只要5000元?!【自製72AH磷酸鐵鋰電池主電瓶|14天實測】DIY LiFePO4 battery for car|露營車改裝|camping|Vanlife《憂娘駕駛Outdoor》

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我們來搞個更大的 Let's make a bigger one 這次我們搞個更大的 This time Let's make a bigger one 自己來做一個汽車主電瓶的 Let's Make a car main battery 磷酸鐵鋰電池 Lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4) 這樣的電池 Such a battery 一顆在外面賣至少一萬多元 One sells for at least $300 outside 但是 But 我們的材料不超過4500元 Our material cost does not exceed $150 又到了笑傲江湖 It's time to Smill to the world 東方亂BUY不負責任開箱分享單元 Irresponsible unboxing show random buying from East 今天要開箱什麼呢 What's the protagonist today? 這個東西可厲害了 It's incredible 自從我們上一次花了2000元 Since we spent $62 DIY一個可以精準掌控電力的 DIY one that can accurately monitor power 自行車鋰電池之後 bicycle lithium battery(LiFePO4) 哇真的是覺得太划算了 Wow, I really think it's a bargain 騎的不要不要的 Long cycling to Ride to fear 2000多元有50公里的續航力 $62 for 50 kilometers of endurance 我們來搞個更大的 Let's make a bigger one 這一次我們搞個更大的 This time Let's make a bigger one 既然自行車的電池都可以做了 Since we can DIY a battery for e-bike 那我在想可不可能 I think is it possible 自己來做一個汽車主電瓶的 to make a car man 磷酸鐵鋰電池呢 Lithium iron phosphate battery? 這樣的電池1顆在外面賣至少要一萬多元 The price of this battery is over US$300 (in Taiwan) 但是 But 我們的材料不超過4500元 Our battery parts cost do not exceed $150 (maybe lower) 今天我們要DIY的是汽車12v的 Today we are going to DIY a car 12v 磷酸鐵鋰電池 Lithium iron phosphate battery 從天而降的禮物 Wow, a gift from the sky 好重啊 So heavy 這個是4顆 This packaging include 4 cells 3.2V 充飽是3.65V的 Fully charged is 3.65V 72AH磷酸鐵鋰電池 72AH Lithium iron phosphate battery 蠻重的喔 4顆大概是2000元左右 Relly heavy, about $62.5 for 4 cells (from Taobao) 電池芯 LiFePO4 cells 我們來秤一下重量 Let's weigh it 7.3公斤左右 About 7.3kg 有了電池芯之後 After we have the LiFePO4 cells 我們還需要一個非常重要東西 We also need an important one 就是充放電一定要加上保護板 It's charge and discharge protection boards 來我們看一下這個是 Let's see, This is 充電的保護板 charge protection board 有分成主動跟被動的保護板 There are active and passive protection boards 主動的保護板就是在充電的時候 Active protection board is working when charing 會做保護 It will protect the cells 防止電壓過高 to prevent the charing voltage too high 把電池充壞 may destroy the battery 還有一個是被動的保護 Another one is passive protection board 也就是說我們停止充電之後 when stop charing the battery 每個電池電壓 the voltage of each cell 如果有落差的話 If there is a difference 它會做被動的均衡 It will make it to same level 這個是針對汽車的鋰電池 These kits is specially 特別安裝的 for car battery 另外我們還需要的是 We also need 這個是8awg的電線大概是6mm2 8AWG wire (about 6mm square) 汽車啟動電流經過實測是200到300A The engine starting current of the car is about to be 200 to 300A 那麼8AWG大概是6mm2的線 8AWG wire just 6mm square 怎麼夠呢 is enough? 