誰才是 M.2 SSD 散熱器之王?|是驢子.是馬拉出來遛遛就知道啦!|『CC字幕』【香教仁】
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Channel: 香教仁
Views: 76,271
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Keywords: 黑蘋果, HP EliteBesk 800 G1 DM黑蘋果機測試, CYCLOPS BLACK, Team 十銓, T-FORCE Delta R RGB 250G 2.5 SSD, TD500 MESH機殻, 勒索病毒, NAS網路硬碟, 群暉科技, Synology, 香教仁, DS918+, 21.5吋 IMAC 2017, AOMEI Backupper Professional 5.5, MasterBox TD500 Mesh White, 酷碼科技, 富鈞科技, T-Force系列DELTA RGB DDR4 3000 MHz, Antec 安鈦克, P120 CRYSTAL, KATANA, X299 黑蘋果教學, Asus X299 Hackintosh, ROG STRIX LC II 280 ARGB, 礦渣, 礦爸爸, NUC 9 Ghost Canyon黑蘋果測試, 利民, EK散熱器, 喬思伯
Id: z-2Ahyzz3Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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