발더스 게이트 3 엔딩 모음(충격적인 엔딩들!)

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[Music] no resist impossible pain fear Terror reconsider assess employ surrender there at last it is subdued spare me join me wield me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain bra is on the cusp of its VY thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity [Music] perhaps my master I must obey I must end hopes nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions of Unborn elit the pain warps through you obliterating all thought all feeling your tadpole Burns in your [Music] brain silence for the first time in a long time your thoughts are en your own and then gravity [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] what [Music] [Music] what [Music] everything you did everything you sacrificed it was worth it for [Music] [Music] this [Music] hell I'm lucky I learned to swim when I [Music] did and I'm still standing in the sun this is incredible maybe whatever changed in me was permanent and we didn't even have to turn into mind flares to do it sorry I I didn't mean to well you know even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated but I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that Abomination now help me destroy myself you must kill me [Music] do it quickly I cannot live in this skin a moment [Music] longer yes but for how long my mind screamed seems it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be G I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against vth give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas while I still have one to call my [Music] own perhaps you are right I may not be the the one to lead my people but I can still bear witness to their Glory I shall find a place for myself in a corner of these realms for even in darkness the stars of tunar will shine upon me you were a worthy Ally freedom is freedom no matter the form I hope he finds peace with his Newfound nature it's the least he [Music] [Music] deserves now well there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the gith yanki gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown it's somewhere in the chantha if I Salvage the stones I can reforge it [Music] with the crown in my hands I would be unstoppable The castai Weave would be mine to [Music] command I would be more than the greatest wizard who ever lived I would be a [Music] god it's I who should be saying such things do not think I leave you without a heart as heavy as your own I owe it to myself to follow where Destiny leads I'll never forget you that I promise if you ever felt differently there'll be a place waiting for you in the heavens once gaale tasted of godhood he was always bound to fill himself full may he be wiser than he is cockshaw for his own sake after all mistra is not about to welcome him to the pantheon with open arms for now though let us leave Gail to his future and turn to our own so what's next for us the world is our oyster and she has many pearls we can choose [Music] from yes we should see if the uh elf song's Still Standing I won't inbe but I'll be happy to be away from here and in your company I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well it was it was not when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go we will find you estaran and Buu will bring a [Music] sunflower the tension dissipates your companions begin to relax you feel the warmth of their relief their Joy their peace in each other's company and in your own heart the Restless biting sadness that burns within you threatening to [Music] break you can make it till dawn if you gather every bit of strength you have you can survive the night one last night to say goodbye one last night to [Music] live it's over and it's all because of you you who were destined to become a thr thanks to you there will be no elid Empire no death God's [Music] tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's [Music] Gate I was afraid for the briefest moment when I woke this morning I didn't know where I was I thought perhaps it had all been a dream stopping the absolute saving my parents then I realized I was in your arms we did it everything's perfect almost anyway after everything that happened with my parents with sha I didn't think I was owed any happiness I did things things that fill me with shame now there's at least one person who doesn't want me happy sh I felt the wound last night while you were sleeping like some sadistic child de wiing a fly she can try to twist the knife all she likes I know I can survive her worst nothing she does can sour the fact that I have my family again thank you sometimes I have to remind myself of that very thing it's nice to hear someone else say it you and I our time together has been very dear to me I had hoped maybe there might be more to come you try to focus on Shadow heart's words but The Inferno inside is burning your mind clean no we've only just put everything behind is won the chance to be together it can't end like this I won't let it you need to return to AES look for a cure fight on whatever it takes just don't give up I could come with you once I've taken care of my parents they'll understand they've always had each other they'd want us to be happy the worst place to end up is anywhere that doesn't let you be at my side I'm sure if there's a cure to be found we'll track it down and if not I'll still have you when the invitation came you were hip deep in lior slime swarmed by hell wasps and about to drive the killing blow on a magma claw cutting through the Dreadful Buzz of the wasps and the screams of the Damned a familiar comforting voice echoed in your mind with us he requested your attendance in fyon to get gather with your friends and allies those who stood against the absolute at your side a reprieve from the blood War a few hours of Ras bite with the stars above and good company to cheer you your heart can take the strain of leaving a veres for a few short hours but it might burst with joy to see those friends again thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou should take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go no one another once more ah it's good to meet again we some pluck wine from all over the world by the living one bottle of fresh blood Gods I smell like a 70-year-old Cinder Withers yanked me from a verus with my blade halfway through a cian's belly