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foreign [Music] bingan cracker cracker cracker cracker chocolate chocolate cake then go cake cake then go candy candy pie pie pie pie pie pudding popsicle ping pong pop sir cold pop so cold popsicle bing bong popcorn popcorn popcorn popcorn ice cream pinchilling ice cream eyes cream ice cream penciling lollipop La Li pop lollipop cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese chips chips chips chips gum chewing gum chewing gumtang jelly yeah yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt marshmallow marshmallow coke coke poke Coke color soda soda soda iced tea ice tea ice tea iced tea milk milk neonai coffee cafe coffee coffee milk tea milk tea milk tea milk tea water water water juice juice soy milk soy milk soy milk soy milk t t green tea Lucha green tea green tea green tea Lucha black tea black tea black tea black tea um bacon Pagan bacon bacon pagan bread mimbo real see real cereal um ham hodoi jidan eka jidan toast toast toast toasted rice mifan noodle mint Yao noodle noodle dumpling dumpling dumpling dumpling pizza pizza pizza soup tongue soup tongue spaghetti spaghetti Sushi sauce salad Shala say blood cellard Salah pie steak steak sedague Neil pie Buffet but FEI buffet buffet Hot Pot Hot Pot hot pot hot pot pork chop chupai pork chop pork chop pork chop two pie hot dog juggle hot the dog hot dog hot dog sandwich saminju sen which sen which sandwich semi and jute hamburger hamburger [Music] hamburger hamburger hambao donut french fries French fries French fries french fries should help fresh chicken Chachi Fried Chicken Fried Chicken Fried Chicken Chachi um Apple Apple Apple pink wall banana banana Orange [Music] foreign guava guava Pala Cherry intao Che re and Cherry in Tao strawberry strawberry Tomei grape put how grape grape grape putau papaya papaya Tangerine Jesus Peach towns Peach Peach Peach towels Lee pear Lee pineapple pan Apple pineapple pineapple fungi kiwi Chi equal kiwi kiwi kiwi Chi equal ity Lee Chi Li Chi lychee lychee wax Apple wax Apple wax Apple wax Apple mango mango men go men go mango mango lemon lemon watermelon water melon water melon watermelon sugar coconut yes coconut yes sugar cane sugar can sugar can sugar can can chuck it's a star fruit star fruit star fruit star fruit Yang Tao plum leaves plum [Music] please use it grapefruit putang yo grape fruit grape fruit grapefruit putang yo um corn Yumi carrot foreign cucumber cucumber cucumber cucumber taro ta row Taro Ito radish red dish radish Lobo green pepper green pepper green pepper green pepper Ginger peanut Washam peanut peanut peanut Jose pump King pumpkin sweet potato sweet potato sweet potato sweet potato Bing [Applause] Bing Bing those foreign soy being soy bean soybean huangdong broccoli Hawaiian Time broccoli mushroom mushroom mushroom eggplant cheers egg plant egg plant eggplant cheers cauliflower by Hawaii lettuce lettuce lettuce what you celery celery Spanish spinach well it's hot chili chili lajo onion onion garlic garlic garlic garlic that's one beef neuro beef pork churro pork to wrote sausage Lem chicken chiro chicken chicken chicken tiro pork ball roll one pork ball pork Bowl pork ball roll one crab crab crab crab Punk Hama claim claim claim Hama oyster money la oyster oyster oyster money la shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shazu octopus octopus Lobster Lobster Lobster tonight butter butter butter honey chop K chop k-chap fancy jump Jim gym gym sugar Tang [Music] Shu girl sugar Pang emba salt salt yemba vinegar vinegar two Oyo yo Oyo Oyo Oyo yo soy sauce soy sauce soy sauce soy sauce [Music]
Channel: 茱莉英語-Julie English
Views: 473,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mUoujsqLgmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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