're no Cyclops you're a traitor to your kind huh what he's my gu going somewhere get back here you fck hey yo poopsies huh I quit well that explains a lot say goodbye okay goodbye you de seful little brat I'll tear up your flesh come on you're dead I'm going to kill all of you do you hear me we rocked that Quest yeah we totally did well done it's nice work I really appreciate it I'll take that I don't think so suit [Music] yourself you do it for me no I B you rise cover [Music] hands I had to get to the [Music] fleece I know you can breathe underwater Jackson but can you breathe like this hi [Music] brother what the water it healed me son of Poseidon thank you brother he rises my lord it's Luke my favorite [Music] cover for C blade curs blade shall reap you want to know who gave me this sword the god that killed you with it in the first place my father p your destiny was written long ago no I make my own [Music] destiny Half Blood just in time for dinner Percy [Music] anabas oh no no no come here give me the flee come on come on come on come on come on what happened don't worry about it if anyone else wants to die tonight at least we have this [Music] parcy anth was guarding the tree last night and something happened the fleet what happened it was even more powerful than we [Music] thought come on come on help her who are you PCY everything's all right it's okay what's your name I'm Talia daughter of Zeus another living child of the eldest gods har dis
Channel: 풍산 비디오
Views: 249,258
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Keywords: 영화리뷰 결말포함, 결말포함, 결말포함 영화리뷰, 영화 추천, 영화 몰아보기, 전편 보기, 전편 몰아보기, sf영화, 액션 영화, 제우스, 올림푸스, 그리스 신화 영화, 제우스 영화, 퍼시잭슨, 퍼시잭슨 번개도둑, 해리포터, 퍼시잭슨과 번개도둑, 올림푸스 영화, 그리스 신화, 번개도둑, 해리포터 같은 영화, 퍼시잭슨과 괴물의바다, 괴물의바다, 그리스 괴물, 크로노스, 포세이돈
Id: 35C-esQ3JSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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