我們會用四條線去分攤電流好不好 Therefore, we will use 4 wires to share the current 所以到時候會接四條 so we will use 4 wires later 有了電池芯保護板幾 Since we have battery cells and protection boards 乎所有零件都已經有了(影片詳細資料有購買網址) Almost all parts are already available (the video details have the purchase URL) 那麼還缺一個最重要的 The most important one is 保護它的外盒 a CASE 哇從天而降 Wow, it's a gift from the sky again 又踢到一個禮物 another gift 這個外盒是依照 This case is in accordance with 海力士主電瓶的尺寸去訂購的 my Toyota HIACE 2006 car battery size to order 材料的部分除了電線之外 The battery parts need wires 還需要這一種接線的銅鼻還有螺絲 also need cable lug and screws 如果要夾這一種 If you want to clip cable lug 銅鼻它就必須要用油壓的鉗子 we need hydraulic pliers 我們之前有準備了 we prepare it before 油壓鉗 Hydraulic pliers 我們先來開這個 lets unboxing this one first 電池芯 LiFePO4 cells 4個電池芯每一個是3.2V 72AH Here we have 4 cells each one is 3.2v 72AH 那我們只要把它 We just make series connection 正負極 positive and negative 對接串聯 connection 這樣就可以了 that's all 正負相連正負相連就可以了 just connect positive and negative by series 還有送鎳片 There are also connected nickel sheets 串聯用的鎳片 for series connection 還有螺絲 and screws 我們看一下 Let's take a look 原則上就是 In principle 正負 positive and negative 正負對接 這樣 connect the positive and negative like this 在我們把它固定起來之前呢 before we packing it 我們先看一下 Let's think about 電池的外盒怎麼樣布局啊 The place of cells in case 這個跟海力士現在用的主電瓶尺寸是最接近的 This case's size is similar to my car battery 在買的時候要特別注意 Be attention when buying this one 正負極的方向 direction of positive and negative 就是離我們這個前面的面板比較遠的 Leave the front side 左邊是正極右邊是負極 Left side is positive and negative right 要照原車的規格來買 according to your car 上面有可以鎖螺絲 It have thread to lockable screw 看一下配件包 Let's take a look at the accessory kit 他有附膠水聽賣家說是可以把 It has glue, The seller says 這個電池的外盒 this case 用熔接的方式黏起來 can use glue melt and stick 也就是說黏上之後幾乎就等於是 when melt and stick almost unite into one 熔接非常緊密 Very strong bonding 以後也打不開了 can't open it anymore 哇各位觀眾 Wow, ladies and gentlemen 耍寶了 it's funny 這個盒子根本裝不下 This battery case can't fit it 看到沒有 see it ? 這個盒子根本裝不下 this box can't fit it 跟電池一樣寬 same width with the LiFePO4 cell 這個外盒大概是80元人民幣 this case is about 80RMB 400元以內 $12.5 我們只能再買一次啦 Just buy it again 雖然我們的盒子外盒不能用 Although the case cannot be used 但是 But 電池芯跟保護板我們可以先處理 We can do something to cells and protection boards 我來看一下這個保護板啊 Let's see the protetion board 它是磷酸鐵鋰電池專用的保護板4串的 It's for 4 series LiFePO4 cells 因為我們是4個3.2V串成12V We will seriers connection four 3.2v cells to 12v 然後是同口帶均衡 it's same port with balance 電壓是3.2到3.9V Voltage 3.2v to 3.9v 最大的充電電流是100A Maximum charging current 100A 工作電流最大是300A Maximum working current 300A 一般汽車引擎啟動在200A到250A General car engine starts current about 200A to 250A 那麼這一種保護板它的接線就必須用粗的電線 we must use thick wire 我們用四條 we will use 4 wires 來分攤電流 to share the current 8AWG 就是6mm平方的這一種線 almost 6mm square 磷酸鐵鋰電池 Lithium iron phosphate battery 它的充電電壓最高是3.65V Maximum charing voltage is 3.65v 為什麼它會到3.9呢 Why the board reach 3.9v ? 