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Hello, this is PlaySin. Today, we upgraded the LCD buttons and knobs. Elgato StreamDeck Plus As you can see from the name of StreamDeck, it is a product designed to assist streaming broadcasting. However, I used it for broadcasting when I used the early model of the StreamDeck 15-key 3 years ago. Instead, I used it as a hardware monitor temperature button. This time, it is said that it has been upgraded and has a touch screen control knob. I wonder what it will be used for. If you look at the included USB C cable USB 2.0 and the main body, the front is like this, the bottom is like this, and the side and back are like this. There is a USB C port , a button on the other side , and a large rubber support on the bottom prevents it from being pushed backwards even if you press the button hard when placed on the floor. It has improved compared to the 15-key model 3 years ago. And I looked on the Internet and saw that this stand is detachable. It is separated. It seems to be separated for built-in(?) purposes. I use it by default. How to install StreamDeck is to download from the Elgato website, select Windows, and when you scroll down a bit, click Download StreamDeck Windows and double-click to install. Next, connect the USB to the computer . If you plug in the USB port and connect, the installation will be completed 11 hours later... I have to explain, so I set it to the default state and Stream Deck brightness is 100%. Based on N100 laptop, power consumption is 9W~11W. Connection difference is about 3W. If you turn off the lights and look at the viewing angle, it looks like this from the front. If you look at it from the side like this, the other side, and the viewing angle when viewed from above, this is enough. The basic operation is to throw an icon here, and when you run that icon, the assigned function will operate or you can assign whatever you want to the function keys on the right. There is a number and a knob that can be turned, so if you go to the dial side, there is a knob-specific function. For example, if you assign brightness to this side, you can immediately adjust the brightness of the stream deck. If you do not like the icon, click once and then click the arrow here. Click to open the StreamDeck icon library. By default, there are several built-in icons. Of course, you can add as many more as you want. You can click on the one you want and right -click on the LCD window to open the background library. When you enter, the default built-in background is included like this. Click here to enter. Of course, you can add more as you wish, and if you want to switch pages 1 and 2 when you add more pages, since this screen is a touch panel, you can move the page by moving the screen left and right. And of course, you can continue to create multiple pages, so you can go back and forth as you want. And you can put anything on the knob, and basically, in addition to moving the knob left and right, if you press it once, you can mute. And the colored icon on this side goes to the market. Because it's so vast, we'll look at it in a moment. And if you press the gear wheel, you can check for updates, update the version, turn the screen off after a certain period of time, adjust the brightness , and when you go into the plugin side, if you add a function in the market, it will appear here, but it doesn't appear because you haven't added it yet. If you go into style, For example, if you put anything like this, by default the name appears at the bottom, the name can be adjusted from the top to the bottom, the font size can be colored, and if you know the general structure, let's finally go into the market. What surprised me when I saw the market was that I used it 3 years ago. At that time, there was no such thing as a market and I was just using it roughly, but if you compare it to a Galaxy smartphone, you can think of it as the Play Store. Let's go into the plug-in section. Since the plug-ins listed here are so vast and numerous, it would take a week to explain everything. No, what is a week? A month may not be enough. So, as a person who does not broadcast, I will select and explain a few useful things when using them. First, turn the volume controller to Open Stream Deck. If you press this, Stream Deck will automatically run and the download will begin. If you install the profile, the volume controller will be installed. Then, if you download and wait for the flower of the Stream Deck plugin to be installed, Win Tools, it will be automatically downloaded. If you press Install Profile , Win Tools will be installed. Then, I will download Windows Mover and install it as well . This will also be automatically added and Stream Deck will be installed. If you use it, you will need to use Wintools, so I will explain Wintools. For example, assuming that PotPlayer and Media Player are running, if you place the app mute toggle here, you will see two PotPlayers and Media Players on the application side. One is PotPlayer. If you put another player in and turn up the volume of the media player this time, it will make a sound like this. But if you press this, only the PotPlayer will be muted. If you press this again, it will unmute the PotPlayer . And if you press this, of course, only the Media Player will be muted , and both volume adjusters below will be set to PotPlayer. Then, the one on the left has a volume step of plus 15. The second one has a volume step of minus 15. If you leave the volume step of PotPlayer at maximum and the system volume fixed, only the volume of PotPlayer will be adjusted. And I will add 3 volume sets. Application PotPlayer on the far left 27 Middle 56 Last 88 If you specify this, the system volume will be fixed and only the PotPlayer volume will change to the specified volume at once. For testing, I will connect an HDMI monitor with built-in speakers and also connect earphones to the laptop. There are 3 sound devices. Default Audio Device 3 I'll put the dog on the far left. The second is the laptop's own speaker . The second is the earphones. The third is the monitor's built-in speaker connected via HDMI. To make it easier to distinguish, I name it here. Laptop's second earphone is the third HDMI. Open sound settings. If you check, the default sound playback device is on this side. You can see that if you press this, the speaker is selected, the second earphone, and the third HDMI monitor can be set as the default playback device. And on the buttons right below, there are three audio device mute toggles. The laptop's own speaker on the left. The second is the earphones, and the third is the HDMI monitor. If you have made it this far , when you select the laptop as the default playback device and press the bottom button, only the laptop will be muted. When you select the second earphones, if you press the bottom button, only