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What are you gonna do? I came to serve you. Please, allow me to sleep with you tonight. You've been a veteran, so, you'd get to know how to do before it. Well, you wanna force things? Your Majesty, I've been engaged for three years. But, you never touched me. It's been such a long time, please, leave me a chance to serve you. You racked your brains to sleep with me. Now, I could help you succeed. So, I chose to betow a title on you. From now on, you have to be confined and doomed in this Forbidden City. You can't get out of my control. Do you know why didn't I wanna sleep with you? Unknown. I chose to keep you staying with me. I chose to dote on you. I have my plans. You'd know you should be the consort Xian's maid forever, and you can't get out of her control. As well as you should be one of my maids. You'd know how to behave appropriately in this palace. I got it. Tell me who came to slap your face? The concubine couldn't let me go because I won your favour. So, she came to slap my face. It's quite common that a maid should or could be beaten by their master. You chose to enjoy no end of wealth and honour, you have to be willing to take any blames. Please, Your Majesty, you'd reason this out for me. Why did you wanna treat me in this way? Do you recall what the title I've bestowed on you? It's Shen. I wanna order you to earn a living with your utmost care. You'd keep my kindness in your mind. If I couldn't dote on you, everyone else in this palace could frame you to death. Do you believe I got the consort Xian wrong? So, you wanna torment me to take it out on me? What? Take it out on you? The consort Xian would come to take it out on you. Today, I wanna make it clear who ordered you to do that thing? Nobody. It was the consort Xian, who committed wrongdoings. If so, I have to go to bed now. Your Majesty, time is up. Master. You would be exhausted after coming to serve His Majesty. Now, I made some tea for you. You'd better have some, then going to bed, having some rest. To serve His Majesty? As you said, I've been exhausted. Now, I've been crowned the concubine Shen. Why did you fix up this palace as I were a noble lady? Why did the Imperial Household Department dare to show me the cold shoulder? Those guys said both His Majesty and the empress advocated living economically. And now, no ceremonies. So, they said that you'd forget it. To crown the concubine that's only for show. Master, master. You can't do that, master. Master, You can't get angry as you've been crowned the concubine. If someone else would know what you did here, that would be awkward. Now, I've been the concubine Shen. I could have the final say about how to deal with sorts of items in this palace. So, let me wait and see. Master, come on, relax. His Majesty gave it to you as you've been crowned the noble lady. You can't do it. If you got angry come on, just beat me. You can't afford to break up with His Majesty. Master. Master. Master. Do you think His Majesty would care much about me? I'm one of his puppets. So, everyone in this palace could bully me. I found she's growing to be short-tempered as I came to serve her for the past years. Even she always asked me whether His Majesty truly loved her? Who does she think she is? And she could still win the emperor's favour. Even His Majesty dotes on her, he completely looked down on her as the emperor said she was just one of the consort Xian's maids on yesterday's feast. Indeed. And His Majesty said the consort Xian suffered an injustice. You go ahead. Let me know as soon as possible if the concubine Shen chooses to do a thing. Got it. Whether would His Majesty investigate the cause of that thing? Now, the consort Xian got out of the cold palace. It's ok for the emperor to find an excuse by naming she suffered an injustice. Or, he wouldn't shut others' mouth. We'd better prove a charge that the concubine Shen used to betray her former master. Whether would she make a false countercharge? Her father worked for my father. Once I would get her father, Guize, to be under my control, she wouldn't make an unbridled attack. She has to take the blame, even she was innocent.
Channel: 小乔追劇 - XiaoqiaoDrama
Views: 516,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 小乔追劇, 愛情, Story of Yanxi Palace, 皇后, 皇帝, 如懿傳, 古裝劇, 宮鬥劇, 周迅, 霍建華, 張鈞甯, 董洁, 童瑤, 辛芷蕾, 何泓姍, 三十而已, 顧佳, Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, 如懿, 海蘭, 中國電視劇 琉璃
Id: zSaxcHwgx64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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