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[(Stuntman) (Experiencing)] [(Gulp)] [(Gulp)] Oh, my. x3 [Workman 2] [(Getting ready for the shoot)] - I think we can call Sung Kyu right away. - I see. - Huh? What's this? - What? x4 [(Suddenly)] No, wait a second. [(Tell a lie)] Everyone's looking over there. You thought that was my car. [(Crying)] My car is being repaired. Hello. [(Good morning)] Oh, good morning. [(Leaving his body)] I don't think you've been working hard lately. I'm going to work hard. - Oh really? - The stuntman experience. [(I can)] I can't. [Come on in] [Stuntman] [On his way to work] We have a guest who uses his body well. [(Excited)] - Really? - Yes. Since he's a stuntman, [(For example)] he's like a martial arts director, Jung Doo-hong. Huh? [(Shaking)] [(I've seen it a lot)] I've seen this face a lot? [(Not sure)] Who is it? Don't you get it? [(Tough)] I know, senior. [(We knew each other)] Dawn! [(Like a dream)] Still dreamy. Still dreamy. Are you awake? [(Main job moment)] - I'm preparing for an album these days. - Oh really? [(Confused)] I haven't slept for about two weeks. [(Sadness)] Oh, it must be hard. [(Dungeon singing room)] Then we have to listen to it. [(Listen)] - Do you want me to play it? - Okay, let's hear it. [(Title) (Star)] [(So into it)] [(Not sleeping)] I've tried everything [(Slow)] I could. [(Not sleeping 22)] It's gonna be okay. [(Is he sleeping?)] I'll forget it in no time. [(Unlocked)] I fell [(Wait)] asleep. [(Is it a dream or a reality)] Hey, this is a lullaby. [(Dark)] I don't think I can work because I'm so sad. [(Can't believe it)] [(By the way)] Did you hear what today's part-time job is? [(Whatever)] I heard it. [(Hurriedly)] But can you do it, stuntman? I have to do it. [(Looking at me with my body)] I have a lot of responsibility. [(Reliable)] Oh, then you'll do something. [(Going closer)] Acting like you hit a car today... [Arrived / Orthodox Action School)] It's an action school here. This is scary? Let's take action. [(In stunt)] It's already crazy. It's already crazy here. [(Expanded)] This is already a big deal. [(How to) (behave] - I can't. - Hey, this... - I don't think this is right. - I don't think I can. [(Losing strength)] They're killing people right now. [(It's okay)] You have to do it. You have to do it [(Dungeon) (Enters)] Everyone is saying... [(Die-namic scene)] There's a fight here. It's a fight. [(Look)] Ah, this is so. [(Reporting ceremony)] Hey, hey, take it's the youngest. - Hello... - Charge! [(Zombie bus) / (Zombie 1) / (Zombie 2) / (Zombie 3) / (Zombie 4) / (Zombie 5)] Hey, hey, wait a minute. [(Sinner)] [(Traffic cleared)] - Hello. - Hello. [Park Hyunsun (12th year)] My name is Park Hyunsun. [(Fight show)] I want to ask you about the situation. We can defend well even if we get hit by a fight. [(Is that right?)] Is getting hit more important than hitting? [(Right)] That's right. [(Agreed)] If the main characters hit me, I would get hit and fall. [(Is it possible?)] Can you use it in real life? [(It hurts)] It's going to hurt a lot in real life. [(Change)] Yes, wear it first. [(The face value)] But just by looking at his face, he looks like an Inja River [(So respect)] He feels that humans themselves are strong. Oh, me? Excuse me, but may I ask your age? [(Staring)] I'm a year older than Sung Kyu. [(Thud)] [(Dawn)] This one. x3 [(Problematic guy)] - He can't even open the door. - Wait a minute. [(A cultural loser)] He can't even open the door. What kind of action is he going to make. [(Dawnbull Door)] [Interview] - Should I conduct the interview now? - Yes. x3 [Shin Se-young (11th year) / Lee Jae-nam (12th year)] The most important thing is [(Same motive)] why we want to do this job. I really don't want to. I have a lot of delusions. [(Dream car)] So I always imagine being hit by a car. [(Dunbling)] I think we can jump and roll at the same time/ [(So many things)] Why are you imagining being hit by a car. [(learn Dawn)] - If I learn this, - There