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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 43,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: price.com.hk, 格價, 消費卷, 評測, 比較, 買嘢, gadget, tech, review, unbox, 科技, 電子, 電器, type c charger, type c to hdmi, type c earphones, dc portable air conditioner, dc charger, dc to type c, input and output devices, input output reasoning, 舊電腦升級, 舊電腦翻新, type c 充電器, type c充電線, type c 充電 筆電, 火牛安装, 火牛阵, 火牛m249, 手提電腦推薦, 手提電腦2022, 手提電腦 2023, laptop type C, laptop type c port uses, laptop type c charging, laptop type c charger for phone
Id: RybE03KlJMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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