羅溫艾金森解析經典角色!超討厭豆豆先生?《豆豆假期》差點拍到往生? 《凸搥特派員》原是廣告人物?|明星的經典角色|GQ Taiwan

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this Ser is called iconic characters oh I see no I don't do ey Dan or [Music] introduction Man versus B Trevor Bingley who's our hero in Man versus B is just a very very nice man actually kind of nicer than most of the characters that I play who tend to be very selfish or self-centered or self-obsessed in some way you know particularly Mr Bean so actually we decided to create a character who was many ways more real more three-dimensional he's a decent sort of family man who's just gone through a divorce he's very short of money but he gets this job house sitting for this very very wealthy couple who are going on hold day for a week and he has a lot of trouble with a bee on all 14 counts of dangerous driving the destruction of Priceless artwork arson that's basically the story Man versus B was very difficult to shoot actually because uh we couldn't find a real house to shoot in because it was during covid and no one who owned an extremely nice house wanted a film crew in it so we had to create a house of Our Own in the studio which of course means you don't have a garden and we need a garden and so we had four different locations for the garden two or three different locations for the interior and one big interior set get out get out die and to be honest I preferred the Simplicity and the cheapness if you like of some of the Mr Bean stuff which as you say we start wide you know there's a lot of wide shooting and I like wide shooting I'm a great believer in what Charlie Chaplain said is that life is a tragedy in closeup and a comedy in long shot if you sit back visually on a situation it automatically becomes funnier I mentioned which is a French comedian called Jack tati who said that comedy begins in the legs making a character more real and more sympathetic uh and more identifiable does necessarily make him funny cuz in many ways what's funny about Mr Bean for example is his complete sort of selfishness and he's a natural born Anarchist so he's a child trapped in a man's body whereas Trevor is an adult so it's not necessarily funny to make him more three-dimensional but he becomes very obsessed and very self-centered so in other words he leaves his niceness behind and that is when he becomes funny what in reality we didn't have a bee uh you'll be unsurprised to hear uh we had a we had a plastic bee on the end of a rod if we wanted a bee to crawl across a worktop then we had some professional puppeteers and quite a lot of it you know when I was just you know acting like that in a room we didn't have anything at all it was just down to me to imagine the bee and to be able to mine the situation if you like well enough to make it look convincing it was nice to look at a be because you're eyes of course always look different you know that if if if the be's close you look like that and the be further away you look like that and I think the be I mean the CGI the be is amazing I think it's one of the finest CGI animals ever to be seen on screen Mr Bean I've probably enjoyed playing Mr Bean the most because he's a character who's furthest away from my own character as a person I don't like him at all I think he's very Ord and pretty weird and not very nice what's fun about it is it's it's it's an Escape you know when you play the character you don't care what you do it's a weird kind of release first time we did the character I'm fairly certain was 1979 nine on stage and that was when we had developed I think two sketches one was the beach sketch in which he's trying to change into a swimming trunks on the beach and then there's the one in the church in which he's sitting in the church and he misbehaves while someone's spouting a sermon the character didn't have a name he didn't have to have a name because there were no words spoken in the sketches in which he featured they were silent sketches but but then when we thought actually these sketches are quite funny it's quite an interesting idea to develop a a comedy character who doesn't use words television comedy had developed from Radio comedy which was a very wordy you know tradition and we had to give him a name in order to give the television show a name so we came up with the name of of Mr Bean we were thinking Mr White for a while that was an idea but that sounded a bit dull we thought of you know vegetables and and Mr Bean seemed to be sharpen to the point the one I remember shattering me the most making me the most tired and exhausted I have ever been was a a movie we did called Mr Bean holiday in which he travels down through France to the south of France to the can film festival and we did a sequence in provance which was where he gets caught up with a Pelon of cyclists and he overtakes them with with with great ease [Music] I didn't overtake them with great ease I had to put in a tremendous amount of effort and once we've done a couple of takes of that I was absolutely dead because I'm not a cyclist I'm not fit I'm not an athlete they cycle very slowly to make sure that I overtook them very very hard I remember I remember thinking that I'd nearly kill killed myself with the exhaustion in those days we tended to do things for real because it was cheaper and CGI didn't really exist with the sophistication that it now has I mean certainly The Wider shots if you can see the wheels of the car on the road then we were doing it for real if it's a tighter shot then we may have been on a trailer being pulled