is. There is. [(Attention show)] - There's a way to bump into a car. - Oh really? [(Excited Dawn)] [(Body building)] How to fall from a building [(Angry body)] and light your body. [(Surprised)] [(Encyclopedia)] Isn't that how you die? Sports experience, certifications, and diplomas are also important to us. [(Serious)] [(Top Secret)] I have level 1 word. [(Password)] Word? [(My type)] Word Level 1, Computer Skill Level 2. [(Qualification of a man)] [(Practical test) (Pass the document)] Can you show us your action acting?? Oh, action... [(Let me show you)] Okay, since I'm here. I'm going. [(How will Sung Kyu act?)] [(Crayon Shin Chan?)] Please buy me an action mask. [(Reaction) (Broken)] Please buy me an action mask. [(Amazed)] Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla. [(Avoiding)] Action mask! [(Sung Kyu, can't stop him)] [(Challenge)] I want to try it, too. Oh, action acting. [(Serious)] I like Dawn. [(Using props)] I'll go with this. But I think Dawn will do well. [(I have a knife)] It's got a good vibe. You kind of look like a samurai. Action! [(Challenge)] Oh, already... [(Self-monitoring)] If you do this, you're dead. [(Laughing)] [(Love it)] That was witty. [(That was cool)] Oh, this is plus plus. [(Sweep it all away) - I just killed three people - As expected, it's different. [(Acting as the main character)] Our job serves as a stand-in. Right. [(Body friend)] The body size is important and the face is also important [(Looks alike?)] Is there any actor that you think looks like? Me? What... Jung Woo Sung? [(Apologize) (To Jung Woo Sung!)] [(Dominant)] Jung Woo Sung's role? [(Turning around)] For me, it's either Jun Jihyun. [(Dumbfounded)] - Jun Jihyun? - Oh, he's going towards actresses. [(Dawn Jihyun) /(Dawn Bbee)] Jeon Jihyun and Kim Taehee. [(Appealing)] My legs are really pretty? [(Male qualification 22)] [(Strong side of Stuntman)] There's only one disadvantage. It's dangerous. Can you take this risk. [(Worst scenario)] Then, in the worst case, there were colleagues who were injured like this. [(Basic)] Fractures are basic. [(Surprised)] It's basic? I got a cruciate ligament surgery. [(Worried)] Dawn, can you do it? Actually, I don't really have that much [(Whatever)] about getting hurt. Dawn, whether you get hurt or not, - It doesn't matter, right? - Yes. [(Health check)] Then is there a place where you're not feeling well? [(Everybody)] I'm not feeling well. [(Sick charm)] [Stamina training - Running] Wow, it's so hot? Where should we go to work out now? [Working out 3km every day to train for outdoor shooting] We walk about 3km on the track. [(Weather bar)] You run 3km in this weather? [(Three & Car)] I don't go 3km by car. [Mission Impossible] The most dangerous scene you've ever done. I hit a car with a motorcycle and passed it. [(Scared)] It's so scary. [(Reasonable doubt)] But can you do that in harmony? [(One kill)] The motorcycle breaks down right away, so I have to put the steering wheel down [(One shot)] and move on at once when I am almost there. That's unusual. [(The star of the movie)] Actors get applause after the movie, [(The star of the set)] but we're the only ones who get applause on the spot. [(Respect)] [(Excited)] I can't forget the thrill when I got applause. [(Player spit)] Then when you run, I'll just clap. Do you usually run? [(The man of passion)] My heart beats. [(It’s incredible)] [(Thud, thud, thud)] I ripped it. Let's warm up here. [(An insect)] The sun is so strong over there right now? [(Warm-up exercise starts)] - Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - Five, six, seven, eight. There's a senior who's scared of even an ant. [(Action mask)] What do you mean, stuntman. He's even afraid of ants now. [(Running starts)] Let's go, let's go You just have to run at your own pace. Okay, run. [(Sunscreen)] - I'm sorry, but I'll just put on sunscreen. - Put on sunblock because it's precious. I'll be there soon. [(To the point)] I don't think I'll come soon. [(Feeling