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[Music] hi everyone I hope you're all doing well and all focusing on God for your needs this lesson is to help you pronounce sentences and words that you will hear talked about in church so you might be saying some of these or you might hear someone else in church say these we'll go through different categories like greetings church service prayers and many others to get you comfortable saying these different words and phrases uh in this lesson you'll hear 150 different sentences or phrases so what I'll do I'll slowly say each sentence or phrase two times and then leave some time in between for you to repeat it and get comfortable saying it if you don't understand one or you want to practice it again you can always pause the video or go back and hear it again and again until you're comfortable with it so now let's get started with learning some English sentences that you can use and hear while you're at church our first category is greetings and basic interaction at church number one good morning everyone good morning everyone number two what time does the service begin what time does the service begin number three Welcome to our service Welcome to our service number four how are you this morning how are you this morning number five bless you bless you number six peace be with you peace be with you number seven which is in response to number six and with you and with you number eight happy Sunday happy Sunday number nine have a blessed day have a blessed day 10 see you next week see you next week 11 I'm glad to see you I'm glad to see you 12 what are you thankful for today what are you thankful for today so that brings us to our next category which is participation in service so things that you might hear during church service 13 let's stand up let's stand up 14 please sit down please sit down 15 let us pray let us pray 16 join us in singing join us in singing 17 follow along in your hym book follow along in your hym book 18 please open your Bible please open your Bible 19 turn to page number and then you would finish this with whatever page number it is for example turn to page number 50 turn to page number 75 so again turn to page number number 20 let us give thanks to God today let us give give thanks to God today 21 repeat after me repeat after me 22 let's say the Lord's Prayer together let's say the Lord's Prayer together 23 bow your heads bow your heads 24 let's end the service with a prayer let's end the service with a prayer so now we'll move on to our next category which is titled simple prayers and phrases so things that you might say when you're praying or things that you'll hear during prayer time 25 Dear God dear God 26 thank you God for today thank you God for today 27 please bless our family please bless our family 28 help us to be kind help us to be kind 29 give us peace give us peace 30 amen amen 31 Lord hear our prayer Lord hear our prayer 32 God please protect us God please protect us 33 we love you God we love you God 34 please forgive us please forgive us 35 please keep us safe and healthy please keep us safe and healthy 36 in Jesus name we pray Amen in Jesus name we pray amen our next category is called responses during service so these are things that you can say in church during service time 37 yes Lord yes Lord 38 praise the Lord praise the Lord 39 hallelujah hallelujah 40 we've done this one before but it's okay to do it again amen amen 41 glory to God glory to God 42 thank you Jesus thank you Jesus 43 Lord have mercy Lord have mercy and 44 is very similar Christ have mercy Christ have mercy 45 we worship you we worship you 46 we thank you Lord we thank you Lord 47 you are so good God you are so good God our next category is called singing and music so these are things related to singing or music during church service or worshiping and again these are things that you might say or things that you might hear someone else say during church the first one 48 let's sing together let's sing together 49 I love this hymn I love this hymn 50 music is a gift from God music is a gift from God 51 clap along if you feel joyful clap along if you feel joyful 52 Raise Your Hands In Praise Raise Your Hands In Praise 53 sing loudly sing proudly sing loudly sing proudly 54 I can feel the spirit I can feel the spirit 55 this song is about love this song is about love 56 God listens to our songs God listens to our songs 57 singing brings us together singing brings us together 58 singing is a type of worship singing is a type of worship and our next category is expressing Faith so anything related to faith in God faith in Jesus these are common or likely Expressions that you'll hear 59 I believe in God I believe in God 60 Jesus loves all the children Jesus loves all the children 61 the Bible teaches us to love the Bible teaches us to love 62 I learn about Jesus at church I learn about Jesus at church 63 God is good all the time God is good all the time 64 I pray every night I pray every night 65 Church is a special place church is a special place 66 the church is God's home the church is God's home 67 we are God's family we are God's family 68 God helps us grow God helps us grow 69 trust in the Lord trust in the Lord our next category are phrases that you might hear during offering or giving time 70 let's give our offerings let's give our offerings 71 thank you for your generosity thank you for your generosity 72 every little bit helps every little bit helps 73 God loves a cheerful Giver God loves a cheerful Giver 74 we are grateful for your gifts we are grateful for your gifts 75 your kind kindness is a blessing your kindness is a blessing 76 thank you for sharing thank you for sharing 77 we use these gifts to help others we use these gifts to help others 78 giving makes us happy