발더스3 테이의 강령술 로로아칸 공략! 소환수 12마리 네크로맨서 종결 빌드! 전설 마법책 3개, 전설 무기 지팡이까지! [발더스게이트3]

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apart from an overgrowth of Mars the well looks unremarkable dry Stones line the wall Tim something gleams in the dappled light [Music] those webs carry vibrations [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's that then let's see the gold foreign but one I must accept [Music] I feel a breeze I wonder what's down there laughs foreign [Music] foreign the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in a cursed book how obvious whoever opens it deserves the Fate that befalls them curious why don't you take a closer look I'll observe from back here the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in [Music] foreign ly you are capable of anything mountains darkening Sun's conversing with the Dead glyphs shift gently before your eyes words slip into your mind onto your lips forming words you don't understand something is trying to reply the thimble's dart Beneath Your Eyes warping and twisting head throbs but you almost understand the world around you is gone only hear those voices were claws moving in the shadows they pull at you dragging you closer foreign foreign searing your mind lost tossed in a sea of Arcane power you can neither control nor comprehend the book snaps closed you've seen too much what profane knowledge is now seared inside of you you should never have known thank you oh hide away let me back in I'll bring laroa kin out here it's intube you tell the roach and I went for his God's damn nice on and now he has to pay up you looking at [ __ ] it's you you went looking for the night song after me please tell me you found it hope you lost fewer people along the way than I did the Royalton should have warned us she's out there I'm gonna find her you mark my words thank you some people have nervous about you what are you doing here be very sure before you make to visit the relican he's got a beastly temper but if you really do know something he'll want to see you head upstairs you can find a way into his Tower up there help you I suppose that's at least I can't help with [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome dear Patron to the floor at the top of the stairs you have information about the Night song great riches await if you are here to waste the great wizard laroikan's time reconsider you recognize this image projection spell from your studies though you'd expect a great wizard to execute it less shortly let your knowledge determine your path forward foreign crank's aim is much improved but uh still leaves something up to chance yes sir all right crank ready aim we have a visitor that is McClure you may go [Music] I see no Night song you wouldn't have entered my tower without the Knight song in hand surely my worthless Apprentice wouldn't have allowed you to waste my time foreign [Music] let go retrieve how you imbecile cost you a world of riches so vast you cannot even comprehend the loss you can go now before I lose my temper mock my words the Night song is mine with or without your help she will Ascend to her grand fate here in this Tower you can get very rich along the way or let someone else take what is rightfully yours Choose Wisely foreign speaks of ill tidings speak Ally mine what troubles you is he indeed pray tell what does he seek from Dame aylin let them come and let them find me day Malin will strike down any who seek to bring her to Harm's home yet it is better to cut off the head of the snake than to let its slithering snakelings swarm us unabated this wizard this wizard must be held to account I will ring his neck until he's dead oh his end will be one more strand in the great braid of our friendship I'm coming with you I'd like to get a few licks in myself my darling we agreed you'd Scout for the nearest saloonite Enclave this very night let us divide our efforts all the sooner to be reunited I won't let you go alone who knows what this wizard might have planned our closest Ally will accompany me won't you it will be a Swift and fruitful chore highway to this laroa can right away I am as eager to meet him as he is to ensnare me [Music] stayed interesting what have we here a magician in a tower hiding away from the frightening world are you so scared of magus not the Night song surely why she's nothing but a relic to be purchased and pursued my God Night song is a person at last there you are my dear you will address me with due deference I am Dame ailing and you are a wealth without honor without Pride with nothing but a tower full of trinkets oh my apologies I meant no disrespect I asked our mutual friend here to make an introduction that I might get to meet the famed daughter of soluna forgive me forgive me perhaps our friend can bridge the gap and do what I believe they came here to do my stale-hearted friend speaks true Give Me One Good Reason magus why I should not strike you down where you stand Aylen I have discovered a device that would allow your immortality to be shared it would cause you no harm no pain of any kind serve your mother soluna I believe she who has blessed our realm with so many gifts honor her by sharing yours dare to threaten me with the same magic that held me in torment for a hundred years you do