買前必睇注意事項⚠️快閃東京為大家實測Insta360 GO3:就差一點就完美了⋯⋯Go2用家值得升級嗎?
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Channel: 暴力Violencee生活誌
Views: 71,718
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Keywords: 旅遊, 生活, vlog, 開箱, 評測, 攝影, 器材, 技巧, 生活用品, Lifestyle, 香港YOUTUBER, 旅遊日誌, 小資女, 生活品質, unboxing, gadget, reviewer, 廣東話開箱, 廣東話vlogger, 廣東話評測, 器材開箱, 器材評測, 科技開箱, 好好生活, 生活科技, 科技 youtuber, sony camera, sony用家, 蘋果電腦, Mac 評測, iPhone review, iPhone 評測, insta360 GO3, Insta360 go3 vs go2, go2 vs go3, go2 or go3, osmo pocket or go3, dji or insta360, Gopro or insta360, insta360 one x3, one x3 or go3, OneRS, OneRS or Go3, 2023 運動相機, POV拍攝, 旅行相機, 旅行Vlog, 東京Vlog
Id: h_zPNoDxgQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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