without so much as a chance at washing up I'll forget all that by the Stars light and the moon's glow it's so good to see you and I've got so much to tell you the hell hunts no mere Duty it's a thrill the demons I've disintegrated the devil kin I've bled the stories I could share uh I don't suppose you'd indulge me yes but just the one or I'll be yammering all night you want to hear about the amnet to at the sticks the three tusked orthon or the invading goristro sticks Devils they're called they usually prefer the Frozen wastes of Stiga but zari's got a few of her own for guarding the river of blood fat bastards all of them was on the heels of a meran who'd been stalking the wild Hills and sprinted a little too close to the sticks I felt my mind start to drain and am nitsu specialty bought just enough time for one of its minions to grab me and dangle me over the river could feel the sticks tugging at my memories as I hung over it eager to drink me dry but not even the hell's minions are immune to a circle of death and I had just enough strength left to conjure one I left free of the minions grasp un sheathed my short swords and rushed at the am nitu in a fury when I'd finished all that remained was a pair of poultry Wings on top a pile of viscera [Music] I've missed you too carlac the most generous Spirit the fiercest heart diamond and Cinder forged into a precious treasure all on its own if I had to do it all over again and I'd rather not to be clear I can't imagine not having you at my side I wish you'd been there to join join in oh to battle together just like the old days I suppose that's my way of saying I miss you tonight I toast not just the people we've become but the people we were Warriors winners saviors I've seen him more than a few times and he's as proud of me as I am of him he leading the city's renewal opened the gates to all newcomers rebuilt the council from scratch and he's back in his element commanding the Flaming fist with brave heart and no shortage of empathy the likes of gash can bend people's minds with a few chosen words no tadpole needed Bane's chosen primed the fist for a war they weren't meant to win he convinced them there was an assassin hiding in every shadow that cruelty was the correct answer to crisis with a few exceptions fathers pardoned every last fist if my forgiveness not be te's will so be it I shall forgive them all the same his words not mine he still believes in the bow and the blade but he's teaching the fist a new lesson she's kept me on a Long Leash if you can believe it every Target she set me on being a demonic Intruder tari assassins who slip into a verus amonites that amass near the sticks my next marks the most challenging yet or so she says I don't know much more only that it's no demon but a devil she's playing a game I don't know what it is or how she plans to win but I can tell you this much I'd fall on my own blade and join the blood War in an instant should zari's hell touched fingers stretch towards the coast and as long as I'm more useful as a warlock that's not a risk maora would take go on the night's young you shouldn't waste a moment of it all waste a single drop of wine for that matter I plan on Downing half a bottle myself oops did I say half a bottle I meant half a dozen well now you can make yourself presentable when you have in mind too I'm glad the months have not been wasted particularly as I spent them cleaning up the mess we made of the city same twisting alleys for purse Pickers same wooden buildings ready to get burnt by next year's Dragon same sisters overflowing huh baloran simply get on with it stubbornness Civic Spirit blame stupidity perhaps all three but nothing I will sniff at any longer Harpers have come from half the world over to landaid Farmers Masons Healers my own son Jord has been woed to their ranks already he plans crop Cycles in worms Crossing not so for my daughter Ryan's rejoined the Flaming fist temporarily you understand to organize the Craftsman though she spends more time locking up comrades for pocketing eights they might learn a thing or two if they don't expel her again I suppose I am I tried to steer them clear of my life's work but they have chosen it for themselves ah there is still much to do people to house a Harper Network to rebuild I may have little love for this city but so long as my family chooses to serve it I can do no less for all your travels I hope you have arrived where you want to be home whatever that means to you a sentiment with the greatest affection I can think of better ways to sour our stomachs I must inspect the refreshments you'll never know some n d well might have tampered with the wine we are not dreaming it is our old friend oh and it is good to be seen oh after so many days down in the dark Minsk began to wonder if he were some blind bug who had only dreamed himself to be large in bulks some you will forgive the aroma I hope we were not expecting the dusty one to open a portal to our very cell bu had a moment to lick himself clean but there is a little too much of Minsk to cover what else but this stuff of songs My Friend the zarum rule the city's underbelly so Min can Bo to give them a ticket there were harsh words battlecries we awoke in a ztish Cell awaiting trial by Noble combat execution says bu though it is a long walk to the Gallows and Minsk still has his fists no she told Minsk and bu to behave themselves which is why we shall be back in our cell by Dawn but leave such matters for the MN tonight is for celebration and the telling of tales how have you filled your days since we tore this sticky Tyrant from the sky aha the love birds still Nest together then Minsk is glad for what is life without a companion though I am thinking yours does not sit on your shoulders h ah you all right Boo that is uh none of Minsky's business there is much mert to be made before the night is done go and greet the others Minsk shall make himself PR ah this pwn shall do nicely Buu though I see no soap so you shall have to blow the bubbles for me Hello darling I wasn't sure our withered old friend could live up to his promise but here we are and you're looking more delicious than ever if you don't mind me saying whatever you've been doing with your time it clearly worked wonders love is a powerful tonic and we're better to celebrate our Good Fortune an old horn with old friends cheeky I've been very well behaved thank