(開啟字幕) 海外華人、港人、台灣人注意:中共將立法懲治「台獨」頑固分子分裂國家、煽動分裂國家犯罪、傷害民族感情,惟支持外蒙古獨立的郭沫若和《人民日報》為何不犯法?

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Hello everyone, today is June 22, 2024. Today I want to talk about a piece of news that has a great impact on overseas Chinese, overseas Hong Kong people , and Taiwanese people . I first want to talk about an objective historical fact , which is that since the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, After the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed for more than 100 years, Taiwan and the mainland were governed by different regimes. This is an objective fact. After 1895, Taiwan was established as a colony under Japanese colonial rule. The mainland was continued to be controlled by the Manchurian government and later by the Beiyang government. The warlords were separatist and then the Nanjing government , so the mainland and Taiwan had more than a hundred years and only four years. They belonged to the same China. Only in 1945, Japan surrendered and Taiwan withdrew its troops. Then the Nationalist Government sent Chen Yi to take over Taiwan. Later, the February 28 Incident happened , but it only lasted four years. The time period is from 1945 to 1949. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait belonged to the same China for only four years. From 1895 to the present, it has only been four years. Then in 1949, the People's Republic of China was established in Beijing and became the Beijing government . The Nationalist government retreated to Taiwan. Do you want to admit it or not? It is a subjective opinion. The objective fact is that after 1949, the Republic of China and the Chiang Kai-shek regime in Taiwan. Until today, the government of Lai Qingde still hangs the flag of the Republic of China , still exercises the constitution of the Republic of China, and still uses the era name of the Republic of China. This is objective. The fact is that from 1895 to 2024, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait only belonged to the same political power for at least four years. This is an objective fact. However, in recent years , Beijing has the intention to change this objective fact. This intention has become more and more obvious. Today, we must change this fact through the law, because today it is very difficult. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued a solicitation for opinions, which was jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People 's Procuratorate , and the Ministry of Justice. For Taiwan independence , of course, you currently cannot send troops to recapture it all at once , and there is no way to arrest these so-called Taiwan independence elements who advocate this opinion on the mainland of Taiwan. However, these people will go overseas. If you go overseas to the United States and Europe , it may not be a problem . It’s not surprising that some people will follow you and harass you. But if you go to a country along the Belt and Road and a country with judicial extradition from China, these people can be extradited at any time. Of course, according to opinions, the mainland has issued some solicitations for opinions. It is obvious that this solicitation of opinions is It’s just a formality , because in mainland China, everything is dictated by the Party. It must be the Party’s ultimate will. All the People’s Courts, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of National Security are all dictated by the Party’s orders. This is called iron discipline. In this case, if it is passed I believe this law will be passed. All Taiwan independence elements overseas may be arrested, just like fraudsters, and will be transferred to mainland China. Not only officials , such as officials from the Democratic Progressive Party, but green officials may be the first ones. The second reason for being arrested is that KOLs , people’s writers , or ordinary netizens may also be affected overseas. So is this great? Although they must be punished in vain, they are not just words . After passing this law, there is a knife here. This knife can close the net at any time and attack some so-called Taiwan independence die-hard separatists. Well, in addition to this law, there is another law at the same time. Some people say that I do not support Taiwan independence, and that has nothing to do with me. For example, some people say that I advocate the Three People's Principles to unify China , but the problem is that they are now enacting a law that is harmful to the national spirit and harms the national spirit. Woolen cloth? How can we call punishments that are harmful to the feelings of the Chinese nation harmful to the feelings of the Chinese nation? In the past, some people were arrested for wearing cheongsam . Some scholars here also pointed out that it harmed the feelings of the Chinese nation. In the past, a woman in Suzhou was arrested for wearing a kimono in 2022. Will she be arrested for wearing a cheongsam now? Because the cheongsam is from Manchuria , it is difficult to say. With different political needs of the times, the damage to national feelings can change. If it was a period of time when China and Japan were friendly, wearing a kimono would be no problem. But if that period of time were tense in the Diaoyutai Islands, Wearing a kimono may be a problem if there is a conflict or tension. If you are fine at ordinary times, it will be fine. It will be fine if you want to