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Hello, everybody I am a spirit, said the last period The ghost king broke through the cocoon The Pearl did not survive in the end Then he had to join forces against it But a face to face charcoal ji Lang was knocked out of the right eye Good thing the bathroom Wolf took control of the civilian woman Cheated the pear of colorful stone honey and small eight That also succeeded in joining the battle Insist on not Multicolored second Mr Wu subsequently collapsed The battlefield has finally come to the surface So where does the story go from here Without further ado Enter our moment of explanation Looking at the moon high up in the sky is too long Until they finally escaped from the infinite city But then he realized something was wrong It turned out to be an urban area around here Whaley also saw the scene from the side The crowd escaped from their position There is a big deviation from the expectation But he knew there was nothing he could do So it was not easy to send people out of the county town with one hand "He asked, turning to his sister How much time is there before sunrise An hour and a half to go He was as quick as a family The time to convey the scene of the people together and in the ruins Look at the Wolf forest White people and friends are all safe But the fighting continues Talk of lang guidance must immediately smell out the colorful position But it was a strange noise from the ruins By and by a thousand strange tentacles protruded from the springless back Both have sharp bone spurs Trying to drag me out here Till sunrise? Just give it a try Welcome a tentacle behind the dust like a spear to attack the crowd dense forest small balls With gay friends do not retreat into the moment to kill the colorful incense and snake scorpions three implementation practice two implementation of the river 89 three people attack It has a horned shape It completely sealed off his movement And responsible for beheading the task of small eight that at this moment has seen the colorful neck And the blade goes straight into the meat He was about to be decapitated This can drag on for a long time But the next moment He was stunned It was clear that his knife could no longer be seen To: And the other parts of the secret orders He Yiyong also realized They did take a good look But the monster has already completed the terrifying regeneration rate of finance in the moment that the blade touches the body A few people caught off guard under the unscathed colorful will launch an attack And they couldn't dodge at such close quarters All of a sudden a large number of ordinary players appeared around this one Risking life and death to fend off a bullet-free attack Everyone was protecting them with their own flesh and blood Because they all know Only housing has the ability to fight against the proletariat So even at the cost of your life It also ACTS as a meat shield To protect lives? Spread to the inspector's attack Also blocked by the players with their bodies She clutched the player in front of her and gasped for breath Watching the dance carpet in front of them, the players knew they were going to die Also resolutely the on-line flaw detection adjustment later appeared again multicolored He must join hands with everyone at this moment But it was a terrible pain He fell to the ground with a jerk Blood spurted from his mouth At the moment She felt a violent reaction in her right eye You are blessed to be able to reject you instantly Even if there's no one I hit on the spot Keep your eyes open, no doubt All three are delusional too straight I saw now lying on the ground looking at his neck with his hands There was a lot of blood coming out of his mouth And he was blinded with terrible flesh growing out of his eyes The scene left everyone stunned I had my blood in the attack That's a lot of blood that doesn't make you a ghost But they and resist drugs beyond the crazy destruction of cells And eventually, death As soon as the detective was dead, Yuan got out of bed at the national team headquarters His face was cold This also means that your bean should not have changed back into a human father and led you to the battlefield But he can only be what he is now I'm afraid it won't last long On the other side A few people and clean of the battle is still continuing Use being aware of yourself Use the same knife You have to find a chance to pick up a complete river system This knife will do Small white that also gradually felt the speed and frequency of the attack is too fast The next three were shot at the same time There's no way to escape a drillless, full-coverage attack or even move It seems that this is not enough to kill the construction of a dense forest at the moment the inch chaos So many things sacrificed their lives to protect themselves that they were attacked into a moment of panic Plus a sharp pain in the chest It dulled his movements Small class's heart is burning with anxiety But the unprovoked attack only made them know they could not escape "Shouted the crowd in the thicket Don't bother me Protect yourselves from bullet-free attacks I was stopped The great meteor hammer appeared in the dense forest mountain stream I'm sorry I'm late The soul has arrived at last The battlefield was recognized by all This is the samsara who defeated Blackwood All of a sudden A knife lacerated his head Ten meters