各位看 Let's see 在賣家說法是 Vendor indication 汽車發電機出來的電壓是14.4V Alternator charging voltage is 14.4v 那麼 So 磷酸鐵鋰電池4個3.65x4=14.6V 4 cells series connection is 14.6v 所以如果汽車發電機的電壓高過14.4V if the alternator generation more then 14.4v 甚至是到14.6V差一點點的時候 almost reach 14.6v 到臨界點會啟動保護 Protection will be activated at the critical point 也就是說 So 電瓶會斷電 Power will be off 汽車會拋錨 Car will break down 所以它必須做高一點 So the voltage range must be higher 但是汽車的發電機很少會 but in normal alternator rarely 超過太多 over too much 應該都是在鋰電池安全範圍內的 Should be within the safety range of lithium batteries 都沒問題的 It's OK 但是一定要做到3.9V but must reach 3.9v 不然很容易拋錨的 or car will break down 接下來我們來看一下 Let's take a look 電池芯在電池盒裡面的佈局 The place of the cells in the case 一定是橫放 must horizontal 因為電池不可能這麼高然後 Because the battery won't be so high, and 這麼窄對不對 narrow like this 未來我們的保護板 In future the protection board 應該會放在上面 Will put on top 現在我們先把電池稍微固定 Now let’s pack the battery slightly 固定好定位之後 After fixing the positioning 然後我們 and then 用膠帶把電池纏好 Wrap the battery with tape 唉呦 OMG 碰到 toutch it 碰到(短路) Short 好吧我先把他稍微固定一下然後 All right, I will fix it a little bit 量一下電壓 Measure voltage 13.19V OK 那我們就拿膠帶把它纏起來吧 Take tape to wrap it up 底部為基礎好不好 Bottom-based 底部先纏 Bottom first 這個保護板的接法 How to connect the protection board 是電池的總負極 the battery negative 這個電池總負極 this negative 要進到B- connect to B-上面 然後這個P-是對外的負極 and this P- is output 接我們的 connecting to our 電池外盒的負極 negative electrode of the battery box 是用這裡4條P- used this 4 wires P- 對外的總正極一樣是接4條線 Output positive is the same 到正極就好 direct connect to positive 正極不變負極串保護板 positive is direct connect to output, and negative seriers connect to protection board 現在我們拆的是被動的保護板 Now we are unboxing the passive protection board 接下來我們要製作接線喔 and then we will make connection wires 這是軟線還蠻不錯的 This soft wires are a pretty good cord 這個線大概是50元人民幣 This wire is about 50RMB 250元台幣左右 about $7.8 4條線到這裡 4 wires to here 然後這裡4條是要到 and this 4 wires is connecting to 電池的 battery's 電樁頭 terminal 我先作這邊吧 Let's do this side first 接下來我們要做的是這個銅鼻子 and then we make the cable lug 接頭 connector 那就把銅線剝出來吧 strip the copper wire 大概是要換小一點的模具 maybe change to a smaller mold 我的模具裡面最小的就是10mm2的 my smallest mold is 10mm square 應該可以啦線徑是 Should be ok the wire is 6mm加上外面的外徑 6mm square wire add copper sheet thickness 做的有點醜 ugly 相信下一個會更好 next time will be better 再一次 once more 可能要橫向我覺得 maybe change direction will be better 至少先把它壓緊 at least clamp it first 用鉗子把它壓緊之後 after clamp it 然後再用模具去壓會好一點 use Hydraulic pliers 我們試試看先用鉗子把它先 Let's try it first with electrician's pliers to 成型啊 forming 應該 You don't need a 殺雞不用牛刀啊 sledgehammer to kill a chicken 剛剛那個工具實在是 It's really difficult to use Hydraulic pliers at first 直接用工具(油壓鉗)壓不好壓 hard to use Hydraulic pliers at first 這個要很小心 must be careful 只要你壓彎了喔 As long as you bend 好像板回來就不好弄 hard to get it back 最好一次就到位 Best done in one go OK好不好 Ok, that's right 我們先壓成這樣的型 Make it like this 然後再用模具去壓看看 and then use