the earphones will be muted. When you select the third HDMI monitor, only the earphones will be muted. Below, only the HDMI monitor is muted, and another page has been added. Here, there are 6 audio volume adjusters. The two on the far left increase the volume by plus 15 each time you click on the laptop's own speaker , and below, each time you click on the laptop's own speaker, it increases by -15. Here, there are minus 15 under the earphones, and here, under the HDMI monitor, there are minus 15. So if you apply this, if you select earphones, the earphones are designated and you can mute right here. If you want to adjust the volume of only the earphones, swipe over here and select the earphones . Volume minus and earphone volume plus and move to the playback device HDMI and you can mute right here as well, and then swipe to the right once more to turn the HDMI volume to minus plus and Bluetooth Wi-Fi toggle Select this to turn on or turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth Drive info is my If you select the device laptop C drive on this side of the disk status , you can see how full the C drive is. If you can't tell the blue color, click Invert at the bottom and the blue color changes to this to make it easier to see. And the keyboard language LED is not necessary. If you select the keyboard toggle caps lock, the status will be displayed on the button , and I will place two primary monitors here. This sets the primary monitor when more than two monitors are connected. If you set it up like this, the laptop monitor on the left and the HDMI monitor on the right. If you want to make the monitor connected via HDMI the main monitor, click on the right side once, and this will become the main monitor. If you want to turn it back to the laptop, click this once, and the laptop will become the main monitor. This is enough to cover the basic functions of Wintools. Volume Controller: If you have two devices such as Twitch and PotPlayer that emit sounds like this, you can press the auto-detection button on any of them and they will be automatically detected. You can adjust the volume right here on PotPlayer and Google Chrome , and you can mute each app by clicking it once. And the system-wide volume is available here, and in addition to the system-wide mute automatic detection, manual detection, you can put it directly here, so PotPlayer is running, so here is PotPlayer, and the second manual detection is to adjust the volume by manually specifying the system. Of course, the background can also be opened by opening the background library. You can click on whatever you want and put it as the background, and then there will be cases like this. With dual monitors connected like this, PotPlayer is on this side and Chrome is on this side of the dual monitor . What if you place the desired monitor window with one click of the Stream Deck button? It's called multi-action. Place this, open it, place it in the app file so that PotPlayer opens first, place it behind Windows Mover, and place PotPlayer where you want. Then, find PotPlayer in the app name, click on it, and scroll down a bit to find the coordinates. If you click once, the location of PotPlayer on the dual monitor will be remembered. Next, open it, place Chrome, place Windows Mover under it, place Chrome in the desired location, select Chrome, recognize the location of Chrome, go up once , and test it out . You can place PotPlayer anywhere and close it, and considering that it is slow because it is an N100 laptop, if you just click the multi-action button, it runs and automatically moves to the location. And when I used it, if I pressed the gear, there was a profile function. This was 3 years ago. It's a feature that didn't exist before, but when you run a specific program, the profile application function is automatically activated. Let's create a profile for any of them. Press Plus, double-click the profile name, select PotPlayer, and then add Chrome and select PotPlayer in the application section of the Potplayer profile. It's not in the list. If it appears, you can go to the path directly, and select Chrome on the Chrome side. Then, when you run PotPlayer, it will automatically specify the PotPlayer profile. When you run Chrome, the Chrome profile will be designated. Put three roughly on the Chrome Profile side and roughly three Close on the PotPlayer side. When you select PotPlayer, the PotPlayer profile is automatically loaded, and when you select Chrome, it is automatically loaded into Chrome, and the specified program and profile are automatically selected . It has evolved a lot over the past 3 years. Let's load one more plugin. The plugin is here. Go in and download the hardware info (temperature button) that many people like to use on Streamdeck. Once the installation is complete , hardware info will appear at the bottom. You need to click download on the hardware info homepage and install it with the hardware info installer. Once downloaded, install Windows start button Hardware info. Take out the icon , run Hardware Info, check shared memory support at the bottom left of the gear wheel on the right, confirm , minimize it, put it on the tray icon, put it in Hardware Info, I select the N100 CPU temperature, and when I select the CPU temperature in the reading at the bottom, it says 43 degrees. It appears as a strange text (how to solve it?) Click on Advance once and enter %.0f℃ in the format box (%.0f℃ is in the comments). If you want to receive more icons, go to Stream Deck, enter the icons, and press Free here to get a free icon. You can get GIF icons for free. There are not just a few, but a lot of them. I received the icons. Click here to open the icon library . Expand like this to see an endless sea of ​​icons... Click to apply the icon you want. If you like decoration, you might stay up all night... Free. There are too many icons alone. If you try one of the free profiles in the market as a test, you can easily copy, cut, paste, clipboard, and free profiles . The disappointing thing is that there are few profiles for free . I wanted to use the Premier profile, but I gave up over 50,000 won... Click the button to stream. The devices used for this purpose are not only produced by Elgato, but other brands are also produced. The reason why Elgato Stream Deck is doing so well is because of the plugins, icons, and user experience accumulated from the beginning, which makes Stream Deck unrivaled. News of the termination of Twitch Korean service... And Chijijik from Naver Beta test starting soon Newly opened Streaming platform Naver Chijijik... What will the initial competition be like? Thank you all for watching
Channel: playsin플레이신
Views: 39,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BeVV4uIwkQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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