[메이킹] 펜트하우스 마지막 촬영 현장! 1년 6개월을 함께한 배우들의 시원섭섭한 마지막 순간 #펜트하우스3 #SBScatch

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You'll have a hard time today. Then after this, please grill meat for me. Pork belly and pork neck? Okay. How do you feel about being a part-timer? I sweated a lot earlier because I was wiping the grill iron hard. Dropping, drizzling. Who could it be last time? I don't know either. I didn't recognize you. Really? You did a great job with the makeup. Have you tried this before? This is good. It tastes like butter. Butter flavor? Yes, it's savory. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. This is the last one. I know. No. You worked hard. senior, no. I'm done filming. I can't. I can't. Aren't you warm? That guy, that guy. Catch him. You punk, Geum Beun-hong. Action. Ala…. Alaska. Alaska ice is the best! The best! The best! Alaska is the best. One, two, three, four. One, two, three. But it hasn't hit me yet. What? Are you crying? Are you crying? We still have a lot of shows left. No, it's I don't think it's real. But you'll realize it as soon as you get in the car. In the car. Put it in the flower window and I won't leave any traces. Let's go. 1, 2. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your efforts. Goodbye everyone. I'll go back to Ji-hyeon now. I can't. Cut. Eun-byeol, Eun-byeol. No, no, Eun-byeol. Eun-byeol, Eun-byeol. So-yeon. Yes. Don't be exhausted. Just make a sound. Hurry up and save it. Okay. Gosh Wow. Thank you. Thank you. I'll take it well. Oh, Penthouse. Bye! It's really over. This makes me feel a little weird. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Han Ji-hyeon is crying. I'll do it with this side. Hi. How far do you cut it? Depending on how I feel? Cut! That's sad. beginning Cut. Okay. There's nothing. Now, while cutting it. Action. Was the cut okay? to be scary What do you think? It doesn't look like Cheon Seo-jin, right? Ah, you cut this whole wig? All right. Oh! Since it's getting longer, Cheon Seo-jin again. How was it? Was it okay? Did you live well? It was so sad. Sad sad. How long did you grow it out? This one? I think more than 10 years have always been long. I was a little nervous until yesterday, but I feel relieved today. I got emotional before I cut, but I couldn't do it. I focused on cutting it. I can't make NG. Please enjoy it. Short hair looks good on you, too. Oh, thank you. You must have been surprised to see me like this. I feel relieved. Chan-woo, what do you think of sister? It's pretty? Thank you so much. I feel relieved. I feel relieved. I feel relieved and a little sad. Yes, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your efforts. You're following me until the end of the making film. This is the last shoot. Let's take a picture together later. I don't have any pictures with you. I don't think I had time to film because I was busy. How have you been? It's been such a long time. Yes, Ro-na. Did you prepare well? Congratulations on your performance. Oh, sorry. Sorry. A lot of people already stepped on it. Oh, a lot of people. Is the drawing okay? It came out so well. Really? Ro-na said it's okay. I feel like you've gotten younger. Thank you. Should we go? Yes. Ready, action. Seeing you smile makes me feel relieved. Don't get sick there. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. You're crying, too. Why are you crying? You should've cried over there. We've been together for a year and a half since the first day. I'm not the person who did it the longest. I did it the longest. We started and ended together. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your efforts. Yeah, it's good to mix it up a little bit. That's right. You look pretty right now. As long as it's pretty. I think this is just a fan club. Hello. Hello. Hello Why aren't people coming out? Of course, I think it'll be alive. Yeah. People still ask me if I'm really dead. I'm back as a zombie. Did you make it all night? All right. In the sense that we've been together for a long time. Oh, it was spring then. All right. The song is so sad. Yes. It's a song that I sing every night. To put them to sleep. Go to bed early. Very nice. See you again. So Good luck until the end. Oh my. Thank you. Thank you for your efforts. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Can you turn it around and do this? This feels really weird. He's touching me, but it's sweet. You probably know this, but this is the fate to meet. It will be a link that symbolizes relationship. Take a shoot from the back. We're going to film from the top with flying drones. We're mobilizing all the equipment right now. Yes, let's go to rehearsals. Yes, I'll go like this. Ding ding ding ding ding. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. You really worked hard. Earlier, Yoon-hee came and went. I heard. I got a call. Fantastic. Mom and dad watch it all. today It's been years. After my dad dies? Has it been 3 years? Three years. Then how old is Eun-byeol right now? I'm 23 years old now? 3 years old No, 21. 21. 22. 23. 23? I'm mature now. So you're a total lady. After all sorts of hardships. I got a scar, too. So Get what one deserves. Then Eun-byeol will start at 16. No, is that right? Yes, that's right. She acted it for eight years from 16 to 23. 8 years. Oh, funny. We took a picture together for the last cut. You should have come early in the morning. I went to join a variety show and now I barely came. I think my back is going to break. My dad. Kidding. Please don't edit this out. You should have come early in the morning. She scolded dad. I love you. Yes, that's good. Yes. I can be here, right? Pardon? I can stay here, right? Yes. Action. Cut. Keep it and one more time. Let's go. Standby. Cut. Thank you for your hard work hard. Oh, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your efforts. Good job. Good job, good job, good job. Good job. Please look here. Actress Kim So-yeon. Director Joo Dong-min. Come here. Come here. You worked hard. You worked the hardest. Come here. Oh, I cried. Oh, my. Thank you. Oh my god. Thank you for your hard work. All right. Great job. It's really the best. How can you be so good? Eun-byeol, what do I do? Oh man. How hard did you work? Oh man, I... They made it all night long. Okay, thank you. Thank you for the food. Good job, Eun-byeol. Thank you. No, it's a secret. It's a secret. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your efforts. Should you toss shoulder-high?
Channel: SBS Catch
Views: 1,871,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 펜트하우스 메이킹, 드라마 추천, 펜트하우스 드라마, 펜트하우스 유진, 펜트하우스 김소연, 펜트하우스 신은경, 펜트하우스 엄기준, 펜트하우스 봉태규, 펜트하우스 윤종훈, 펜트하우스 박은석, 김순옥 작가, 김순옥 드라마, SBS 펜트하우스3, 펜트하우스3 티저, 펜트하우스3 명장면, 펜트하우스3 예고편, 드라마 펜트하우스3, 펜트하우스3, 스브스캐치, 하은별 ASAP
Id: oYGmPJicLFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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