Hydraulic pliers 但是這要很小心喔 but must be careful 如果不小心吧 if 銅線抽出來的話 the wire falls off 會塞不回去喔 hard to put it back 這個銅頭就 This one will 幾乎等於是報廢了 almost as scrapped 跟第一次壓的差很多吧 A lot better than the first time 都可以用啦 Both can be used 我們到時候會補焊錫上去 Will be reinforced with solder latter 一定會把它焊穩 Must be welded to strengthen 為了保險起見我們把所有的銅鼻的部分都先上錫 for safe reason, all cable lugs must welded 如果烙鐵 if th electric soldering iron 這個頭被我切平了 I cut the electric soldering iron head flat 烙鐵頭被我切平了 cut it flat 它如果溫度夠的話 If the temperature is enough 碰到的地方全部會熔掉 The tin touched will melt 就會變得非常平整 Become smooth 這樣就非常好焊了 it's very easy to process 第一個溫度要夠 first, temperature should be enough 第二個接觸面積要夠 second, contact area must be sufficient 這樣焊出來的點就很漂亮 so the soldered spot will beautiful 我們已經做好了四條導線 We have done four wires 前面呢 At the tip 也用錫把它焊住了 also soldered it with tin 防止它脫落 prevent it from falling off 這已經非常穩固了 it's already very stable 行車要使用的安全性要高一點 It should be safer to drive 我們要把它鎖在保護板的 We need to screw the wires to the protection board B-上面 upon B- 用四條線去分攤電流 來吧 Use four wires to share the current, come on 這一頭我們把四個接點 Four connectors on this end 用螺絲穿在一起 thread together with screws 然後要鎖在這一個 screws in 總負極電池的負極這上面 Battery output negative terminal P-連到電樁頭負極 P-connect to negative terminal 要留一點打開 Leave some space to 蓋子的空間 open the case 所以線也不能太短 So the wires cannot be too short 但是我買的2米的線 I bought 2m cable 大概就剩那麼多了 Only left these one 就全部把它用完吧 Just use it up 直接 directly 分成4等份 Divide into 4 equal parts 一頭要鎖在這種大螺絲 One end must be locked with this big screw 因為它要鎖電樁頭 because it must be screw to battery output terminal 它要鎖這下面 it must be screw here 所以 so 有一頭要用 one end must be 大的這一種 big one 這個是60A的銅鼻裡面的孔徑才夠 This is 60A cable lug 這個要先試一下 try it first 導線的這個銅鼻呢 wire cable lug 一頭會是粗的 One end is thick 一頭會是細的 and the other one is thin 然後我們 and 4個都做完之後 When all work is done 我們再一次用油壓鉗把它 use Hydraulic pliers 定型 finish it 四條線都做完了 when 4 wires was done 這一邊是大頭的 this side is big lug 這邊是 and the other side is 6mm的 6mm square 總正極 Battery positive terminal 要接到我們的電樁頭來 connecting to case output terminal 紅色的 red one 這個距離大概抓一下 Approximately evaluate this distance 是用 use 我們電工用的鉗子會好一點喔 Electrician's pliers will be better 那我們就 let's do it 剪4條吧 cut 4 wires 好剪多了 much better 線喔 the wire 6mm2就是8awg的線 6mm square is 8AWG 我是買 I bought 黑紅各2米 2M for red and black each 剛好用完 just run out black one 紅色大概用1米黑色 red one used 1M and black one 用兩米左右 used 2M 全部用完了 just run out 可不可以更精準一點 Use a utility knife to cut more accurately 只要割一個傷口 one cut 好像好很多耶 seems much better 掉比較少還是會掉 Copper wire breaks less but still breaks 多少都會割到一點 Will cut a bit 不過好像好很多 but much better Yes 完成 finished 八條線終於都壓完了 all wires 現在我們把 now P-的線也鎖上來 screw the P-'s wire P-這一頭呢 this P- side 我們要把四條線 we must let 4 wires 串到電樁頭下面的螺絲 Screw to battery case