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[Music] legally obtains a Visa for his 26-year-old lover Angel won't be entered into any official records not immediately [Music] anyway two ppos one in the vehicle one in the club you whiskin [Music] [Music] watch [Music] we made it Cara call an ambulance something that you wanted to keep safe but your enemies were desperate to no I think I'm going to have to leave it there guys going out now call HQ I want a special operations room up and running by the time I get back right the PM's raised the Threat Level to severe he wants hourly updates what have we got CCTV in the office wider Threat all right so let's push our assets inan Baghdad Damascus Moscow was a hit and run on a delivery Rider half a mile from the club well get the [Applause] might I've scheduled a call with the Secretary General of NATO hold on great well don't go easy on me we must maintain the appearance of business as [Music] usual wrong I'll get you the rest once I figure time I safe for you okay I've been checking the news I thought it be everywhere I leave that to you who is he Thomas Keegan will know more after the postmortem but the medical examiner is killed me as you to do now this is a worst possible time some of them will doubt that you can do this but I know what you're capable of thank you sir when you have something come back to [Music] me BS are nice [Music] touch you know it's not appropriate for us to meet like this Cara but I am still at my sex in URS VR I've come to collect just so that you finally be in the position to help me shiny new security clearance you're going to help me get what I need what are you talking about the tanker you bought it in the kaspian sea carrying every int win you earned I give trapped for you we have Intel as a device on a fery entering DOA tomorrow morning yeah that's [Music] 88 hold on [Music] I took a look at what we discussed MI6 weren't involved there's nothing else I can doad [Music] Ella dad someone's following me okay what which side no I'm scared dad get a team out there immediately throw a net over the entire area team's in place area secure you have a green light we're on it sir someone is definitely living here there's no one on board they've gone [Music] sir she insisted on a face I'm so sorry I can't imagine what you're going through there are limits as to how much we can intrude on your official communication I think you need to consider stepping aside i' do anything to get one of my kids back I can handle this to find she called me from why Ella and don't give me any [ __ ] about official Secrets I need to know now so what is this actually um I'm between operations right now I feel awful I just it was off it was off and a record speech within a 10-m range I don't trust you cara right now you need me what have you got a new witness we're working our informants for a name where's my daughter I've got an ID on the man hooking up tell her your Club 1 hour I need to deal with this one-onone might take a few hours up time to move the girl Joan allenson runs a h company with a lucrative sideline well somebody wanted the job done right and they were willing to pay for it we've got CCTV confirming the suspect is at the address Lawrence kidnapping located at Devon Croft row who the [ __ ] are you give it to me Joan careful the steps hello do this quickly [Music] okay for I'm work with your dad I go way back here you're hungry you can ask your dad all about me when you see him where the [ __ ] are you I'm having a nice chat with your daughter I needed to prove to you that I didn't take her in the first place you'll get her back after I get what I need there's nothing in the backu files there's something else I need but you can get it for me the police return sir Martin's briefcase [Music] sir how is he he's worried about you is there any news got to follow Bor Market 9 [Music] p.m what the [Music] [Music] [ __ ] where's Ella you know what you have to do if you want Ella back could care [Music] I'm so sorry use it sport to encourage greater social Mobility theore how can I help you it's about my mother is she's not been well which woman she has proof you can weather this Mr laen but ask him to keep the kitchen open if you're hungry I'm fine thank you andon we received intelligence concerning a blackmail plot a former associate of yours might be involved we'll find who's behind this threat and expose them come with me me what is he giving her I don't know you don't have the whole picture I know who had Ella [Music] kidnapped Lawrence is here no why's on the target Lawrence is alone ears are on take my daughter to force my hand over the grassfire he wants to go home so I can flip him back to the kremin had five local men working for me they were tortured the truth is in MI6 I hope you got some rest on the flight chief of MI6 