not seek to share my gifts you seek to poach them huh I had hoped to appeal to your better nature perhaps I overestimated you hmm no bother I have an arsenal of implements capable of convincing you to see reason a pity you didn't prove a more reliable Ally you could have reaped the rewards of my good favor foreign I'd hoped you to keep an open mind but it seems you're determined to make this as difficult as possible why they're ready once I taken control of the asima she must go directly into the caging rooms no Martha laroccan I would never have assisted you if I knew you planned such Horrors you lied to get the Night song here made us all believe she was nothing but a relic I have seen what true leadership can accomplish but never under your tutelage what's your tongue you child I could make it such that no wizard in the realm will touch you if they're all like you I think that sounds like an excellent bargain oh face us charlatan we who detest you so um [Music] okay laroican you who would see me caged you who had purchased my submission with profane gold let every Wicked make us every vile murderer each slaver and misery Merchant see Dame aylin is watching she is indomitable and when her face lights the shadows of your wrongdoing you are broken by its beauty the Firehead fool is dead yet as I stare upon his corpse I feel sadness why are gripping in the chest as though I'd lost someone something uh Paladin's fatigue No Doubt you were excellent in battle as is your way and I am proud to fight at your side and you tiefling you did not embarrass yourself I will catch my breath then to Camp I will bring my bones Moon Maiden be with you thank you the hurricane is dead the bastard is dead laroican was a cruel and vicious man by day I attend the shop but at night he'd fire the most nonsensical questions at me and for everyone I answered wrong he'd beat me killed him with my own two hands but I kept thinking it was all a test it had to be I thought it was the price I had to pay to become a true wizard I realize now he was just a sick sick man I see things clearly now if I wish to master the weave I must do it myself thankfully I have everything I need right here let them come I uh happened across a book on the tower's defenses and they are considerable I'll move Cal and Leah in immediately the hurricane refused to let them stay here they are gonna love the tower I wouldn't have this the tower my family without you what can I do to thank you and you'll have me I'll learn everything I can about the tower in the meantime even if I have to rip this place apart but know this Ramos's Tower and its master are now your friends and when the time comes we will stand by you as allies I won't hide behind lies and cheap tricks like laroican I will rule this Tower as it should be I swear it thank you my friend foreign [Music] laughs foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we are reunited once more I was just regaling sweet Isabel with Tales of our prowess very impressive thank you for helping aylin that wizard sounded absolutely dastardly he did and it came now my friend bask in your victory I will do the same my darling we must inform our friend of our news indeed I've scouted a saloonite Enclave outside the city they faced the absolute armies and come out battered and bruised Ellen and I will go to them provide what help we can but fear not when the time comes for you to face the foe of foes Isabelle and I Will Stand By Your Side we wouldn't miss it not for anything go well friend we will see you soon and with our great Powers combined this city will be saved heard you put that prick the Rubicon in the ground good only sad I couldn't help thank you for having Roland's back you just can't stop saving us can you place it's incredible and this is our house now I think it goes without saying that you have a room here anytime I knew laroa can amass knowledge like a dragon with its horde but never could I have imagined such wealth the tower itself has a cannon sheer power is mind-boggling study and catalog it laroa can barely knew his alphabet then share it with the Realms after all it does little good collecting dust in an Old Tower indeed I must still figure out its intricacies but uh I am close hmm [Music] the book radiates power but the words you read in the Codex echo in your mind guiding your eyes safely across the page the once indecipherable glyphs now feel dangerously familiar promising Unholy power to those who can take it [Music] as you pass the strange glyphs you can feel the book resisting ghostly voices whisper at you from the dark probing and fighting your mind sailed from all sides you careen through the text absorbing knowledge you can barely comprehend and yet for all the violence you start to see you've seen our life and death are malleable as clay to be bent and reshaped by your will by your power but as you close the book and nagging doubt Whispers in your mind what consequences will there be for calling the dead from their rest foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you tonight
Channel: MAHARAGE마하라지
Views: 49,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 발더스게이트3공략, 발더스3공략, 발더스3팁
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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