output terminal 然後把它鎖上去就可以了 lock it 在這一端我們可以先做的就是 In this side we can do first is 正極總正極先鎖上線 screw wires to bettery positive terminal 然後另一頭就是鎖到電樁頭去 then the other side screw to case output terminal 保護板的P-這一端 in protection board P- side 我們也是一樣穿在螺絲裡面 Screw through 然後鎖在電樁頭的負極 and lock it to battery case negative terminal 鎖進去固定好了 lock it done 正負極都鎖好了 both positive and nagative 接電之前 before connect the power 我希望把 I hope 這個端子的線先焊在 soldering the wire of this terminal first 接點上 the point is 總負極1然後這兩個中間2 terminal battery nagative 然後3 and then 3 4總正極5 and then 4 and positive battery terminal is 5 我們的端子線從負極開始 Our terminal wire starts from the negative pole 端子的第二條線就是 the second one is 黑色兩邊都一樣 Black is the same on both sides 黑色 black 從負極隔壁這一條 start with next cell nagative terminal 隔壁這一條就是隔壁這個位置 the next one is the the next position 總負極然後這是B1 output nagative terminal and this is B1 B0 B1好不好 and next is B0, B1, ok 一定要弄對 the wire must be right 弄錯可能會 Errors can damage 燒毀喔 the circuit board 好像不會吃錫耶 not solderable 看起來 seems 它是黏不住的 Can't stay on it 這個好像是不鏽鋼板耶 耍寶 Looks like stainless steel 現在呢我把它加一個墊片 I Add a screw washer now 看看能不能把電線焊在這上面 See if i can solder the wire to this 這個墊片 the screw washer 會吃錫 can solder the wire 黏的住就可以了 Can be fixed is ok 能夠焊的住 can solder the wire 那我們再把這兩邊鎖緊 Then tighten the screw 現在我把每個接點 I add screw washers 都加了一個墊片 at each screw 讓我可以焊接 好不好 to solder the wire 這樣就可以 let me can 一一來完成了 finish it 我們來焊倒數 to-last 第3條 Third-to-last 絞在一起 Twisted 2 wire together first 然後再焊上去 and then solder it 兩邊的第四條 both of the fourth wire 最後一個接點就是最旁邊 The last node is the most side 最旁邊這一條就是總正極 the last one is battery positive output terminal 確認一下 confirm it 這樣就焊牢了 already Soldered 這個是被動的均衡板 This is a passive protection board 它的接頭跟主動均衡板接頭是一樣的 The connector is the same as the active protection board 所以 so 等一下兩個接頭一邊插一個就好 Just plug in each slot 那我們先接 first, we connect 被動的 passive 這有防呆錯了也裝不上去 It's Foolproof connector, so 這是在主動均衡板上 this one plug into the active protection board 好 Ok 兩邊都接好啦 Both are connected 如果 if 均衡板工作正常的話 If the protection board works fine 就是電樁頭這兩個的輸出 Two battery terminals's output 正副極輸出 Positive and negative 跟總正總負的 and B+ B- 輸出電壓會是一樣的 output voltage will be the same 那就是工作正常 Indicates that the circuit is working properly 現在我們量 Now, we will measure 總正極總負極的電壓 B+ and B- output voltage 多少 How much voltage 13.19V 那我現在量電樁頭 Now, I measure two terminals B+ P- 13.19V 看起來工作是正常的 seems fine 好吧等我們的電池外盒來 OK, wait for the new battery box 就可以把它組裝起來了 and finish it 這個汽車用的鋰電池 this LiFePO4 battery for car 原則上是整個組裝完成了 almost finished 這是主動保護板 this is active protection board 這個是被動保護板 and this is passive protection board 然後鎖到電樁頭 Screw in the battery terminal screws 好 ok 那麼現在能做什麼呢 what can we do now? 