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FORTUNE STAR GOLDEN HARVEST PRODUCTIONS HONG KONG CO-PRESENTED BY JOHNNY MAK PRODUCTION CO. LTD. PRESENTED BY RAYMOND CHOW PRESENTED BY JOHNNY MAK PRODUCED BY STEPHEN SHIU SCRIPT BY STEPHEN SHIU AND JOHNNY MAK SENTENCED TO HANG STARRING TONY KA FAI LEUNG, KENT CHENG AND ELVIS TSUI STARRING CARRIE NG, TIN-NGOH SEUNG AND SAI-KIT YUNG CO-STARRING TIEN FENG, KWOK-LOK YU CHI-KEUNG WONG AND YING-SAU HUI GUEST STARRING GEI-SHUN WAI AND WANG LAI PRODUCTION MANAGER CHAK-YUEN LAU ASSISTANT PRODUCERS HIN-LAM TING AND LAI-YI KWOK ASSISTANT DIRECTORS SHU-GAM CHAN AND SIU-GUEN LAU SCENIC DESIGN: KWAN-KIT MOK PROP DESIGN: SAI-WAN LAU COSTUME DESIGN: SHUI-LIN FUNG MUSIC: JOSEPH CHAN EDITOR: CHUNG-YIU MA AND CHIK EFFECTS: WAI-HUNG KWONG PLANNING: VIRGINIA LOK CINEMATOGRAPHER: HERMAN YAU DIRECTOR: TAYLOR WONG LI WAI, MA YEE-CHARN, TANG CHI-KING From now on, we're blood brothers who share joys and sorrows. Although we weren't born at the same time, we're willing to die on the same day. May the saint of war be our witness. LI WAI, MA YEE-CHARN, TANG CHI-KING Come in. Wai... RECEPTIONIST ASSISTANT MANAGER Why are you all standing here? -Have a seat and talk. -Okay. See, I'm not bluffing. This is a big company. My friend is the Assistant Manager here. He's in charge of everything. What a fierce fire for lighting a cigar. His girlfriend was Miss Exhibition Pageant for Pak Fah Yeow the year before last year. We took a picture. Look. -Isn't she pretty? -Seems like she's from Chiu Chow. He's diligent as an assistant manager. No wonder he gets rich. What do you think, Miss Chu? I'll drive you to a high-class place -and have an expensive meal. -Nice. Let me call to book a table first. He's a good match for you, right? He lives in a luxury apartment, keeps a foreign dog, drives a car, -and is handsome like a movie star. -Don't tease me. This shirt isn't worth its price. It costs 26.5 dollars but the collar is worn out in less than half a year. Tell Bo to help me get the collar changed. ASSISTANT MANAGER Who are you looking for? Good morning, sir. We're looking for Wai. Yes, your boss. The Assistant Manager, right? Assistant Manager? Dad, Wai is posing again. These two guys are his friends. The fat one does makeup for others. That one is just a driving instructor. Wai, get the broom over here. You're not doing your job as an office boy. The floor is dirty. Candy wrappers are all over the place. Look at all these cigarette butts! The spittoon isn't cleaned properly either. You're lazy and pretentious. Assistant Manager? You only earn 130 dollars a month. Why do you wear a suit to work? You put on expensive leather shoes. And an expensive watch too? This is an expensive brand of cigarette. And it has a filter! You punk! If you still wear this smelly suit to work tomorrow, I'll fire you. Do you think you're a manager? You're not qualified to wear a suit to work. Give them to me, you clown. -Good morning, Chuen. -Just off work? Yes. Overnight shift. -Going to school? -Bye, Uncle Charn. -Be careful when crossing the road. -Get out of my way. -Hair Sticker Charn! -Hair Sticker Charn! How many times have I told you? Don't call your dad Hair Sticker Charn. -Get changed for school. Hurry up. -Here's food for you. Come. -I told you to do your homework. -What is it? -Pineapple buns! -Yes. One for each of you. -No need to fight. -Put the food aside. Get changed first. -Good morning, Uncle. -Good boy. Here's a bun for you. -Thank you! -Clever boy. Come back, boy. Greedy boy, you need a good beating. Why don't you listen to me? How many times have I told you? Don't talk to that fat guy. You just don't listen. His hands have touched things that bring bad luck. If he touches your head, you'll stay poor your whole life. Dad, I'm off to school. Bye! -Stay alert on the road. -I'm off to school. -Don't fight at school. -Okay. Your sister and brother have left. Hurry up! You get punished all the time. Stay alert on the road. Darn it, don't sleep! Your work notice arrived last night. The Headless Queen Bears a Son. Morning shift today. Get up! Block 3, Wader Film Studio. Hurry up! Okay. You haven't eaten anything yet. I've given my bun to the boy. Have mine. -What about you? -I don't want to eat. It's late. Hurry up. Have some. You need to feed the baby. Let me have a bite. Babe. I can't forget I can't forget I can't forget your tears I like your hairstyle, just like the actress Diana Chang's. I can't forget the melancholy Brought by the fallen leaves Please don't. You have beautiful eyes. Your clothes are pretty. So is your necklace. Excuse me, Mr. Wong. -Where are we going? Have a late-night bite? -No. Let's get a room. Great! Let's get a room. Goodbye! -I'll break your signboard. Go! -There's no need to be angry. It's gone too far. Honey, come here! -Lai. -Did you miss me? Very much. Give me a kiss first. -Oh, no. It's all wet. -Darn you! Wench! You're a wench! You won't have a late-night bite with me because of this guy? This is degrading. Now I understand why you can pose as a rich guy. You're a kept man. You don't need to work as an office boy. Mr. Wong, I'm off work now. I'm not in the office. You're still under my supervision after work. You live off a woman. This damages the company's reputation. You're an attentive hangdog. The hole on the umbrella is above you, so only you get wet. You make sure she doesn't get wet. No