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[Music] there we go and Bree oh Bree oh we called you you know you're talking to you a lot of green I'm not talking to you puppy it's absolutely stunning it's such a good souvenir oh there's nice pictures of us too yeah you want me to make you some stuff from here you don't mind blubber bacon cream alfredo Worcester cream steak look at that I think I want this you want vegan operator and steak double double the meat all the meat is that okay yeah okay cream [Music] cream [Music] like what about me you too I love you too puppy do you do no no you don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now it's yummy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] all right cool yeah foreign foreign [Music] oh my gosh this looks so good oh you're gonna roll this song oh my gosh I am getting spoiled here hell yeah watch baby this is no joke yes please summer is here [Music] wow I don't want you two weeks ago come on come on [Music] um can I take some steak too yeah yeah please do yeah [Music] whiskey Cheers Cheers thank you come on well this steak is perfect wow oh yeah oh my gosh always in taste the whiskey sweet smokiness that's so good and the sauce wow hmm Kirby thank you so much this like two dishes at once supposed appreciate it oh this pasta is so good so creamy I love it no yeah that's what I wanted how do you feel making recipes from your book that's about to come out I'm so nervous anxious just so you don't know how it's gonna do I mean the recipes are so good though no which is your favorite recipe to make from your book huh I'm really nervous huh thinking about it what makes you most nervous today you get the same ingredients same weight of yeah 10 people at the same time they're okay at the same time they all turn out different even though I spent so much time making the weights all that stuff and sometimes all some of the recipes that worked less time in the other house this house it takes longer and vice versa it's so hard to like give them perfect balance yeah tell me I was just worried that people bang his song I'm Gonna disappointed on me you know come here and cooking is you know cooking is all about experience and trying practice on Josh Kingman finding the wrong taste in your own style I'm barbecuing I think your recipes make cooking well about as accessible as it possibly can be I'm proud of you I'm comfortable you're gonna find me something that looks gonna do well um [Music] well I am excited what's your favorite recipe from your book have you already oh your salmon [Music] steak oh anything you do with salmon is so good you make it look so easy too [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: 국가비 Gabiekook
Views: 618,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DjM1U-3c1Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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