關之琳 主演犯罪港產電影|血衣天使 (Vengeance Is Mine)|關之琳|夏文汐|湯鎮業|潘震偉|爾冬升|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1988

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Dr Chan wing-leung, come to Casualty at once...! Candy, you know if Jane has left? Probably in the ward! Why so slow? Let me help you stand up, stand up! Lie down first! Don't move, it's alright! Get a bottle of salt water for me please! Don't worry, I'll get you a new syringe! How come? Let me, you go first! You're late! Let me drive Tong's car, it won't take long! Go now, you've to change, go now! Go now! Excuse me, thank you! Don't take the short-cut! I won't! Jane, have a good time tonight! Okay! Bye-bye! Leaving so soon? May's replacing me tonight! Have a good time, bye-bye! Jane, attending a party? Sorry, I'm in a hurry, see you! Have a good time! No, the operating room works overtime, so do I! Going to a party? Yes, I'm in a hurry! Well, time is up for today! See you again, bye-bye! This is radio HK, here's the news! A serious car accident occurred in Tuen Mun Highway At 4p.m. today, killing 3 and wounding 5! The 3rd robbery this month occurred! At Tai Li Goldsmith, Tsimshatsui at round 6 p.m. Get going, get in! - Don't...! - Get in... quiet! Help! What a shapely figure! Have you tried it? Great, you'll be the last! What are you doing? Sit down...! Don't move, bitch! What's the matter with you? Stay here! Help! Don't try to get away! Help! What are you doing, buddy? Big brother, let's fix her and play again! Don't, big brother! Nonsense, luck's against you tonight! Maybe luck's against me, forget it! Let's go! What are you doing? I'll beat you up! Shut up! Buddy, cool down before you use violence! Miss, shall I call the police? No! Are you alright? May I take you to hospital? No, take me home! Miss, you'd better call the police! No, please drive me home! Miss, is this the place? Thank you! Miss! Here's my card! Call me if you need me for your witness! If you don't call the police, they'll be at large! What is it? What happened? What...? I don't want to call the police! You can't catch them if you don't! What then? It won't help! What about you then? Are you letting them go like that? I... I don't want those to be circulated! Take a rest! I'll get medicine from hospital, come back soon! I'LL LIKE TO PROPOSE A TOAST TO A DEAR FRIEND! WHOSE LONG OVERDUE RECOGNITION FOR HIS TREMENDOUS! WORK FOR THIS COMMUNITY IS FINALLY BEING. REALIZED IN THE FORM OF A KNIGHTHOOD! TO MR. I MEAN SIR IVAN, CHEERS! CHEERS! Tom, your dad's a knight, you're a little knight! Don't take so long, dad's waiting for you! Let me go on! He may curse you, hang up! It's just like women, go now! Why have you lit the lamp? Jane! Jane...! Amy, this is Tom, Jane's still not back! Tow long has she been out? She's unwell, she won't return! Let me take it! I'm alright, I'll come right away, bye-bye! Jane, you can't go the way you look now! This party is very important to me! I must go! Take your medicine first! Otherwise, you may be in trouble! There may be side effects, you know it! Are you sure you want to go? Let me go with you! - Jane, are you alright? - Yes, I'm alright! Amy? Jane's not too well! Thanks for coming with her, let's go! Where's my car? Did you use my car? There was a crash, sorry! Never mind, go down! Jane! Amy! My Mammy, daddy! Auntie! Now I see why Tom prefers not to go to UK! - My big brother! - Cheers, ladies! Thanks! Let me introduce my relatives friends! Okay, let's go! Are you Jane's colleague in hospital? Yes! I'm on good terms with your superintendent! My lawyer’s office is his legal adviser! Is that right? Sorry! Tom, where's Jane? Over there, with mammy! Tom, I want to talk to you! Come, come here! Okay! What's wrong? I've never seen you so serious! What are you doing? How odd! Didn't you want to talk to me? Tom, you're not true to Jane, tell me the truth! What do you mean? What happened? You don't like Jane? Be serious, I'm worried about your relationship! I've been so nice to her! Jane, what's wrong? She's not too well! Let me help her to the toilet! Okay, thank you! Jane, what's wrong? What's wrong with Jane? She's a bit unwell, that's all! Would you show me around? Amy, have a glass of champagne! Thank you! They're quarreling again like kids! When would you teach me that? I have a new boat launching in 2 months! You must be present then! Okay They've reconciled now! Never mind them. Let's go on! Jane, get up, take a walk with me! Go on... I'll go now! Bye! Keung, are you letting it go like that? Why didn't you call the police? Those hooligans are not hard to grasp! Get them out and beat them up! You're still young, look at your big potbelly! What then? We can't work for a few days! I'm