龍年選股必看!連續十年賺不停的好公司!| #上流投資術 EP89 #財訊

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Hello everyone, I am Shang Qinglin and I am Liu Zhiming. Welcome to Upstream Investment Techniques. Recently, geopolitics has become a little weird and changeable. Many investors must be confused, so today we are going to talk to you about the largest allocation of Taiwanese stocks in the past 10 years. The most good companies and then reply to the message of the consortium in the previous episode. In 2023, under the attack of interest rate hikes, inflation and geopolitical conflicts, the market generally believes that there should be a moderate recovery in 2024 because interest rates may be cut , but there are still some noises, so Zhiming Brother, how do you want to look at the operation in 2024 ? In fact, recently the Taiwan stock market is due to the Lunar New Year holiday. Although many US stocks have hit new highs , the Taiwan stock market does not seem to be keeping up , but it is not very strong. The strongest one is TSMC. Of course, the others are If a company with a special theme goes up , after all, it is not a strong bull trend, so investment friends feel that they are making money but not making much money, and they seem to be stuck there , unless you buy TSMC at 570-580 yuan. TSMC may feel that it is quite good . In fact, the U.S. stock market has hit a new high. In theory, we should hit a new high. But now, because of the relationship between the years ago, the funds have been somewhat ebbing . I think it should be after the Lunar New Year that there will indeed be a wave of follow-up. So, In theory, if a red market opens, the opportunity is huge . Of course, if the global stock market hits a new high, don’t think that it will keep going up. Many foreign investment managers also say that your current speculation on U.S. technology stocks may also cause damage to the U.S. stock market for decades. Of course, we must remain vigilant about the biggest crash , and don’t say that it will collapse if people think it will. Because many masters say that it will collapse in 10 years , but the stock market has risen for 10 years . If the focus is how you deal with it after it happens, that is the most important thing. Predicting what will happen in the future, of course, Taiwan stocks will have the opportunity to keep pace with US stocks hitting new highs in the future . What kind of investment is safer and more prudent to decide at this time ? Of course, we may find, for example, that the average EPS in the past 10 years has been more than 10 yuan, which is equivalent to Companies with good profits are then followed by stable companies with profit margins of over 7% in 10 years . In fact, these companies should have been cleaned up and down after the great fluctuations in the past 10 years . In fact, they are quite stable companies. So when the stock market is not good, the chance of investing in such companies is actually not very big . In this issue of our financial news, we have helped you find good companies that have earned 10 shares in 10 years , and there are 28 of them . Are there any good materials? Please share them with Brother Zhiming. You are welcome to join the financial news channel. Membership supports financial news, the most knowledgeable financial media about investment. We will update the program every week to help everyone track global political and economic trends and understand industry conditions. At the same time, 2024 This year is also the 50th anniversary of Financial Information. Whether you are a channel member or leave a message to sponsor the program, you can support us to continue to bring you wonderful content. Everyone knows that Largan Lighting is the company with the most profit in the Taiwanese stock market (EPS). EPS is 100 - More than 200 yuan. In the past, when Largan was in good condition, the number of mobile phone lenses increased from 1 to 2 to 3 or maybe 4 for more powerful ones. But it was close to saturation at that time . Largan’s stock price rose from 100 yuan to 6,000 yuan and then Then it dropped from 6,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan. But now there is a new model because Apple and Huawei began to introduce periscope lenses. The introduction of periscope lenses of course requires better image quality . In the future, when you add AI functions to mobile phones, Of course, if you want the pixels to be fine in every detail, the AI ​​will operate more smoothly. So when it comes to the new wave of changes in periscope specifications , Largan should actually be the best company in the world to manufacture periscope lenses. It is estimated that this year’s situation is to challenge the opportunity to exceed 3,000 yuan. The chance is very high. I think this is a company that is worth looking forward to. The past stock king has returned to prosperity . The other one is Taiwan’s MediaTek, which is of course the most important IC design in Taiwan. The company ’s biggest feature