guilty)] [(Unsatisfactory)] I'm nervous. [(make excuses)] I have to apply it again. [(Flapping) (Slapping)] I can't help it. [(Complaining)] The black mushrooms are bad. If you do this wrong, you'll get skin cancer. That's what they said. [(Finished one lap)] You already went around once? [See?] Sung Kyu doesn't run. [(Cheering team leader Sung Kyu)] Cheer up. Fighting, nice. Faster! Okay, that was good. [(Relaxed)] Sunscreen is ready. [(Oh my)] - Oh, my brother. - Dawn, let's go. I'm done putting on sunscreen. - Let's go. - Hey brother. - I thought about it a lot - Yes. I don't think I should run. Why why? Our show is Workman. - Oh, we have to walk? - Yes. [(King of logic)] That's kind of deceiving the viewers. [(Realized)] Oh, that's right. [(That's right)] We're Workman. We're walking men. [(Team walk in excitement)] Dawn, that is still a job where physical strength is important. That's right. [(How to work out?)] How do you do physical training? - When I run out of energy, - Yes. [(So)] I rest well. - Take a good rest? - Yes. But Kwon Ryeol's breathing sound is so rough? [(Out)] [(Go ahead)] No, come here. [(I'm already wrong)] My one shot. [(Going around once)] [(Laughing)] [(Getting stronger)] It's getting stronger. You're getting stronger. Dawn is good at running. [(Run Dawn)] Where... Where are you going? Dawn is going. Dawn, where are you going? [(About to go home)] The taxi is here. Taxi is here... Please call me. You did a great job. Darwin, let's put the two laps together [(Two laps)] five times in a row. [(Passionate trick)] It's ten laps. A three-kilometer race. [(Team work in excitement 22)] Wow, but it's really tired. [(Stumbling)] [(A bit of conscience)] Should I fill up five laps? [(Let's die together)] But Kwon Ryeol has to run with him. [(Run's eyes)] Show us that as a professional. Let's go, Kwon Ryeol. [(Running)] - Let's go. - Yes. [(You can run!)] [(Logic Kwon Ryeol] Kwon Ryeol, I'm not on the screen. You need to move forward. That's right. [(Kwon Ryeol villain)] You can do it. You were the running man director. [(Run Dawn 22)] - Let's go! - Let's go! [(Sound of mourning)] Dawn, you punk, go slow. Go slow. [(Last lap)] - The last lap. - The last one. - Let's go. - Let's go. [(Can't do it)] I can do it. Where's Kwon Ryeol. [(Hopefully)] Kwon Ryeol is... [(Out 22)] Oh, there.. [Fast and furious] Hey brother. [(Rules of running)] First come, first served. Start! [(Last spurt)] [(Facemaker)] You can do it. You can do it. [(Sun Kyu Crow)] [(They're not in sync anymore)] [(Finished 5 laps)] Yes, applause. [(Every day?)] Wow, but doing this every day gives me goosebumps. That's amazing. [(About to die)] [(Missing?)] Kwon Ryeol, where is he coming from? [(Trudging)] [(Found him breathing)] [Stamina training - interval] [(Why isn't it over?)] Aren't you done with your physical training? [(Section training)] We're going to do interval training. [How to do high-intensity and low-intensity exercises alternately / (Powerful)] Can you do action because you have to do high-intensity training [(Hardcore)] because you have to give explosive power [(Can he do this?)] in a moment? [(Exploding)] I feel like I'm going to explode. [(Bursts out laughing)] Let's go let's go. [(Warming up)] - Then I'll do PT exercises lightly. - Yes. [(High jump with open arms)] One. Two. [(High jump with open arms done)] Ten. Change the steps right away. One, two. [(Step) (Bye)] Three, four, five, [(Tiger butterfly?)] six, seven, eight. [(Flapping) (Flapping)] 10 push-ups. [(Warming up)] 20 sit-ups. [(Up and down)] [(Shaking)] Is this right? [(Dawn's turn)] Nine. [(Looks familiar)] What? Stop for a second. [(No way...)] Since when has Dawn been this pretty? [(Dawn rhyme)] From now on. [(Secret Garden)] [(Interval training)] The whistle will blow, and then [(Soulless)] you can kick it with your foot and leave. He's fast. He's responding fast. [(The youngest members' turn)] Ready, go. [(Adjusting the face)] Three. [(Warming up) (Completed)] [(I'm