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My name is Lingling, and my husband is from New York We have been married for 12 years and this is also our 12th year in Shanghai Our family live in this house In a cozy and intimate lane The total built-up area is about 300 square meters, 3 storeys With a yard about 80 square meters I’m a perfectionist Virgo Many things can go wrong in an old house Leaks, termites When we remodeled the house for a second time We broke the partitions on the first floor You walk in through the door and you are in the kitchen There is a glass courtyard above I like cooking So I want a big and well-lighted kitchen The glass ceiling finishes the picture We never thought about putting in a television in our living room There is a dining table A couch It is a place where we spend time with family and guests You can see our yard in the living room We have a pond in the yard Fancy carps swimming in the pond As a lane house It is not as private as a single-family detached home We have planted bamboos around the walls They are beautiful to look at and they create some privacy I like arranging flowers I will cut off flowers and arrange them in a vase The staircase is very different after our remodeling It is an entire chunk of marble floating in the air There were two rooms on the second floor But the space was far from enough for us So we merged the two rooms into one So we have a spacious closet and a bathroom There was a balcony in the main bedroom before the transformation We tore it down and converted it into a French window Now I can lie in bed and see the views in the yard The third floor was a terrace about 10 square meters Terrace is not really a practical design in Shanghai Why don’t make it into a sunroom It is very nice in winter with the sunlight My son is 11 years old and sometimes he asks us to watch movies with him And we would go to the third floor and watch cartoons together My husband speaks excellent Chinese as he loves China And he loves Chinese contemporary art, and he is a collector Art work is a necessary part of our house The simplistic decoration leaves us space to display paintings My husband and I are very different people We grew up in different environment Family Is a place where we tolerate, give and compromise When my husband comes back from work and my son finishes his homework And cats and dogs snuggle under my feet We share some talk A subtle feeling rises slowly Oh this is life
Channel: 一条Yit
Views: 452,510
Rating: 4.7470574 out of 5
Keywords: 一条, 视频, 原创短片, 短片, 一条视频, yitiao, 条, 一條視頻, 一條, 原创, 生活, 杂志, yitiaotv, 品质, 型格, lifestyle, 设计
Id: 1UhdabSqBXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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