watch a Marvel movie. If the conflict between China and the U.S. escalates and you say you like Taylor Swift very much , it may damage national sentiments. So this is a mobile one. The bottom line principle of red line elasticity is powerful, but moving the red line elastic bottom line itself is a very core idea after the sinicization of Marxism. This is an idea that has been transformed from Hegelian dialectics. It means that your principles will change as the external situation changes . Moral and legal interpretations will also change in different ways. Let me give you a very simple example. Today, we must severely crack down on Taiwan independence. China’s territory must not be lost at all. The current map must be very politically cautious. Hong Kong textbooks must be published back to the mainland. To be torn down for not fully complying with the accuracy of China's map. But the question is how flexible is China's map ? Some netizens previously wrote to the court asking whether Tangnu Ulianghai still belongs to China’s inalienable territory? This is a state secret elasticity . I will tell you two articles today to understand what principles elasticity achieves? In 1950, Guo Moruo wrote an article "How should we understand the independence of Outer Mongolia?" Because after 1949 the Chinese Communist Party recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia because it was friendly with the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union was the big brother of socialism , so Guo Moruo wrote this article and said that some people distorted it. It is not good for Outer Mongolia to be independent. He wants to say a few words on this point. The reactionaries are trying to incite some Chinese Han chauvinist sentiments to oppose the independence of Outer Mongolia and establish an independent people's state. Please ask what the Chinese did to Outer Mongolia when Outer Mongolia was dependent on China. What benefits? Is it not the fact that certain Chinese invaders sent troops into Outer Mongolia to oppress Outer Mongolia politically and economically that inspired the people of Outer Mongolia to demand independence from China? Here I want to explain when did China begin to rule Outer Mongolia? As we all know, Mongolia ruled China during the Yuan Dynasty. Mongolia established a dynasty in China called the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. It was a very powerful empire . At that time, it was the most powerful empire in the world. The Yuan Dynasty Therefore, the Chinese did not actually govern Mongolia before the Yuan Dynasty . They never governed Mongolia. During the Temujin era , the Jurchens also governed Mongolia. Therefore, the so-called Han people in China never governed Mongolia until the Manchus took over the Central Plains. The Chinese were governed, the Han were governed , and then the Manchus conquered Mongolia in the north and south. In addition , there were many intermarriages between the Mongols and the Jurchens. The Manchus themselves established a huge Manchu Empire, which included Mongolia , which is today's foreign country. Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, which are now controlled by China, are history . Therefore, the Chinese say that the Han people have never governed Mongolia. They only governed Mongolia in the era of the Manchus. Therefore, Mongolia’s so-called independence of Outer Mongolia dates back to 1911, when the Revolution of 1911 broke out, and Outer Mongolia also declared an uprising. At that time , there was an independence movement in Outer Mongolia under the sponsorship of the Tsarist Russia and the Romanov dynasty . Of course, the Beiyang government wanted to send troops to recover the independence movement , but it was beyond its reach . So in fact, Outer Mongolia began to have autonomy , and then there was The 1945 referendum event. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek, Stalin , Churchill, and Roosevelt became the four giants. At that time, Japan surrendered. The four giants wanted to discuss how to build a new post-war world. Before the "Potsdam Declaration", Song Ziwen was sent to Moscow to discuss with Stalin. When discussing the post-war world order , Stalin said that before the discussion, the Republic of China first needs to recognize that Outer Mongolia has become independent, because Outer Mongolia was actually independent 45 years ago , but de jure independence hopes to hold a referendum on independence in 1945. You know that from the Soviet Union to today's Russia, this so-called referendum for independence under military occupation is very popular. Today's Ukraine also has a referendum for independence under military occupation. So of course Song Ziwen refused at that time. Later, Wang Shijie went to negotiate with Stalin, and Stalin proposed it. One requirement is that we can sign a Sino-Soviet alliance agreement to ensure that the Soviet Union will not fund the Chinese Communist Party to engage in revolution. If you can guarantee it, Wang Shijie will lobby Chiang Kai-shek to recognize the results of the referendum in Outer Mongolia . Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek mistakenly believed that the Soviet Union would not fund the revolution. The Communist Party of China felt that if all these military facilities and armaments were handed over to the Chinese Communist Party, it would cause great national security risks . Later, Chiang Kai-shek had no choice but to sign a Sino-Soviet Friendship Alliance with China and the Soviet Union in exchange for the Soviet Union not to fund the CCP and recognize the results of the independence referendum of Outer Mongolia. Of course, the independence referendum of Outer Mongolia passed smoothly. After that, the Soviet Union continued to fund the CCP. In 1949, the Soviet Union funded the CCP. Under such circumstances, the Nationalist Government's governance on the mainland was overthrown. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in 1949. When Guo Moruo wrote this article in 1950 , he felt that the Chinese Han people had never given any benefits to the Mongols. When the Manchus were governed, it was an invasion of their political aggression. The economic aggression in the Republic of China has actually lost their control, so it is actually oppressive. Under our double oppression, the Mongolians who have a little consciousness must be liberated. Shouldn't the Outer Mongolians have a little consciousness and demand liberation? In fact, Guo Moruo's principle can be applied to all the territories invaded by Manchuria. How far is the territory of the Ming Dynasty from the territory of the Qing Dynasty ? Xinjiang, Tibet, and Taiwan are all actually created by Manchus to expand their territory. If Guo Moruo's principle is acceptable in Outer Mongolia, why is it not acceptable in other places? This is a kind of dialectical thinking of the so-called elastic red line and moving bottom line. Because the big brother of socialism at that time was the Soviet Union , Guo Moruo wrote these articles to support the Soviet Union. Some people say that these articles are just the words of Guo Moruo and his family. No, they are published by the "People's Daily" . 》is the official mouthpiece and obeys the party’s command and is loyal to you, so he wrote this article seriously. The Outer Mongolians are more courageous than us, and they have awakened earlier than us, and they realize more clearly than us that it is good to be friends with the socialist Soviet Union , so they get help. It was liberated earlier than us. Because the Soviet Union established its stable political power in 1919 , it immediately carried out the work of redization in Mongolia . Therefore, it realized the benefits of socialism earlier than the CCP in 1949. He said that there is no reason to separate the relationship between U.S. imperialism and Under Chiang Kai-shek's reaction , he felt resentful, indignant, and indignant. He said, " What benefits did Outer Mongolia gain from the independence of the Soviet Union?" Would n’t it be bad for Mongolia to become independent because it has a neighbor just like us ? Of course, the good question is, will the Mongolian people be happier after the independence of Outer Mongolia ? So it can be seen from this that please look at the frank demeanor of Mongolian friends. Shouldn’t we have the spirit of frankness together? In 1950, the official position of the People's Daily was to recognize Mongolia's independence. After Chiang Kai- shek's defeat in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek actually immediately announced that he would not recognize Mongolia's independence because he said that the recognition of Mongolia's independence on that day was conditional on recognition of Sino-Soviet friendship. The Alliance did not fund the Communist Party. Later, Stalin of the Soviet Union reneged on his promise to fund the Communist Party and assisted the Communist Party in overthrowing the Chinese regime and subverting the country's power . So he turned around and said that the agreement of that day was not valid. Therefore, after 1949, the Republic of China no longer recognized Mongolia and also believed that Mongolia's independence was illegal, so this was interesting until After arriving in Taiwan, today, based on the constitutional theory of the Republic of China, Outer Mongolia is still the inherent territory of the Republic of China. In the era of Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo, this is still the case in legal terms. But of course, the Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-te governments will not say whether this is only Of course, what Guo Moruo said in an article is not true . There are other articles with similar statements, also from the People's Daily. The People's Daily has another article from Hu Hua. This is an editorial from the People's Daily. The editorial is completely of the highest official standards. Only the reactionaries of the Kuomintang hate the independence of Mongolia. He said that everyone knows that Mongolia once invaded China and created Yuan and Meng. After Ming Taizu came to the throne, Yuan Meng perished. In fact, this is not true. After Ming Taizu came to the throne, Yuan Meng arrived in Mobei and the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did not perish immediately . After its rise , it was occupied by the Qing Dynasty The Mongolians lived a life of poverty and misery for a long time under the double oppression of their own class rule and foreign rule. Until the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty in 1911 , was Mongolia liberated? On the contrary, it became the target of imperialist aggression. After the Wuchang Uprising, the Mongolian royal palace threw itself into the arms of Imperial Russia in the name of independence. Later, in 1917, the Red Army won the victory, which was great. The Japanese