英文閒聊:為何畢業後沒留在加拿大 🇨🇦 // Chen Lily

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel today i'm bringing you another english chitchat video and we're talking about canada because the other day i walked past a canadian coffee shop in taipei and i just felt a sense of home because canada is kind of like my home away from home so i just walked in and worked there for the whole afternoon and they were playing french radio actually and it made me feel really nostalgic also got me thinking well why didn't i stay in canada i've got asked this question many many times and every time i would just say well the pandemic happened well that that's true but i haven't really given thought to it as to why i didn't decide to stay there i kind of know in the back of my head but i've never really talked about it in depth and i thought it would make a really good video topic why i didn't stay in canada the truth you know that's what all youtubers do you gotta do a really quick baby title anyways uh these are the points i'll cover today number one reasons why i went to canada number two what i wanted to do in canada at first number three why i decided not to stay there in number four was it the right decision i know many people watch my english videos to improve their english listening skills but if you're looking for a more systematic method to improve your english listening my new online course in one tingly show is out right now finally after a year it was a long time all right after my plug let's dive into today's topic number one reasons why i went to canada in the first place so i went to canada for the first time in 2016 as an exchange student it was an eye-opening experience because i was able to escape from a lot of pressure that i was under in taiwan and it was just like a second chance at life because i grew up in a highly competitive environment and i was constantly trying to prove myself and i felt really insecure and being in canada was like finally being able to breathe in fresh air after being suffocated for the longest time and not knowing that i was suffocated so then what i wanted to do in canada at first i did my master's degree at mcgill mcgill is in montreal it's a french-speaking province it's a very different experience than vancouver at first i went to vancouver for my exchange year so in canada if you do two years of studies you're eligible to apply for a post-grad work permit so my plan was to graduate and find a job in canada work for a couple of years and if i still don't hate it maybe i'll apply for pr permanent residence and maybe somewhere down the road eventually citizenship it sounds like a good plan i mean step by step you just follow through right turned out i just didn't have the greatest time in montreal it was it was a really tough time honestly it's a french canadian city it was really really hard to blend in and i had a lot of trouble a lot of pressure from school from work it's really different from my exchange year and i also looked into job opportunities and i would just say that the outlook wasn't great well maybe i'll get paid better but the living cost is also higher and the winters are brutal i don't have my friends here my family is back in taiwan uh i think it just comes down to what i really want in life and it's just like oh it's an accidental crisis yeah i was looking into jobs in canada maybe in different cities i was looking into different opportunities but at the same time i realized that i actually like doing research which was really surprising for me at the time when i was in college i was completely against the idea of going to grad school i was i thought it was just stupid i thought like me and my head like ah education is a commodity right now why would you spend million dollars on a degree and get in debt after you graduate i honestly kind of despised grad school at some point in my life and i it was i thought it was just like a a scam yeah it was a scam but turns out i actually like it yeah it was so fascinating i like i like studying i like reading i like doing research it's like a brand new world for me to explore at first i chose grad school more for the work permit than studying turns out i like the studying part more than the work permit so i started to look into academia would it be possible for me to have an academic career well entering academia seems like a very very steady path you get paid to study so money check fun for me check doing good things to the world check it's a perfect remedy for a lost cold and lonely international student next chapter why i decided not to stay there i finished my studies half a year earlier than expected and i came back to taiwan in february 2019. i thought that okay i'll just get a phd and see where it takes me from there on i wasn't a hundred percent sure i felt like my grad school experience was just the tip of the iceberg and i wanted to see the bigger pictures so i went to greece it was a conference that i was really interested in i went there by myself so in greece i talked to many phd students many postdoc students i listened to presentations and i did my own i talked to many professors about their career and i was just i could i could say that it was the best trip i've ever had in my entire life and the verdict was that maybe maybe this is not the life i want at least for the time being because um two reasons so first a linear career path might not be what i'm excited about i think i like to be surprised and see where my passion leads me and being in academia it just takes lifelong dedication and i i would say it's a very very noble thing to do i look up to all the doctors all the professors i've had in my entire life um but for me there's there's just other things that i'm curious about in the world and i'm just not ready to dedicate my whole life to a subject at the cost of exploring other new things in my 20s and the second reason is job security might not be that crucial well growing up i was told about the importance of having job security government jobs are very popular in taiwan because you get a 10-year position and you get a pension right very steady it's called tiafang one like no one can take that away from you once you land that job in your 20s you're set for life even though i've never been keen on getting a government job the mindset of having job security i think it's ingrained in my head and the job security of an academic career more or less attracted me i think especially when i was still a bit lost after grad school when i was really in debt but honestly as i grow older as i try less to prove myself as i feel more secure about myself i think job security just isn't that big of a deal in my life anymore i think it took me the longest time to realize but security really comes from within i don't think a job title could ever give me the sense of security that i'm actually looking for i think both financial and emotional security comes from within i need to believe in my own abilities in creating value or making money or just do anything uh if i feel like an imposter i would still feel insecure even if i have a tenured position all right last but not least was it the right decision i would say for now absolutely yes a hundred percent yes i know i could have learned so much more about the field of applied linguistics if i had done a phd but in the past two years i started my own business i learned about online marketing which is something that i never thought i would dabble in also i created two online courses and so much free content online this is things that i created online and people could look at and learn things and and connect with me it's just it's an amazing job i think there's a part of me that would still like being in a very nerdy environment but also it would be fun to connect with a lot of people creating a lot of free good content out there well maybe in the future i'll go back to school we'll see what happens and i'll keep you guys posted uh we'll see what the future holds but you know what's important right now it's my new online course i'm sure you'll like the course all right i think that's about it for today's video and i'll see you guys really soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Chen Lily
Views: 368,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zx4Oq3ogvh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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