自助洗車教學 | 從零開始完整版 4K | DIY洗車工具 | 台北走透透 Taipei Street
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Channel: 台北走透透 Taipei Street
Views: 172,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 自助洗車, 洗車教學, 去鐵粉, 鐵粉去除劑, 打蠟教學, 水蠟, 快速打蠟, 去柏油, 蟲的屍體, 洗車黏土, 台北自助洗車, 除油膜, 去油膜, bmw, 2series, mpower, eco, exhaust, downpipe, taiwan, sport, mode, subtitle, talk, test, car, cars, BMW, MPOWER, chargepipe, boost, boosts, mask, masks, horn, speaker, angry, rage, crazy, drive, driving, driver, drift, 寶馬, 2 series, 生活, 試車, 聲浪, 220I, BMW220I, 零百加速, 0-100, 235, m2, JB4, 油膜, car wash
Id: pPMWNGzi1z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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