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so when I first got here I was almost immediately run over by a car because I feel like scooters here are kind of beside the law they can park anywhere they want they can pass you on any side they want they can ride wherever first two years your extra like vulnerable oh so how many times can you fire [Music] and I'm 22 years old I study my first year of the master here in chauda University and we're staying in total for one year in Taiwan my name is Molly I am 25 years old also here in Taiwan for one year doing my first year of the Masters on [Music] okay so when I first got here I was almost immediately run over by a car because when we were leaving the airport if I'm a pedestrian and I'm going over a crosswalk in Sweden everybody is stopping even when they see you approach the crosswalk but here all the cars were driving like normal and I felt like it didn't exist on the road so yeah that was my first experience and how about your riding experience since I've been driving a motorcycle before in Sweden from when I was 16 to 18 years old I was pretty confident with riding the scooter it was very easy because there's no gear or anything you just gas and brake I've also been riding to and from school with the normal bicycle so I was already used to the traffic so then the first time when I bought the scooter it was quite alright so my first experience was I came to Taiwan and was like oh my god the traffic is so chaotic so maybe I won't even ride the bicycle but then I started to ride and I experience you're more a part of the traffic if you're actually going by a motorcycle but I'm always terrified whenever I see a bus oh yeah because they are driving like crazy and like changing files like going to the first one and I'm like oh my God there is the bus stop I'm like going back again yeah I had never been driving the motorcycle before I came here but I had a small warm-up when we went to leocha Island and it started with me trying to like very very slow do the gas give some gas and I almost crashed into you guys because I couldn't really handle it uh and then I thought this is fun let's take the driver's license [Music] um so the motorcycle license system in Sweden is very much different from here the type of license that I have it's for the 125 CC motorcycle and apparently for the international license it doesn't qualify to translate the Swedish license to the Taiwanese because as far as I know for Taiwan the lowest class that I passed the test for you can have up to like 249 CC right so because I think mine is only one to five then it's like too small to just so I had to pass to be able to drive here the main reason was because I wanted to drive the motorcycle in Taiwan but before I came here I kind of thought that I could only just buy a motorcycle and that was it I didn't think that I had to do the driver's license test and stuff just thinking that it was super easy but it was kind of a long process to come as an Foreigner people to take care with all the paperworks yeah of course I have a car back home yeah the road situation is in Sweden is very calm and fractured and there are not so many cars on the streets as it is here so that makes a lot of difference and also here there are so many motorcycles which makes it a little bit more chaotic I think because we don't have so many motorcycles on the roads in Sweden and it's only cars driving in the line waiting for the one in front while here it's more just giving full gas to drive around you and then just stop in front of you yeah things like that that I wasn't really prepared of in the beginning but now I have learned to keep my distance so you can also do the nasty like all the motorcycles do yeah okay yeah yeah now you have to because sometimes there is one going like super slow in the on the side and you can't wait for that started from when I was riding it was kind of um there the boss but there is so few motorcycles the people that have it they kind of just do it but usually I if you're driving in the city like on a normal day and it's only a little bit of congestion you never go in between you just wait for your turn if there is an accident on the highway and there is like five kilometers of cars then maybe you can go on the side okay I guess but the cars here they adapt to it so they kind of position themselves a little bit more out from the middle but in Sweden since there is so few motorcycles nobody thinks about keeping space in the middle so it's also a lot harder yeah um yeah but at the same time there's also always something like obstacle on the side of the road maybe somebody has parked or a truck is standing like delivering Goods or something so it's usually only enough for maybe one or two motorcycle but not for a car so kind of yes and no yeah I would agree with that but then also in the cities most of the roads have always two lines that's very convenient because in Sweden most of the cities have only one line first there is the scooter license we call it that's when you're 15 you can do this and then you have to take some lessons with like an instructor and after you're finished with the lessons you have the license you don't need to pass any driving test so it's very easy if you are just there you will pass it but it's only for 50cc scooter and they can only go 45 kilometers per hour then there is the motorcycle and the Motorcycle is divided into three categories and the first one with the least power you can start to do it when you're 16. you can drive a one to five cc motorcycle then you have to pass like a proper test but also like a theory part the same as here but the difference is that the test that you do you start off with writing in a like obstacle course and you have to do like some slaloming in the middle of some cones then you have to do a very tight turn breaking from 50 kilometers and 70 kilometers per hour there is no specific distance the most important thing is that you have to break in a very safe way so you have to sit upright and look far ahead and you cannot lock the brakes and not engage the Abs if they hear the ABS you're fail after you finish this one with the braking and everything then you go out instructor the instructor sit back or they have another motorcycle oh okay and you're speaking on the tell like oh cool okay um it's randomly chosen the instructors have maybe like 50 or something roads you can never practice a specific road because you will never know where you're gonna drive for example you have to ride the highway you have to ride in the city doing the roundabouts you have to be able to take the left turn they evaluate all of these steps in the same time so it takes maybe 30 or 40 minutes oh wow of driving in my group we were I think like eight people so it took a very long time first everybody has to pass the obstacle course and that takes maybe two hours or something cool and then I was the first out in the traffic so I was done really quickly but the others had to wait like a really long time so if I remember correctly the driving part of the test it costs 1 600 Swedish Crowns which is 4 800. if you fail you need to pay again it's the same for all the different classes the next level is from the date that you're 18 years old it's the same procedure with all the tests you have to still do a theory test with questions and you have to pass the driving course and then if you pass when you're 18 you can drive a motorcycle with up to 50 horsepower there is some like smaller regulations for example the weight to horsepower ratio and these kind of things but the most important is that it's 50 horsepower is the limit so if you have the second level for two years from when you're 19 years old you can take the final level