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I have used more than 30 IOT devices over the past 5 years. I felt something. The house we live in was not built with smart homes in mind when it was built. So I learned that the most difficult thing in a smart home is the wall switch. There are many cases where the smart wall switch sold on Ali Express cannot be used in some countries. They are available in that country, but the variety is small and often not the design I am looking for. Wall switches are also very important in interior design. However, it was difficult to use the smart wall switch because there was no smart wall switch that I liked. But I found a way through AliExpress. I found a smart switch module that can be used by connecting to a wall switch (which can be installed without changing the wiring or nutetal wires). It works well. Now you have this smart switch module. You can implement a smart wall switch by using various design switches available on the market. The bedroom is where you need a smart switch the most. To sleep, I get out of bed, turn off the switch, and then go to sleep. This can interfere with your restful sleep. I'm sleepy, but it's annoying to get up to turn off the light. ‘Honey, please turn off the light’. ‘You off’. There are times when couples fight like this. Wall switches 1, 2, and 3 are all available. If you install this module in your bedroom, you will no longer have to fight over turning off the lights. It has been made in detail so that even beginners can use it. From turning on the switch to installing the app and actually running it. Everything was captured in this video. So the length of the video is about 20 minutes. We can definitely solve the problem of the wall switch, so please watch until the end. You will be able to control two light switches using your smartphone using Google Speaker. Before installation, be sure to turn off the light at the power terminal box. There is a groove at the bottom of the outlet. Insert a flat drive and pull to open the cover. I will explain the wiring of a home switch. It is a switch that turns three lights on and off with one switch. It would seem that if there are three lights, there should be six wires wired, but only four wires are included. This is because one wire is commonly used for three switches. A three-prong switch will have four wires. Electricity comes in through the red line (Hot Lone). When this is connected to the red wire, the light turns on. If this is connected, this is connected. If this is connected, this is connected. Some of the switches sold recently have the red line connected at all. The bottom one is for the veranda, etc., so it won't be connected to the module. We will only connect these two switches (to the module). What you are seeing is a single switch module that does not require a neutral wire. This time I found two packs at Express. The size is almost similar. (There are also 3 pieces.) It is thinner and slightly wider. It's the right size to fit into a switch box. You can control two switches with this one. There is a purchase link in the description, and you can choose to purchase 1, 2, or 3 balls. The yellow and red wires above are connected to the electric wires (red, green, and blue) coming from the wall. I'm going to connect the top two switches to the smart switch. Connect the red wire here to the red wire of the module, and connect the yellow wire (of the module) to the black and blue wires. Then, the three wires actually come in and the switch is operated within them, so that the module takes control. On the other side (of the module), the three wires (black and white) are connected to the switch. There are two, black and white. This black one goes here and here, and the two white ones are connected here and here. Connect these three wires by soldering them. The soldered part is finished with shrink tubing. Shrink tube can be purchased at Daiso. You can also purchase an electric iron for 5,000 won at Daiso. Lead can also be purchased at Daiso. The switch at the end won't make it work. So, the red wire must be connected to the switch at the end . I'll connect this red wire here. Press and pull with a flat-blade screwdriver to remove the line. I'm going to insert this line here, and I'm going to pull out this line, and I'm going to pull out this black line here, and I 'm going to take out this blue line as well. The red line is connected. We will connect these three lines with the yellow and red lines. The red line should be connected here. The yellow one will connect the incoming and outgoing sides. Shrink tube must be placed in advance before soldering. Because it shrinks, you need to cut it about 3cm longer. The shrink tube is a little thin, so it's tight, but it fits. The black and white wires are the wires connected to the switch (they are not thick copper wires) . To connect them to the switch, solder a piece of copper wire. This is the copper wire sheath removed. We will cut each piece at 12mm and connect them. Peel off 5mm of the covering. Apply lead to the tip. Add lead to this wire as well. I will connect the wire from this side to the wire coming from the wall. You need to put a little bit of lead on it. If you look at the line here. Two colors are the same and one color is different. Connect the other side (red) to the line (red) that only has one strand sticking out. Move the shrink tube so that it covers it. It decreases when heated with a lighter. I will insert 3 wires. Go in here. These lines connect to the output side, that is, to the original black and blue points. This needs to be connected here and here, so I'm going to connect it here. The black lines will be connected like this. I will link here and here. Now we