going first)] At this time. [(Beep) (Beep)] Why are you jumping so high? [(The one who ran)] [(Check)] [(Jumping)] Start. [(Squeak)] [(Stun Gun)] Don't grab your knees. [(Normal)] Don't speak informally. [(Rolling)] We'll do the rolling one. A forward roll. - They roll in a cool way. - That's right. [(Role model)] Where are these guys from? [(Earthquake)] [(Dawn-bling)] I'll do a back roll backwards. Can I do this? [(Rolling)] [(Dawn and Dumber)] [(Gulp)] [(Gulp)] Oh, my. x3 [(My back hurts)] Next, cat fall. [(The basic cat)] It's the basic trick of a stunt. [(Reliable)] I think Eden(?) will do well. [(Saying something else)] Dawn, are you doing well? [(Saying something else 22)] He looks like a cat. A cat. Wait a minute. [(What's that?)] I've lost my trust. It's a cat-falling position. He said "You might be good at it, because you look like a cat" lol What do I need to do now? [(Take a look at me)] Place your foot on this side and put your hand next to that leg. And then, roll forward with your shoulder touching the floor. [He shows again how to do] Roll forward like this [He did it impeccably!] [Quick-learner] [Sung-kyu's turn] Never touch your head on the ground [Now he's going to roll down] Okay! [stumble] [Sung-kyu succeeded] So passionate! Nice, nice Come on, we can do this! [Side falling position] Now we are going to learn how to do side-tumbling. Dawn should find this easy, as he has learned acrobatics before. [swiftly moving] [This is me¬] [Sung-kyu's go] [Is he going to make it?...] [stomp] Okay¬ [Another one / stomp*2] [Please teach me] How did you do this, Dawn? [It's easy!] Just roll down. [There's no tip] Just place the hands to the ground and roll forward. ['So why does it not work for me then?'] Take a look at how I do this and let me know what the problem is. [Fearless] Don't be frightened when you tumble because the mattress will protect you. [Seongyu's second attempt] Phew. Step aside, all of you! Who's going to hold me? - One of you has to protect me! - [Don't worry] I'll hold you, bro! [Far away] [Last tip] Just lift up your toe like when you vow, and then, just tumble to the side. Also, kick the following leg like this. [muttering] I don't think I can do this.. Right leg first Hang on...! [Cheering Dawn] Go, Sung-kyu! Whoo Okay, I'm ready [hesitate] [nervous] [tumble] [success] [Well done] - Was it ok? - You made it! Do you want to try it again? Nah, nah, nah¬! What about hiring a stunt who tumbles for me? [Freestyle] Now we're going to show you our freestyle skill. These are the best freestyle skills. [Helicopter-spin] OMG [Amazing tumbling] [Shock] So now you can show us yours Wait, what do you want us do? Exactly! Nonsense! What can we do? [12:10 pm Learn how to set the action sequence] Before shooting an action scene, [TIP Demo : adjusting the action as the director's preferences before shooting] we have to remember all the single movents. Gotcha, so you set up all these movements, - and sending them to the director - Exactly Then, we have to receive their feedback - So it's the same as performer - Oh, yes. That sounds like it! [Sung-kyu's role] Look at me. When they count to one, [First action, bend down] Bend down [Hit on the back] When you take the hit on the back, stretch up again [Fall to the ground] Then, just fall down to the ground naturally [First action] This is the first movement [Sung-kyu's the first] One! [He's busy protecting himself lol] [bang] Tow [Spring up] [Bad acting] So when you take the hit, [directing] You shouldn't fidget Can you imagine how painful if you got hit by this? [Genius acting] [sexy posture] Ah¬, got it [Second attempt] Action! [Powerless punch] [Bang] [Stomp] Now you can keep laying down What about Deun hitting him this time? [Deun?] You can do this, right? [That's not his name] - His name is not Deun but Dawn - Ah, sorry. Yes, Dawn! [Disappointed] Hey, Dawn. I'm awfully sorry! He goes straight to punish him [Critical] [One shot was enough] [Back to the lesson] Am I