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I think Japan is a very interesting place in terms of names . This place is Oshino Hakkai in Yamanashi. Does Oshino Hakkai refer to the eight seas? It actually refers to the eight ponds in this place . So here we come . Most of the ponds here are filled with melted snow from Mount Fuji. After the snow melts into these ponds, because the water quality is clean and the water quality is very good, koi are raised in these ponds. This small village , of course, because of the latitude. The 8 ponds in Oshino Hakkai, a great resort with charming scenery all year round near Mount Fuji, are all lakes formed after volcanic eruptions and intensive volcanic movements . Of course, there are also some lakes whose water comes from underground. Did you know that the spring water gushes out of the ground, which means it is rich in minerals, so there is a spring here called a spring, which is not a swimming pool. It is a pool of water that gushes out. Its water is extremely clean and clear. We have photographed it in Japan before. The Ministry of the Environment listed it as one of the best water quality in the country in 1985. Almost the entire village is filled with souvenir shops selling various souvenirs with Mount Fuji as the pattern. You can also see it in the Oshino gift shop. Hakkai 8 Ponds-themed trinkets are also a very unique gift shop in Japan. In Japan, we all know that its gift shops will have so-called limited editions or limited editions or limited editions. They are only available in this area. You can buy it, and whether it is a coffee shop or ice cream, each one will have its own local specialties , such as tofu cakes topped with pickles and miso or other special mochi or other flavors of ice cream . I believe that this is one of the key points why many people like to travel to Oshino Hakkai. For Taiwanese, Japan is simply a back garden. Almost everyone likes it . Even if we see a small 7 , we will want to go in and buy something. Oh, right? So it can be seen that Japan 's marketing, quality and promotion in this area are very successful. In the center of Japan, there is the fairy tale world of Shirakawa-go Gassho Village. Of course, there is also the Takayama City of Shirakawa-go. It is also very famous. It has the Takayama Old Street known as Hida Little Kyoto. You can feel the Edo style here because it has many old wooden houses that are more than 150 years old. Now we have come to Takayama Sanzai. Why is it called Sanzai? Sanzai is a Japanese word that means walking around and enjoying the surroundings. This immersive feeling makes people feel wow. Sanzai feels very comfortable. It is equivalent to the Hida area in the northern part of Gifu Prefecture. It is the largest city, town and village in Japan covering the entire area of ​​Tokyo. It has become very famous in recent years. In fact, many people knew about this place before, but the transportation was not so convenient before, so if you want to go to Gifu Prefecture Hida Kokyoto for alpine relaxation, it is not easy to get there . In the past few years, charter flights or tourist groups have gradually become more and more popular, so the transportation here has become more convenient. But under the premise, independent travelers will still have a little difficulty coming here due to transportation and flying. Because of the rich forest resources in the mountains, its carpentry is well-known far and wide. In addition, in the early days, in order to exempt taxes, it provided supplies to the court. Every year, it sent the most powerful carpenters to Kyoto to build palaces and temples . You know how powerful it is? In this way, it was to please the Emperor , so he became a very famous Hida craftsman. The woodworking created Hida furniture is famous throughout Japan. In fact, it is not just woodworking that is famous . For tourists, no matter how famous the woodworking is , I can't move a wardrobe back home. It is impossible to move a big tea table back, so although it is very famous , we can only understand many things or see its construction locally. There is no way to actually take it back. So what kind of things can be experienced in person? It's very simple. Its unique geography has made the Hida region very famous for its dairy farming and brewing industry. So I believe many people have heard of Hida beef. Many people come here just to eat it. A mouthful of Hida beef, Hida beef's sashimi , Hida milk and Takayama sake are famous products. The most highly rated is high-grade Wagyu Hida beef. Everyone knows about Wagyu , especially whether it is fruit or animal meat. As long as the word "Takayama" is used in the title of "Takayama", it is delicious, famous and expensive. The same is true here , especially the Hida beef here because of the breeding and the climate. It is said that the Hida beef and Wagyu beef melt in the mouth . The milk tastes very strong , and the traditional wooden buildings and the very well-preserved Sanmachi Street and the wooden houses are almost everywhere on this street. You know that the most common windows in Japanese-style houses are in the form of thin This lattice shape with vertically crossed wooden strips is a traditional design. You cannot see the inside from the outside. Did you see that it has the functions of preventing theft and beautifying the appearance of the building? And this is called a lattice . The most unmissable spot in the entire Takayama Old Street is Uemachi. The Takayama old street that we see today in