wonder you like him, wench. -This is none of your business! -Babe. -I love him, not you. -Stop arguing. -You can't get it up... Shut up! -He's my boss. Please be considerate. Everyone knows that you're 180 degrees shy of heaven. -You're impotent, right? -I'm sorry, Mr. Wong. -What are you talking about, wench? -You hit me! I'll beat you to death! -Can you? -Go away! -Don't fight. I'm sorry, Mr. Wong. -Get out of my way. -Go away! -How dare you call me wench. Screw you! -Stop fighting. -Back off or I'll hit you too. -Wench! -Darn you! -You call me a wench? I'll stab you to death. -Mr. Wong, please get into the car first. -Scumbag, I'll beat you to death. -I'll fire you. -You've hit me. -Get in the car. Don't fight with them. -Don't pull me. -Back off. Get out of my way. -Lai, he's my boss! -Go away! I'll kill this impotent man. Look, you're all soaked up. Come with me. Come here. Lai, don't go inside. Get back down. Sit down. Your jacket is all wet. Let me wipe it for you. -Look at your hair. -You're such a coward! You shouldn't swallow such an insult. Get lost! Wench! Please don't cry. Did I hurt you? Where does it hurt? -My knee. -Your knee? Are you okay? Please don't cry. Are you hurt? Me too. -You're such a beauty. -Don't. -Watch out for cars! -Shut up! He's so noisy. Good skin. As an emperor, I don't eat chili sauce Stir fried pork intestines with bean sprouts A beauty looks in the mirror... What are you doing here? Time to go. I'm singing a Cantonese opera. Can't you see I'm cleaning the car? The driver is off sick. Cleaning their car? That's too much. You're not hired as a cleaner. You shouldn't do everything. Please get off. Look, that's our best friend, General Manager Ho. He loves his car so much, he has to clean it himself. I'll hit it from front to end! Why did he hit his car? He treats his car like his son. He hits it if it doesn't work for him. Let's be frank, Wai. There isn't much gasoline left in my tank. Can I get some from yours? Help yourself. No need to ask me. -Please don't. What if-- -Stop meddling. What's the problem? What if the car stops because it's empty? I'll drive my Rolls-Royce then. You clowns! Are you trying to steal gasoline? Please don't get us wrong, sir. There isn't any gasoline left in King's car. We know you're nice, so we want to borrow a little gasoline to drive to the gas station. We'll return the gasoline tomorrow. Shut up! Don't interrupt my dad. You steal from me! No wonder I have to spend 16 to 17 dollars on gasoline each month. I ask you to clean the car and you steal gasoline. If I ask you to clean my safe, you'll steal all the money inside, right? Dad. I lost an expensive pen in the office last month. Two months ago, didn't you lose a pair of glasses in the office? Scumbag, I've suspected you for some time. I pay you 130 dollars a month. How dare you take advantage of me! -You bastards, -Boss! you all do bad things together. I know you. You're a driving instructor. You steal my gasoline to teach your students to drive. -You! I know you too! -What? What? You look cunning. Why do you work as a thief? What did you say, geezer? I just met them today. -I just met her. -I'm Fei Fei. I'm a movie star. She acts in movies. -She's getting popular. -Darn you, Hair Sticker Charn! Have you said enough, geezer? I only took a little of your gasoline. You don't need to make a scene. Don't you believe I'll punch you? -You! -Look, you're bleeding. -You! -Dad, let's go upstairs first. Stay where you are! I'll call the police! -Don't argue with these bad guys. -I'll sue you for theft and damage! Get ready for jail! Wai, what should we do now? What can we do? It's okay. I know them well. They'll just threaten us verbally. I'll soothe them. Take it. Get some gasoline. Are we still doing this? Are you a man? You're fired without getting a cent? Darling, I'd begged them for a long time before they agreed not to call the police. How can you stand it? You should kill them. I would if I were you. What did you say, wench? Coward? Am I asking you for money now? Am I spending your money? I have no guts? What? I'm not talking to you! -Darn. Let's go. -Don't be so angry. I want to beat someone up right now. -You've beaten up the cat. -I can say anything I want. A thief! Get your weapons. Where's the kitchen knife? I see him! -Darn you, thief! -Help! -Thief! -Darn you! -King, stop kicking. -Darn you! He isn't moving anymore. He could die! You've killed the thief. Take it away. Darn it! -Thief! -I'm Ming. Please don't hit me. -No... -What are you doing here? I've stolen a radio. I wanted to bring it to your uncle. -Let him go. -He's not here. Settle it tomorrow. Can I have it back first, King? -Do you want to be beaten up again? -No! Screw you! Why are you howling like a wolf? This isn't a wolf's howl. What's it like then? You are both wrong. A wolf howls like this. -That isn't a wolf's howl. -What's it like then? That geezer and his son... deserve a good beating. They're stingy. It was just a little gasoline. It's not worth much. That geezer has to think for half an hour before getting a donut that costs a cent. Let's burn his Benz. He would be real upset. -Yes. Burn his car. -Silly, we should take away his son. Hide his son, and he'll definitely get a heart attack. That's silly. Why don't we just kidnap his son and demand for a ransom of a million or two? Then we can enjoy ourselves. Isn't that a good idea? Yes. Let's