is that its AI mobile phone chips like Dimensity 9300 and Dimensity 9400 have performance that surpasses Qualcomm’s other MediaTek. The most important thing is that it actually cooperates very closely with TSMC . TSMC actually provides the best chips that can be used in mobile phones to MediaTek for OEM manufacturing , so there is no problem with its production capacity. Therefore, MediaTek especially has business opportunities in the Olympics under this trend. Everyone has a higher chance of changing their mobile phones. It was better last year , so in fact, the EPS legal person estimated that it has the ability to earn 5 shares, so I think MediaTek's upward trend may continue to even a whole year, so I think we should pay attention to MediaTek now. The point is also very good. Another one is high-speed transmission . Of course, everyone knows that whether it is AI, mobile phones, AI PCs, there will be more demand. The IC design company in Taiwan that is more powerful in high-speed transmission is Parade. In fact, it also earns more than 2 shares every year. Then everyone’s expectations for its growth this year are also very high. There is a chance that EPS is at 39 yuan. In fact, the growth is quite good. In addition, in the area of ​​AI servers, you may pay attention to server manufacturing companies such as Quanta Wistron and Gigabyte , but the most important ones are like Chuanhu is the best at the guide rail part of the server , so its revenue last year had a slight decline. But after the Year of the Dragon, its revenue should actually grow faster than everyone thinks . There are legal persons. It is estimated that its revenue this year may increase from 5 billion last year to 8 billion this year , so its EPS may challenge around 38 yuan, so its growth is also good. I think this is worthy of everyone's special attention. Then I will add Investment friends will definitely see these high-performance companies and say that these are all worth more than 1,000 yuan. Investment friends, you can look back at last year when foreign investors published a report on the seven technology giants. The seven technology giants increased by 75% last year, beating the average of the S&P500. Then the average of the remaining 493 stocks only increased by 6% , so it should be said that funds will now become more and more concentrated in these good companies. There is also an obvious phenomenon in Taiwan. Have you suddenly discovered that the thousand-dollar stock kings seem to be getting more and more popular? In the past , there may have been only one level , which was the thousand-dollar stock king , and then there were no others. Now, it may have exceeded 10 levels. In the future, funds may become more and more concentrated in these good companies with excellent performance. In fact, if we look at the EPS, it has been 10 consecutive times. If you look at many companies that earn more than 1 share capital per year, their stock prices are very high. They are either 500 yuan, close to 1,000 yuan , or even thousands of yuan . In fact, if you look at the state of the technology industry next year, if you don't follow If it is related to AI, it will be difficult for you to have good performance. The stronger the connection with AI, the more powerful the company is. Of course, its dreams and growth may be higher than everyone thinks , especially the corporate funds will be deployed here, so it may still need to be a corporate person. The current thinking mode for investing in Taiwan stocks is not as high as the past. But in fact, sometimes the price increases are several hundred yuan . Then when you want to challenge the price of a thousand yuan, the increase rate may be faster than others. Hurry up , and the other thing is, for example, I told Phison, their CEO (slip of the tongue) Pan Jiancheng hopes that their employees can buy company stocks as savings. The reason why he can be so optimistic is that when we look at its financial report, its inventory last year was still there. There are more than 20 billion , which means that its low-price inventory is also good. Then, in terms of AI, it actually has good IC design performance in some computing parts of NAND Flash . If it is provided to international manufacturers in the future, you Using their chips to perform calculations is the most cost-effective. In fact, international manufacturers have recognized this aspect, so in the future , NAND Flash related ICs will be introduced into these AI servers of international manufacturers. There is a very, very good chance of their revenue last year. recession , but its stock price is actually still very strong, so the chances of continuing to rise this year are very high . After all, these things are in the early stages of innovation, and the performance of stock prices may be faster and better than when your revenue really comes out later. So, I think this is something that everyone should pay special attention to, right? Because we all discussed technology stocks