when you're 21 but if you don't ride any motorcycle on a second level for at least two years then you have to wait until 24 to do the biggest level and the biggest level is unlimited specification on the motorcycle so you need to take more than the mandatory course then the driving test itself is actually very difficult so maybe if you practice with your family it's not enough and you need like actual professional help and that's very expensive in Sweden um [Music] and in the first time I know six out of the people failed oh wow and on the second time I think three or four failed how now is thank you so the process is kind of similar you have to do the theoretical course and practical course I'm there because in Sweden when it's winter it's also very slippery and ice on the roads so you also have to practice how to handle ice roads do like a very sharp immediate breaks and they have like this course where they spray something on the road and when they do it it's like super slippery yeah it's really like an ice on the surface and then you're driving and they will pull out like a deer in front of you you try to break but your car is just sliding into the deer and you just like crash into it and you get super scared and they want to like to make you to see how easy it is to drive too fast another town yeah and then the test is with the instructor and he or she tells you where to go then there are like some more small things that you have to do like parking and going backwards around corners and parking small spaces like if there are two cars standing on the road like this so with the car you are just out in the normal traffic and also before you even get to start they will give you and for example you have to check your brakes or you have to check if there is enough fluids in your car your instructor will tell you okay please check that the parking brake is working so you need to know how to do that no we don't have a place regulated for practicing but before you can go with whoever wants to train with you and they have to also take a course in how to teach you how to drive and then they have to apply for I am driving with me Molly so my mother was taking the course and then she applied like the paper is that she has a proven to yeah ride with me and then most of the time we just go to big parking lots and that's where we start to practice and then we go into the traffic together you can do this already when you are 16 pass this course and then you can start driving together I don't know the rate really yeah I just know it's very common that you fail the first time no not watching I think just the tests because somewhere around like four thousand and five thousand Taiwan dollar oh because you have to borrow the car from them and when you do the test the car has the double pedal yeah yeah you have to borrow the car and then it's like a bit more expensive yeah maybe like four to six thousand somewhere in here kind of afraid when I saw people driving the course and I was like oh my god did they actually pass and am I now have to drive in the traffic together with those people they couldn't control the motorcycle like even when they were not on it and they were like sorry to maneuver to put it in the Square where you should start they couldn't even like watch what way should I turn for it to go yeah so I think maybe some people would have a yeah some more practice I agree with Molly I think it's it's really like too bad like you're you shouldn't be allowed to be on the roads if you only know how to do this course because like for you you have never ridden a motorcycle and you practice for two hours and then you passed it and I feel like if I'm in the traffic I want to be with people that can actually drive and maybe I wouldn't say that you can drive after just passing the course and also to add in my group the first step here is to listen to this video for like two hours so for me that was in Chinese I didn't understand anything and also like all the people in my group they were on the phone or somebody was sleeping so not even that and they do properly but I have to say that that movie that you have to watch for like two hours I really watched like frightened me so much I I was sitting there and I was like terrified watching all this car crashes and motorcycles like sliding in on their cars and I was like oh my God should I really do this or should I just go leave now maybe yeah I was like terrified when I after I saw that so that made me yeah those movies are like going around in my head whenever I'm driving right extra conscious I foreign operations too much I don't think you have to do it I know for example my grandpa he's like almost 90 now and he's still driving although he really shouldn't like his eyesight is not so good and his reflexes are really not that good but he's still driving so there is no such thing but I think if you get caught doing something and you're like you shouldn't be driving they can take your license and you have to redo the test I know that if you go as an old people person to the eye doctor and they notice that you have a bad side they can tell you that you should not drive anymore and so they can tell the government's regulation for the graphics to take your license for example simple when you first pass your driving license the first two years and your extra like vulnerable if you get caught speeding or doing something wrong it's a lot higher chance that they will take your license away oh so how many times can you it's one yeah yeah I mean like 10 kilometers too fast it's okay okay but if you do if you drive like a red light or yeah you do like Drive 30 too fast they will take you back your advice so I think my biggest suggestion for the government would be to actually enforce rules for scooter drivers because I feel like scooters here are kind of beside the law they can park anywhere they want they can pass you on any side they want they can ride wherever so maybe put a fine on these things because whenever I I notice there's a fine people tend to like calm down and stuff so it actually like enforce the rules for scooter riders I think I I see where they're coming from because that's one of the like most dangerous Maneuvers in Sweden because we have the single left turn and the instructors are really the most critical when you make the left turn a bit safely so I feel like it's pretty good to have it okay but also it's very annoying so you have to wait like 90 seconds for the light and then you go there and you have to wait 90 seconds again yeah yeah your freeways they have like a speed limit of 90 kilometers per hours right because I was driving one month ago and then there was a construction on the road because I always ride with Google Maps so I accidentally ended up on the freeway it was a limit of 90 kilometers per hours and then I was like okay but I can drive this fast so I was driving on the freeway for a while and it was I know you're not allowed so I but that felt like he could actually do that smooth yeah and I also noticed when I bought my bike in Taichung and driving back here there are some places where there is the scooter Road and then the freeway yeah so you can see the freeway and the scooters were driving much faster than the cars so I'm like okay yeah it doesn't really matter thanks for your sharing and it gives you calendar he made thank you thank you today
Channel: 火花羅
Views: 55,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 紐約, yamaha, 機車, 摩托車, 旅行, 摩托車旅行, 火花羅, 重機, 摩旅, 公路, 冒險, 羅火花, 機車 旅遊, SYM, 重機旅遊, 機車旅遊, 評測, 開箱, 購車, 買車, 試乘, 評價, 缺點, 優點, 旅遊, 騎車, 本田, honda, 瑞典, 考照, 考駕照, 駕照, 制度, 交通改革, 交通, 交通工程, 監理, 行人地獄
Id: SQU4xIH4cwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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