ready to pay till you're satisfied! What? Money? Sorry, aren't you Kao Wing-keung? Yes, what's it? About what happened last night, don't call the police! It would affect that girl, you know it Here's a little compensation! It won't take so much to fix that car! Now I know why you didn't call the police! We don't want to make things worse! Please do me a favor, bye-bye! You take some too, you can't work for a few days! Keep it for milk powder! Why didn't you take the money? Est! Me, I'd have taken it all! I don't want to be accused pf extortion! Take care! Take care! Open your mouth, take the temperature! Damn, had it not been for that small truck! I wouldn't have got this! It was that damned policeman who moved forward! I might've got killed had I reacted slowly! Even a learner drives better, damn! Next time I'll beat you up! Don't be a pig What are you doing? I saw that bastard! Those two went in! Are you sure? Yes! Trying to kill me? Right! What happened? Don't, let's go out to talk! I'll call the police! Don't try anything, I'll report against you! Let's go out to talk! Don't be afraid of them! Let's go! What are you doing? Don't... don't make things worse! Do me a favor, will you? We saw that girl just now? What? What girl? The one we went to bed with last time! What a coincidence, what does she do? Sing got crippled and they want to take my life! Recognize me! A taxi's coming! Don't worry, I won't provoke them, don't run around! I won't, bye-bye! Eastern terrace! Bye! - Go. - Okay! Tom! Two men are tailing Jane! Those men we saw last time! Yes...! She's back home now, go and see her! - Closed? - Yes, for dinner! Thank you! I wouldn't use the finger only! Rushing to get a birth certificate, bastard! Tom! Don't...! Don't try anything foolish! Stop that! Tom, help...! Tom! Calling HQ... PC1938 now on the spot! Don't talk nonsense! It's true! - Sir! - Yes? I'm here to bail Li Su-ching out? Li Su-ching? She's accused of murder, no bail, sorry! Can I see her? Not now, she's giving a statement! What's your relationship with her? Her kin's not in H.K. Can I see her? Master Tam's here, go and ask him! Excuse me... Are you representing your brother as a counsel? Let's talk again when we have tea next time! What's your relationship with your brother, Mr. Tam? Sorry, I can't tall you now! What's your father's view of this, Mr. Tam? Tom...! Take a photo! I'll treat you to tea next time! - Were you present then? - Tom! Would you elaborate? What's your relationship with the suspect? I know nothing! Regarding the rape, I'm now taking your statement! Think carefully before you answer! Your said they gang-raped you 3 weeks ago! Did you report it to the police? No! Did you see a doctor or get medicine from HKFPA? No! Is there any witness? Yes! I'll go first! What's it so exciting? Take a look yourself! That man who paid you that day! Buddy, is Ko Wing-keung in please? It's serious! Don't scare me! Keung, two CID officers are here to see you! Are you Ko Wing-keung? CID, please come with us to the police! I need your help on last night's case! How's it? All fight? Yes! Thank you! Are you alright? Yes, but I can't sleep! Do you need anything? Not now! Have you seen Tom? I can't find him, has he come to see you? No Maybe he's still not recovered! I was too impulsive, I got you involved! Don't take it that way, please? You'll be alright soon, I won't let him bully you! I... I know! COURT! State how it happened that night! I was walking the dog downstairs! And saw a gang fight at the entrance! I returned home immediately to call the police! What else did you see then? I looked down through the window! And saw a girl chasing a man with a baton! Then that man dropped dead! Do you know that girl who killed him? Yes, it's her! The deceased Choy was your own brother, wasn't he? Yes! Why did you go to find the defendant that night? He said his girlfriend having known a rich man Wants to leave her & wants me to argue with Kuei! Is your brother's girlfriend defendant Li Su-ching? Yes! He lies! He lies! I couldn't see clearly at a long distance! I only saw them seemingly in a fight! Then a car came, and a man got out! Then they had a fight! Who took the first step? That man who got out from the car! Miss Wong, you're a model, aren't you? Yes! How long have you know Kee since what happened? About a week! Not a week, two days, isn't it? You argued with him after knowing him for 2 days only? Objected to, your honor! Witness's relationship with Kee isn't liked with this case Your honor, the witness's creditability is doubtful! Objection sustained! I have no more questions to ask! The defendant claimed that 3 weeks before the case. The 3rd night of March-she was gang-raped by