just now, Brother Zhiming, we should also pay attention to whether there are any good companies that have made a lot of money in Taiwan's Chuan Industrial stocks for 10 consecutive years. In fact, the stocks are quite powerful, like Ruhong, which actually makes functional fabrics and garment-related parts. In fact, its revenue last year was also good, but its revenue in December declined slightly due to the Red Sea crisis , so container ships were unable to transport it. It is said that its entry time will actually be delayed to about January , so in the long term, it is actually very promising. Its order visibility should still be half a year , and there will also be the Olympic Games in the second half of the year, so in fact, its situation in the Year of the Dragon should actually be good. Not bad , so EPS should grow steadily. Another thing is that Baoya seems to be opening more stores recently . Last year, it may have added 30 new stores. This year, the company may estimate that it will add another 40 stores. If the store opening speed accelerates, It means that the speed of its revenue will increase , and the reason why its profit quality will become better is because it has opened the POYA beauty store in the store, which means that its gross profit margin will be higher than Those household products in the past were much better , so its profits will steadily increase. So I think the speed of Baoya’s opening of stores and the sales of these products in the medical and beauty department will drive its revenue, profits and gross profit. I think everyone should pay attention to the growth of interest rates. This company of Chuanchuan is because I usually think that Chuanchuan stocks have a great advantage, which is that they may have high yields even when the stock price is not high, so they are all considered Some high-yielding stocks are very suitable for Taiwanese investors who like the kind of high-dividend-yielding ones. Then I want the business hours. The complete content is welcome to buy the 704th issue of our bi-weekly financial information . The good business hours just ended. We asked about the profit in addition to This time, we have sorted out the companies with the largest dividend allocation. That is, the 10-year average yield rate exceeds 7%. Investment friends also want to ask Brother Zhiming to share. In fact , the 10-year (average) yield rate in Taiwan exceeds 7% . Generally speaking, companies You may think that it is a traditional manufacturing company, and there may be more, in fact, isn't it? There is a very interesting company, Ruiding, which makes driver ICs for that panel. In fact, a few years ago, when panel driver ICs were in short supply, its stock price was high. In fact, its profits are quite stable and its dividend distribution is also very generous. What is interesting this year is that the panel seems to be recovering a bit. Of course, driver ICs related to OLED will begin to be used in relatively mid-to-low-end mobile phones. Then its revenue growth will steadily rise. Another group is the construction and construction stocks. There is a construction stock company called Yongxin Construction, which is a very dedicated local builder in Kaohsiung . In fact, it EPS and profit margin are both very good. The 10-year average is about 8.8%. In fact, it is worth paying special attention to. The boss is also very rich and focused on the development of real estate in Kaohsiung. Think about it, TSMC has just recently built a factory in Nanzi. That means that when it is completed in 2 years, 4,000-5,000 engineers will go to work locally . In fact, the various rigid demands for its first purchase are very strong, so in this part, everyone is slowly paying attention to its future potential . The other one is For example, in the construction sector, Runhong is an important manufacturer in Taiwan that uses the Xie Xuan construction method. What is the Xie Xuan construction method? It is what most builders do. You have to go to the construction site to tie steel bars and then pour cement. It is not done directly in the factory, and then you go directly to the construction site to assemble it in a similar way to building blocks and stack them up. In fact, its efficiency and labor cost are higher than The traditional one is much better and more environmentally friendly , especially now that there is an increasing shortage of blue-collar labor, so it will receive more attention in the future . In addition, companies like Daxin Technology , which is an important manufacturing company of TSMC, are now located in Miaoli, Taichung. There are new factories in Chiayi and Kaohsiung , so in the next two years, there should be no problem with the revenue growth of TSMC's important construction company Daxing . The last one is something that everyone can pay attention to. It is called the supremacy of electronic parts distributors. It is actually the same as Samsung. The cooperation is very close . Of course, everyone knows