the Shitamachi area retains the history left over from the Edo period. Kamisan-machi, Kaminino-machi, and Kaminomachi are called Sanmachi-dori, which is where we are visiting now. The whole place is more than The 150-year-old wooden lattice building is the characteristic of the entire old street area. From its roof to its door to its windows, these wooden houses have the spirit of Japanese craftsmanship. Not to mention it when you come to Gassho Village. This is almost on our list of must-visit places in Japan, Kurobe , Tateyama, Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo , Hokkaido , Shirakawa-go Gassho Village. Because of the natural scenery of this place, basically you have to go to the countryside. The transportation is A big point is that Japan has very convenient transportation, but most of the transportation conveniences that many people think of are in Tokyo or Osaka. In fact, when you go to the suburbs, you have to rely on cars, minibuses, chartered cars , or you have to take other services. The Shinkansen train goes to this place and then transfers in. You will know by looking at the buses in the parking lot. In 1976, the year I was born, Shirakawa-go was listed as a It is an important traditional architectural protection zone. In 1995, it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with Shirakawa-go and Gokayama Gassho settlements, which is also a cultural heritage. Oh my God, it was already full of people. After registering as a World Heritage Site, People are on top of people , plus people are on top of people . In recent years, popularity has increased. With the development of the Internet, people are on top of people. People are everywhere. So what do you think ? Why do so many people come here ? But it seems wrong not to come because it is a tourist dream. One of the parts on the list that you must come to is Shirakawa-go, also known as the hometown of Japan. Here you can appreciate the traditional historical scenery of Japan and experience the feeling of being full of people. There are Shirakawa-go villages all over the world . Culture and every bit of life of local people I will mention a very contradictory thing every time , like when you want to be famous, you want to be famous, you want the whole world to know you as a big star , but when everyone knows you After that, you will lose something. When you lose your freedom , you won’t have your own privacy, right ? The same goes for tourist attractions. When it is a secret attraction, everyone thinks it is great and will share this secret attraction. But as soon as it is shared, there will be more Many people came to it. In the end, it was not a secret place . It was a tourist resort known to everyone. Shirakawa Village is a countryside surrounded by mountains. It is cool in summer and snows in winter. In recent years, the climate has been abnormal. The snow here is gradually not as much, but it is still there. There is no way to extinguish all the tourists who want to come here for pilgrimage. Fortunately, although it is crowded with tourists , the people living in Shirakawa-go Gassho Village do not seem to be affected by this so-called commercial atmosphere. The residents here are themselves. We have formulated a set of rules: no selling, no renting , no violating the three principles , and we have decided not to casually renovate or renovate the appearance of private houses. To put it bluntly, as long as it is renovated, who will come? So this is a very smart and powerful approach sometimes. If it is not renovated, it will bring more tourists because they just want to see this feeling. Because it is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage, you cannot change it because it is already owned by all mankind in the world , so this is also the case here. There are already a lot of tourists , but many residents here still have a heart to protect and preserve the traditional culture here. This is worthy of praise. We continue from Shirakawa-go Gassho Village. It is the most famous in central Japan and attracts thousands of people every year since its opening . Many tourists from all over the world come to this place. It is the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is asking. Everyone wants to come. Tateyama Kurobe, known as the Japanese Alps, has become a must for you to come to Japan . One of the attractions to visit is very strange. The Alps are obviously in Europe, so why are there Alps in Japan? The simplest reason is that the people who discovered this mountain were Europeans. They thought it was like the European Alps, so they put it there. It’s called the Alps , so why is it also called Kurobe Tateyama ? Some people call it Tateyama Kurobe. Which scenic spot is it? Could it be that I went to the wrong place, so you once wondered, right ? Is it Tateyama Kurobe or Kurobe Tateyama ? Where are you going? Sometimes you accidentally join two tours. One is Tateyama Kurobe and the other is Kurobe Tateyama. Only after you arrive at the scene do you realize that they are actually the same place. In fact, they all refer to the Japanese Alps. The place names at both ends of the mountain route are the junction of Hokuriku Nagano Prefecture and Toyama Prefecture. This junction is called the Alpine Route. It is located at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. It is a sightseeing route in the Northern Alps. This place has heavy snowfall. The area means that it snows in winter . It usually refers to which place you come from, Nagano Prefecture or