do it. You know his schedule well. That's possible, but do you have the guts? Of course I do. I'm fearless. If you give me a million, I can kill for you. I'm ready to kidnap anyone. You don't laugh when you're kidding. You're good at it. -Who's kidding? -You. -Were you kidding with us? -What now? You mentioned kidnapping first. Now you want to back out? What? I was just kidding. You should follow it through in action. I was just kidding. I won't do it whatsoever. We swore to stay together in weal and woe. Do you want to break your promise? Even if you don't think for your wife, you should think for your kids. How can you get rich by doing makeup? Only educated and well-connected men will get a bright future in Hong Kong. Do you want to stick hair for women your whole life? You're only good at talking. Would you take care of my family if something went wrong? I'm not doing this. Do it yourselves. No. We should do it together, the three of us. Do you care about brotherhood? We've argued with him. He'll suspect us. You're such a fool. They argue with people every day. Their enemies can fill up a big soccer field. We'll go to jail if something goes wrong. Nonsense. Shut your mouth. Touch wood. One million dollars. It's worth taking the risk. Do I have a choice? Yes. Let's toss a coin. -Fair enough, right? -Do you think I'm scared? -Okay? -I'm just worried about my family. All right then. -Now. -Let's toss. -How can you force me? -Head or tail? I'll go if it's tail. -Okay. -Okay. Remove these peanut shells first. Wait a minute. I'll go if it's head. Have you made up your mind? Head! Charn, this is your own choice. -Let's make a toast, King. -Sure! -Cheers! -Cheers! -We'll go after draining this bottle. -We'll go after draining this bottle. -Listen. -Brothers, we're going to be rich! -They have such a big plan. -Come on, don't worry. -Cheers! -Come on! -This is your own choice. -Right. -Come on. -Come on. -Good morning. -Good morning. -Good morning, Ping. -Good morning. Stop. You've driven past it. That's his car. Right. Fish and peanut porridge! Fish and peanut porridge! Mister, do you want to have some fun? The price is reasonable. What do you mean? Give me one dollar, and you can touch my breasts, buttocks, and private parts for five minutes at the staircase. Do you want me to hit you? Wai! How come you can recognize me? Darn you. -Quiet! -Darn you. What are you doing here? Are you crazy? Don't yell. You'll wake up the people upstairs. -Why are you here? -Tell us now! -Tell us now, or he'll beat you up. -Tell us! How can he talk when your hands are over his mouth? Bros, I've lost a lot of money gambling recently. I overheard your big plan the other day. I just wanted to help. Do we need him? -I'm smart. -I doubt it. -We have three options. -What are they? -One, we leave now. -No. That's a shame. We're all here already. -Two, we let him join us. -That's good. -Three, we kill him. -All right. We should leave. -What? -No. Listen to me. -What's the matter with you? -Listen to me first. -Say it! -Say it! I'll let you decide. We should kill him. Someone's coming. Cops! Let's go! Someone's coming. Go up first. Hurry up. Come. I gave you one dollar. Why are you running away from me? Man, the cops are here. -So what? -Hands off! -Okay. Fondle my breasts, -That's nice. -buttocks, and my private part. That's it. -Good. -Time to go home and get some sleep. -No way! You said five minutes. I'll chop your head off if you cheat me. -All right. Go on. -Okay. What should we do now? Come. Wai, he's out. -Over there. -Go away. -Bye. -Let's go grab a bite first. There are so many people. It's difficult to take action. Let's leave now. -Come back. -Go home and get some sleep. -Where are we going? -Get in. -Get in. -Aren't we having a bite together? -Bye. -We'll leave first. Bye. -They've all gone. -Let's go to the Peak. -What for? -To see the night view. -I don't want to go with you. -Come. Wench. He's about to leave in his car. Just another dollar and you get so much more. So you-- -Throw this censer down to scare them away. -Good idea! Stop fooling around or I'll call the police. Hurry up. Oh, no, he's in the car now. Let's leave and have a late-night bite. -It's your fault. -My fault? Go hit him. Are you trying to kill him? Cops! Why were you so hard on him? Officer, he's with a hooker. They're doing something immoral. -They're murderers. -You're under arrest. Back to the police station. -For a late-night bite? -Officer, listen to me. -I took up with a hooker... -Wanna try beef tripe? but I really saw them beat a man up. What are you doing here? Scumbag, I'll beat you to death. Come and help me! -I'll teach you a lesson today. -I'll beat you up. -Stop! -Pull this scumbag over here. -Darn you. -I told you to stop. -Mind your mustache. -What? Stop now! -Don't get mad. Listen to the officer. -Okay. Stop for now. Why did you hit him? -You're nosy. -I'll complain about things I don't like. It was a trivial matter. He took a loan from us and gambled it away. He won't pay us back and we're all in trouble. Gambling ruins your future. It's better to be a cop, right? -You should pay us back. -See if you dare to gamble again. -You deserve it. -I'm sorry for what I did. I deserve it. Get up now. Do you want to be beaten to death? I can't breathe properly. I need to rest before I can get up. -Get up now. -Officer! -Come here. -What's the matter? Come here. I want to