the Deceased & 3 other men & you were the witness, is that right Yes! You saw the defendant gang-raped, didn't you? Yes! Would you elaborate? I saw 4 men surrounding a car, she from the back seat. What were the men doing? One was getting out, one putting on his pants! One smoking leaning behind the back of the car. The car door was opened then, wasn't it? Yes, the door of the back seat was opened! Did the defendant tell you then she was gang-raped? No! You said you saw the defendant gang-raped! Which of their movements was regarded by you! As gang-rape? I object, your honor, the witness is to testify! Not to explain the sense of crimes! Objection sustained! Sorry, your honor! I'll ask questions again! Did you or did you not see the defendant gang-raped? No! Louder, to let the jury hear it! No! The defendant claimed she wrongly killed to save you! What's your relationship with the defendant? A friend! There are many kinds of friends! Is she your close girlfriend? Object, their relationship isn't linked with this case! Your honor, the question could help us understand The defendant manslaughtered to protect the witness! Objection overruled! Let me remind the witness, you may choose to Or not to answer such personal questions! I'll ask questions again. The defendant is your close girlfriend, isn't she? No! Elaborate how it happened that night! They raped me! And threatened me! They wouldn't let me go! I killed, I plead guilty! Your honor! My client's unstable and unfit to testify! Please grant permission that hearing be postponed! The court decides to have the case remanded for 3 days What now, Mr. Cheung? I'll apply for her transfer to a detention! Can I see her? See me in hospital! Mrs. Tam disclosed openly Li's is her future daughter-in-la My brother already testified it in court! He's not too well now, let him calm down! Thank you... Tom, you're a beast! Jane saved you, but you ruined her! Miss, mind your speech! Libel is a serious crime! Let's go, brother! Perjury is an even more serious crime! It's alright, he's calm! Okay, wait here, it's dad! Yes! I'm doing Jane an injustice! Ok! You can't help her, if you admit to be her boyfriend! Brother, she's innocent, I'm serious! Our whole family is innocent too. The least we get involved the better. As time goes by, you may reconcile with her! I'll buy you ice-cream, two cones! You must be Ko Wing-keung, I'm Jane's friend! I know where you're going, let me give you a lift! Okay! Get the ice-cream, more! Hurry up! Jane's now in the detention ward! - I want to see her! - Okay, I'll take you there! Don't go, how did you drive? Sorry... only an accident! - Pay up! - Outrageous! Thank you! I'll take you home when you come down! No need, I don't want to be in your way! They won't let you to so easily! You're unsafe without company, I'll wait here! Okay, I'll go up first! Confess for me when hearing starts again! How can we do that? Many things can prove Tom's Jane's boyfriend! Those photos for instance... Don't talk about that any more! Please co-operate with me! I want to prove Tom has know you for a long time! And is your close boyfriend! Only that could prove you did it on self-defense! I won't talk about Tom any more! Miss Li, please think it over, excuse me! Jane! You don't care for him any more! Mr. Cheung, what now? A decent and publicity-shy man like Tom! Will never admit his relationship with Jane! If that can't be proved, the jury won't believe In her manslaughter for self-defense. Unless there are new developments before hearing! I tried to find that witness but... Failed to get favorable evidence. Any other witnesses missed by you? Such a possibility is slim! What then? She'll plead guilty! Let me take you home! No, I must try! Please stop! Excuse me, a murder occurred here 2 weeks ago! Did you see it? When? Did you see the gang fight and killing here? No... no, miss! I must go home to cook! Please try to remember! I must leave! Did you see the murder here 2 weeks ago, sir? No, I wasn't passing through! That taxi driver seems to be a front man! But we hurt him enough today, want a beer? Have another bottle! The best, mildest kind, I do care for you! Thank you! I've got it all, come to me! Your new boyfriend is not bad! Don't mix with him, he's unsteady! Guess how much that ice-cream vendor claimed from him? Anyway, he's going to suffer! You've been talking about it the whole night! That nurse would get jailed, but for how long? No way, what about my brother? He won't live again, I must take her life too! Let's go, they're closing! Closing? Let me finish this first! Mr. Pi was only joking! See what else does Mr. Pi want? I've finished, closing? Let's go, don't be in their way! Miss, you may leave