볼수록 어질 어질한 윈도우 위조품 상태. 이걸 대체 어떻게 구분함? / 오목교 전자상가 [EP.67]

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Let me give you a quiz. Which one of these is counterfeit Windows? Number 1! It is a USB-type Windows product contained in a box, which is also called FPP model. Characteristics: The genuine Microsoft product hologram and sticker are attached on the outside of the box. Number 2! It is installed with a windows DSP license model (OEM, cOEM) as an “option” of the free DOS device. * Characteristics: The genuine Windows product sticker is attached on the backside of free DOS device, and genuine product CD is also delivered as well. The correct answer is... In fact, both products are counterfeit ones. Microsoft’s Windows & Office software counterfeit products are sold in the open market. I'm not talking about a few thousand won product key that sells in large quantities for enterprises or educational institutes. This type of virtual product key is delivered by a suspicious email. This type of counterfeit product is sold in the form of “real product box”. Microsoft’s exclusive distributor’s Anti – Piracy part manager’s comment “People are easily deceived because it is just 5 to 10% cheaper than the regular price.” However, these products are all counterfeit products that imitate genuine products elaborately. Let’s see, all these products are fake ones that have forged genuine products. We can recognize this fake product at a glance, can’t we? We cannot find an authentication sticker. The logo of Microsoft's official authorized reseller, so-called 'distributor', is attached to most of the Windows and Office products that are officially sold in Korea. Therefore, if there is no logo of an official authorized reseller on the genuine product sticker like this, it is good to suspect. Then how about this? Both products have a sticker printed with an official authorized reseller logo. In this case, we can decide a genuine product by looking at the top. Products manufactured from June 2020 are attached with a genuine product sticker. If a product manufactured after June 2020 does not have a genuine product sticker at the top, you’re better to be suspicious. Then what about this? Both products have genuine product stickers. In this case, we can identify a counterfeit product by flashing light on the sticker using a UV lantern. Ha... Let me be honest. Do you have a UV lantern in your home? I don't have it. As I have explained, new sophisticated counterfeit products appear in the market every year, which cannot be distinguished from genuine products using common equipment of ordinary people. Microsoft’s exclusive distributor’s Anti – Piracy part manager’s comment “Counterfeit makers import boxes and stickers separately after then put them together.” Since the counterfeit product market is now more specialized class A counterfeits are being made and distributed and labor is divided, very sophisticated counterfeit products are made and distributed in Korea, rather than easily identifiable counterfeit products as it used to be. The biggest problem is that most consumers who buy the counterfeit product do not have a genuine product to compare. Most ordinary consumers buy only just one Microsoft product such as Windows or Office. Consumers purchase a genuine product at regular price. So, they thought they use the product well, But, in fact, there are using a counterfeit product. Although the outside of the box looks genuine, the product key inside the box is actually the same volume license as the key, sold at a few thousand won in the open market. Therefore, the product key cannot be authenticated suddenly, or Windows update may fail. Then how can be avoid these problems? Currently, Microsoft’s authorized distributors are operating teams to track down counterfeit Windows products that are illegally circulated. Microsoft’s exclusive distributor’s Anti – Piracy part manager’s comment ”We receive a couple of reports every month, at least 20 or 30 reports a month. These resellers obtain the reported products and determine whether they are counterfeit. If it is a counterfeit product they prevent further damage by asking the open market selling the counterfeit product to stop sales. In particular, recently these distributors are paying attention to the case of selling counterfeit software package to consumers in a box, but to some unconscientious vendors who install non-genuine Windows on the product without OS installation after charging for the installation of a genuine product. There are “free DOS” version among Desktops & laptops although the price is low, no OS is installed. When consumers who are not familiar with OS installation purchase these products, they often purchase genuine software’s (Windows & Office) and ask the seller to install them. However, there were some recent cases that unscrupulous vendors installed counterfeit Windows after receiving OS installation fees. Especially, if small-sized PC vendors want to install Windows on their PCs and sell them, they must apply a license called DSP (cOEM) and attach a genuine product sticker on the back of their PC devices as a proof of using the genuine license. It was reported that those vendors forged the sticker and attached it to their PCs. We’re seeing a counterfeit version of the sticker to prove a DSP license, which is circulated in the market these days. Honestly, how many people would think that this sticker on the back of their PC is counterfeit? Most of the DSP versions here are counterfeit Windows products that are abused in this way. Some very unscrupulous PC vendors even send these DSP package boxes to the consumers who have purchased their PCs to make them believe that they are using a genuine product. OK then, what should we do to stop this? Actually, the answer is simple. If you want to easily purchase a product in the form of a product key, you can use the official Microsoft website. If you want to get the package, check the official distributors & reseller on the webpage below and purchase the product. If you’re not sure whether you have purchased a genuine product or not, contact Microsoft's customer service. It is true that consumers may feel a bit unfair about having to figure out how to distinguish a genuine product from a counterfeit product. However, if you have prior knowledge like this, you can request a refund immediately when you receive a counterfeit product to prevent further damage. Therefore, it would be better to raise awareness of how to distinguish genuine software product from now on. Above all, you pay for the product, so there's nothing wrong with carefully examining it, right? End!
Channel: 오목교 전자상가
Views: 375,580
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Keywords: windows, 그래픽카드, 마소 계정, 마이크로소프트 계정, 오목교, 오목교 전자상가, 오목교 전자상가 북한, 오목교전자상가, 윈도우, 윈도우 11, 윈도우 usb, 윈도우 설치, 윈도우 정품인증, 윈도우 최적화, 윈도우 포맷, 윈도우 홈 프로 차이, 윈도우10
Id: 7WaZwfzGtxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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