make a complaint. You shouldn't have cuffed us together. He keeps molesting me. I paid her, officer. -Shut up, both of you! -You're insane. I'll beat you up at the police station. -He just gave me two dollars. -You drug addict, be grateful that someone is willing to touch you. Stop your nonsense and go. It hurts... Stop hitting him, or you'll all go to the police station. -Okay. Thank you. Good night. -Thank you and sorry for the trouble. You're such a scumbag. We'll settle it when we get back. Hurry up! Cover it up and secure it with nails. -Hurry up. -Okay. -Be quick! -I'm working on it. -It's you, Wai! -No. You bunch of scumbags again. Putting on makeup this time? I'm sorry, Mr. Wong. It was just a joke. Don't be afraid. You've fired Wai. We're annoyed so we set you up. We're even now. Let's forget about it -and be friends again. Handshake? -A joke? You hit me and my head is covered in blood. Why have you brought me here? A joke? Why am I in a box? Are you trying to kill me? I'm calling the police. You'll be put in jail. Bastard, don't you believe I'll kill you? -No! -King. King! Say it again if you dare. No! I'll shoot you. I believe you now. I'm sorry. -Help! -Don't go, Mr. Wong! -Don't let him run away. -It was just a joke. -Go find him first. -Help! Help! -Don't be afraid, Mr. Wong. Don't run. -Help! -Don't run, Mr. Wong. Don't run. -Help! Don't yell! -Help! -Let go. Press him on the ground. Someone's trying to kidnap me! Someone's trying to kill me! These scumbags are trying to kidnap me! Cover up his mouth. Don't let him yell. -Don't run. Stop yelling. -I'll beat you to death. -Listen to me. Don't yell. -You hit me! Screw you! -Screw you! -Listen to us, Mr. Wong! -Hit me? -Stop! There's something wrong with him. Mr. Wong, Mr. Wong! Stop! He's not moving! He's not moving... -He's not breathing! -What? Is he dead? No way. Why would that happen? I don't believe it. We've killed someone without getting a cent. What bad luck! -What are you talking about? -Stop arguing. -Shut up! -Don't argue anymore. What should we do now? Hold on... There's a mole on his left ear. If I cut it off and mail it to his father, we may get some money. -Take it! -No! Be careful, Wai! Go help him! Screw you! Screw you! Come here. Help me bury him. Be quick! IEC LEONG FIRECRACKERS FACTORY Mom! Son! -Are you hurt, Mom? -No. Mom, I've brought you -some high-class lotus seed paste cakes. -Okay. They taste good. Have a try. Don't they look nice? Have dinner with me before you go. Sure, Mom. WONG SHEK-KAM 42 BRAEMAR HILL ROAD Son. Thanks, Mom. Look what they are! Your favorite braised pig ears. -Have a piece. -They look nice. Have a piece. Thank you, Mom. Is it good? Yes. Eat them all up then. "Mr. Wong Shek-Kam, your son is with us. Give us 2 million dollars. Do not call the police or we will kill him. From Wolves" What should we do? This is Kau's ear. I recognize the mole on it. Hold on. Switch it on. Speaking. I've received your letter. Let me talk to Kau. Why not? I won't give you a cent. Everyone knows that I'm stingy. I have 11 sons. Losing one isn't a big deal. What? You can't threaten me! Mr. Wong, you shouldn't speak like that. They may hurt your son if you piss them off. Kau is already dead. How can you say that? Just now, I said I wanted to talk to Kau. He refused without thinking. Kau is dead. Mr. Wong, I can guarantee you that Wong Zing-Kau is still alive. According to our intelligence, those kidnappers... are not easy to deal with. They're either agents or an enormous criminal gang. But with the elites in our police force, I'm sure we'll soon crack the case. It'd help if you offer a big reward though. How much will you offer, Mr. Wong? Does it cost money? -How's it going? -How's it going? How's it going? TELEPHONE -He's going to pay us! We'll be rich! -Really? How much is he paying? 500,000 dollars. 500,000 dollars? How can you cut down on the ransom? We've agreed on 2 million dollars. How can you agree on 500,000 dollars? You call him yourself. Hold on. Let's do it step by step. -Take the 500,000 dollars first. -Right. He won't call the police, right? Of course not. His son is in our hands. I suppose so. Let me have a look. -He called the police! -Darn it! You hit me because I sighed? -King. -You dragged us down. Don't argue. Why are you sitting up so high? Didn't you say he wouldn't call the police? It was your fault. CHAIRMAN'S OFFICE -You go to the toilet so often, lazy bone. -Boss. This young man is so full of it. Who didn't flush the toilet after use? It's so wet. I have to waste a piece of toilet paper. A coin for me when I take a crap? What's up? Let me go! What's the matter? -Get out! -Chuen! Freeze! Don't run! Chuen, I'm here! Freeze, or I'll shoot you. Still running? Be careful when you fire. Don't shoot me. Close the windows! This is a shoot-out! Hurry up! Let's go. Your boss is kidnapped. Help us chase the kidnappers. Get back in the car. Don't be a hindrance. Get in, Chuen. Let's go. Hurry up! Be quick! Move, scumbag! -I can't start it. -The road is blocked. Get out and push the car! You're such a lousy driver. -Back off to the corner. -Let's each push one side. Calm down. Darn! Why did your boss get such a heavy car? Hurry up! Get him out fast! Remove the duct tape. He's not breathing. -Are you serious? I'm out! -No heartbeat! What should we do? -No heartbeat. -There really isn't any. Quiet! Don't scare yourself. I can feel a