going to do different thing now? Yes, let's do something different [TIP Learning how to find out the timing] If there are 10 steps, you have to know which one is yours like 1st, 7th, 8th, 2nd, 6th, 10th. [Timing is crucial] Then, you know when you should step into [2nd action : block the bat/ Dawn's action] This is the first one [Hit the wall] You held it - Keep holding it - Hold this? [Shake off the bat] When I'm going to take this away, [Hitting the belly] you help me hit your belly. - He's pretty good - Well done! Dawn is good at everything! He's the best learner Three and four [Knock down] He seems to fall asleep [doze] [2nd action] Swing the bat like this - Like this? - Dogde like this [Hit] This is the second sequence. [Anthoer tip] The most important thing in the action is [TIP Keep moving is crucial] Not just staying on the same position, but you have to keep moving around. Keep moving during the action scene. Otherwise, the other partner lose their pace. because he needs to wait for the next movement. By the way, when you do acting, do you actually get hit like this? Of course, we do except for face. [TIP the equipments are certifed for the safety] But with the safe tools Also, there are some techniques. You stop the bat just before hitting. [amazing] Wow, really I don't get hurt at all. - Come over here, you should try - I can't believe it. Okay If you hit someone in the reality, You told me, it's not going to be hurt. [You lied to me] Even though we wear the armor around the body, - we can't put any protection around the face - Exactly [Camera Trick] Sometimes we use the camera angle. If this is the main camera, [TIP make things really in a certain angle] I can hit you in this angle. When Ma Dong-Seok in 'The Outlaw' hit someone, people fell down. - So he didn't really hit them, right? - No, he didn't Even not single time What about that scene, then? Smashing the face with kimchi That one was actually hitting the face with kimchi. - Really? - Yes, they did that. [Incredible] [1:15pm Demo scene] It's one of the indian film's scene. [Indian film] In indian film, [Explain the scene] The heroine swing the legendary sword. in a nice bar they start to fight out of the blue. When you see the hero's film, you dream to fly or you dream to get hit like this. You can tell me things like that. Dawn, how do you want to get hit? Something a bit strange would be better. [Indian film's feature] I think Indian people care about how the film is peculiar. Try to use your more imagination. I've got an idea! Since it's Indian film, we can have curry with hands, and smack the face with curry like kimchi smashing. Hey, what about 'Indian smashing' ? [Two idiots] [Anothere one here] The main charaters are hitting the indians on the back like this, [Another silly idea] - Everyone suddenly flies away - like going everywhere? What about everyone dies suddenly? Shout at last 'Indian Bob' like this You look very silly. [Rehersal on] Guys, stand up, let's get ready! Oh, I'm getting nervous now. [Scene #1] Sunita is coming in [TIP Acting along with camera moving and director's indication] - When I get to that point and say 'go', you should move - When you said 'go', right? Stepping back and 'Go' [Now] [1st movement] [Hitting in the air] [Hitting] [3rd action] Okay Next one [4th one] She hit him and now it's your turn Ah, after hitting the wall [5th] Now! [Finale] - Bang - Great job [TIP move to the next step along with camera moving] When I turn around the camera, you dash out [Okay] Lie down and stand up [Scene #2# We're going to the next scene! [(Previous person)] When the previous person comes the most important part [TIP Careful not to get in the way of others] is to not get in the way when the person getting hit backs out It's dangerous to overlap [(Position set)] From here [(Dodge)] and then [(Smacked in the stomach)] [(Smacked on the butt) / (Smacked on the shin)] Okay [(Roll) (Roll22)] You have to roll out [(TAKE2)] I go now Action [(Gil