after you finish! I must find it even for 2 more nights! Sorry for the trouble! I have no work tonight, let me help you! You prefer to see me than TV, don't you ? Did you see the murder here 2 weeks ago, madam? No... I didn't see it! I already told everything to the police! That piece of wood was put in, can't you see it? It was the weapon that killed! Tell me about it now! Listen, madam! My friend lives here, you know me! I saw you and I know her too! You saw her that night? She's innocent, isn't she? But why are you taking me to the police? Because you saw her kill for self-defense. Please help, madam, only you can help her! You know those police are terrible! You are you going to stand by? You won't want her framed, will you? The defense applies to summon a new witness! Objected to, no point in doing it now! Your honor, the new witness witnessed everything! We traced her only a few days ago! Her statement is crucial! Objection overruled! Take the witness box! Are you a Christian? Here's a... Have you reached your verdict, jury? We unanimously conclude the defendant is not guilty! Oh, god! The court pronounces Li killed for self-defense only She is released without conviction! Jane! She's coming...! Miss Li, what's your relation with Tam's 2nd son? They say a movie company has offered you a role! Stop muttering nonsense! Did the Tams give you $200,000 for parting? Is the judgment fair to miss Li? Better let him face the firing squad! Mr. Pi, would the prosecution appeal? Killing is guiltless, what is the law for? Speak up! The law can punish you villains! Don't be cocky, Miss Wong! Never mind her, let's go! Driver, you're lucky in love! When shall we have a good time with her? Don't let me see you again! Threatening me? I'm scared to pissing! What happened... why such a crowd? Would the police counter-charge you with rape? I'm Joey Wong's manager, how can I be a raper? Let's go... let's go home! Have you finished? Go then! Yes! Who are you looking for? Whatever weekly you're from, please don't bother her! - Thanks! - She has nothing to tell you! Pose? Haven't you taken enough photos? Don't come up, or I'll call the police! I must leave! So soon? I've prepared your meal! Yes, stay for dinner! Okay! I thought you took Europe an food only! We're making an exception! Let me take it, could be the reporters again! Tom, would you take it? I'm downstairs! I know you're mad at me, give me a chance to explain! Will you come down? Let's talk about it during the meal! I'm having a friend with me! Sorry, goodbye! Eat! Why don't you eat? A rape's a rape, a murder's a murder! Even her rape was proved, it won't work! - Miss Li! - Morning, Miss Li! Hurry up! Poor Jane! She's the nurse who was raped! She's lucky to have escaped murder! Yes! Luck's really against her! Bitch! Take a few days off! Excuse me! Why work so hard if No.1 wants you to take leave? Why are you drawing down the curtain? Sorry, Jane, I didn't know you were here! I'm alright...! Please shut up if you really care for her! Well... let me find her for you! Jane, a Mr. Tam's here to see you! Shall I take it for you? I must see him once anyway! I'll come down now! It's this nurse! Want any drink? Let me buy it! No! Let's find a cosy place to talk! You can speak here! Jane, forgive me, I'm under family influence! I understand! Let's start over again! Over again? Can you forget the past? I'm not too sure myself! Sorry! Sorry! I feel sorry too! Tom, don't be conceited any more! Let's have a break, for my sake! Excuse me! I must attend a meeting, see you, bye-bye! Come on... Come on, I'm posing here! I've made up my mind, he can't influence me! Would you be softened? No! Hurry up! Are you alright? Let's go up to call the police! On what charges can we sue him? Let's go and find keung! Don't bother him any more! Aren't you afraid of them? What else can they do to me? Take care! I really am not afraid of them! Keung, why are you so late? I'm busy, check the bonnet for me! Okay, no problem! Testifying against me? Hell with you! Keung, they were tough, we dared not act! Want to call the police? No way! What a pity! Calling the police won't help? Now no one would pay us! Keung, don't get involved! I bought this car for you! Tak, Keung, let me go in first! Thank you! Don't mention it! Let's talk it over next time! I'm serious, I'll bring them out! Don't do it yourself, have Fun do it! He owes you a favor, doesn't he? What? Don't look for him any more! I have a way out, I need no help! Well, you wouldn't do anything! You're ruining yourself for a girl! I'm too innocent! What? See you tomorrow! Where are you going? What have those creeps sprayed on it? Bastards! You'd better move, they're up to anything! They