練習專注力很簡單,為什麼大多數人卻做不到? ►Dandapani(中英字幕)

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how many of you in this room had been formally trained how to concentrate in school when you were growing up can i see a show of hands like actual formal training and concentration nobody right i travel all around the world and i speak and i always ask this question nobody raises their hand if you don't learn something and then secondly if you don't practice it how can you be good at it how many of you in this room have been told to concentrate growing up lots right just like me i was told to concentrate on eating my food i was told to concentrate on learning and doing my homework but nobody told me how to how many of you have children how many of you tell your children to concentrate well there you go right do you show them how to no right how do you expect them to concentrate how do you practice concentration you practice concentration by doing one thing at a time the mind cannot multitask it switches so quickly from one thing to another gives you the sense that you're multitasking so bring the practice of doing one thing at a time into your life every time you drive practice concentration you're traveling in a metal box going at 110 kilometers an hour and who's in charge most people don't even know how many times have you driven and got somewhere and then go wow i wonder how i got here have you ever had that experience isn't that scary going at 110 kilometers an hour in a metal box and you have no idea who's in charge you find opportunities in your average day to practice concentration what are the things that you do every day if you live with a spouse what a great opportunity to practice concentration every time you speak with your spouse give your spouse your undivided attention keep your awareness on your spouse if it drifts away bring it back if it drips away bring it back and here's something interesting as well that you'll get one of the greatest benefits of concentration is the power of observation right so if i go to the gym and i lift weights what will i get muscle right if i lift weights i will get muscle that's the byproduct of lifting weights if i concentrate for prolonged periods of time the natural byproduct of that is the power of observation what is observation in monk language it's the mountain top perspective on top of the mountain you get the overview picture so how does that translate to real life have you ever watched a live soccer game for example and with your friends at home and you see the guy running down the soccer field with a soccer ball and everybody in the room is going pass it to him pass it to him and then he passes it to somebody else how does everyone in the room react oh you idiot right how much is that idiot getting paid what about 40 million dollars a year before endorsements probably right so why did he make the wrong decision and you made the right decision it's perspective right you're watching the game from the top of the stadium you see the bigger picture and therefore make a better decision that is what observation is observation is you taking your awareness to a higher state of mind that gives you a bigger broader perspective on things you see things in front of you you see opportunities you see problems that exist but you're normally not aware of as an entrepreneur i find that to be one of my greatest assets i see opportunities and i see obstacles in front of me all the time therefore allowing me to make better decisions in my life on how to go forward [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包
Views: 380,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 專注力, 練習專注力, Dandapani, Dandapani 專注力, 智慧麵包, 啟發, 注意力, 集中注意力, 洞察力, 專注力的重要性, 如何練習專注力, 訓練專注力, 練習專注力很簡單為什麼大多數人卻做不到, Dandapani concentration, Dandapani 靜坐, 靜坐, 冥想, 練習專注力很簡單, 大多數人卻做不到
Id: tX0s5G0D1gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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