顛覆汽車百年傳統!適應後就回不去了?!|Tesla Model X Plaid 新車試駕
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Channel: buycartv
Views: 494,996
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Keywords: Go好玩, 旅遊, 台灣, Taiwan, 台北, Taipei, 汽車, 汽車影片, 飛機, 摩托車, 汽車運動, Go車誌, 新車, 賽車, automobiles, engine, mod, racing, motor sports, custom, video game, biking, cars, vehicle, mountain bike, car, wrecks, funny, accident, Top, Gear, 嘉偉, 朱嘉偉, 車訊, 新車試駕, 海外試駕, 超跑, 美食, 試車, 試車影片
Id: QiNfr4qGOfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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