won't give up. They'll come to hurt you too! I'm getting you involved! I must get them out! Have you any idea? Okay, thank you! Good! Kenug, they're hiding so closely! We saw only that model! Give it back to me! Call the police? You lid in court to protect those criminals! You're taking drugs and raising your voice now! None of your business! Not my business! I only want to know how to get those people! Go to hell! I haven't been with them for a long time! But I know the place they haunted! I want them to be caught by the police too! Just get them out and finish them off! You help us! They're bed man! What happened? You call the police! Just get them out and finish them off! What? Are we to forget it like that? I'm not afraid of them! Get going, chicken! Chopping is a serious affair! You're no friend if you don't help him! I'm fragile! Who's going to kill? Tak? Not enough, one more bottle! Boy, bring another bottle of beer! Smart. Run! Chop him, damn! Stop! Follow him! Don't give chase! What are you doing? Damned taxi driver! In fact, I don't feel like moving! If they serape your car, you can call the police! The men at the filling station can't identify them! I know them, but have no evidence! But you don't have to keep away from them! At worst they get a few years jail! Can the law compensate for my loss? You said you'd get them out, any news? There's a little clue! A matter of time, I'll pay! I'll go home, buy something to eat! What are you doing? It doesn't use oil! Calling the police? Look at her... Look at her! Damn, trying to run? Help! Help! Big brother, she's scared like that! Big brother, it's fun! Try again! Go to hell...! Beat her...! Press her down! The rent here is expensive! What a beautiful chick! What have you seen? Nothing! Now you need to transportation to go home! Yes, it's much nearer! Amy! Run! Go to hell! Over there, quick! Mr. Wong's sending more men from serious crimes! No need, call a hearse, he's dead! Check if it's a murder! Miss, keep away, go home! There's nothing to see! Stand back... Don't be in our way! Go away...! The car's fixed, big brother! Go to eat! I'm going to eat with big brother! Go then! I'll get something for you to eat! Big brother, look! "Not yet over, see you again"! Look, our names are on it! See what happened? Tear it, it's only for fun! Go to hell! Okay? Yes! What would you eat, big brother? Anything! Two portions of eggs sandwich! What are you doing? Must be those girls! Sai's alone in the garage! Run now! Damn you! Can I leave now? Yes! It hurts, bit brother! What now, big brother? Unite him first! It hurts! Hurry up! I'm thinking of a way! Go! Hurry up! It hurts! It hurts! Get on! It hurts, big brother! Bear with it, jet's get away! Lots of blood! It hurts, I can't bear it! It hurts, stop, big brother! It hurts, I can't bear it! What happened? Big brother! I'll go and get pain killer! The car's out of order, let me check! I'm finished for sure! Boss, one packet of pain killer, please! Okay! Thank you! Here now is the evening news! A car exploded in Kam Tien at 3 p.m. today! On initial inspection, police suspect chemicals! In the tank, there are also traces of detonators! Two charred male bodies were discovered on the scene! Police take it for a complicated case! Two? Maybe connected with underworld enmity! An ad hoc group has been formed to investigate it! Eye-witnesses are asked to contact the police! Quiet, or I'll scar you face! Quiet! Help...! Call your friend! She's not at home! Act with me, beat! Amy, I'm caught by Pi-kee in the hospital lab! How come? Is he still alive? Never mind, call the police now! Be ready to collect the corpse if you do! Jane, are you alright? Hear me? Come quick! Jane! Miss Wong! Jane! Jane...! Amy...! Jane! - Jane... - Amy...! Jane! Keep away! Call the police now! Blame it all on me! Come over, or I'll scar her face! Don't...! Amy, ran... Leave me alone, run...! Not coming over? I'll kill her! Ran, Amy, run... Run...! It's locked! Turn the switch! Where's the switch? Let's try to find it! Down there! Let me! Help...! Trying to burn me! Help me! Jane, help me! Go to hell! Amy, help...! Let me go... Go to hell...! Go to hell...! Let go...!
Channel: 8號電影院 - HK Movie
Views: 199,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 粵語, 美亞電影, 美亞, 粵語中字, 香港電影, HongKongMovie, freemovie, 線上看, 免費看, 中文字幕, 電影, 經典電影, 港產片, 8號電影院, 免費電影, 華語電影, 亞洲電影, 線上看電影, 免費線上看, 中文字幕完整版電影, 电影在线看, 电影视频, Online movie, Hd movie, 線上電影, 電影線上看, Free Movie, 熱門電影線上看, Hong Kong Movie, Mei Ah, 睇戲, 週末好去處, weekend Movie, 電影推薦
Id: 7RB7RwDqRgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 24sec (5184 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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