쉬운 단어로 유창하게 영어 자기소개 하는 방법 (국내파 영어고수 1분 자기소개 모음)

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is Chu young my name is Jesu my name is Juan my name is sohin my name is antehan let me try my best my name is Jihan I'm Kenyon Lim my name is Harry my name is Jeannie my name is to you my name is toku my name is Sola my name is tisu my name is Tina hello guys hello guys my name is Chu young or you can call me Jenny I'm a senior college student mostly vlogging my life on my small YouTube channel named hello Jenny you know it's true that I like English since always but I couldn't speak at all like until I turned 20 and I began practicing speaking after I got to college so that's what I'm gonna share in this video today and I really hope you find my story helpful and yeah get the confidence and courage to start your own Journey too [Music] foreign [Music] I studied English my whole life but I always found it very boring it wasn't until I started watching an American TV show called Gossip Girl that I began to have an interest in English I learned more in two years of watching American TV shows so today I want to share my English Journey with you hi people from the Internet is one from South Korea and I make YouTube videos for about like two years the channel is called wanna lock nice to meet you guys it's a it's a great honor for me to like stand in front of the camera with uh with one of the best in the industry wow amazing I've seen many of the videos and most of you guests are really good at speaking English right all right I was I got kind of intimidated about that foreign and my English name is Sylvia Kim I'm 26 years old International age but I'm 27 8 I should say I was born and raised in Korea only so I told myself English and that's why he brought me here because it's actually a very extraordinary case because I didn't have any special education before so I'm gonna share all my information all those stories with you guys so stay tuned [Music] um I'm sure you guys are wondering who I am right now so I'm just quickly going to introduce myself uh hi guys my name is antehan and I have a small YouTube channel called Tae Ann and my contents are mostly about fashion makeup and Vlogs mostly just lifestyle videos I guess but I sometimes make videos about learning English and that's exactly why I'm here today to talk about to talk about how I learn I learned my own oh my God let me try my best to talk about how I learned by English and the difficulties I had in a very honest way I want to be honest that's my goal today I hope this story is not gonna discourage you I really want to be cold when I'm giving advices to people and the reason is because I am the one who's been in that position all the time I learned English in Korea so I understand how harsh it is everybody tries hard but what's more important is on what part we're really trying hard on you know what I mean it's extreme it's very important to be precise about that so thank you for listening to my story I'm always open to talking about this type of thing so I hope it will help a lot of people my name is chihan but my Channel's name is koi um I'm so excited to be here with young king because I remember I subscribed to Young King's Channel like three years ago to learn English when I couldn't speak English at all really here I am making a video with him speaking in English sharing my story so um short version of my story November 2019 I quit my job and I was planning to go on a working holiday the next year then the pandemic started so I got stuck in Korea like I couldn't go anywhere and I wasn't even sure when it was gonna go back to normal but then again I thought you can't just sit around and wait so I just started to teach myself English yeah that's how my English Journey began so for the first three months I remember I went crazy to learn English so in this video we are going to mainly talk about their period so stay tuned and I have a YouTube channel called kohen and I only have like three videos so far but since I'm finally moving to Australia in a few months so there's gonna be more fun videos coming so please subscribe if you want hey guys I'm Kenyan Lim from Young I really wanted to be flown in English but I knew that I couldn't afford the expenses of studying abroad or living abroad so in University days I made a decision like I decided to improve my English just by myself so after making that decision I tried almost everything that I knew and that I could try of course you know I was a beginner so at the time I was not sure that it's right or not or it worse or not but anyways literally I struggled a lot as you can see now I can talk in English and I can communicate with foreign people especially who speak in English without big difficulties I know that many of you guys who would watch this video are interested in improving your English skill so I really hope that my small story and know-how can be helpful even just a little bit thank you for inviting me hello guys my name is Harry maybe like someone might know about me or not okay nice meeting you and glad to see you again so today I'm here to share my stories about my English and about my goal in English yeah my goal is very simple and very straight my goal in English is to win native speakers in English I mean in English debates of course they shouldn't be good at English right yeah yes they're native speakers but um what I think is that some people are lack of Logics in their words so like in that sense I want to like beat them up okay in debates okay so that's why I'm here and then today I'm gonna share my English experiences and my background so please stay tuned [Music] really really embarrassing to speak English in front of other people's camera