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Hello~ Hello… Hello So cute! <Sung Harang, 9> Do you know who I am? I don’t You don’t? What’s your name? <Woo Jeonghu, 10> I’m Lee Taemin Shake hands? Yeah You’re like a celebrity <Kim Minseo, 13> <Kim Minseo, 13> No, no I’ve watched this before What do you do? I’m Minho from SHINee <Na Haeun, 11> Uncle Minho Do you know? Nope! Do you not watch TV? Only sometimes You don’t know “Amazing Saturday”? I know Key.. Yeah I’m in that show Key? I’m the one who guesses the lyrics well Ah, you’re Key! Do I look different on screen? Have you seen me singing and dancing? Yes Like when you got the right answer and dance.. No, no Not in a variety show 6th grade? Yes So that means 2008..? No 2009 So born in 2009? Yes My debut was in 2008 Oh, wow… That was a quick reality check So, there’s a team called SHINee I’ll show you what songs we sang Let’s take a look Yes This one’s for the right… So, I’m like… an uncle, right? Or am I almost like her dad? May I ask your age? Age.. I’m 33 Oh, then… Uncle… I guess… So uncle? Yes Let’s see So that’s when I was 16 That’s when we debuted In 2008 which is 1 year before you were born So we debuted with a song called <Replay> Older sister’s pretty? Yeah What do you think of the title? It’s like complimenting others Oh there’s a clip This is embarrassing Can I not look at this? <Here we come shiny boys…> <The rising star of 2008!> This is actually our debut stage Which one’s you? You see? in the middle? Middle? Yeah Are you the boss? That’s me Oh! Oh oh For real? But you look younger now Really? That’s 13 years ago… Wow… Wow, that’s so long ago I was so nervous then My mom and dad were sitting right in the front How is it? Old-fashioned… It’s an old school vibe Old school vi.. So.. Doesn’t that mean it’s out of style? Not at all! Retro! Retro! Yes yes Alright Well, that was just our debut stage Right! There’s a lot more to go and plenty of time to talk So, let’s see… Ah, <Amigo>… What do you think ‘Amigo’ means? Amigo? It’s an abbreviation Oh, really? Do you want to try making an acrostic poem? With Amigo? With Amigo?! ‘A’ Anywhere ‘Mi’ Maze-like ‘Go’ High-schooler? Did that make sense? It stands for ‘falling in love with a beautiful woman will give you a hard time’ That’s how funny our team was! Met you, fell in love… This is ancient… So you see that Abspreman (absolutely precious man) You’ve never heard of such thing, right? Absolutely pretty man..? You were close Is this when you were in your teens? This is when I was in 9th grade Who are all these people? They’re our fans You had so many fans! Oh wait! I think I know You saw him somewhere, right? That show! Wasn’t he in <Amazing Saturday>? Right right <Amazing Saturday>! Yay I was right! Why did you look at me just now? Key is my favorite in <Amazing Saturday> This thought ‘I can’t believe I met you’… So sudden? Is that why you’re nervous unlike the usual? Yes This is a song called <Juliette> Look This is us performing for the song called <Juliette> Oh your hairstyle… Everyone’s… That’s cool That was a mess The one with blue afro-hair his eyes are so sparkly! Ah, Taemin You know hopeless love That was our album concept Why always love… That’s because love… Oh I got goose bumps What’s this? What’s this? What’s this? The first place? Oh~ You won the first place That’s me I was so shocked at that time Who’s this? That’s one of our members Uncle Jonghyun I think it would have been a mixture of emotions It feels so weird Since I haven’t seen these for long… Must have reminded you of old memories Yes Really… Year 2009 Now this is the year when you were born Wow! I can see the growth Do you know ‘SAT forbidden song’? Since the song is so addictive that you can’t concentrate while studying people began to call this song ‘SAT forbidden song’ It’s because if you listen to this song once, Ah? then the song hovers around in your head the whole time <Ring-Ding-Dong>? Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong Ding-ding-dong -It’s addictive -It’s addictive -That's right I’ll be singing this on and on when I get back home Ring-ding-ding It’s so unique This is also before you were born Is there any song that came out after I was born? Of course! A lot! Well, let’s first, um, listen to <Lucifer>, the one that came out before your birth That’s me Oh… Strange Is this you with long hair or wearing wig? Wig So the fake hair… You look so much better now Do you actually feel encouraged when you listen to your fans -cheering and all that? -Oh you could hear that all It’s amazing Back then we were quite popular It might be more than what you’d expect Yeah I’m not like Yeah But from what I see now… It seems very unique Oh, finally! This came out after you were b, born! Like when you were 2 years old “SHINee is Back” Uh? SHINee’s back? Ah, yeah that same song in <Amazing Saturday>! How are the dance moves? They’re novel Novel? It’s cool, right? Like this as you walk Do it now Here? Yes Like this Like hopping almost Yes yes yes! But, Ah right right This song was the most difficult to sing and dance I had to practice so much that that’s the only thing I can remember about this song <Sherlock> was a really well-organized song, I would say If I had seen this performance when I was four, I would have thought that it’s really amazing Ah! Not that it’s not amazing now, it was even better yeah.. Is that so? Yes How about this? I like it Oh really?! Yeah I like it But I can’t tell who’s who This is <Dream Girl> This was released in the year that you were born 2013? Yes Wow No way You’re carrying around something Is that a golf club? Mike Wearing flower-patterned pants… Do you think this is trendy? Yes! Not like what grannies would wear? I guess it’s vintage then! That’s me Ah! So until now you haven’t recognized me? I was looking for you You were? You’re really good at singing This song is really exciting Exciting?! The first time! I could sing along looking at the lyrics Does it seem different? A little A little different? This is Uncle Key! Haeun must have been paired up with Key 3 years ago It seems very recent It does? Yes It’s different from before Like the clothes This is really recent One person’s missing though Yes, one person’s missing Who? Why? Left the group? Uh… It’s uncle Jonghyun Um... He’s not well… Ah Then he’s not a bad uncle Yes, he’s not a bad uncle He’s a good uncle Good uncle… So, this song is called <Good Evening> So like… That’s what I had in mind… when I put this album together That was the first time we performed on the stage, just four of us How’s the song? Um... Very touching That’s how it seems to you… Wow so good at dancing How was this song? Great! Oh, was it? Yes So I guess you like the recent ones The old ones are more old-fashioned? No, no No, no That just came out wrong You liar! As soon as the clip began you were like old-fashioned… It’s been recorded by the cameras They’ll cut out those parts What was your favorite among the ones we saw today? This one <Lucifer>? Yes Really? It’s really my style You like powerful stuff don’t you Actually soon our new song is going to be out and it’ll be very strong and powerful How is it? You enjoying it? Do you like it? Yes Thank god I’ll send you the album So, you’ve watched all our songs from our debut in 2008 to now How was it? I think you tried hard It was amazing Amazing? Yes Could you tell that we tried hard? Yes Did you have a hard time? A little? But now that I think back, I was small, immature, so, I felt stressed out I often felt stressed out Well, it was my first time appearing on TV and I was afraid of the public’s attention Was that too complicated? That was even before when I was born So, it’s natural that I don’t get it That’s so right! This isn’t all, right? I have solo albums Solo? Yeah So if I were to pile up the albums, it’s going to be this much My uncle is in his thirties and he is single We have to finish up soon Oh really? Oh.. I was a little worried in the beginning because I’m not a good talker I think you’re sociable Isn’t it the opposite? Not at all~ For sure? Yes! Thank you I feel much encouraged after talking with you How was it to spend time with me today? The best day ever The best day? Who do you like the most in SHINee? Uncle Key I know right? I want you to look for me and my clips on Youtube What’s my name? Minho What about our team? SHINee! SHINee SHINee!
Channel: odg
Views: 11,276,923
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Id: vDY23Bi5Rjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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