pulse. Oh, right. He has a heart disease. Loosen his clothes and give him first aid. Number 81, you can breathe more deeply. Give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Open your mouth. -How can you do it with your mask on? -Take it off. He has medicine with him. -He can't open his mouth. -Open yours. Open your mouth. Spray the medicine on him using your mouth. -Spray! -Spray! -He's awake. -Yes. He's awake. -Mask. -Aren't you wearing it? Your mask! Where's my mask? -Open the door. -Okay. Where are you? -Go away. -Where are you? Am I in the New Territories? Let's begin. Hello, Mr. Wong. I'm speaking on behalf of our group. -Welcome to our family. -Don't laugh. Good speech. If you're sitting with your back against the wall, you'll see two switches at the top right corner. The left one is for the light. The right one is for the fan. I hope you like this room we've designed especially for you. There's a spittoon at the corner on your left. After you've used it, pull the metal wire above your head. Someone will clean it up for you. -Me? -Yes. Have some tea, Mr. Wong. After that, please write to your family to ask for 1 million dollars. On behalf of our leader, I assure you that we'll let you go once we receive the money. POLICE ARE STILL CLUELESS ABOUT WONG'S KIDNAPPING AFTER 13 DAYS Get up! -Clean the spittoon. -Be quick! Again. Things are expensive. I spent six dollars on food. Celery is one dollar per catty. He eats it every meal. Said it helps lower his blood pressure. He asks for this and that as if he's ordering from a restaurant. Have you bought his remedy? Yes. A bottle costs 26.5 dollars. If it goes on like this, we'll go bankrupt. It's cruel to beat that geezer, but it's hard to be patient with him. Mr. Wong, are you shitting again? So soon? I like to do this in two parts. I did the first part just now. It's time for the second part. Where's the 173th issue of World of Wuxia? I'm reading it. Hand it over. I can't shit without it. WORLD OF WUXIA MONEY Have you had enough, geezer? What do you mean? I'm having a good time. I want to live here for the rest of my life. We just had a meeting. The leader orders you to write the letter before noon tomorrow. Or you'll be punished. What kind of punishment? During the occupation of the Japanese, I was kidnapped by some robbers in Guilin. I didn't give them money even when they pointed four guns at me! Later, I was caught by the Japanese, they poured ice water over me, used a thumbscrew on me, beat my feet and burned my buttocks. I could bear all of those! Do you think you can scare me? After the punishment, we'll give you an hour to write the letter. If you don't, we'll kill you. You can kill me anytime. I'm close to death, anyway. You can put down 71 years old on my headstone. To an old man, dying is like sleeping. Do you want to see your son, geezer? That's up to you. I don't care. Your son was executed because he didn't follow our instructions. We'll kill you if you don't give in. Thanks for killing my useless son. He couldn't waste my money at nightclubs anymore. You killed my son. You made him die before me. Come and kill me now too! I don't want to live anymore. Let me talk to him. Mr. Wong, I'll make dinner for you. We'll have snakes tonight. Do you want a bowl of snake soup? No. I'm scared of snakes. God bless Mr. Wong. Don't kill him. -Hurry up. Life-saving facilities are ready. -Okay. We'll take our chances. If the geezer dies, we'll all be doomed. How dare you take away my spittoon! -Go! -Give it back! -Please don't let him die. -About time. Something bit my buttocks. Did you use a mouse to scare me? -How dare you! -He thought it was a mouse. Snake! Snake! -Take the snake away! Quick! Help! -He must be frightened. -Help! I beg you. -He's scared to death. Nice! Okay, you win. I'll write the letter. -I'll write. -Don't go. It's so quiet. Save him. Be quick! -Hurry up! -Help him up. Catch the snakes. Unbutton his clothes. I can't handle them... -Go help him. -You're useless. "Chi, please have 1 million dollars ready. Pay according to their instructions to save my life. Don't call the police." Barbecued pork buns! Steamed Chinese sausage rolls! Shrimp dumplings! -Shrimp dumplings! -Two bamboo baskets. The shrimp dumplings are nice. Get another basket. He ordered first. That was the last basket. -What? You ordered first? -What do you want? I ordered first. Don't cheat. Yes. You ordered first, officer. Try it. The shrimp dumplings here are made with fresh, big prawns. The old man is gone. -We're rich! -So much money! Didn't we say we'd split it equally among the four of us? Why is there a small pile? Who gets the small pile? Make a guess. I hope it's not for me. You know the answer already. We didn't invite you to join at first. Here is 50 grand. Take it or leave it. We'll share the money if you don't take it. I'll take it. I just wanted to make things clear. Ming, an apartment costs 10 grand. You can buy five apartments with this pile. Be contented. You can live on rents from now on. Don't squander the money you get today or people will get suspicious of you. Lead your usual life. Spend your money several years later. Don't wear jewelry to show off or dress extravagantly like an upstart. Got it? Yes. Thanks. This is for you. Thank you. Darling. Thank you. -This is for you. -Thank you. -Some for you too. -Thank you. Hello! Hello! Hello! Why did you greet them? Do you know