giving makes us happy 79 please bless our offerings Lord please bless our offerings Lord the next category is closing and farewell so these are things that you might hear or say at the end of the church service so when church service is finishing these are some phrases or sentences that you might hear 80 the service is ending the service is ending 81 God be with you till we meet again God be with you till we meet again 82 have a safe journey home have a safe journey home 83 thank you for coming thank you for coming 84 we hope to see you again we hope to see you again 85 keep God in your heart keep God in your heart 86 please say goodbye to your friends please say goodbye to your friends 87 remember what we learned today remember what we learned today 88 keep praying this week keep praying this week 89 read your Bible this week read your Bible this week 90 take a bulletin home take a bulletin home 91 I hope that you have a great week I hope that you have a great week and now our next category is special days and seasons so these are special days or times of the year that are very important to Christians 92 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas 93 happy Easter happy Easter 94 today is Palm Sunday today is Palm Sunday 95 remember Good Friday remember Good Friday 96 he is risen on Easter he is risen on Easter 97 God's love was born at Christmas God's love was born at Christmas 98 today is Pentecost today is Pentecost 99 blessings to you on Thanksgiving blessings to you on Thanksgiving 100 celebrate Christ's birth celebrate Christ's birth 101 this is the season of Advent this is the season of Advent and now that brings us to our final category this is about 50 sentences it's called miscellaneous useful phrases so these didn't fit into any of the other categories but these are some things that you might hear at church you can ask at church or just different information from the Bible that you'll hear in church 102 I need a Bible please I need a Bible please 103 can I get a hym book can I get a hbook 104 where's the bathroom where's the bathroom 10 5 I'm going to Sunday school I'm going to Sunday school 106 where do we sit where do we sit 107 can I light a candle can I light a candle 108 how do I pray how do I pray 109 can you please pray for me can you please pray for me 110 can I pray for you about something can I pray for you about something 111 what does this word mean what does this word mean 112 I made a friend at church I made a friend at church 113 I drew a picture of the church I drew a picture of the church 114 what did you learn in church today what did you learn in church today 115 can I find that in the Old Testament or the New Testament can I find that in the Old Testament or the New Testament 116 what book of the Bible can I find that verse what book of the Bible can I find that verse 117 what verses will we learn about today what verses will we learn about today 118 I would like to serve God I would like to serve God one 19 we should have faith in God we should have faith in God 120 We Are All God's Children We Are All God's Children 121 God is love God is love 122 Jesus is the son of God Jesus is the son of God 123 Jesus died for our sins Jesus died for our sins 124 I believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus 125 I would like to learn more about the Bible I would like to learn more about the Bible 126 can you please help me understand this Bible verse can you please help me understand this Bible verse 127 what is your favorite Bible verse what is your favorite Bible verse 128 what is your favorite hymn what is your favorite hymn 129 we must put God first we must put God first 130 God created all of us God created all of us 131 God has given us all a purpose God has given us all a purpose 132 the Bible is called God's word the Bible is called God's word 133 Jesus Is Our Savior Jesus Is Our Savior 134 four Jesus wants us to love others Jesus wants us to love others 135 we should forgive others as God forgave us we should forgive others as God forgave us 136 Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist 137 I would like to get baptized I would like to get baptized 138 the gospel is the good news of Jesus the gospel is the good news of Jesus 139 Jesus chose 12 disciples Jesus chose 12 disciples 140 Adam was the first man created by God Adam was the first man created by God 141 Eve was the first woman created by God Eve was the first woman created by God 142 Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden before they sinned Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden before they sinned 143 God rested on the seventh day God rested on the seventh day 144 Genesis is the first book of the Bible Genesis is the first book of the Bible 145 Revelation is the last book of the Bible Revelation is the last book of the Bible 146 there are 39 books in the Old Testament there are 39 books in the Old Testament 147 there are 27 books in the New Testament there are 27 books in the New Testament 148 God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for your sins God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for your sins 149 sin is what separates us from God sin is what separates us from God 150 The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God the 10 commandments were given to Moses by God so improve your English to tell others about the gospel and the good news of Jesus God bless you all bye
Channel: KICS한국국제크리스천스쿨
Views: 366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 국제학교, 기독교대안학교, 미국대학, kics, 유학, 영어교육, 홈스쿨, 영어유치원, 대안교육, 자녀양육, 기독교세계관, 크리스찬교육, 밥존스, 크리스천교과서, 한국국제크리스천스쿨, kics prep school, 대안학교, 기독교학교, 기독교교육, 기독교, 미국 커리큘럼, 국제대안학교
Id: a4ZwgtxRGC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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