다시보는 런닝맨 레전드!! 최강헌터 최민수 메뚜기사냥 모음 2편!! 《런닝맨 / 모았캐치 / 스브스캐치》

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<오류 또는 용어의미 불확실, 창탁> You want me to stay here? What about Jongkook? Why me? Kwangsoo and Jihyo are all here. What? What's with smog? Hello? What the hell. Isn't it something scary? This is very. Who's that? Is it a guest? Hi, locust. How long have you been called by the name Yoo Jaeseok. It's Minsu. Running Man hunting. Please call me to the Running Man one more time within two months. The locust hunt. The two months you've been expecting passed. And it's the third month. I appear in your shadow quietly when you are most careless. Whether it's a broadcast, entertainment, or Running Man, it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter. I'm not sure how far it'll go. The other members of Running Man, who are now your brothers, are all locked up in their own rooms. You have to find them one by one and free them. Everyone has to escape with a car installed. But there is a lock on the door of the car and there is a password. Only four of each six brothers have the number. If you unwrap a colleague without a number, it will lead to a very unfavorable situation for you. Today, I chose two friends who were especially suspicious. Let's start the locust hunt. What. There's no battery. There's only 5% left, oh, my God! The phone's not working. Work, phone. But the short code here, oh, Jongkook called. Hey Gary, what happened, where are you. I'm in the basement, I'm locked up, tied up in a rope. Hey, what's going on. Is Jaeseok coming to save us? What's going on? You know I'm not good at guessing. That's right. Oh, my. How am I supposed to find it in this big place, it's my first time. What are you talking about. Oh my gosh. Why are you being so scary. Hey, who is he. Oh my gosh. What's this. Anybody? Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What happened. I was scared. Hey, did you see Minsu? What? Did you see Minsu? What does that mean? Do you have any number or something? Did you hide the number or something in your body? I don't know. What's it. I have to memorize the number, it's 7. Then of course I have to save you. Oh, right now. Brother. Why? Minsu is here? Yes! Minsu? Minsu wears a mask and runs after us. It's Minsu, Minsu, Minsu. Don't move. I'll stay put. Don't move. I thought it was a movie. Why did you dress up so scary. I almost died, really. Once upon a time, there was a village where a tiger lived. But a locust came in there. Yes? Understand why I'm doing this. Yes, I got it. A locust came into the mountain where a tiger lives alone. We could live together. Yes, we lived together, one day, other animals were scared of the tiger and avoided it, but the locust forgot about it. The locust? He thought he was scarier. Then. I'm sorry. I've forgiven it. There's a misunderstanding. Listen to the last one. Go ahead. I hate cheaters the most in this world. I hate cheaters the most. One, two, three, go. Are you crazy? I'm sorry. Hunting locusts. Misunderstanding. Just a minute. Okay. I'll tickle you. One minute is too long. I feel like I'm going to die, I'm sorry. Is this enough? Yes. Jaeseok. I'm gonna let you out of here again. What? Until you die all night. This is driving me crazy! Close your eyes. Don't open them. Next time. Okay. You're being caught again? Yes. I'll prepare another menu. You can just let me out, this is harder. Don't say anything, stay still. Children's song preparation. Children's song! Don't open your eyes. Yes, sir. Why is the song broken? Around the neighborhood. I can't do this. I can't do this. he's really tickling for a minute! I'm really ticklish. You lost a life. There are three more. We didn't decide it. Then who. Who could it be? I think it's Minsu. There's a guest, just the atmosphere, it's Holmes, Jirok Holmes. Jaeseok! Help me! Who are you? Hey! I'm going crazy. Why, what happened, what is this. Hey, Minsu is. What? What are you doing? What do you mean. What is this, what's wrong with me. He's a little weird? Minsu said there are two people whose name tags I can't take off, they don't have the password. 4 people have passwords and 2 people don't. DANGER. It's you, it's you. It's you, it's you. What's this. Oh, what. Hey, where's Lee Kwangsoo. Oh. It's so hard to run around. That's a lot better. Hey! Hey. Hey, Kookjong. Hey. I'm going crazy. What are you doing. You, Minsu. Do you know Minsu is here? Minsu? Hey, right now. Really? Hey, Minsu is here. I expected but did he come because he said he'll catch the grasshopper? Come here, This is not the time. Hey, I was very suspicious of you? You rip it? Yeah, I rip it, Hurry up! You're a danger! I told you not to do it because I'm suspicious! Why didn't you listen to me. What perfume. Watch out for this footrest, I'm going to break it. Oh, Gary! Hey, hey. Gary's not here! Hey! I found this place, I was just going to pass by. What happened to you? Hey, Gary, Minsu is here, Minsu is here. Don't lie to me! Minsu is here. Do you know what it says on your face? What does it say? Acting, You're acting right now. If you go to the underground parking lot with four passwords, there is a car with a number. Yeah, look at this. Where is it right now. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. The door was through, the door was through! Shh. The reality is different from the movie, There's a hole in the door. The movie is made because there is reality. Where are you dragging, No, where are you dragging me? No, please. No, please. This is so different from reality, Normally, there should be a place to run away? And I heard the door clicking in the next room. There's probably no place in here for a betrayer like you to hide and run. Minsoo. Did you betray or not. I did touch your back. What is touch in English? Touch is English. What is this? A scorpion. Huh? It's a scorpion. Who am I. A tiger. I'm a scorpion today. No, you said tiger. Be quiet, You talk too much, today I'm a scorpion. You said tiger earlier. This is the second time. Why are you making the sound of a tiger when you're a scorpion? It bounces back and forth. I'll be on my way then. Yes. How many lives are left? Two. Don't run. I'm faster than you. One, two, three. Can't you just take it off? Just run, 1, 2, 3! No, but. Run! One, two, three! Oh, my pride hurts. I'll hang you on a tree at the end. Hang me on a tree? Yes. Your beard is so painful on my neck. You scared me, You scared me. Jihyo, the situation is that I'm being chased by Minsu. Now? You didn't know? Oh, really. It's the grasshoper catching day. It's not time for you to laugh. There's a password on the back. Here it is, Jihyo 4. The last number is 4. I'm here to get water, I'm here to get water. I'm here after the smell. Perfume smell? Oh, the smell of this perfume. Your perfume smells strong. Come here, Where are you going. Minsoo, please, why are you doing this to me. I hate people who betray me the most. How many times are you saying that. I have a question. What is it There are two left? But the one on your back is the last size right now. I think it's the last one. One is missing. I think the production team is pulling a prank. What kind of prank. There are two left, right? Come over here. Me? Come here. It's not there. You can just take this off. I knew it. Who did this. Did you know that? Jaeseok. The next special is Running Man VJ Hunting. You seem to hunt too often. It's growing on me. It's a PD hunting. If I catch you last, I swear. I envy you because you hang out with Minsu, You're not scared? There's the last name tag left. Why don't you and I do it with full force? I'm already using full force. Running Man Hunter Disappears into Darkness. You drink it. I don't want. Are you really drinking all? Hey, I was just playing. It's the last game! Let's go. Help me! Didn't I already come here? What! How am I supposed to know someone is in here. How am I supposed to know someone is in here. I've been here for five hours. I've been here for five hours, Hey, Jaeseok, please. What happened. I have one more life. What happened to you. What? A password? It's 0. It's here, Hurry up, come. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! What happened. Lock the door, Lock the door! Come on, come on, come on! Hey, I thought I was going to die today. What are you doing. Hurry up! Hurry up! Oh my gosh. Hey, seriously. Running Man Grasshopper Hunting is over! Oh, my legs are giving out. Oh, my legs are giving out. So scary, the ultimate fear. There's no more, This can't be real. Great job, Gary. Yes, thank you for your hard work. I'm going to disappear. I didn't lose. Why? He didn't take off my name tag. He didn't take off my name tag. He didn't take off my name tag. So what happens? Then what happens, Who wins? Get in the car, Get in the car, Get in now! Going again? Where do you think you're going, I forgot something. This is really. I made a mistake, End! Jaeseok is crying, Jaeseok is crying. It's scary, right. I was so surprised. He just left. Oh, really? Home? Minsu went home? He just left because he had achieved his goal. Did he just leave? If I say this, Minsu will get angry again, just watch? You let him win. No? What is it. It's not that. Minsu. 1 win, 1 loss. You guys blame me. Let's start the game now. Do you want to know who I am? Oh! Help me!
Channel: SBS Catch
Views: 3,396,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 스브스캐치, 런닝맨, 스브스캐치 런닝맨, 런닝맨 최민수, 최민수, 런닝맨 레전드, 최민수 런닝맨, 최민수 김종국, 런닝맨 최민수 유재석, 런닝맨 최민수 김종국, 런닝맨 이광수, 런닝맨 유재석, 런닝맨 메뚜기사냥, 최민수 메뚜기사냥, 최민수 유재석
Id: myV9lonNoOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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