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You're Racer, not God. You need a tetanus shot when wounded. Come back next month for the booster. I brought an offender to the ER last time, but you weren't there. I thought you're transferred elsewhere. I took a long leave and went to Australia last month. I didn't know Sum Sir was in trouble till I returned. I don't believe he did that. Everyone who knows him thinks so too. But the judge didn't believe it's an inadvertent mistake. She insisted he'd stolen money. I knew there wouldn't be anything nice once I saw that old woman. I lifted her skirt when I gave her emergency treatment. I saw a very big devil tattoo on her thigh. I found it so chilling. I can't believe Sum Sir got cursed. There's a lamb's head on that tattoo. There's also a pentagram. I feel uncomfortable thinking about it. Look, it's like this. Isn't it so chilling? It is. Mrs. Hui... Have a seat please, Mrs. Hui. Not yet. You'll be very soon. We knew long ago it'd be you. Stop pretending to be wise. Every time when we went to a bar, you said you'd refer girls to Sum Sir. I'm a witness. Stop pretending. Singleton is like a pimp. You even said Sum Sir's so likeable. He wouldn't be short of girlfriends. I got a shot in the hospital a few days ago. The nurses there all missed Sum Sir. We call you Mrs. Hui to drive away the girls around Sum Sir. Racer, stop the nonsense. It's a serious offence to give a false statement. I stated the fact. Nurse Chan was so angry when she talked about Sum Sir. Stop saying that about Nurse Chan. You all know she's superstitious. She said she saw a devil tattoo on that old woman's thigh. I saw the picture too. It's really scary. Wait, you mean there's a devil tattoo on Mrs. Wood's thigh? But when she testified in court, she put her hand on a Bible and said she's Catholic. Tattoo is common among foreigners. Perhaps she converted at a senior age. Tattoo is common. But it doesn't make sense she's keeping a devil tattoo even after she'd converted. The tattoo removal technology today is quite advanced. This theft case has a great impact on Sum Sir. We mustn't overlook any doubts. Have you guys found anything? I re-examined the bloodstained US money. There isn't any problem with the fingerprint or the DNA. We liaised with the consulate in Hong Kong. Mrs. Wood's passport was fake. How come our colleagues didn't know that? They can't be blamed. It's a robbery-wounding case. Normally no special attention is paid to the victim's identity. Girlie told me the passport was fake. Then I asked Ana for help. She found on the dark web Mrs. Wood's real identity. So this is the real Mrs. Wood? This was taken before her plastic surgery. Her real name is Tracy Mason, a member of the crime family Mason and specializes in fraud. She's a scammer. So, Sum Sir's framed. Let's file an appeal quickly. It makes sense. But we aren't certain if it makes sense too legally. I'll ask Hazel and see if the new discovery will help in Sum Sir's appeal. Sorry. There isn't enough evidence to file an appeal for Sum. Sum's charged with theft. You guys are law enforcers. You should know very well that the identity and background of the victim are irrelevant to whether Sum is convicted. Even if the money belongs to criminals, he's still broken the law. But she's a scammer. Her testimony couldn't be relied on. That'll only weaken her credibility. We don't find any problem with her testimony. There's circumstantial evidence too. The key lies in whether Sum had the act and intention for theft. Your document can at most prove Mrs. Wood had committed the offence of using a fake passport. It doesn't help our case. Don't feel so frustrated. I am not disappointed and you feel so desperate. We know Mrs. Wood's identity now yet we still can't help you. I'm such a failure. Don't say that. Hazel said it clearly. The key is whether you have the act and intention for theft. Mrs. Wood's real identity isn't the prime consideration. Wait...Mrs. Wood is a core member of the Mason Family. If she got robbed, she wouldn't want to involve the police. You're right. But back then we had already identified ourselves. She didn't have a choice. Even so, it still doesn't make sense that she's so cooperative. She didn't flee after giving a statement? It doesn't make sense that she sat in the entire trial. She's wanted globally by INTERPOL. Makes sense. Last year the Mason Family got more than US$20 million in one of their scams. It doesn't add up that she stayed for so long for less than US$20,000. It's doesn't make any sense. There is only one reasonable explanation. She wanted to frame you. This isn't a theft case. It's a scam with a hidden agenda. Once we've found substantive evidence, we can file an appeal. The robber touched the same spot twice. It seems that he's wounded there. Go back to the time he struggled