Adam Lawrence the CIA took your daughter they're capable of anything what what's happening go go did Adam meet her in the market last night they went over my head Ella is safe now my child they're not your blood Maddie what it is my blood in your veins not their [Music] hello sweetie I see downstairs right [Music] okay a nice surprise come through Angel is on his way home you got to go no it's her last chance to get the [Music] wow this Mary told me you dropped in you're such a horrible liar they're not here theia came to me with the suspicions about you I did some diing that they' used to kill five men in Baku take I'll make sure the entire world knows you're a Russian asset shame your children will have to carry for the rest of their lives I am not a double [Music] agent that's what are you talking about that's my office in there your clearance has been revoked I'll need your phone and your pass when's mom coming it's all right it's we are we should take C did the CIA know where I am no I didn't tell them few hours social media has been having a field day we'll bring you what we can let's go down to weste good to see you sir Shan's parents had a place near hwood in Siri I may Shing a section seven on Anton melov do it tonight relay the blame on your sh a you're in my La make it happen this is Adam please leave a message well they just found melnikov's body in a car park in arag for Christ's sake just call me worried about you needed it I love you and the kids more than anything the file to get Ella back okay I didn't know about the rest of it you never once mentioned Cara why not because there was nothing to [Applause] tell come here come here come here what the [ __ ] are you doing here they're sending in L shooter how do you know that down come on get down kids come here come here head down head down if you die Angelus wins I'm going to come with you no I'm be careful you got this be careful you know how to use this yeah were you good yeah it was good you're going behind and take the shot drop the gun no no no no no no no no no I came here to kill your husband remember guys we have to go come on you remember Ella and Callum and this is Maddie what the hell is going on here sent the gun to kill me last night and what makes you think I'm any different you're Shan's best friend there's an MI6 dou agent at the heart of it code named Dorian these files are the only way out of it for all of us I have to fix this [Music] Adam you're out angelis is back in his post angelis has Intel on me now the day he was poisoned he was blackmailing the president of the Supreme Court and this is a chance to save it Soul I'm so sorry I'm sorry biscuits and [Music] who is this my name is m d Costa I know who tried to Blackmail you one portable drive and we have everything tell me B is dead got to be a so sir they must be working together yeah but perhaps it's [Music] time stop there Matt behind me behind me don't let that out your side I'll cover you [Music] andalous told me you clean up after yourself he's a traitor to his country Maddie it's up to you now and the drive I'll make sure they're not too rough on him it's your choice P the trigger and when he's finished he'll hold it over you until he wants something no more [Music] lies has been shot and killed by the Russian agent he was involved we need to focus on finding Carrie yova so with respect that's a dangerous escalation proof is is a dead Deputy Chief of MI6 I was wrong to appoint Adam as my Deputy hello I have what we discussed to an emergency meeting of the common intelligence committee first thing tomorrow he's he's dead the CIA took him out [Music] once she buses it up the chain he'll find do ready would you please take your seats for this opportunity to address some serious allegation 8 days ago I suffered a cardiac arrest my Deputy Adam Lawrence was only made possible by a Russian agent sharing intelligence with a Russian agent the next prime minister of this [Music] country so I mean those are files well that's really good work Adam promised that he'd give them to me so you're lying to I can help you but you have to give me those files and then you killed those five men and of course I'm happy to take any questions I'd like to present some material Adam Lawrence is being offered up as a traitor the truth is more difficult and most powerful intelligence Chief in the history of this the aristocracy judges would have seen the light of day were it not for Adam laen rooting out treachery at the heart of the establishment you killed an innocent man Adam was a loyal Deputy to you and a friend and you let the Real Enemy get [Music] away oh sorry sake good afternoon in the last few minutes the head of MI6 what appears to be a stash of secret files you destroyed my family you listen to me every body knows the truth about what you did [ __ ] into tiny [ __ ] pieces so what are you going to do belova will put me on the plane it's my home they like it to have you do you want me to come with you no I can do [Music] it MI6 [Music] the new government is waging a war against the rebels [Music] don't be here what the hell took so long come come come come come push in push in [Music] go fore spee for we leave no one [Music] behind for [Music] go Israel will be signed product of you being Reckless and totally out of control that hiding refugees in a refugee camp was a pretty brilliant idea this job pays in migraines what is are you taking me off this Ethan don't do that you know those guys are morons how Sarah hey it's Sarah I left you some papers to [Music] sign ing great right there but we can't land our planes anywhere near there the only way to get a substantial number out is by C red sea diving Resort let me get the straight an abandoned hotel from the Sudanese government send a group of Jews to a Muslim country disguised as a petroleum service vessel yeah is that c still operation what are you doing on this flight I'd like some tomato juice please if we don't do something that one will I have a unique mission to offer you what do you know about what's happening in [Music] Ethiopia hey Max how can I help you I know how to get him out Sammy he understands the benefits of a thriving tourist economy the price is $500,000 a year we agreed on 250$ 350 is our best offer you do speak the local [Laughter] language need a little TLC this fish is fresh hey what the hell's going on yard one over y one from base over you need better signage for sure from cartoon because of this [Music] Brer mentioned the daily relaxing taii [Music] class ask for your [ __ ] [Music] grer what do we know nothing yet they're on their way here we [Music] [Applause] go this way [Music] [Music] Z you going on road block we got to turn around we can't fail on our first operation what is the plan here radio silence lights out we're driving through grab hold grab hole or something y one do you [Music] copy we we just said 174 with the entire cargo see a few [Music] days what's up hello we wanted to make sure that all of you and the hotel are see I know they look like [ __ ] but they run forever there's no reason why your truck should have bullet holes imagine if the Germans hadn't been here when arrived [Music] [Music] foree forch C Mr Thomas nice to see you again an anthropologist back got a call from DC you gents have gotten yourselves into a bit of a pickle I know we have aight in less than 5 hours AB BR had executed another 30 people bad for business well State sent cargo planes for us I'd love to stay in Chad but I got to get back to work we got to go oh this is just so [ __ ] stupid what's it going to be I need you to get on this truck theat has your name guys we have company go go go go get into the wav got to get to the wer never leg my name is Guy Thomas from the red sea diving Resort permission to engage no no notat do not engage cargo safety on board copy that we're going to get out of here I told you to cancel tonight's operation I told you why did you bring me down here we'll get out of here if we stay calm they're going to find out who we are it's practical it's a protocol because your ego won't accept any help from anybody else I'm here to see colonel [Music] medo you can't Ean you're thinking about the politics nothing's changed I don't need more bodies on my conscience can I take a look yeah another group came hundreds more the operation's over they pulled the plug you want to go then leave whatever you want to do I'll back you out you're right I'm an [ __ ] sometimes it works sometimes people get hurt and if you want to go home I'll back you up to what do we owe this pleasure is there something I can help him find yeah just doing their J [Music] to come cook for me I said don't doing with that knife Mr Thomas I'm not hungry anymore especially when they figure out the one man short okay you going to finally tell me who you really are hypothetically okay here on the ground in cartoon cargo planes it's an old British Airfield but there's a tree in the middle of the runway we have company ni ready when you are thank CL can carry 228 passengers how many people safety protocols weight limitations if you leave us we will die look it's not that I don't want to there's no room on the plane back up back up back [Music] up the we're not going to make it we're not going to make it [Music] think we can breathe [Music] [Music] now [Music] thousands [Music] more [Music] [Music] let
Channel: 동네비디오방
Views: 647,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 영화 리뷰 결말 포함, 영화리뷰, 결말포함, 영화소개, 넷플릭스, 액션영화, 복수영화, 해병대, 드라마, 특수부대, 어퍼컷튜브, 지무비, 첩보영화, 경찰특공대, MI6, 모사드
Id: 1JJ9jkoXK_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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