need to connect to Capacity. Capacity is a device that supplies power to this switch. So, this Capacity needs to be connected to one of the two lights. You must attach it to the light connected to the yellow wire on the far right of the smart switch. If you do not attach this, the smart switch will not receive power and will not work. This is a capacitor. Capacity requires one more light to be connected in parallel. Connect Capacity to the two wires supplied to the light. Let's open the power terminal box and check if the switch works . If the capacity is well connected and the wiring is well done, the transition should be controlled with just the switch even without any other manipulation . Please check first. I will explain the concept of a smart home platform. The switch installed today is of the lowest level. This switch is for an app called Ewelink. This switch is a device of the Ewelink platform. Ewelink supports Google Home. So, to run this switch, install the Ewelink link app. Pair the switch module once in the Ewelink app. The Ewelink platform supports Google Home. Since Ewelink devices can be used on Google Home, Google Home must also be installed. There are also devices manufactured and sold by Google Home. For example, in the case of Google speakers, Google makes and sells them directly. However, Google cannot make and sell all devices. This is a format where several companies create their own platforms and launch them into Google Home. This is why Google Home connects to the Ewelink app. Download the Ewelink app from Play Store. installation. Touch to open. . join the membership. Create a new account. Region is my country. Please type my country under the magnifying glass. Select my country. next. Enter your email. Touch the verification code. An email will arrive in your inbox every day. Please enter the 4-digit number within each day and touch Done after setting the password. Add a device by clicking the Add button in the center or the + button at the bottom. Quick pairing. Touch the arrow to the right of the Wi-Fi icon. Choose your home’s 2.4G Wi-Fi. Enter the password for the Wi-Fi you use at home and then touch Allow. Next Touch. If automatic pairing fails, click Try compatible pairing mode at the bottom for manual pairing. There is an LED light on the back of the smart switch, and there is a button on the right side of the LED. Press and hold for more than 5 seconds. Release and press again for more than 5 seconds. Then, it will switch to manual pairing mode with fast blinking. Next Touch. Things are going well. success. Change device name. A warning message appears now. Close the Ewelink link app and run it again. When I touch the button, the light works well. Since there are two switches, modify their names for each. Touch the icon (...) to the right of the kitchen light text. Touch the three dots (...) in the upper right corner of the settings screen . Touch the device name. 3 name changes. You can change the name by touching the right side. Changed to a dining table light. Changed to a sink stand. Change completed. Two icons appear. This time, connect to Google Home and Assistant. You will need to install the Google Home app and Assistant. The app called Google Home is an app that connects smart devices and turns them on and off. Google Assistant is an app that allows you to give verbal commands to your smartphone. Let's follow along with the assistant. Let’s open Google Assistant. When you first open Assistant, you will need to do a voice match. Say what your smartphone tells you to say. If you follow along, your voice will match. After that, you can use voice commands. Let's go to Google Home. Let's get started. Select the ID you want to use. Touch Get Started to create a house. Skip. Continued without address. next. permit. ‘What are you setting up?’ We will do this later. I have set up Google Home. Let me connect the device registered to Ewelink to Google Home. Click the plus at the top left. I will set up the device. The switch module I installed was not made by Google. Since it is a device that only supports Google, select ‘Google compatible’. Find Ewelink. Touch Smart Home. Link connected successfully. backwards. Connected to Google Home. backwards. In Google Home, three lights appear, including a table light, a kitchen light, and a sink light. In the kitchen, there is a table light and a sink light. If you give the command ‘Turn off the kitchen lights’, both will turn off. You can use them separately by giving commands such as 'table lamp', ;sink', etc. Let me give you a command. ‘Okay Google, turn on the kitchen light’. Touch the shape at the bottom of ‘Okay Google turn off the kitchen light’ . If you give a command, you can operate it as you want. There are a lot of lines. Fold them well and organize them. (If the wire is disconnected) it may not work. careful. Assemble in reverse order of disassembly. Did you take a good look at the smart switch module? We hope you enjoy a comfortable home life by using the smart switch module. It was a life skill. thank you
Channel: 생활의기술
Views: 772,329
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Keywords: 스마트 전등 스위치, 벽스위치 스마트, 스마트 벽스위치, wifi 벽스위치, 전등 스위치, 전등 iot, 전등 iot스위치 교체, 전등 iot스위치, 전등 스마트 스위치, 전등 스위치 wifi, 전등 스위치 자동, 스마트 스위치, iot스위치, ewelink share device, iot 스위치, 와이파이 스위치, 중성선없는 스위치, 중성선 없는 스위치, 와이파이 벽스위치, 와이파이 벽 스위치, iot 벽스위치, no neutral wire, no neutral switch, no neutral, 구글 연동, smart switch installation, smart switches for home, smart switch no neutral wire, Iot, 스마트홈, スマート壁スイッチ, Smart wall switch, IOT wall switch, IOT壁スイッチ, Interruptor de pared IOT, IOT墙壁开关
Id: mO5T4o2wjSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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