them? No, that's just what a gentleman does. Thank you. You're so pretentious. This is disgusting. What did you say? Hello! Why did you say hello to him? Do you think he'll greet you back? I know him. He used to be my client. He liked me a lot. Have you resumed your old trade? I already paid off your debt! You're a born wench. Why did you yell at me? Son of a gun! What did you say? THIS WAY TO TEN THOUSAND BUDDHAS MONASTERY Are you tired? No. We're almost there. Just 600 more steps. Mrs. Tang has some pictures to show us. -Is this the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery? -This is it, right? -Is the vegetarian food there nice? -Yes. It was delicious. -Is this your son's car? -Yes. -He carried me up on his back. -Your son is so good to you. No hurry. Carry your mom up first. Then come down to get us. You should consider a string bet. I would call if I were you. He's bluffing. No need to be scared. -Okay. -The hand you've got won't lose. -This is genuine. -Deal! -Showdown! -Showdown! What have you got? Four of a kind. You hit me because I sighed? You dragged me down. -Cheers! -Don't drink too fast. -You're so protective of your wife. -Of course. She's precious. -He's so good to his wife. -Enjoy! Dear neighbors, friends, and brothers, I'm very happy tonight. It's my wife's birthday today. Thanks for coming. Have some drinks and enjoy yourselves. I feel an impulse to sing. Forget it. Your voice is hoarse. -Let him sing. -I'll sing this song for my wife. This song is dedicated to you. I hope you'll stay young and beautiful forever. Thanks for taking good care of our home and raising the five kids. She works hard and does all the housework by herself. Thank you, darling. Thank you. I love you. -Great! -This song is called A Scene by the Sea. I looked around on the shore last night And saw a cute Tanka girl She called me "Mister" several times With her sweet voice She asked me to row a boat with her -I called her Kiu, she raised her eyes -He acts silly and sings all the time. And smile at me -Are you cold, Mom? -No. -Put on my jacket. -No need. -Let me skin the chicken for you. -Thank you. I called her Kiu What? You're pregnant? -Are you sure? -Yes. Really? -Lai is pregnant! -Are you crazy? -Charn, Lai is pregnant. We can get married! -Sit down first. -Someone is getting married. -Come on, drink for us! Congrats! Cheers! -Drink to the bottom of your glass. -Sure. Lai. Why do you look unhappy? -You're insane! -What's wrong? We've got five already. Don't drink so much. It's not good for your health. Okay, Mom. I'll quit drinking. -Good boy. -I'll have orange juice. -What's wrong? -Bastard! You'll only marry me when I get pregnant. Who's more important? Me or your son? She's jealous. Don't be silly. Of course our son is... less important. You're more important to me. -I called her Kiu, she raised her eyes -Kiu That's easy, right? Just sing after me. Let's start all over again. -I think you should find a girl -Are you kidding? -to take care of your mom. -Right. My son is good to me. I want to find someone to care for my mom. -Can Lai introduce someone? -Come here to have a drink! -I'll introduce my friends to you. -I'll count on you. We rowed the boat along again Why are you so late? -And saw a cute Tanka girl -A cute Tanka girl -She called me... -She called me "Mister" several times I asked her to row a boat... Why aren't you singing? You didn't sing well. No one is listening. What's the matter? Why is he here? Ming brought Fook. Fook said he knew what we did. He's asking for 100 grand as hush money. Fook and Ming are from the same village in Yuen Long. Fook is a drug addict. He's mean. It's impossible for him to find out. Ming and Fook are in league to extort us. That's likely. Ming must have gambled away all his money. These two guys are greedy. They'll keep on asking for more. We shouldn't give them money. The problem is, an outsider found out about it. Other people will soon find out. The scumbag forced us to do this. Either we kill them or we're in peril. We should kill them. Again? Are you serious? It's like we've turned into killers. We'll be doomed if we don't kill them. What if we kill them? I think we should be fine? Let's do it. For our families... we should do this one last time. -Right? -We have no choice but to go ahead. There's no turning back. Do you need to toss a coin to decide? No. The big guy looked cruel. It might not turn out well. They killed their hostage. They could kill me as well. That's dangerous. Very dangerous. Who is it? See how long you can last. A power outage? Darn. I haven't paid my electricity bill for three months only. On second thought... I should take the 50 grand bounty instead. I'll easily get the money. Let's call the police to arrest those three wolves first. Ming, get in the car. Wai, King, Charn. Going to the dim sum restaurant so early? We couldn't sleep. How could we? You know why. Right. That son of a gun. I've scolded him. I said you risked your lives for the money. Asking for 100 grand is too much. He could get killed if he makes people angry. We killed him. Right. You can kill him anytime. Right? Wai, did you just say... We killed him. His body is in the trunk of the car. We asked you out to help bury him. King, start the car. Wai, isn't this hole big enough? No. Not deep enough. What? It's already very deep. It's deep enough for one dead body... but not enough for two. Why do