along just to make it easy we tended I tended to just you know do it I remember you know we're going to the shot of the of the car coming straight towards camera you know the camera was here and I just drove straight at him you know and you would never do do that in this day and age I mean I stopped you know before I hit him but I might not have done or the brakes might have failed because of that you're not allowed to do that kind of thing anymore but in those days we did [Applause] [Music] the black added the Black Adder is a recurring character in history we wrote a sitcom In which over four series you see him in four different eras of British history the essence of the black ad it's about hierarchy there's you know either it's the Royal Court or it's the uh or it's the Army which has a very you know definable you know levels of status effectively in every subsequent series I play you know the ancestor the descendant of the person in the previous Series in the first series he's a prince precisely in the second series he's a lord Farah bloke you executed today you sure he's dead what chopped his head off that usually does the trick third series he is a butler lead on my God I shall and in the fourth series he's a captain in the British Army in the first World War I must be pretty impressed having squadron commander the Lord flashart drop in on your squalled bit of line actually no I was more impressed by the contents of my handkerchief the last time I blew my nose in the first series he was a bit more of an idiot in the second third and fourth series he's a cleverer man sort of stuck in the middle of a hierarchy he'd love to move up but he finds it very very difficult to do so and he certainly doesn't want to move down towards his sidekick Baldrick yes and your definition of dog is not a cat excellent and he's always the middle guy he's the sort of middle management guy who resents those above him and he resents those below him but he had a wonderful sort of weary cynicism about the world and that I think think is what made him surprisingly identifiable and also made him funny the big change between the first series and the second series was we went from a very extravagant location-based semi film like texture to something well we just had to make something much more effective and much more funny and much more cheaply so we ended up with with a sort of thre set sitcom so there were only three sets and the action just moves between the three sets and then the third Series yeah we were in in the Regency period with George III on the throne and the prince Regent in charge is that right sorry history was never my strong point you know Richard and benon Richard Curtis and Ben Elton who really made the black out of what it was it was just whatever they thought was going to work best whenever I've been invited to do one of his films I think I've always said yes so if I'm not in one of his films then he hasn't invited me which which which he's perfectly entitled not to do what Like Love Actually you know is a case in point which was when he asked me to do the small part of the salesman in the in the shop could we be quite quick [Music] please it was just a sweet funny little part it took one all night shoot in sries on Oxford Street and uh and and was a very nice thing to have done Johnny English Johnny English is a British Spa who's not as good as he thinks he is he always overreaches himself his ambition is always greater than his skill the joke is in that uh discrepancy between you know reality and ambition the master criminal sees not a room but a series of opportunities should I come in through the window possibly should I drop down from the ceiling perhaps actually so there one thing I think we can be fairly confident about about that is that they didn't come up through the got you he's the Curious Thing I relatively rare character because he used to be called Richard laam and he was a character in some commercials that we made for Barkley C in the '90s No Ordinary Barrow two clicks of a cap and it will render any as salent immobile very dangerous in the wrong hands take a for a bu would you moment we made the commercials to look like feature films we'll never make that point sir nonsense our Carriage awaits it was a bit of a no-brainer to say well actually why don't we just make a feature fil when we trying to think of a name for for the movies I like sort of you know the name of the character in there like Mr Bean and so in trying to think of a name we thought Richard leam was a bit dull but Johnny English had a certain Johnny English I'm here to see Pegasus still no sense rushing things I did most of the driving stuff I did I did what I was allowed to do they are very very reluctant to allow the star actors to do them but I remember doing those things here in the first Johnny English when I fly down on the rope and grab the crown from John malkovich's [Music] head Dam it I hated every single one of them I must have done it 25 times this swinging on a big rope so I did some and I didn't do [Music] others
Channel: GQ Taiwan
Views: 281,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cne-intl, gq, gq movie, gq rowanatkinson, gq taiwan, meme, mr bean, mr.bean, rowan atkinson, rowanatkinson gq, 人來蜂, 凸搥特派員, 卡通, 喜劇, 喜劇角色, 幽默, 旅行, 演員, 演技, 演講, 無語, 笑點, 經典, 經典角色, 羅溫·艾金森, 聰明, 聲優, 職業, 英國, 英國片, 英國電影, 螢幕, 表演, 護照, 豆豆, 豆豆假期, 豆豆先生, 豆豆先生 捐錢, 豆豆先生 車, 豆豆先生本人, 迷因, 電影, 電視節目, 頭銜, 黑爵士, 黑色幽默
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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