糖尿病健康可以吃的食物,降血糖應該吃的食物 | 喵一下youtube 視頻

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Presented to you by Miaoeasy Healthy Foods That Diabetes Should Eat Regularly Eat often to lower blood sugar the fastest Diabetes is a disease associated with high blood sugar A lot of glucose in the blood it can cause insulin resistance thus inducing a series of complications Such as amputation, blindness, kidney failure, etc. Therefore Blood sugar control is very important for every diabetic Do you know which foods lower blood sugar the fastest? If you have diabetes What blood sugar-lowering foods should you eat often? in today's video I will share with you Healthy foods that people with diabetes should eat regularly The video will explain in simple terms Foods that lower blood sugar the fastest Let's see what are the foods! #1 Brazil Nuts Friends with diabetes may also want to eat snacks sometimes But what snack is healthier? Are you worried that eating it will cause high blood sugar? Brazil nuts are a delicious and healthy snack This nut from the Amazon region is the edible seed of a tall tree It is also called Brazil nut, Brazil chestnut or Abalone fruit It is rich in fiber protein and vitamins Especially vitamin B1 and vitamin E It has the characteristics of high protein, high fiber and low sugar Can bring a series of health benefits to the body including blood sugar levels Best for people with diabetes who need to control blood sugar Scientists confirmed Selenium and Chromium are trace minerals that act like natural insulin They have the effect of lowering blood sugar and reducing insulin resistance Brazil nuts are nuts rich in selenium and chromium Per one brazil nut Meets 175% of the daily requirement for selenium and 33% of the daily requirement for chromium These minerals also suppress appetite and reduce hunger Can help you avoid overeating more often thus maintaining a more stable blood sugar level Brazil nuts also fight stress and anxiety Because it's also rich in a compound called ellagic acid It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties Can protect brain cells from free radical damage Helps the body enter a state of relaxation It is a healthy food that diabetics should eat regularly #2 Green Leafy Vegetables When you have diabetes You should always eat vegetables especially green leafy vegetables Consider vegetables with large green leaves like spinach, mustard greens, lettuce cabbage, kale, etc. These are your safe and healthy vegetable choices Because they are low in calories, low in carbs and high in fiber Can bring various health benefits including blood sugar levels Best for people with diabetes who need to control blood sugar Do you know Diabetes increases heart disease risk the longer you have diabetes more likely to develop heart disease Fortunately Green leafy vegetables protect the heart According to scientific research from Edith Cowan University Eat 1 cup of raw leafy green vegetables daily can be reduced by 12% to 26% risk of cardiovascular disease Because this type of vegetables contains high amounts of dietary nitrates This substance causes the body to release nitric oxide It is a gas that relaxes blood vessels can accelerate blood circulation and regulate blood pressure thereby helping you maintain a normal heart rate and protect the heart It is a healthy food that diabetics should eat regularly In addition to green leafy vegetables High protein vegetables Vegetables that help lower blood sugar Do you want to know what vegetables are high in protein Recommend you to watch our latest video 11 High-Protein Vegetables You Must Eat for Diabetic Health Now let's move on to today's video Let’s take a look at the third type Hypoglycemic foods that diabetes should eat frequently #3 Purple Cabbage In addition to green leafy vegetables dark purple vegetables such as purple cabbage It is also a vegetable that sugar lovers should often eat Purple cabbage is a vegetable of the genus Brassica in the cruciferous family People also call it purple cabbage or red cabbage It's a vegetable full of antioxidants and it has high antioxidant properties can bring extraordinary protection to the body including protection of the pancreas and promote insulin secretion thus maintaining a more stable blood sugar level It is a very healthy daily vegetable for diabetics Maybe you don't know yet Manganese is a trace mineral concentrated in the pancreas Manganese deficiency affects insulin secretion Difficulty controlling blood sugar Purple cabbage is a vegetable rich in manganese Purple cabbage per 100g can meet 11% of the daily requirement of manganese This mineral removes sugar from the blood keep the pancreas functioning properly including normal secretion of insulin resulting in a more stable blood sugar level According to University of Turku Purple vegetables include purple cabbage Vegetables that can prevent type 2 diabetes Because it contains a lot of anthocyanins Especially acylated anthocyanins One is more stable than non-acylated anthocyanins and powerful antioxidants It has probiotic properties Can maintain the homeostasis of intestinal microbiota Effective regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism It is a healthy food that can quickly lower blood sugar Miaoeasy 喵一下 is a YouTube channel that shares health Upload more than 200 videos Cumulative viewership over 30 million Our team works hard every day Hope to