這個外盒太小不能裝 This battery case can't fit it 但是我們可以先充電 But we can charge first 針對正負極充電 Charge the battery with positive and negative terminal 用14.6v去充電把它充飽 Charge it with 14.6v to fully charge it 磷酸鐵鋰電 LiFePO4 它最高充電電壓是3.65v x4 是14.6v The maximum charging voltage of each cell is 3.65v, multiplied by 4 is 14.6v 所以我們要用外部的充電器 So, we'll use external charger 對電池充到14.6v Charge it to 14.6v 鋰電池專用充電器它是14.6v This is a dedicated LiFePO4 battery charger 電流是可調的最大75A The current is adjustable up to 75A 來 come on 插電 plug in power 72AH的電池它0.3C(充電)的話 72AH battery is charged at 0.3C 乘0.3 大概就是 Multiplied by 0.3 is roughly 21.6A所以我們電流可以到21A 21.6A so we can adjust to 21A 我用 I will use 21.3A 最高電壓到14.6v maximum voltage is 14.6v 這樣應該就正常了 seems works fine 整個充完之後等新的電池盒來 when fully charged, and wait for new case 我們決定 We will decide 哪個方向去擺電池芯 the direction of the battery 然後再把我們的 and then 保護板固定上來好不好 fix the protection board 充了半小時左右 About half hour later 電壓已經到14.6v了 battery voltage is upto 14.6v 接近充滿的時候它的電流會越來越小 When it is nearly full charged, the current will become smaller 剛剛本來調到21A左右 the current is startd at 21A 現在 Now 快充滿了它的電流會一直降 Almost fully charged, the current keeps dropping 降到0的時候表示已經完全充滿了 When it drops to 0, it's fully charged 看一下這個均衡板 take a look of the protection board 它有燈號指示 It has a light indicator 有點發燙 A bit hot 七天後 one week later ... 各位觀眾經過一個禮拜的等待 Ladies and gentlemen, after waiting for a week 我們的 Our 新電池外盒終於到貨了 The new battery case is here 開箱開箱開 open open open 希望可以用 Hope it can be used 空運所以還算快的 This time I used air transport so it was pretty fast 剛好海關又查貨 Because of customs inspection 所以耽擱了一兩天 So delayed for a few days 我們到引擎室裡面先量一下尺寸 Let's go to the engine room to measure the size 看起來它的寬度是比原來的 looks like the size is bigger then 愛馬龍的大一點不過 AMARON 因為這底盤本來就大 Because the base is biger then battery 應該是進得去的 it should be OK 高度是一樣 Height is the same 高度好像是標準規格 seems its standard 看一下新舊的盒子 Compare the old and new cases 之前買的 Bought before 我覺得這個跟我現在車上的愛馬龍 I think this size of the case 尺寸是一樣的 is the same to my car's AMARON 不過因為我買了 But because I bought 72AH的 72AH battery cells 磷酸鐵鋰電池 LiFePO4 它的尺寸太大了一點 Its bigger 所以放不下 can't fit it 那現在我再買一個大一點 so I buy a bigger one 大概差了兩公分左右 About two centimeters bigger 因為這個電池太多電線 Because this battery has too many wires 而且要搬起來橫躺進去 And we must move it up and lie down 是有難度的 it's difficult 所以我決定把我的外殼 So I decided to roll the case 就是電池外盒 the battery case 轉過來垂直再套進來 Turn it around and put it in vertically 用推進來的方式 Push forward 再把整個電池倒過來 Then rotate 看起來我的方式是奏效了 Seems to work 轉過來看到沒有 turn around, you see it? 