came down like a savior from the sky At the moment There is no god in his eyes But the hand was not slow Next she could never throw out a few bottles But it was broken before it got close But the liquid splashed all over his body Not yet Go straight to a master craftsman's mouth He lit a match in his hand I'm on fire Again, this kind of cleverness That's what you're supposed to do Die a good death You scum have been fighting more and more ferociously with the advent of the Year of the Wind Outside the battle has been shown many times the passer-by Wang Murata just climbed out of the ruins Look at the colors not far away Armed with a knife, he was ready to go up and help But it was Yi Yong who stopped him And let him quickly will faint probe to bring healing Received instructions It's worth it that he carried the one on his back Don't worry It's too hot I'm going to take you to therapy At the moment, he had mixed feelings The original Yi Yong still remembers his name They were both born at the same audition For the same period the But now they are heaven and earth At the moment Taiji Lang had fallen into a deep sleep It was dark in my mind Sorry guys I've fought hard to the end The blue sky is breaking No, that can't be weird Why can't you smell anything At the moment Prince Dragon is standing in front of a hut All this seemed strange and familiar to her This is my home no It looks like But it's not my home What am I doing Chopping wood? It's a merry-go-round This is a child's hand Caught her And called papa Who is this child Follow the child's finger I can only see one person Isn't this the same initial breathing monitor that once appeared in his dream He must be the reason Back to reality Spring was trying to wake him up with CPR until after a while He listened closely and heard that it was very serious He stopped breathing and his heart The voice of spring nearly scared me to death I asked him to help relieve the pressure The royal study in the ruins came out to drink It's also bad when it's too cold "The player explained Save only one Wolf It will certainly cure the charcoal ji Lang spring On second thought, it seems so Then followed to the dream to see what the reason for the wrong In the misunderstanding I've always wanted someone to talk to After thinking about it for a long time, what came to mind were you and the thin face I have no idea what the reason is But he could only realize Maybe you can ask Episode 13 The Vulcan affair But the husband's body could not help saying I haven't seen you for two years It's so good to see you in such good spirits It was too late What are you talking about But then he was playing with the child said Even when she was still a baby, she has grown so big now Then the inspector understood I'm not sitting here right now It's just a memory he inherited from his ancestors So I can't interfere with how you're doing I am also happy to see the happiness of others Let me feel the same way The world is full of good times of all kinds I feel very happy just to be born into this world My mother is a very devout believer Every day he prayed for the truth to disappear from the world Pray to The sun God to cure me of that problem He even helped me with it And the latest talisman is because I don't like to talk She made her mother worry about her I've always felt guilty for her My brother is a gentle and kind person He always thinks of me But the day after my father beat me for favoritism He gave a piece of the object he had made And then use that one that hasn't been eliminated yet He told me to play the flute if I wanted his help He would immediately appear in front of me As the son of relatives, I chose to run away from home after my mother died of illness But I don't owe me ten dollars I really want to run under the endless sky So I ran for an hour and a quarter Did not stop to return to god I have reached the father of a paddy field. There is a man standing alone in the water shop That is a girl about my age I went up to her and tried to ask her What is this doing He told me All his family were ill and left alone It's so lonely So I want to submit some from paddy fields They don't But as it grew dark He put the tadpoles back into the water I asked Don't you want to take them back He told me It would also separate them from their parents and brothers It's so pathetic I feel the same way when I hear this said Then I'll come home with you He bared his obsidian eyes Shed a tear That girl was the one I began to live with poetry She is a talkative girl from morning till night Thanks to him I finally understand the world as I see it What a huge difference there is from everyone else I also experienced for the first time a strange sense of alienation Where did it come from My kite with a broken string Because his presence seems to have rediscovered its direction Ten years later We became husband and wife That day is coming So I went out to look for my midwife I was going back before sunset But on the way met a bad heart An old man trying to save his son from the war so I sent him to his son Decided to go to the midwife the next day But even if I run faster and get home It was dark, too Is and the child in her belly have both been killed Even things that one considers to be more important than one's life are easily trodden on by others About me holding my wife And sat there for ten days in a daze Until the building