Toyama Prefecture. So the name is different depending on the place you come in. Suppose Nagano Tateyama Kurobe assumes Toyama is black. But the places to play are all the same in Mount Tatetsu. Anyway, the entrance and exit of this place are different. Whichever way you come in, you use that place as the first name. The most famous thing about this place is its snow-covered and shocking snow wall, which attracts almost everyone . I must make a pilgrimage to this place , but as the climate warms, the snow wall seems to be shrinking and getting shorter. I wonder if it’s because of malnutrition. In fact, it’s because the snow is getting less and less in winter, and the temperature changes greatly. It’s getting shorter and shorter in summer. The faster the snow melts, the faster it melts. Therefore, you need to grasp the scenery of nature. Just because you can see it now does not mean you will be able to see it later. If you can see it now , you have to protect it. It will snow all over the world. There are many places , and the amount of snow in each place is not only affected by different latitudes, but also by your terrain and climate. Tateyama Kurobe is a snow-heavy area. This terrain will make Snow clouds gather here and it snows wildly, so there will be heavy snowfall in winter. Therefore, the mountain is closed in winter and there is no way for you to go up to the mountain to watch it. Therefore, it has a mountain opening time every spring. Many people will rush in , so the people who rush in at the beginning must see the highest snow wall. The more people come in later, the snow wall they see will become shorter and shorter . Isn’t this nonsense? Because it is getting hotter. Well , the snow wall will become shorter and shorter. Of course, more and more tourists will poke and poke holes in the snow wall , and slowly the snow will become less and less beautiful. There are advantages and disadvantages to coming first, because there are so many people when you come first. Sometimes it is so crowded that maybe the temperature of the people has melted the snow wall . Generally speaking, its closure period is It is impossible to enter the mountain from November to April , and its snow wall period is from April to June. You can see the spectacular sight of the tall snow walls. At this time, the number of people visiting it becomes more and more every month. The snow wall should be lower because it will slowly melt closer to the summer snow wall Are there any good places to see from June to October ? Of course, there are also dam sightseeing and flood discharge. This season is Tateyama Kurobe because there are any dams on the mountain. This dam will discharge floods . And when the second summer comes , because it is on the mountain , the climate is also very, very You can see the cool green scenery of the mountains and green fields , as well as some antelope wild animals in Japan, but it is not easy to see because there are too many people and the animals will not come out to let you take pictures , but at this time you can anyway When you go up to the mountain, the climate is very comfortable and cool. After September, the maple season, the entire mountain will slowly enter the maple leaf season. During the maple leaf season, the mountain will change . See if there is that snow wall you just saw behind. It is filled with many words. It will become more and more touristy as the number of tourists increases. Besides the snow temperature, all the tourists like to write inscriptions slowly and sign their names on it. So do you think it is right or wrong? There is no right or wrong. This is not the case either. It 's not illegal to graffiti , because the snow is seasonal and it melts when the time comes. If it doesn't melt today, it will melt tomorrow. Is there anything else to see in Tateyama Kurobe besides the snow scene? Yes, it has a great feature. It’s a means of transportation , especially when we have just started the mountain. You can see that the snow has not melted yet. Many Buddhas, Ksitigarbha and Bodhisattvas are still covered in snow. Sometimes you accidentally walk on the snow. Go ahead and step on the Buddha's head. Why? Because it's buried under the snow, you don't know about Tateyama Kurobe. There are eight types of means of transportation that can be interchanged and used together . It has also become the way to Tateyama Kurobe. One of the highlights is that along the way we have to climb to a mountain above 3,000 meters, and we have to switch to a variety of means of transportation. Some of these means of transportation were later built for sightseeing , but most of them were due to the construction of dams at that time. There are Toyama Electric Railway, Tateyama cable car, Tateyama cable car , Plateau bus, and trolley bus that were established by researchers and engineers who went up the mountain . The tram without tracks that runs in the tunnel is very unique. There is also the Tateyama ropeway and Kurobe. The underground ropeway is also the only underground cable car in Japan. It was made underground in order to maintain the ecological and natural landscape without destroying it. You see what you see now is the Tateyama aerial ropeway. It also has inclined trams and route buses . These are the most exciting parts of it. Why is the route so attractive? Think about it. It has natural scenery with four distinct seasons. It also has 8 types of transportation. So when you come to this mountain, in addition to seeing different scenery and scenery, you