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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um what's one country like outside the United States that you would like recommend young people who want to learn more about different cultures to go to hmm I would I would say anywhere that's where you can get a an inexpensive ticket and uh and uh and and find cheap housing like you can go to Korea for example and get a really sweet kind of small hotel room for 25 bucks right I mean it's going to cost you a little more to get all the way to Korea but um but not that much more really and but 25 bucks you know what I mean it's really that's really easy any other question bro in the back all right so what's your favorite place you've ever traveled to your least favorite place you ever traveled to and what did you learn I don't have a favorite really I really don't I swear right now my favorite place is going to Korea because it's so fascinating I'm learning more I'm going there more and I'm learning more and more and I love Korea is such an interesting place and the Korean people are awesome um it's cool culture I've learned that I've not had a least favorite place what culture that you've experienced is most different from your day-to-day life okay well the first one that truly was that was Japan I went in 2008 Japan just like rocked my world and the milk from the moment I landed to the moment I left I knew I was in a really really different world different space um that's not necessarily entirely true today because I've now visited other places but maybe also Ethiopia when you're like traveling do you have to learn like a new language before going there no no uh I mean I speak Spanish so when I'm in Spanish-speaking countries I speak Spanish but no there's always someone the thing about English that's really cool and even if you don't speak English there's always somebody who you can communicate with but I want you to say something Leia can you step up here really fast this is Leia hi I'm Leah that Leah you say Leah oh my God I'll call you Leia yeah I wanted to tell you first I can't I can't I I can't pronounce either of her names that's her English name but your Korean hang on hang on I'm gonna go for it again go go ahead tell them your Korean name um my Korean name is hanza Choi no go ahead try it again no I don't mean you try it again let me try it again you know how to pronounce your name no say it again dude okay hang out we're just gonna say Leah for a moment here I want to tell you a story so Leo is in Social 19. um during the pen during the pandemic or before the before the right before the pandemic and um then went back to Korea during the you went back to Korea right right and um then when I went to Korea in May I said hey Leah I probably called you Leia yeah and I said hey I'm coming to Seoul can we meet and and uh and in particular she we met on my very first morning right I said meet me in my hotel because I need I needed it I okay hang on I know no come on yeah see that that's what happens you know yo look at you you people come on so because I needed because I needed some tutoring to learn about what you ten you taught me like 10 phrases yeah how was I um um I like Anya naseo how do I do yeah you're good I'm good on that one yeah that's the only one can you tell him how much of a failure I was yeah so like it's just hard to pronounce like o sound or like s or l so which is basically every important sound and we would she would we were sitting there face to face and she would say something and I would say it back to her and I know it's correct I got this and she'd be like no man and I never once did you say I I got something right but we were close and then we went downstairs and we had a meal with some folks that invited me to a lunch and Leah went to so we went together uh and I accept I forgot every single thing you taught me it was like I was saying goodbye for hello and hello for goodbye and so on but anyway you are now here as the Podium person keeping me in line yep so here's what we need we need a Korean preferably a woman who can volunteer today can you and Korean say hey could you could somebody please volunteer today so I don't have to in Korean say it in Korean foreign so can you say it again say come on man throw a swear word in there like get pissed all right so I want to talk a little bit about wait first off can you introduce yourselves amen major
Channel: 데일리서치
Views: 214,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 해외반응, 해외 반응, 대만방송, 일본반응, 중국반응, 일본, 중국, 대만, 외국인, 외국인반응, 한류반응, 한류, 해외한류, 영화추천, 추천영화, 넷플릭스, Netflix, SeanDaily, Sean Daily, 션데일리, 리서치, 한국영화, 한국드라마, 케이팝, K Drama, K-POP, K pop, korea, 선데일리, 데일리, 데일리서치, 션데일리 리서치, BTS, 대만반응, 드라마, 예능, 대만예능, 미국, 해외뉴스, 해외이슈, 이슈, 해외한국, Daily, 대일리, 데일리 서치, 데일 리서치
Id: L2M05khGz1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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