of the hew I didn't recover until I had taken a bath My dream is to live a peaceful life with my family in a small house You can look up and see the one you love Reach out and touch them However, Even a tiny dream Also because this world still exists this demon world brute and cannot realize So I became a ghost hunter But these constructions, which have been fighting ghosts for years, don't seem to breathe And I spent all my money The constructions known as The Lord are powerful After the falling breath method is fused with the five major swordplay skills they already know More fighting power Again in the battle with the devil the hunter began to gain the upper hand Coach My brother joined the ghost hunters after he didn't want to be killed The United States how long I found the ghost right after I met him I realized that I was trying to defeat this man who had come into this world with a tyrannical life all over him trying to devour everything then His attacks on me were not only fast The range of attack is also amazing No sooner had I avoided it than I heard the bamboo forest being cut down behind me than I realized it needed only a brush Both could be immortal This man has five brains and seven hearts And at the same time I also finished my own affair I heard this too long and realized that this could be Vulcan 13 To see that my body is not reborn The man was at a loss He's barely holding on to your severed head. Why can't you attach it Thus it can be seen Even the ancestors of ghosts and knives Can do effective damage There is a problem I've always wanted to hear it from his own mouth So I asked What do you take life for He did not answer Staring at him all the time, his face was getting worse and worse So he didn't listen to my question so I turned my eyes to the female ghost who was walking with him He seemed to have no intention of rescuing his companions He stared Staring at the man I beheaded In her eyes I had glimpsed a glimmer of hope So I set aside the fact that he was about to kill the man But just as I was about to do it In a flash his body burst open Facing those eighteen hundred points With my knife I cut through more than fifteen hundred of them Some, however, are lucky escapes The ghost fell to her knees after mumbling Mumbling It's just a little bit, just a little bit then 'he cried, pulling his hair Why would you, a heinous bastard, refuse to die Haunted houses are not bad But the next moment He froze It seems that he didn't die when he called that name in the field then He began to reel off to me about the man He also said that There's a good chance I won't be around until I leave I expressed the hope that the girl, temporarily freed from the control of the proletariat, would help her kill the colors He hesitated for a moment before agreeing with her with very sad eyes She told me She was an accident After that, the ghost team came in a hurry Tell my brother he's a ghost And I didn't kill seven colors And deliberately let go of the birth and brother into the ghost three charges were expelled ghost jump line There was even a business that made me feel sorry for myself Thanks to the ghost killed the most in charge of the Lord for my rescue I was able to leave the national team alive But it's not your fault I think It's possible that I was born into this world in a way that was far better than the average person to kill five But in the end I failed There will be many more who will be killed by ghosts because of my failure I did him wrong He was speechless at the moment So much has happened to Mr. Yuanyi What did they think their ancestors could say to comfort them But there was only a long silence Though what else would he want to do for a man with a heart full of scars And right here the child grabbed him by the sleeve She asked him for a hug and a sigh Then he began Pick up the baby first The higher the detonation The happier the child is Mr. Reason happened to be taller than me and picked up the baby by default And raised it above his head The child suddenly smiled happily I don't know why I was stunned Tears came to her eyes At this time back to the wife looked at the back of two people some do not know So look at the person holding the baby That's when she recognized it Turns out it was the reason Mr. A doesn't know why What is your husband crying about But he touched her head anyway Tell the reason Don't worry It'll be all right. I'll just make a table Keep your stomach full and keep your spirits up See this scene prince Shed a tear Such a life is what Mr. Cause is looking forward to The cause of hope died hundreds of years ago Sir Can get some old books after all Then it's up to them to defeat the bullets He will be able to reconstruct the ancestors and understand the things that most strongly explain the original meaning But ten battles with no bullets continued What happens next You arrive here infinite piece 29 end basically next enter decisive battle will enter climax Part of the behavioral problem is ill Don't forget to follow and subscribe In addition Soldiers of the Unicorn can also be seen in these places So this side of the earth ends up here I decided to see you next time
Channel: 假装冷酷的起灵
Views: 2,234,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 漫畫, 漫画, 動漫, 动漫, 解説, 解说, 講解, 讲解
Id: -Nwie2k_roE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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