that Samsung was very bad last year . This year, both mobile phones and memories are growing upwards. So in fact, in theory, it should have a recovery trend this year . Another characteristic of it is In the third quarter of last year, its inventory was more than 19.5 billion, so its low-priced inventory is very high, so the chance of EPS going up is also very high . The legal person estimates that its EPS this year has a chance to grow by 30% annually. I think This is also an electronic distributor that investment friends should pay special attention to. Especially now that the stock prices of Wenye and Dalianda have soared, you can also take a look at the value of these investments. Yes, okay. If you want to understand the Taiwan stock market in the past 10 years, The good companies that make the most money , hurry up and buy the 704th issue of our bi-weekly financial news. Okay, let’s talk about high-end investment techniques in episode 88. Messages from the financial groups. In the previous episode, our theme was the end of Taiwan’s election and the five trustworthy industries. The policy blessing is correct , and then the first good friend of the Naet consortium said that the military industry budget will definitely be blocked by non-green forces in the future . He is more inclined to political interpretation . In fact, we are returning to that, I should say returning to the industrial side. In fact, we in Taiwan Many of the defense industries that receive international orders actually use special budgets to pass them. In fact, this budget has actually been passed, so it should be allocated year by year. However, Taiwan's military industry stocks do not just eat Taiwan's defense budget. They actually follow Some international cooperation is also very close, especially for example, I think Quanxun is more on the international route. For example, if Israel has finished firing its missiles, do you think these PAs related to its missiles will be good? I think it should be in Longxuan. After the year, I will indeed have the opportunity to see its future growth. It is not bad. In fact, after this round of cleaning, Taiwan's military industry has actually improved its strength . In fact, everyone has seen the level of Taiwan's manufacturing, so you have to Besides China , Taiwan is the best place for companies to manufacture in large quantities and deliver better quality . Of course, the military industry, led by the United States, will never manufacture in China. Cooperation with Taiwanese manufacturers should be a trend that is not easy to change. I think this is also the case for everyone. You can pay special attention to our second consortium good friend Xie Zhongyan. He said that if you can really hand over a beautiful report card to someone else, then why do you have to insist on not being able to give yourself a favor or avoid relatives? This is nothing. Ordinary people don't need to look at the process as long as the results are achieved . Only relevant interest groups will care about the military industry. The most important thing is that you want certification. If you pass the certification, you are on the list . But if you really want mass production, it's one thing . These are two things. For example We used to say that we were like Leihu , which made a lot of drones . Then why did it still cooperate with Hanxiang ? The reason is that Hanxiang’s ability in mass production , regardless of factory control, is strictly controlled and managed. The company says that you have to go through mass production through this system to be able to make the quantity larger and more stable. Just like cars, many auto parts can be produced and mass produced. This is a completely different world , so it has the ability to do this part and then has I think the part that is capable of mass production should be related to local companies in Taiwan . After all, President Tsai’s defense industry was to support the capabilities of local manufacturers in Taiwan . Of course, if you have your own defense industry, you will compare whatever you want to develop in the future. If it's smoother , I think the direction wo n't be easy to change . For example, Hanxiang is a big manufacturer , because it has the ability, so F16 maintenance orders will be given to it . And like Longde Shipbuilding , it's because it has been idle for a long time. After more than ten years , it is now capable of building the Tuojiang ship. If it is not capable, it is better to purchase it. So we will stop here today. Remember to like and subscribe. You are also welcome to buy the 704th issue of our bi-weekly financial information , which has more exciting content. See you next time for high-end investment techniques bye bye
Channel: 財訊
Views: 102,288
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Keywords: 財訊, 財經, 投資, 上流投資術, 上流, 財訊雙週刊, AI, PC, 殖利率, 高股息, EPS, 選股
Id: 7sOYtopw_Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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