브레이브걸스(Brave Girls)│쁘걸의 밴드 라이브 콘서트!! ‘롤린(Rollin')’ & ‘운전만해(We Ride)’ One Take Ver. │ it’s PICKed
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Channel: Mdromeda KPOP
Views: 1,531,095
Rating: 4.980258 out of 5
Keywords: 브레이브걸스, Brave Girls, Rollin, 롤린, 쁘걸, 브브걸, 쁘걸 롤린, 브브걸 롤린, 브레이브 걸스 유정, 유정, 유나, 민영, 은지, 브레이브걸스 유나, 브레이브걸스 은지, 운전만해, 브레이브걸스 운전만해, We Ride, 역주행, 밀보드, 롤린 춤, 가오리춤, 비디터, 꼬북좌, 메보좌, 단발좌, 왕눈좌, 용감한 형제, 용형, 위문열차, 군통령, 브레이브걸스 갤러리, 브레이브걸스 무대, 브레이브걸스 노래, 브레이브걸스 역주행, Brave girls Rollin, Brave Girls We Ride, 하이힐, Brave girls Members, Minyoung, Yujeong, EunJi, YUNA, Brave Girls KPOP, Brave girls Yujeong, Brave girls YUNA, Brave Girls Eunji, Brave Girls Stage, Brave girls Song, KPOP, Mdromeda, MDR, 잇츠라이브, itsLIVE, 용감한형제
Id: G0ey5zbQB-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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Dude, Rollin' and We Ride getting the live band treatment is amazing! I love how the girls (esp. Yujeong with her ostrich dance) just had so much fun on there and they sounded really good! <3
I really love how We Ride has also risen from the ashes as Rollin's chill younger sister.
This is fire, every group should be in this channel
Those bongos (edit: congas?) on We Ride *chef's kiss*
And they'll still be everywhere until their next comeback, but the live band + interview makes this feel like the triumphant finish to this crazy, life-changing month that they've had
live band really hits different 🔥
This live is so good. We ride live is lit. I hope they can do more like high heels.
Minyoung is such a warm and nurturing leader, she's carried the group well throughout this era, and her voice is so solid... must be hard seeing your group suffer and she almost broke into tears here. But I hope they only walk on flower path from now on <3
Live band makes the song way cooler!
Brave Girls is awesome, the bass guitar was just doing his thing on rollin' and we ride.
but also this channel is so entertaining. The live band has made it unique for all the guest that has come out. It's a fun concept, more artists should try it out, especially if it's against their normal style..
Rollin' sounds smooth as HALEEEEEE with the live band omg!!! We Ride with the live band sounds even more chill than the original. I love these live band renditions that the kpop girl groups have been doing recently. It really amps and hypes up their songs!