bring you more health sharing If you don’t want to miss Meow’s video click this video now The red subscribe button in the lower right corner and turn on the little bell So you can watch it first Any of our latest videos And a super thank you below the video for clicking and purchasing You can express your support and encouragement for the Meow Channel Now it's time to get back to today's video Let’s take a look at the fourth type Healthy foods for diabetics #4 Berries If you are a sugar lover who has difficulty choosing I feel annoyed and confused every time I buy fruit It is recommended that you give more consideration to raspberry berries Like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. These Are Your Safe and Healthy Fruit Choices Because they are high in fiber and low in sugar and glycemic Most suitable for diabetics who need to lower blood sugar or control blood sugar Numerous scientific studies have shown Berries protect blood vessels and prevent heart disease According to Harvard School of Public Health and a study from the University of East Anglia Raspberry berries may help prevent heart disease in women Eat 3 or more servings of berries per week Can reduce the risk of heart disease in women by 32% Because this type of fruit Contains high amounts of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid and resveratrol These compounds have anti-inflammatory Anticancer and antioxidant properties Can work together to reduce oxidative stress responses Improve blood circulation and prevent arteriosclerosis thereby protecting the heart and prevent heart disease Raspberry berries are good-looking, delicious and healthy fruits It's low carb and low calorie Each 50g of blueberries contain only 7.5g of carbohydrates Each 50g of strawberries contains only 3.8g of carbohydrates These fruits can be added to any diet pattern Including vegetarian diet, ketogenic diet, Mediterranean diet, etc There are many ways to eat berries You can add berries to salads Making smoothies with berries Even enjoy berries as a sweet or snack They are healthy food for diabetics #5 Flaxseed Flaxseed is a dark brown edible seed It has a light nutty aroma Rich in fiber, protein and vitamins Especially vitamins B1 B5 B6 and B9 High protein, high fiber and low glycemic properties It is healthy food for diabetics Research shows that Flaxseed is a food that can lower blood sugar Eat 30 grams of flax seeds daily can lower HbA1c Your average blood sugar level over the past three months Because it is also rich in Soluble fiber and healthy fats These nutrients can work together Slow down the absorption of sugar in the intestines Thereby it can quickly lower blood sugar You may not know Selenium is an essential trace mineral Severe selenium deficiency reduces thyroid hormone synthesis it can cause hypothyroidism including goiter and thyroid cancer Flaxseed is a Selenium-rich food Each 100 grams flaxseed Can meet 46% of the daily requirement of selenium This mineral also improves intelligence and enhance memory effect prevent the risk of dementia Flaxseed is an easy food to add to your diet You can add it to any food Including salads, oats, sandwiches, vegetable juices, etc It is a hypoglycemic food that diabetics can often eat Before I continue with today's video Recommend everyone to watch more diabetes health videos Including Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Kidney Foods For Diabetes Breakfast Foods That Diabetes Should Never eat High Water Content Fruits For Diabetics The Healthiest Way To Eat Rice For Diabetes Now let's continue with today's video Let's take a look at the last Healthy foods that people with diabetes should eat regularly #6 Lime Lime is a dark green citrus fruit It is also a fruit that lowers blood sugar quickly People also call it green lemon or different names it smells fresh Rich in vitamin C and vitamin B5 High fiber, low sugar and low glycemic properties Most suitable for diabetics to lower and control blood sugar Do you know Free radicals are molecules that damage health The human body also produces free radicals It is a by-product of metabolism It travels through the body and destroys cells leading to various chronic health problems including cancer Lime is a food that can fight free radicals because it contains a large amount of active compounds such as flavonoids kaempferol and limonin These compounds have anti-inflammatory Anti-cancer and antioxidant properties it protects cells Protection from free radical molecules thus preventing many cancers Includes colon cancer, bone marrow cancer, and lymphoma It is a healthy food that diabetics should eat regularly The above is today’s health video Healthy foods that people with diabetes should eat regularly Foods that lower blood sugar quickly Hope you all like today's video I also hope that everyone knows how to cherish health and take good care of it Click on Miaoeasy 喵一下 profile picture You can also watch more videos about diabetes do you like our video You can leave messages and interact in the message area below the video If you find today’s video helpful please like us Also press subscribe and turn on the little bell And there's more I have two more videos to recommend to you Click here to watch it now
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Id: EqreMc92JLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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