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3 days right? hello motion graphic designer Now, the person who applied for a design observation today is 1045pm, which means 10:45. You are on a leave of absence from the Visual Design Department. It is said that you tried to make a poster for the World Cup in 2022. You're practicing Photoshop, but it's a work you made in 3 days. Did you invest 3 days to send a design meddler? I'll see you right away Ah haha; no wait no what is this 3 minutes... 3 days right? If you look again for a moment, it says 3 days. Yes, I like it, I think very generously, so I probably spend most of my time thinking about it. Because if you think about how to make it, it's true, a lot of time goes by. And now you said that it's a visual design department, so I'm not going to comment. As soon as I saw this, I can't even see this Korea well now, but now it's time to show the wording below it again why is this so small When it's time to show it again, I should look more powerful and confident, but why is he so shriveled up... And a little bit of this design concept now has grass in it, right? betel Rather than a poster, it feels a bit like card news right now, but I want it to clearly feel like soccer. So, I'm thinking of overturning this design altogether. I'll start meddling right away to see how it should be changed. Well, first of all, I'm not going to take the grass as a concept. Then it will definitely look like a poster, right? Actually, it's good to make it simple by using an image. In fact, when I make a poster with a photo, it gives off a somewhat obvious feeling. No, it's not that I'm making something really great. So, I'll do a Google search like Heung-Min Son's Back. As for why I'm doing it from the back, I'm going to do it from the back to show the back number better. So let's look at it a bit. Um, feeling a little nauseous? I will draw a character based on a pose like ‘I won’ and ‘I have confidence’, ‘I will show you’. So, based on that picture, I will make a simple sketch in Photoshop. If Son Heung-min and a soccer ball enter, it will feel like a soccer poster, right? So I draw a picture in the same pose as it is In fact, at first, it's good to just roughly grasp the pose or what kind of feeling it will be drawn. Now, you can draw a rough drawing similar to Son Heung-min's pose. You don't really need to draw very well. What's my picture anyway? not world class Yes, just a little bit of Gwangjin-goo class..? So, if the overall pose of Son Heung-min came out like this, try changing the layout little by little. And since the shape is a bit disappointing, I personally use an effect called Liquify to make the proportions a little prettier. By adjusting the position of the buttocks in this way, I also reduced the size of the head to make the legs feel a little more curved. Were you guys born in 2002? The dream that was written then comes true This is now a dream come true again in 2022 I think it would be nice to do it a little bit like this So I'm just grabbing a guide, so I'll just lay it out like this. Now, applicants, there was a word for Korea now. I will also put in a slightly bigger size for 2022 Korea. It's also a guide, so I'll just draw it roughly like this. Yes, and now I'll give you some brief information on when and when the Qatar World Cup will start. how about it? If this is enough, what will the result be now? Can you get a rough idea? Now, then, hold on to things like your hair and mouth that you couldn't express in detail or express yourself in a little bit more detail. Draw in a little more detail the folds of clothes or the patterns on pants or socks. Now, I'm going to put this main word 2022 Korean font. Actually, this applicant's font was too much, right? I think it would be ok to put a slightly neat font here. In fact, that's what design always removes. So I finished the sketch with a little minimalistic font. so now Now, I've done this a lot, but it's just a refinement. I keep drawing the line like this If the lines are not drawn well in this way, you can use the smoothing function to draw neatly by drawing again. you have to try a lot That way you can draw clean lines. I keep doing the cleanup like this. Now, how do you feel when the cleanup work is finished? looks very neat Now, before coloring, I will make a color palette. Actually, when I was looking for this national soccer team uniform, I couldn't think of anything but red color, so I put red color the most weight and sprinkle several colors on the palette like this. I decide which color to use and then fill in the skin color first. Now, by the way, I actually just made this skin skin color, but it felt so obvious, so I made it blue to match Jonkova's style. Not a zombie, not an avatar Also, don't we have both red and blue in our Korean Taegeukgi? That's how I color it, and I throw in a lot of color as a whole. You have to grab the big chunk first. You can complete the design by matching your tone and atmosphere. I also change your background to blue color. It's really cool, right? Yes, and then when there is a sense of lumpiness, I express things like shadows and highlight details little by little. Then, the completeness of the picture and the completeness of this character will go up even further. And just draw the hair It seems like it was rough, but something like a writer Now, if you have a lot of characters and colors all over, now you can change the font and color a bit. Actually this is the most important In the end, the design of the character or whatever should be able to hook at a glance, right? So, I checked the fonts again and cleaned things up by adjusting the color, kerning, and position. And then the applicant really liked JANDI. I put the grass in yellow, but I added little by little that the grass fluttered, giving it a dynamic feeling. Then in the end That's how soccer poster design meddling is complete :) How were you? Images are showing up right now, but seeing the Before & After work process, you know how clearly this should feel like a football poster or card news, right? Now, I sincerely thank 1045pm for having the courage to apply like this. chair design observer If you freely apply for design, video, or motion graphics, I will work hard again like this. I'll cut your bones Thank you for watching. See you next time with good content. It was johnkova Uh, actually, I applied for this story in March. After 6 months... yes sorry Even so, I am always working on applications that are so old.
Channel: JohnKOBA Design
Views: 146,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 존코바, 디자인참견러, 디참, 포토샵, 어도비, 손흥민, 축구, 축구디자인, 손흥민그리기, 2022월드컵, 포샵, photoshop, design, designer, 디자이너
Id: N5ds_aAGGkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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