長斷食的5大錯誤,斷食後的開食,柏格醫生 Dr Berg

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let's talk about the mistakes people make when they do prolonged fasting out of all the things you can do prolonged fasting is probably one of the most important things you can do for your health for your ability to avoid cancer for anti-aging for strengthening your immune system [Music] for your brain to grow new brain cells for any type of chronic health condition that involves inflammation like autoimmune disease like celiac and digestive inflammatory diseases so hands down prolonged fasting just takes your health results to the next level it's way more powerful than even regular intermittent fasting and whether you're doing a 48 hour fast or 72 hours or even seven days this video is going to give you some insights on some big problems you can avoid if you just have the data now there's two main things that you need to know uh when you do these prolonged fast number one insulin becomes very very sensitive okay if you had insulin resistance now you're going to have insulin sensitivity so insulin's going to be very very sensitive and that means if you do carbohydrates to break your fast you are going to make a huge mistake so let's talk about mistake number one breaking your fast with carbohydrates and i'm also including fruit and berries you don't want to do that because here you are you generated these stem cells right ready to turn into things to help repair your body maybe you want to repair your immune system if there's too many carbohydrates especially when you break the fast guess what that stem cell could turn into a fat cell and that's the last type of new cell that you want in your body we want to reserve these stem cells for very important recovery and repair tissue like your joints or your bone marrow or your thymus gland things like that so recently i noticed that my voice was uh kind of cracking up kind of becoming a little deeper so i just started fasting immediately just to to make sure that my immune system had everything it needed to recover and rejuvenate and it was great because whatever happened in my body i overcame it within a day and a half and things were back to normal but the effects of fasting on your immune system is very very powerful i mean there are people that have autoimmune diseases like serious diseases with massive inflammation that do a prolonged fast and pull right out of this condition and it just goes in remission of course they can't say they cured it but they can say it went into remission which basically you kind of cured it i mean fasting right now is even being researched by people that are going to do long term travel into space they found that fasting could potentially protect you against solar radiation as you're traveling to mars i mean it's just mind-blowing now you can do steam veggies you can do fermented vegetables which i highly recommend i also recommend bone broth a little kefir an egg but other than that keep it really really small if you consume a good amount of carbs right after a prolonged fast what's going to also happen is you're going to have this massive shift of potassium inside the cell and out of the blood so we're going to remove potassium out of the blood and you're going to end up with a severe hypokalemic situation which is low potassium in the blood and that's going to increase your pulse rate you can get sick it's actually quite dangerous so this is called the refeeding syndrome where you just eat too fast especially carbohydrates because it throws off your electrolytes remember insulin is very very sensitive and so insulin is going to also take on some of these nutrients and it's no longer resistant so everything is a whole different situation all right number two mistake um doing intense exercise or a lot of physical work right out of the gate doing prolonged fasting okay you don't want to do that your body has just been through a lot of autophagy repair recycling rejuvenation and you don't want to add that extra stress at this point so it's not actually beneficial to do high level exercise when you're in prolonged fasting or when you come out of prong prolonged fasting now when you're doing intermittent fasting absolutely but not when you're doing prolonged fasting it can be very stressful to the heart who knows also if you have enough electrolytes for the heart some people don't even take any supplements while they're fasting which i disagree with so the only point is when you're doing prolonged fasting let your body recover heal rejuvenate all right number three you don't want to make the mistake that i made by overeating coming out of a prolonged fast okay the temptation is there you haven't eaten for days and now uh there's all this food and you you might start eating and going wow i i really miss food and i just started getting uh wrapped up in that you don't want to do that because you have to realize that the digestive system has gone asleep all right it's a sleep and you have to wake it up slowly i mean you have all sorts of enzymes that are not going to be ready to help you digest acids bile salts maybe even there might even be some missing microbes i don't know but the point is if you overload the system and eat too much you can get either edema in your body or you could get diarrhea or get extremely nauseous and uncomfortable like i did so i've learned the hard way you don't want to overeat you want to have just a small little thing regardless of the temptation and then wait uh several hours and do another small thing okay and then wait maybe five hours and then have kind of a smaller meal but maybe a little bit bigger and that's it for the whole day and then the next day have a little bit more so you want to gradually go into this so it's very very easy for your body the next mistake uh is doing apple cider vinegar coming off of a prolonged fast in fact you don't want to do apple cider vinegar when you're doing a prolonged fast in the middle of it or at the end of it why because you are in a very strong ketogenic state and ketones are acidic so your ph is going to be pretty acidic so adding more apple cider vinegar can make you more acidic instead a better way to deal with that is to take some baking soda which is alkaline and you can mix like one fourth of a teaspoon in some water and drink that that will help to neutralize the acidity okay so that would be one thing you could do but also realize that the vegetables will help alkalize the body as well all right the fifth mistake is to instead of doing like real food you are doing protein powders not natural not good remember protein powders usually are low fat they're they're hardly any fat and that's going to have a greater effect on insulin if you take a look at the insulin index okay i have this in my book the thing that's the highest is whey protein powder you want to consume actual protein with its own fat like an egg for example but just a very small amount but i wanted to just create this short video to kind of give you some really important things to watch out for when you do prolonged fasting you need to do prolonged fasting because the benefits and also you just need to know what to break your fast with that you're going to be safe all right if you haven't seen my other video on prolonged fasting i put it up right here check it out
Channel: 柏格醫生中文 健康知識
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Keywords: dr berg, 柏格醫生中文, 柏格醫生, 生酮飲食, 間歇性斷食, 斷食, 胰島素, 減肥, 燃燒脂肪, 腹部脂肪, 無糖, 低碳水, 養生, 健康知識, 胰島素阻抗, eric berg, dr eric berg, 艾瑞克柏格醫生, 艾瑞克柏格, 高血糖, 糖尿病, 脂肪肝, dr eric berg keto, keto, ketosis, 清除脂肪肝, 降低胰島素, ketogenic, 腎上腺, 腎上腺疲勞., 更年期, 更年期症狀, 記憶力, 快速減肥, 肝硬化, 膽固醇, 高血壓, 高膽固醇, 甲狀腺, 膽囊, 膽汁, 老年痴呆症, 肥胖症, 健康飲食, 健康生酮飲食, 營養素, 自然療法, 生酮食譜, 腎結石, 膽結石, 關節炎, 新陳代謝, 新陳代謝緩慢, 糖尿病併發症, 末梢神經病變, 心臟, 血管鈣化, 血管, 視力, 血管阻塞, 血栓, dr. eric berg, dr. berg, 長斷食錯誤, 5個長斷食錯誤, 蘋果醋, 蛋白粉, 酸性體質, 鹼性體質, 小蘇打粉, 避免的長斷食錯誤, 長斷食, 再餵養綜合征, 長斷食後再餵養, 常見禁食錯誤, 延長斷食, 長斷食的好處, 避免禁食錯誤, 柏格醫生長斷食, 柏格醫生長時間斷食, 柏格醫生斷食的錯誤, 長斷食後吃什麼, 斷食 開食
Id: VqssEi-eZc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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