Empire used the reactionary generals of Belarus to steal Mongolia and fight against the Soviet Red Army. Later, it was As a result, the Red Army was defeated and the Red Army liberated Mongolia. In 1924, Mongolia declared its independence and created the Mongolian People's Republic. China's Kuomintang and Communist Party cooperated. The Guangdong government also recognized Sun Yat- sen. Sun Yat-sen recognized national self-determination in the first national congress of the Kuomintang. Sun Yat-sen recognized the nation. Self-determination , and the CCP claims to have inherited Sun Yat-sen’s New Three People’s Principles , so national self-determination has now become incitement to subvert state power. This is the elastic red line. Power is in the hands of those in power. Those in power have absolute power to interpret. It can be changed with the changes of the times. The explanation was that Sun Yat-sen recognized Mongolian independence in order to unite Russia and the Communist Party to establish the Whampoa Military Academy to unify China , so he recognized Mongolian independence and advocated national self -determination . However, after the CCP established power, it no longer advocated national self-determination. Today, anyone in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang If Tibet says national self-determination is a violation of national security, it will arrest Hong Kong residents who incite subversion of state power and may be sentenced to life imprisonment. The same is true for overseas Chinese and Taiwanese overseas. Therefore, this is a very serious issue. Everyone recognized the Sino-Soviet Friendship Alliance in 1945. The Kuomintang also supported the document on the independence of the Mongolian People's Republic , so it is different today. Today is 1950. How did some people oppose it? Those who are opposed are actually the remnants of the Kuomintang. So today, should the Chinese people unite as one of the federations of the People's Republic of China , or should they not unite and call themselves a country? In the future, Mongolians will decide on their own national self-determination. According to the principles of Marxism-Leninism, all ethnic groups can freely associate and separate freely. This is a very powerful principle of Marxism-Leninism. According to People’s Daily in 1950, all ethnic groups can freely associate and merge if they want to be independent. As for merger, no one can force us to unite with us. It is wrong and does not conform to the spirit of internationalism. At that time, internationalism was the focus of the Third International. Marxist-Leninist Thought was about internationalism, and later stopped talking about it because it became Stalin and died. Soviet revisionism wanted to overthrow Soviet revisionism , so it no longer talked about national self-determination, national independence, and the division and reunification of nations. It was no longer acceptable to believe that the people had the right to choose. Everyone must obey the party's command. Whoever divides the country will not end well. This is the main theme later. Because political needs have changed morals, laws, and political ideas, all the foundations will change with the change of interests. This is the thinking logic under dialectics , so I often say I have been talking for many years about why some people are always at a disadvantage when fighting against the CCP? They think that others will keep their promises. The promises they made to you that day will later become historical documents. They don't understand that this is a law in itself. The law is that the Communist Party believes that nothing in this world is unchanged. The only thing that remains unchanged is what? The world is changing, moving, so why do you always say you are reactionary? Because movement is change, change is an eternal and eternal law. This is the core spirit of the thoughts of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Zedong, which is the change of interests. If everything moves, you will be reactionary if you oppose it. If you oppose it, it will subvert state power. If you oppose it, it will divide the country. It divides the country because of political needs. It recognizes the independence of Mongolia, gives Mount Paektu to North Korea , and gives two of the eleven-dash line to good brothers in North Vietnam. It divides the country. Change is because of political needs . If you change the territory and affect its political needs, it will kill you. This is the principle . Therefore, anyone who advocates Taiwan independence and harms national sentiments should also be careful overseas to beware of countries along the Belt and Road. Otherwise, You will probably be arrested. Although you will be punished anyway, I will stop here today. I hope you can understand the nature of the Communist Party of China from this lesson. My paid platform Patreon has uploaded the lesson on the founding of the Communist Party of China in modern history. Many students listened to it . Learn some historical knowledge. If you are interested, please join Patreon. 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Channel: Gavinchiu趙氏讀書生活
Views: 65,294
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Keywords: 趙博, MEMEHK, 蕭若元, 謎米, 趙善軒, 蕭析, 趙氏讀書生活, 周末趙集, 書房閒話, 理論蕭析, 海外蕭析, 光明頂, 文昭, 新加坡, 移英, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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