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Today. This is something we have to touch whenever we talk about a conspiracy theory, It's about Area 51, the center of the conspiracy. Area 51. On September 20, 2019, people from all over the world gathered in the desert of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. They were trying to identify the aliens and UFOs in Area 51. In fact, the place called 'Area 51' is. It's a place that no one can easily access. This is a top secret military base made by the US military. It's a military base. Military base? Area 51 is divided into research complexes. The only place there was ever any alien technology was at Site S4, south of Area 51. That was 30 years ago. S4 moved decades ago and it's no longer being used for the project. This is an interview with a man with an assumed name 'Dennis' in 1989, and his real name was Bob Lazar. He said that he did a research on UFOs in a news interview, It was a shocking disclosure. Right there? So he's saying that what's known as Nellis Air Force Base is actually called Area 51, he's a physicist who worked in Site 4, did UFO research and saw aliens. So Bob Lazar majored in physics and electronics at MIT, and before working in Area 51, he worked for a famous research institute that developed a nuclear bomb for the first time. And the reporter who reported it. He did a tremendous verification for about eight months. How did he do that verification? First of all, Bob Lazar knew specific information that could not be gained without working in the field, and to make things sure. They did lie detector tests about four times. And he passed all of them. All of them. When we try to reveal someone's personal information, there's the first thing we do. What is it? We verify his or her educational background and career. Exactly. He say he graduated from MIT. But none of the MIT graduates that year was named Bob Lazar. If he got a Ph.D., there must be a doctoral dissertation. That's right. But there is no record of dissertation, either. In fact, he graduated from a two-year college in Los Angeles, and his grades at high school were quite low. So, what he said about MIT was a lie. Yes, he lied. What she said right now. The fact. It was the biggest reason for the disclosure. Oh really? What he said was. I found out that all records of my identity were lost or manipulated. Then I appeared on the broadcast because I was afraid that my body would disappear too. If I become famous, the government won't be able to do anything to me. That's why he disclosed it? He also released the access card and pay stub, which he claims to have received while working in Area 51. It says the amount he received is USD 958? It's about USD 1,000. USD 1,000. Well, considering that he was researching the nation's top secrets. It's a small amount. And there are a lot of things that he had to be quite about. So it's actually very dangerous. There are some dangerous things. He's talking too confidently. He's saying that what he saw was true. Whenever we talk about aliens and UFO. He is like. An icon. And such a person made a comeback? Some people take that documentary as a smoking gun, and a conspiracy about Area 51 is blooming again like this. However. Bob Lazar made a revelation in 1989 and then, went to court. On charges of arranging prostitution. He even sentences of probation and psychotherapy. But could that actually change Bob Lazar's career. Something like that. In fact, his career. It's just a claim by him. I didn't show you everything, and Bob Lazar's name and phone number are in the telephone directory of the lab employee where Bob Lazar claims to have worked. Also, before the revelation, Bob Lazar was introduced in a newspaper, and at that time, he was also introduced as a physicist working in a laboratory. He says that he saw the 115th element. 115th element? And the 115th element is the thrust of UFOs. He said like this very specifically. At the time of 1989, only 109 elements had been discovered. What's surprising is that after 14 years or so, in 2003, it was revealed that there was actually 115th element. After Bob Lazar's revelation, there's a lot of eyewitness reports on UFOs near Area 51. So people ask the government for the truth, but the government is always silent. Then in 2013, the CIA released a confidential document. Oh my gosh, I'm surprised. Please come in. Hello. Hello. Please have a sit. He's the one who'll help me with my story today. Maeng Seong. Ryul. Professor Maeng Sung-Ryul. All right, let's see. The document you're looking at was obtained through such a procedure. Yes. In the 1950s, it was used as a secret training base for U2 aircraft, which was famous for spying during the Cold War era, and test flights of other fighters and bombers were also conducted here. This is what they say. That's more like a perfunctory answer. Right. They tried to get away, right? Anyway, there are a lot of people who say they saw UFO or alien. I don't think all of those people are