you mean, two? Where's the second one? You should know that. What? Wai, no kidding please. You traitor! You extorted us with an outsider. We have a good reason to kill you. Be careful! He has a knife! Run? Run? -Screw you. -No! No! -Still running? -Beat him. Still running? Help! Help! Help! Help! A police car is coming! Help! Help! The Wolves want to kill me. Help! -Help! The Wolves want to kill me. -What's the matter? -The Wolves... -What did you say? I AM DOING MY HAIR AT LAIKA. COME HAVE LUNCH WITH ME, YOUR SWEETHEART, LAI Officer, the three men wanted to rob me. I just shouted a random name. Why did you call them Wolves and not robbers? Officer, my face is bleeding. I have a bad headache. I beg you. My leg is broken. Can you let me see the doctor first, please? Please, I'm dying. I can't bear the pain any longer. Ming, fill in this application form first. Write here, "I am writing to Sergeant Li Cai to request for a doctor's consultation." Thank you, officer. Kiu, open the door. Kiu, open the door. Why make so much noise? Officer, what's the name of the sergeant? Li Cai. Which "Cai"? The one that means money. I AM WRITING TO SERGEANT LI CAII You spelled "Cai" as "Caii." There's an extra "I." Do you always misspell this word? This extra "I" can kill you. This is cement water. We call it coffee. I'm offering you this. Your lung will be as hard as cement after drinking it. No! No! Ming, serve as a prosecuting witness. Testify against the Wolves. I assure you that you'll only serve five years in jail at most. At least no death penalty, silly. Right? Don't lie to me. I've been your wife for years. -I can tell you're in trouble. -I'm scared. -You're so bad to me. -Don't be afraid. You always hide things from me. Don't you know that I worry about you? Honey... Get lost! If you ever come back again, I'll hit you until you're crippled. Take care. -Come here. -Come back soon. -Listen to your mom. -Okay. Be good and don't make her angry. -Don't go, Dad. -Be good. Let me go. Dad... Cops! -Where? -At the back. Start the car. Stay calm. That's Charn! -Where is he? Tell us! -Why did you slap me? -Take everyone back to the police station. -No. Don't take my mom! -Go. -You've framed my husband! Darn you! -My husband is a good citizen. -Come. If you ever touch him, -I'll report you to the Queen. -Shut up! Wench! Don't touch my kids, you bunch of scumbags. Have a piece of gum. Do you even chew the wrapper? What's wrong? Your face is hurt. This is the key for my safe deposit box in the bank. Take it. Keep it well. I have to leave for now. I'll come back after a month or two. What's wrong with you? I just bought plane tickets. -We're getting married next week. -Don't yell. There's a breakthrough in the kidnap cases of the Wongs. The police are looking for three Chinese men related to the cases. Their names are Tang Chi-King, Ma Yee-Charn, and Li Wai. Should you know their whereabouts, please report it to the nearest police station. -Wai! Wai! -What's up? There are cops outside. Run! Wai! Raise my son! -Freeze! -Don't run! Wai, run! It's locked. Go upstairs! Come! -Everyone, go upstairs! -Upstairs! Hurry up! Jump down! -Get up. -Where's the money? I'm stuck. Jump over here. Hurry up! I can't. You go first. The police are there! Be quick! -King, let's go! -Okay. Go away! -Go away! -Back off! -Get up! -I can't move. Freeze! Use the wheel board! I'm stuck! King, run! Forget me. Wai, I don't want to give in yet. Hold on. Officer, a kid. Hello? Why have you betrayed me, boy? I gave you my pineapple buns. You've reported me. You're so bad! Freeze! Freeze! -Let me go! -Let go! Let me go! The Court of Appeal has dismissed your appeal. Tang Yau-Ming is convicted of kidnapping. He is sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment. Li Wai, Tang Chi-King, and Ma Yee-Charn are convicted of murder. They are sentenced to hang. May God bless your souls. I didn't do it on purpose! I don't want to die! DAILY NEWS THREE WOLVES SEEK QUEEN'S AMNESTY Wai. Wai! Will the Queen grant us an amnesty? Definitely not. I think she will. People said the Queen is kind. She has established something called the RSPCA for animals. We're humans. Shouldn't we be treated better than animals? The Queen protects foreign dogs. Are you a foreign dog? Your request for amnesty has been refused. You will be hanged tomorrow at 6 a.m. No! I don't want to die yet! Stop yelling! -I don't want to die! Release me! -Stop yelling! Let me go! Let me go! I don't want to die! Inmate 1093! To prevent you from committing suicide, we'll take away all your things. We've informed your families. They'll come before 5 p.m. to see you one last time. Do you have any other requests? King. King! What's up? Are you crying? You used to be fierce. Now you're scared? Don't be afraid, King. It'll be over soon. I heard that... it'll be finished in less than one minute. How dare you say this? Wai. It was your fault. It was your idea. I was obsessed and followed you blindly. I should have worked as a driving instructor. Why have I taken the risk? I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I should have chosen to stay poor. He doesn't get an amnesty. He will be executed at 6 a.m. tomorrow. We'd like to inform you to come see him one last time before 5 p.m. today. Inmate 1093, your mom's here to see you. Mom! Mom. Ma'am, your son said he's ashamed to see you. This may be better. I might not be able to