you I've taken a turn as an adventurer and hero it turns out no one actually cares about murder as long as you murder the right people and apparently I'm rather good at it yes but you say all sorts of things honestly I don't even listen half the time it has made for a nice change though inspiring hope in people instead of Terror well I do try to inspire a little terror I'm still me after all I did at first but then I realized these Shadows this Darkness it's all a part of me I spent too long Define by what other people did to me the choices other people made for me but that's over now this is who I am in all my glory for better and For Worse that being said I haven't completely given up on returning to the sun if the opportunity presented itself well I would say no but until then I am happy we've had quite the journey you and I from the moment I first threatened you I knew you were someone special someone to Take On the World with I will miss our time together but then again maybe this isn't goodbye so much as it's um see you later darling aha there you are goodness was fyon always so dull still at least the company was worth a trip if not the view I told you I would didn't I I imagine you're wondering how all this came to be the fin points of divine Ascension are Beyond mortal comprehension I'm afraid but I can provide a rudimentary sequence of events first I retrieved the crown of carsus and reforged it using a series of precise and highly complex nees incantations then I used it as you know the orb within me was the half formed carite Weaver magic left incomplete by Cara's self-destruction ction I finished it using the crown of carus I turned it into a new form of magic fused with my being driven by my purpose and then I put it to work as expected Mist was unwilling to hand over the Reigns of the weave so I've claimed dominion over another area which I've passing familiarity ambition I offer them nothing I Inspire them to seize their Destinies for themselves great as the heights I've reached thus far may be I've not forgotten my humble origins in fact they're Central to my Doctrine those drawn to the gallerian creeder merely seek my guidance as the impressive all powerful being I've become ambition is about Beginnings it's not just about the heights but the lows that preceded them I was nothing a drifting dust Moe of a wizard abandoned by my goddess my Powers lost my reputation destroyed and look at me now I'm their proof proof their hopes are not Barren wastes but the lomy soil in which their future achievements will flourish proof that with ambition anything is possible hardly I'm simply more honest about my involvement not to say I don't help more actively when the cause arises a whisper in the ear of a struggling Artisan a breeze to flutter the pages of a tone before a frustrated Mage a magical weapon stumbled upon by a desperate wouldbe hero I am aition incarnate as indistinguishable from that most potent sensation as mistra herself is from The Weave I'm wor it's spreading there are already several shrines in my honor scattered across the outer reaches of th and rumors of a very very prominent Temple under construction in arm this is only the beginning I thought you would be now Divine as my company undoubtedly is I have an eternity to catch up with you a luxury few others that this party possess don't let me deprive them of your company or mine for that matter it's not every day a newborn God shows up to the reunion [Music] good song Good Company and good wine from the looks I didn't expect to be nervous but seeing everyone here like this it's strange isn't it I feel like I must have dreamed the last few months now I'm waking up back in Camp with my hair smelling like wood smoke and fallen leaves stuck to my backside a little wine might help accelerate the process so we should divvy up what we tell people about what we've been doing these past few months I'd hate to be a boy that comes along and regurgitates the same story to someone moments after you've told them any [Music] ideas what about you of course Hells or not every day is an adventure when I'm at carlac site I'll tell them I'm sure we'll have them hanging off our every word I'll leave you to do some mingling unless you need anything else that can be arranged almost a shame we're with company I'd be tempted to let you whisk me away someplace quiet why are you expecting to be gone for long home all [Music] right I could get lost in those arms with music in the air and wine flowing I think I'll manage don't get into trouble but if you must fetch me [Music] first this one night is like any other and yet different Thou Art the savior of Boulder's Gate until such time it requires saving again how does TH feel I am pleased to hear it the satisfaction of one's intention is to my surprise a rare accomplishment enjoy the rry of the day thou [Music] the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me th Heroes wasil friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part not in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you swed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to [Music] you there art the dead three thy faces Gods thy actions barely worthy of the name did truly believe thy Ploy would succeed did believe I would not notice thou sought to bolster thy strength by taking away the souls of Mortals but Souls vanish when their hosts become mind flares did think the other gods would not notice Gods thou may be yet thou Hast proven thyself fools everyone the supplication of Bain the whimper of Bal the death fuel of Merle filed by Mortals I overestimated Thee they did not Vermin away thou wil trouble us no more I owe you a debt of gratitude it is thanks to you that Gail The Wizard Of Water Deep became diarios the Divine God of ambition without you he would not have survived the appetites of the tadpole it would have feasted on that impressive Ive mind of his and all of his talent would have been snuffed out forever but M survival was not enough not for Gail and not for you saving your world from the Gods and Monsters that threatened it wasn't enough Gail wanted more and you encouraged him to ignore every sensible instinct to ignore the lesson of cares' folly and to reach for the heavens you were the spark that rekindled Giles hubris and set him on a course that will make Celestia Quake I longed for the crown to satisfy my own Ambitions and I was