lying or making up words. There is a person named John Lear. John Lear? Lear? He is one of them. But the obvious thing is that John Lear is saying that. Bob Lazar, who we've seen now, also claims that something happened anyway. I think you know this. This is known as Santili Film. Oh, what's this? Gosh. In 1995, it was broadcast live with a title "Is the alien anatomy true?" On Force TV in the U.S. Experts, including director Spielberg, expressed their position that this video had not not fabricated. The very famous UFO case is the Roswell case. The Roswell case? It happened in 1947. That video. It has something to do with it. There was an official announcement by public information officer of the military. They said that he crashed remains of the flying saucer had been recovered. So there was an uproar. The Associated Press and media reported it, but it was found to be misreport the next day. In fact, they said it was a weather balloon, not a UFO. And around that time there was a hospital near Roswell. Some of the people on duty were aware that some of those dead bodies, some of which are presumed to be aliens, were carried. Coincidentally, it was the year when the CIA was founded. Year 1947. Some people thought that such an institution was created because there is something to hide. That Roswell Report was published around 1994. There was a secret project to monitor the Soviet nuclear test. And they explain that it is something that landed in Roswell. Because it's. Military secret? Yeah, they seemed to be saying that "I'm sorry, but don't get it wrong", something like that. So what about the Roswell case? There was a public information officer. Who was deeply involved when they announced that the flying saucer fell off, and reversed the announcement. Yeah. Walter Hout. Later on, he started some business in the Roswell area. And that business was. UFO Museum. He set up a research center. And later, when he died, he inherited it to his daughter. The town of Roswell is very rural. So there's no economic industry or anything like that. As the UFO case became famous, Roswell became a sacred place. And a tourist attraction. That's why a lot of people visit Roswell now. Maybe that is the reason. For commercial reason? Yeah, I guess there's that aspect, too. I prepared something too. Please take a look at this. That's what we saw earlier. If you look at it like this, doesn't it look like a special effect and fake? It was an expert of special effect sculpting who made the alien in that picture. In fact, he confessed that he had created an alien mockup for Santili without anyone knowing. It means the alien in the Santili film in 1947. The alien in the Santili film is a mockup. He said that he had made the mockup. So people asked Santili about this, and demanded to check it out. Then, what Santili said was that he had bought the original film of an autopsy of the alien who fell in Roswell in 1947. Santili also said that it was damaged, so he replicated it as he remembered it. As a fake. By the way, professor. Why do UFOs only appear in United States? Do they only deal with the United States? Not necessarily. I think the national sentiment of US is very different from other countries. Professor, you're researching UFOs. Then do you believe that UFOs really exist? I changed my mind while researching UFOs. In my past research on UFOs, I used to focus on psychological, mythical or religious aspects. As I continued my investigation. Now I think that there is something that cannot be explained very clearly at our scientific level. In this way, I'd like to leave some room. I have a poster here. Remember the American drama 'X-File'? Oh, right. This is the poster of X-File. It's kind of a slogan. Want to believe? Here' they say 'I want to believe', not 'I believe'. Whenever we make a choice. Regarding the unidentified flying object or alien. I'm sure it's a slogan that reminds us of. That's correct. The earth we live in is like a dust in the universe. And someone said that if we're the only living things in the universe, it's a huge waste of space. Yes, it is. I believe there must be living things somewhere else. There's room for that. And while all of this may actually be an absurd conspiracy theory. The Roswell case, Area 51, etc. They gave a huge inspiration to plenty of science fictions. It's true. They surely did. They make you imagine. They influenced each other. If it exists, I hope that it is not a creature that is too scary or poses a threat to humans. That's what I think. There are more than 170 pieces of bone. In the middle of Seoul. Massacre. Isn't he/she a doctor? It was cut with a neat side. Serial killer. It's a bit different from Yoo Young-cheol's signature. What do you think is there? A story that has never been revealed. There has been a murder on a very different level.
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Id: qobfBvCSCBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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