with the neighbors. That man seemed to have hit his forehead. That man is the security guard Uncle Kong in a building. It's mentioned here he fought with the robber too. But it isn't written clearly if he hit him back then. I'll go talk to him. I usually patrol with a flashlight to see if there's water dripping from the air-conditioners. I was patrolling the other day and I heard someone shout for help. I went out to see what's going on. Then I saw a foreign woman sitting on the ground and covered in blood. The hikers were surrounding a foreigner. Then I knew he's a bad guy. I went over to help with the flashlight in my hand. I kept hitting him with my flashlight. You said in your statement that the robber was particularly big and tall. It took several people to subdue him. Did you manage to hit him back then? It was chaotic. I was afraid he might stab me with his knife. I wasn't sure if I managed to hit him. But on the following day when I went patrolling with my flashlight, I saw bloodstains on it. Then I knew I managed to hit him. Where's your flashlight now? Here...This one. Which side did you use to hit him? Here... You wiped the bloodstains clean? There wasn't much blood on it. There's nothing unusual. So I wiped it with some tissue. There are lots of non-slip patterns on it. There could still be bloodstain on it. Uncle Kong, we need this flashlight for evidence. We need to run a test on it. Sure. Your honor, the victim Mrs. Wood in the theft case said in her statement that she didn't know the robber. But the latest evidence we've found proves that she's lying. It also reveals the real objective behind the theft case. Exhibit D1 is the police lab test report. A flashlight with the robber's bloodstain and DNA on it was found. After comparing them with Mrs. Wood's DNA found in her bloodstains on the US money, it's shown that they're biological brother and sister. The surveillance that day shows Mrs. Wood saw the robber's face clearly. But she said she didn't know him. She deliberately hid her relationship as the robber's sister because they're members of the Mason Family which is a criminal organization wanted by INTERPOL globally. Exhibit D2 is the police investigation report. It's confirmed that Mrs. Wood entered the territory with a fake passport. Her real name is Tracy Mason. She's a core member of the Mason Family. Her younger brother who posed as the robber is called Tyson Mason. According to INTERPOL, these two brother and sister and other members of the family often work together to scam people. They even maim their bodies seriously to pull off their scams. The recorded scams done by this crime family involves over US$100 million. They're globally wanted by INTERPOL. But they stayed in HK for so long just for such a relatively small sum of US$18,000. They accommodated the HK police and the entire court trial all along. This doesn't add up at all. My client Hui Chun-sum is a seasoned SIP in OCTB. He's cracked lots of major international cases. He's absolutely a thorn in the side of criminals. Based on the new evidence found, we have reason to believe that this isn't a simple theft case. The truth is, the victim Tracy Mason and her younger brother Tyson Mason had staged a robbery and used the injury trick of self-mutilation to lure my client to come to her aid. Then they framed him for theft. It's a conspiracy to plant the evidence and frame my client. Your Honor, all the above shows that the original conviction is unsafe. I would ask Your Honor to decide in favor of my client's appeal. The new evidence the defence found confirms that the testimony of the victim Mrs. Wood is contradictory. She hid her identity and her relationship with the robber as brother and sister. It constitutes a major doubt. The conviction is unsafe. The appellant's appeal is allowed. Yes... The conviction of the appellant is quashed hereby. The accused is acquitted forthwith. Court. Sum... That's great. Mok Sir. Guys. Sum Sir. It's all over now. It's tough for you. It's tough for you too. Most importantly, Sum's fine now. SIP Hui Chun-sum of OCTB was convicted of theft earlier. He filed an appeal against conviction. Today the court decided unanimously that his appeal was allowed. He's acquitted forthwith.
Channel: TVB (official)
Views: 82,328
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Keywords: TVB, 翡翠台, 無綫電視, TVB official, 無線電視, 電視節目, 娛樂, 張頴康, 逆天奇案2, 逆天奇案, 愛情, 黃智賢, 蔣祖曼, 電視劇, 劇集, 港劇, 林夏薇, 陳展鵬, TVB劇集, TVB戲劇, Sinister Beings 2, 懸疑, tvb drama, drama, cantonese drama, 逆天奇案2精華, TVB港劇, tvb劇集, 剧集, 港剧, 电视剧, 逆天奇案2精华, TVB戏剧, TVB港剧, tvb剧集, 逆天奇案2線上看, 逆天奇案2劇情, 槍戰, 動作, 无线电视, 电视节目, 娱乐, 张頴康, 爱情, 黄智贤, 蒋祖曼, 陈展鹏, TVB剧集, 悬疑, 逆天奇案2线上看, 逆天奇案2剧情, 枪战, 动作, 逆天2, TVB逆天奇案, 方力申, 高鈞賢, 高钧贤, 馮盈盈, 冯盈盈, tvb drama 粤语
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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