Raim)] Go [(This is the moment)] [(Rushing)] [(Ready)] [(Smack) / (Smack) / (Smack)] [(Acting)] [(Escaping) / (Escaping22)] [(Catch me)] Cut. Let's check [(Monitoring)] [(So much fun)] [(Very funny)] [(Directing)] You have to chase more here [(Adding another shot)] - One more time - But But why do you hit so hard? Are you okay? I think they have something against me [(Method Acting)] [(TAKE2)] [(Small line)[ Come at me Go [(Dead)] [(Revive)[ [(I going in)] [(Bat Ground)] [(Acting his heart out)] Cut [(Proud)] I did some Bollywood Acting [(Bollywood Acting)] [(Wire Action) (Start)] Right on to the wire action [(Tiny jump)] I just have to jump, right? You shouldn't jump all the way [(Pull)] When you feel that you are being pulled [(Understood)] - Then you - Okay [(Acting look)] - Okay - Nice X3 Dawn, you are doing nicely Action [(Throwing his body)] [(Last words)] Mom [(Kim Hyojong)] He is a devoted son Did you know that mom in Indian is pronounced the same as mom in Korean? Really? [(Ad-lib)] That's why I said mom [(Localized)] You said it in Indian right now? [(Touched by the detail)] Yes, of course X2 [(2nd Try)] Ready Action [(Preparing his last words)] - Cut okay - Mom... [(Whining)] I didn't say mom yet [(Don't cut MOM to your will)] [(#Last Scene)] We will do the last cut. Last cut [(Back Smash)] Indian Bop shot [(Finalizing the routes)] Stand up in a circle and jump in on him [(Indian Bbang)] Bop [(Directing how to act)] Just like this Okay [(Ready Action)] Let's go. Shoot [(All prepared to serve)] Action [(Come at me)] You brat Indian [(Overturning the table)] Bop [(Pain as if hit with curry)] [(Thank you for the meal^^77)] [(Failed at holding in her laughter)] [(Filming over)] Cut, okay. You guys did so well [(Premier?)] When can we see this video? [(Rush Hour)] I think just in about an hour? - Are you going to stay and wait for the video? - No - Thank you - Thank you [(Scene Stealer)] It's quite thin [(Price of the envelope needed)] I think we can just resell this [TIP You can't go on field during the 6 months of training, so not paid)] - You expected this, right? - They said trainees are not paid How was it, Dawn? [(Struggle)] I got the thought that [(Respect over Six Pack)] those who use their body to earn money deserves a huge respect They really love their job [(Motivation)] It was motivating for me [(Conclusion)] and not suitable for me How was it for you? After trying it for today [(# New World)] I think the stunts are the main charaters [(Certain)] at least for the action scenes I hope to see more positive moments where the main actors give them their pay [(Full donation)] to those who use [(Cool Situation)] their bodies for them We also work hard day and night [(Touching real story)] for you [(Current time writing subtitles 5:03 am)] Yeah, you guys do work really hard [(Opinion accepted)] Okay, with that in mind [(Could he be?)] I will give [(Throwing the coin)] Dawn's pay for this episode to you guys [(Payment)] Should we do a two-line acrostic poem with action? [(Using what he learned)] Can I get a substitute for this? He is into using substitutes I feel like someone else [(Hidden Singer)] will sing this album for you Act To all our action movie stunts all our production company CEOs and producers - tion - should give them a cool amount of money They work so hard Out stunts fighting! [(Warm ending)] Fighting! [Workman / Post credit scenes us next] [(The video Sungkyu and Dawn didn't watch)] You're here, you brat You brat Indian bop! [WORKMAN 2 / (Not a lullaby)]
Channel: 워크맨-Workman
Views: 817,173
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Keywords: 워크맨, 워크맨2, 스튜디오룰루랄라, 카페알바, 장성규, 후기, 직업리뷰, 아르바이트, 알바, 알바 브이로그, 워크맨 드립, 워크맨 장성규, 알바 면접, 장성규 알바, job, 알바 꿀팁, 알바생, 알바브이로그, 리뷰, 카페 알바, 스턴트맨, 액션배우, 대역, 배우, 영화, 무빙, 액션 영화, 무술 감독, 영화 감독, 슈퍼액션, 오서독스, 와이어 액션, 안 아프게 때리는 법, 안 아프게 맞는 법, 던, 가수 던, 던 신곡, 던 컴백
Id: QXcjQtHPYpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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