Furious that it had escaped me again but I have assessed the situation pondered every variable plotted every possible course and I have come to realize that this is for the best in time long after you're gone Gil diaros will cause such Division and Chaos in these Realms that even the Lords of the hells will be a G to see it ambition such a delicious sin for Mortal kind to indulge in such a dreadful weapon for an immortal to wield the gods will be suered and from their ruin I will rise [Music] because it knows the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there an opportunity for what in all the sweet Hells are you [Music] doing together conquer rule [Music] [Music] comeand [Music] a in my [Music] name because it knows I'm its master I will finish this the brain is on the cusp of its finyl thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps I admire the ambition the thought did cross my mind but whoever becomes the absolute faces a war the entire ganki Army strong as we are they are legion I cannot be sure of [Music] survival you have grown much I'm proud of you let's do it together conquer roll [Music] command [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] in my [Music] name up you go then Gale let's make this count Whole World's watching come to die to me surrender and live THS th no I think you're mistaken the name's Gale of Water Deep a pleasure to make your acquaintance though our time together will be exceptionally brief fawell and Happy Land w the wizard did it he really did it he blew up the [Music] brain the tadpool I can't feel it anymore thanks to that bomb of his I'm not going to turn into a mind flare of course it did cost us a wizard poor Gail all that wisdom lost forever Al so that we could survive I owe him my life we all do the most noble sacrifice it seems that your sacrifice was not needed nonetheless I hope you enjoy your newly uncovered potential we have achieved all that I desired thanks to Gail we are free now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the GI Yan gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be [Music] rebuilt you are a mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate whatever self you possess is quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike have right for manipulation and if not manipulation then consumption soon you will not be able to trust yourself at all you will be a monstrosity Beyond redemption or not perhaps you are unique among a lith kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature a rogue mind flare like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take who you you have thwarted The athid Grand Design you have defeated three Chosen and a nether brain you are miraculous and you have earned the right to live your fate will be what you make of it now you are your own master so what comes next I suppose we better on a gale perhaps there's a library somewhere that has a bar I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well it was it was was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to [Music] go aaran will keep to the dark now a Ager at least he'll find plenty to Feast on the tension dissipates your companions begin to relax you feel the warmth of their relief their Joy their peace in each other 's company her new quiet settles without the Blazing Hells inside you you can finally rest and listen for the new voice the quieter voice that sounds from [Music] within kill it what are you doing [Music] stop together conquer rule [Applause] [Music] command [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in my name when I woke this morning I didn't know where I was I thought perhaps it had all been a dream stopping the absolute saving my parents then I realized I was in your arms we did it everything's perfect almost anyway I didn't mean it like that after everything that happened with my parents with sha I didn't think I was owed any happiness I did things things that fill me with shame now there's at least one person who doesn't want me happy sha I felt the wound last night while you were sleeping like some sadistic child Dewing ining a fly she can try to twist the knife all she likes I know I can survive her worst nothing she does can sour the fact that I have my family again thank you sometimes I have to remind myself of that very thing it's nice to hear someone else say it you and I our time together has been very dear to me I had hoped maybe there might be more to come you try to focus on Shadow heart's words but The Inferno inside is burning your mind clean carac you look poorly it's the engine isn't it it's burning out you need to return to a verest look for a cure fight on whatever it takes just don't give up I could come with you once I've taken care of my parents they'll understand they've always had each other they'd want us to be happy thought we could have so much more together all of us but this is your choice I'll never be able to fill the place by my side where you should be standing and I'll never forget you not a single moment come let's get you some fresh air I'll stay with you right until the end I'm hot too hot I think I think this is it the engine's finally cooked carak I thought after all we've survived maybe one last miracle would wear its head but no I'm sorry I'm not [Music] ready this thing is [ __ ] hot I feel like I'm falling apart am I is this goodbye son goodbye C good [Music] KAC I wondered when thou might arrive here in this place where all must go thou faced thy fate bravely yet thou chose death over life do thou regret it so few are provided the privilege of choosing their manner of dying thou still Hast a role to play for death itself ha many Pathways indeed thy life may be forfeit but thy death hath only begun to unfold what awaiteth thee is a mystery even to me I cannot account for thee Adventurer hero friend but I Know Thy story endeth not here death itself hath many byways and thou might yet have a new and different role to play
Channel: NebGames
Views: 12,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 발더스 게이트3 엔딩, 발더스게이트3 엔딩, baldurs gate3 ending, baldurs gate iii, 발더스 게이트3, 발더스게이트3 엔딩 종류, 발더스 게이트 3, baldurs gate 3, 발더스게이트3 칼라크 엔딩, 발더스게이트3 섀도하트 엔딩, baldurs gate3
Id: jwRKoJI4kpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 25sec (3925 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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