because I used to speak English in front of my own camera but this is others and this video is going to be uploaded in other people's channels so like a bit nervous right now but anyway hi guys my name is Jeannie and today I'm here to talk about how I have studied English only in Korea I think there's no such perfect way of studying English but I hope my story would be helpful a little bit helpful for those of you who are watching this video so let's started hello my name is teal and my English name is Michelle I run my small business here in Chengdu my hometown and I also Run YouTube channel called Michelle and guide like many other students in Korea I also studied English really hard for my whole life I wasn't that confident in English speaking and I thought that was because I was from Countryside she grew too soon after I realized that I needed to stop studying English and let go all of my fear and worries my Quantum jump moment came in my theories so I want to share my English Journey with you uh hi guys my name is toku who was never speak English before tier 20 because when I was young I was best player so I didn't go to any other old class I just did training every day take rest there was my old school life and unfortunately I was broken my arm so I picked the best Keeper at the time I didn't know what should I do I thought my life is done but I got another dream there was traveling the world because I live very small island so sometimes people sleep and I did it I traveled around the world since 2014 to 2019. so today I want to share my story about how I learned English from zero I was really zero you know yeah yeah hello my name is Sola and my Korean name is sundoon but many of people just call me Sola today I want to share how I study my English before you might think I'm good at speaking English but I mean of course I'm used to speak English because for three years I speak English more than Korean in Korea because I have foreign husband but actually I was like same video before it only took me three months to improve my English skills so I want to share you guys like some of my tips but you also have to understand me like as a same person you are now because I always watch like YouTube video how to improve your English speaking or like how can you speak better but all I do is just watch YouTube video but not really study anything but you know like magically it happened but I put actually a lot of efforts and many of you guys don't know how to stay English so today I want to introduce some of my you know study method first my name is tisu and my English name is Chloe and for your information I'm not an English master like other the other guests actually I was here as an English beginner about two years ago and I started to learn English through shadowing with him and with you guys and then today I'm gonna share my story about how I improve my English in the last two years that I didn't come on this channel so it might be not that nothing very special tips but I'm sure you you guys can get any little motivation from this video so enjoy it I was really shocked about your English um okay thank you so impressive really really really I know because last time when I uh came out your channel it was my English socks yeah I remember and yeah there is a video it's evidence but now I think I'm still struggling speaking English but the biggest changes uh I don't have any fear about speaking English anymore every time I speak English I feel very proud of myself so who are you hi everyone my name is Tina and I'm super excited to be here and thank yanking again to invite me I'm teaching English in Korea and I'm having my own YouTube channel as well which is talking about K-pop or Korean culture and everything related to English maybe and today I and yanking are gonna talk about my English Journey because I love I have loved English like forever and I'm learning English right now by myself as well so it's gonna be real fun fun yes yes [Music] and first of all thank you for inviting me here and I'm currently a college student in Korea but I graduated in middle school and high school in America so unlike other people who featured in young king games videos so you guys would be like oh if she's a York saying she must be fluent in English but when I first got to the states I didn't even know how to use the proper Weaver so it was really bad when I was 10 years old I got in a car accident which forced me to stay in hospital for months and even years so I had to skip like a lot of school days so it was such a challenging environment for me to learn English so that's why I'm here to share my personal story about how I survived in America as a young photo and eventually deliver the valedictorian speech at my high school graduation so yeah that will be my story and let's get it started in 2016 I decided to just quit my job and go to travel around the world so I started from Asia Africa Europe America and even to Australia I've met a lot of people from all around the world I've been with them all night long I danced in the desert with countless pride and beautiful stars falling from the sky and I think the fact that I have no problem in speaking English at all made it much easier for me to make that kind of decision but you know what I've never studied a book before I just taught myself English only in Korea in this way [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: 양킹YangKING
Views: 44,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 영어, 영어공부, 영어공부법, 미드쉐도잉, 미드섀도잉, 쉐도잉, 프렌즈, 양킹, 동기부여, 영어회화, 원어민영어, 실전영어, 진짜영어, 자기계발, 미라클모닝, 아침루틴, 영어명언, 성공, 작은습관, 영어자기소개
Id: WV_8UY5GdF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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