這樣蓋就簡單多了 It's much easier to cover like this 被動均衡板我準備拿 passive protection board I prepare to 這一種雙面膠 Use double-sided tape like this 把它貼起來吧 tape it 就黏在中間吧 to middle Ok 太好了 OK great 這樣就完成啦 finish 上蓋它是用 upper cover can use 專用的膠水用熔化的方式 Special glue melted it to Stick up 把這個黏起來 Stick up 為了怕以後要維修 But it must be reopened to check 第一次做我也不知道效果怎麼樣 first time to DIY, Don't know how it works 我們就先用大力貼布 We use Duct Tape for packaging 把它貼起來吧 pack it 最後我們來確認一下電壓(13.18v) Finally, let's confirm the voltage (13.18v) 磷酸鐵鋰的汽車電瓶 the LiFePO4 battery for car 72AH 我們的成本大概是5000塊左右 Our cost is about $160 最後我們來秤一下他的重量 Finally, let's weigh his weight 8.9公斤 8.9KG 哇超輕的 Wow super light 現在我們 Now 把主電瓶拆下來 Remove the main battery 這個固定架拆掉 Remove the fixing frame 然後我們先拆負極 Remove the negative electrode first 負極搭鐵 Because it's Grounding 拆了正極碰到鐵就不會短路 removed negative electrode to Prevent short 起來了 超難拆的 ok, hot to removed 喔 好重好重 so heavy 這個十幾公斤有了 almost upto 20kg 這顆愛馬龍是2019年 This AMARON battery was bought in 2019 我剛好 Just started 要打造這台車的時候買的 To modify this car 大概買了兩個禮拜才開始 two weeks later, I start my project 改裝車子 modify this car 那它是 It's 愛馬龍(AMARON) 12v 60AH 60AH 現在我換上去是72AH的 The battery we made is 72AH 磷酸鐵鋰電池 Lithium iron phosphate battery 來吧 關鍵時刻到了 ok, crucial moment 這顆電池到底能不能裝進去呢 Can this battery fit in? 哇塞 Wow 還好剛剛好 Just fit 有沒有 see it? 還好裝得進去 Just fit it 到現在為止看起來還不錯 Looks good so far 架子也可以 Fixing frame is also available 勾在最裡面這樣才穩喔 Hook at the innermost so that it is stable 上面鎖起來 Screw up 雖然我們的電池盒 the new one battery case 上蓋是沒有把它黏死 is not stick up 但是因為這個 but because 上面這個固定架 Locked up on the top 它是壓住的 It is fixed 而且是用螺絲鎖死的 and lock with screws 所以應該是沒有問題 so, it's safe 各位觀眾關鍵的時刻到了 Ladies and gentlemen, the critical moment has arrived 電樁頭還好可以用 the battery terminal is okay to use 負極 negative 鎖上去就完工了 Lock and done 等一下我們就發動看看 try to start the engine later 負極接下去會啪一大聲嚇人喔 connect the negative terminal will electrical spark and scary 我覺得 I think 看樣子沒嚇人的聲音 seems ok OK 好 Ok 完工 發動看看 finish, start the engine 來吧 come on 喔 呵呵 Oh... 終於安裝完成了 finally, done! 看起來一切正常 Everything seems to be fine. 我們量一下 Let's measure 現在磷酸鐵鋰電池的電壓 the LiFePO4 battery voltage 13.76v 13.77v 看起來是正常的 Seems normal ok完工 ok done! 這一次的 this time 笑傲江湖東方亂BUY不負責任開箱分享單元 our Smill to the world Irresponsible unboxing show random buying from East unit 是有史以來我開箱開最久的一次 long time to unboxing 開了一兩個禮拜啦 one or two weeks 因為第一次買錯電池盒 Because I bought a wrong battery case 接下來我們有一趟長途14天的環島之旅 and next, we have a 14 days of long-distance travel 直接上線測試 Direct online test 看看我們的油耗以及行車中 Look at our fuel consumption and 充電發電的情形 battery charging situation 車泊是邊走邊用邊走邊修的過程 van camping(spending the night in a vehicle) is keep going and fixing process 希望透過我的經驗分享讓各位有更好的 Hope my experience can make everyone have better van life 我是憂娘駕駛 I am Yu Niang driver (Driver who is worried about his wife driving) 祝福各位行車平安愉快 Wish you have a safe and happy driving time
Channel: 憂娘駕駛Outdoor
Views: 403,829
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Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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