can also take different transportation methods. This is a tourist route with high CP quality. It is beautiful, special and fun. If you want to say what shortcomings there are in this place , then I will tell you that there are none. There is only one shortcoming , which is why you haven’t come yet . Why haven’t you come so late? Why do you have to register so late? Because this place is so popular. Now there are actually many popular attractions around the world . When the time is up, it will be too late for you to book it. So we have to develop a habit of booking early where we want to go. Many people will I’m afraid to say that after I place the order, what should I do if I have something to do or I’m sick and I can’t go? What do you think? Sometimes on the road of life , don’t think so much about things that may not happen , but keep this thing in your heart. My head is like I want to get married , but I have always been afraid. What will happen if I get divorced in the future? What will happen if the other party doesn’t love me in the future? Then you will never get married in this life. Everyone who wants to travel must be happy and full of expectations . Right, but there may be many irresistible and irresistible factors in life that cause you to be unable to make the trip. It may be an accident , right? Then what should you do when that happens? You may get sick , or something may suddenly happen at home. It doesn't matter. Just cancel it. Cancel. Suppose you are sick today . Are you going to drag your sick body to that country? Just because you are afraid of being deducted for canceling? Are you thinking too much about your body ? Isn’t your health better than that little money? Isn’t it right? So I often tell many people to boldly plan their future, boldly plan their own travel, and don’t be afraid to sign up early because the sky may be unpredictable , but you shouldn’t let your life be just because of the unpredictable. Always stop at one thing and never dare to take that step forward. Do you know that the road of life is sometimes created ? Why is life wonderful ? It is actually full of unknown adventures and adventures. Let us continue to walk. Every step of our life is full of ups and downs, so our life will be wonderful, right? So I think when it comes to travel, I believe that everyone must be full of excitement when they go to travel. It’s a lot of fun. It is more important to travel abroad and play. It is more important to hurry up and fulfill your most beautiful dream. Put all the dream lists in your pockets and start traveling. After playing it once, I feel it is not enough. Play it again . You know that there is another biggest feature of your visit to Tateyama Kurobe. Apart from transportation, how can you go to the mountains to see dams ? It’s amazing that even a dam can be turned into a tourist attraction. The main purpose of Kurobe Dam is to generate electricity. It was completed in 1963. Its height is about 186 meters . The storage tank of Japan's largest dam is called "Kurobe Lake". It has a water storage capacity of more than 200 million tons. It is a huge engineering construction. Learn about it, appreciate it, and taste Kurobe Reservoir. This is the Japanese The tourist attraction in Tateyama Kurobe was developed for all tourists to see. It took 8 years to build. It is also one of the greatest projects in Japan. It is part of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. It is very large-scale and very high. The height is amazing , so walking across this dam will definitely become one of the most exciting moments. Climate, environment, latitude, and planning are really important. Kurobe Reservoir is right on the mountain, so its climate is very good, even in summer. It’s too hot and the environment has been taken care of, not to mention that the entire environment is extremely clean. When the Japanese market this area, in addition to this being a dam for people’s livelihood, they can also tell you, look at me, how long ago it was built. Look at me. How powerful the engineering technology is, coupled with the design of the Japanese in managing this kind of movement line, will make you feel that a dam is nothing, but when you walk, you will think wow, it ’s great. It’s the largest arched dam in Japan. Start taking pictures. This is a place that is very good at marketing. Do you like Tateyama Kurobe? Do you like the Alpine Route? Do you want to come? Come quickly. Karuizawa is very famous. What kind of place is it ? It is at an altitude of 900-1000 meters , which means this place. It has a great natural environment, great air , and its climate must be great. It is located in Nagano Prefecture. This place used to be the intersection of Nakasendo and Hokukuni Streets among the five streets from Edo, Tokyo to Kyoto . Why do we see St. Paul's Church? It 's very simple. During the Meiji Era, foreign missionaries began to preach here. During the missionary period , they built churches and European-style villas here , and it developed into one of the few high mountains in Japan. The resort allows tourists to fully experience the charm. Don't look at it. I tell you that many wealthy people in Tokyo will come to Karuizawa to buy villas and spend holidays here. So Karuizawa In addition to being a mountain resort, it also has hundreds of famous mountains here. It also has different natural beauties that change with the seasons. There are also many wealthy people coming here to invest and build villas here. Then you I know this place . When I