say anything when I see him. Can you lend me a pen and paper? I'd like to write a few words to him. Let me help you, ma'am. Thank you. Go ahead. King, my dearest son... at this moment... I don't know what to say to you. Although I'm already 71 years old... I'm healthy enough... to make my own living. Please don't worry about me. Go in peace. If you get punished by the god of death, Remember to tell him that it was your mom's fault. She should take... all the blame... and you should be spared. He can impose any kind of harsh punishment... on me. Ask him to wait for me. Tell him... I'll be there soon. When you see your dad... -don't call him Hair Sticker Charn, okay? -Okay. -I'm here first! -I've told you to keep quiet here. -I'm here first! -Don't shout. You'll embarrass your dad. Dad! Dad! Good kids. -Dad. -Good. How are you, kiddo? Wolf! Naughty girl. -Have you been naughty? -No. -Have you made Mom angry? -No. Mom cries every night. She disturbs our sleep. Honey. I'm sorry. Over the years... you've had to take care of so many things at home. I couldn't give you a comfortable life. And now, you have to worry about me. You don't have to think of me. I won't feel any pain after the hanging. You're still young and beautiful. Marry another man. You're such a bastard. I've been your wife for years. You still don't understand me? I won't remarry. I'll be your widow for the rest of my life, Charn. Kiu. Charn, go in peace. I'll still marry you in my next life. I'll raise your kids. Don't leave us, Dad. Don't leave us, Dad. Don't leave us, Dad. Kiu. Kids... Honey... That's impossible... Charn. King. Why hasn't my wife come yet? What's happened to her? Can any one of you answer me? Can you say something? Oh, no! Has she run away with another guy? No. She said she really liked me. You two know it. Although she worked at a night club, she's loyal to me. Right? This meal is sumptuous. Beer! I haven't tasted it for a long time. Is this the Hanging Chicken? I haven't eaten chicken leg for some time. Why is it boneless? This goes by the rule. It is for your safety. You're attentive. Wai, King, the chicken leg is tender. I'd rather die full. Have some beer if you don't want to eat. Don't you want beer? I've promised my mom... I'd quit drinking. What's fidelity? This woman is heartless. You can come visit me and pretend to be sad. You can find another man after I die. Wench! Wench! Why am I in the hospital? You're fine. Lie down first. The doctor has attended to you. You're fine now. My baby. What about my baby? You've lost it. What? Why would that happen? What time is it now? -Wai! Wai! -Where are you going, Madam? -Wai! -Madam! Wai! Wai! Time to go. I can't go yet. I'm waiting for my wife and son. I've dropped my mom's letter. Let me pick it up. My mom wrote me that letter. You can't stop me from picking it up. Bastards! Do you want me to die with regrets? Here you go. -Thank you, Father. -It's all right. -Don't be afraid, King. Stay strong. -Okay. King. I'm so sorry. I'll pay you back in my next life. Forgive me. I didn't mean to scold you. King, don't worry. We'll be blood brothers in the next life. Wai! Charn! Help me... I'll go first. Remember to wait for me with King. We'll see the god of death together. Warden, why did you tie them to my legs? Those bags contain iron ash. Each bag weighs 200 pounds. When the valve opens, they'll add to your weight so you won't suffer long. I see. Can I choose not to cover my eyes? I can't see clearly when I'm alive. I want to see clearly when I die. I'm afraid you can't. We don't want to see your eyes. It'd make us uncomfortable. Father, Father. Will my crime be a hindrance for my family to go to heaven? Only you will bear the consequences of your own act. I'm relieved. Warden. Let's do it. I don't want to waste your time. Open the valve. Officer, I beg you. Please call him. My name's Lai. I'm here. Officer. Please let me see him one last time. I beg you. He'll die with regrets without seeing me. No. We can't break the rules. Officer, I beg you. Have mercy on me. Officer, please. I beg you. Officer, please give me some more time. I must find out why Lai hasn't come, officer. -Trust me, Father. -I understand. -I have something important to tell her. -I really understand. I'll come back after I've talked to her, Father. Please help me, officer. Father, please give me one more chance. I have to see my wife. Father! Father! It's too late now. He's in the hanging room. I can't die yet... I haven't seen my wife or son. I'm not ready to die. Lai, you wench! Why didn't you come see me before I die? Wench! If you don't raise our son properly, I'll return as a ghost. -I want to name my son-- -Open the valve. From now on, we're blood brothers who share joys and sorrows. Although we weren't born at the same time, we're willing to die on the same day. May the saint of war be our witness. THE END
Channel: 8號電影院 - HK Movie
Views: 280,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 粵語, 美亞電影, 美亞, 粵語中字, 香港電影, HongKongMovie, freemovie, 線上看, 免費看, 中文字幕, 電影, 經典電影, 港產片, 8號電影院, 免費電影, 華語電影, 亞洲電影, 線上看電影, 免費線上看, 中文字幕完整版電影, 电影在线看, 电影视频, Online movie, Hd movie, 線上電影, 電影線上看, Free Movie, 熱門電影線上看, Hong Kong Movie, Mei Ah, 睇戲, 週末好去處, weekend Movie, 電影推薦
Id: pdciY9ovxlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 22sec (6562 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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