came to Karuizawa, I mentioned that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is one of the world's most well-known rich people. I believe everyone has heard of him, right? In fact , I heard that he also has his own super mansion in this place. He chose to build a mansion in a popular tourist destination near the capital Tokyo , which is Karuizawa, where we are now. So why? Why did he build a mansion here ? It is a summer resort in Tokyo. It is close to Tokyo, and there are many things here. The beautiful natural environment is quite quiet and completely away from the huge tourist crowds in Tokyo . You know when we often go to Tokyo when traveling, you know that in the peak season, almost all the people we pass by are Taiwanese and Asians . Hong Kong people, etc., everyone loves Japan so much , so a very, very, very large number of people come to the capital. Instead, there is a feeling atmosphere in the suburbs that everyone likes more and more. More and more people are starting to travel in depth. Tourists who love to travel are beginning to move towards the so-called niche tourism. What is niche tourism is that it may not be a big city, but it is in this relatively secret place, a relatively remote and rural place , where you can stay away from the crowds and experience it. Go to the real local life and culture. Karuizawa is close to Tokyo but far away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. So Bill Gates built a beautiful and luxurious mansion in Karuizawa. Unexpectedly, even the United States built it in this place. The rich are all in love with the environment of this Japanese resort. Do you want to build a villa here? If you want, remember to come to me. Welcome to Ashikaga Flower Park. There are flowers all year round. They will bloom in April. One is called Wisteria Flower. It is also called Wisteria Flower Monogatari. Why do we often hear the word "Monogatari"? Monogatari is a genre in traditional Japanese literature. Its original meaning is conversation, and later it was extended to stories, biographies, legends, etc. That year-round flower The paradise of Ashikaga Flower Park, the most beautiful flowers in the world are here , and you can see the flowers in the morning. You can also see the flowers in the evening. It is the concept of night flower viewing. The world's top ten most beautiful and dreamy places, the Wisteria Story, is the first to appear. When the wisteria flowers bloom, When the wisteria blooms , it’s like a dream because its color is purple. Purple always gives people a very mysterious and special feeling. So whenever the wisteria blooms, my god, everyone rushes in crazily. After the wisteria blooms , it is from mid-May to mid-June. There will also be other flowers starting to bloom. The conclusion is that there are not only wisteria flowers that you can see. There are flowers all year round. You can see when and what kind of flowers bloom . The annual Ashikaga Wisteria Flower Festival is also called the Oto Festival and was selected by CNN. One of the top ten dream tourist attractions in the world. Many people will say that Japanese flower viewing parks are different from those in other European and American countries. It should be said that in Japanese flower parks , in addition to cherry blossoms, there are also maple leaves. They often have them. In the flower viewing park, many flowers from all over the world are introduced to their country or to be planted in this garden. Of course, they must be planted according to its latitude and climate . When they design their gardens, the Japanese are very good at designing. The garden is usually not very big, but they will light it up at night , and the lights will match the colors of the flowers, making you feel wow, it’s so beautiful and special. Japanese flower viewing parks usually don’t. The fact that it is very large has a lot to do with its geographical environment, but its biggest feature is that it is very compact in design, making it very comfortable for you to move around while admiring flowers , and you can also go there in a short time . You can see the flowers you want to see within a short distance. Another great feature of Ashikaga Flower Park is that its tickets are floating fares , which means they will be charged according to the flower conditions on that day, every year, every season, and every time. The prices of flowers are different. This is a problem of market supply and demand. Do you understand? So sometimes when we travel, we often wonder why this year is more expensive than last year. Normal, haven't you noticed? All the manpower, material resources , and electricity bills are all constantly being adjusted. You have been adjusting every year from the past to the present, so travel is like this. If you seize the time, if you want to go, if you have the ability and physical strength, then you can Let's go. Sometimes we shouldn't always think about why it was cheaper last year and more expensive this year. Everything increases every year. The best thing about Ashikaga Flower Park is that it collects many characteristics from various countries. Flowers allow you to enjoy the most beautiful seasonal flowers from all over the world in this flower park even if you can't travel abroad.
Channel: 繞著地球玩 / 旅遊大玩家
Views: 49,987
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Id: uIc-BUQg4JI
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Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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