穴位伸展操第一課|肩頸痛症篇|The First Lesson of Acupuncture Point Stretching Exercise|Shoulder and Neck Pains|

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Hello everyone, I am Master Leung! Will share with you today "Acupoint Stretching Exercise-Lesson One" Shoulder and neck pain Before you watch, remember to subscribe to my channel Turn on the little bell next to it There will be the latest teaching information videos in the future You will be notified as soon as possible! The shoulder and neck acupoint stretching exercises shared today Mainly by the body's stretching action to help stimulate the following acupuncture points Without further ado, let's do it together! The first action: back neck stretch Cross your hands behind your head Afterburner helps the head stretch down 10 seconds each time Do it 3 times Feeling a pull at the back of the neck when stretching the second time The elbows down vertically can help strengthen the neck stretch At the back of the neck, on both sides of the cervical spine are Tianzhu points Multiple stimulation can improve headache, mental fatigue and shoulder and neck discomfort The second action: Stretching the acupoints on the side of the neck Touch your right ear with your left hand Afterburner assist head to the left Maintain motion for 10 seconds Switch to the other side Touch your left ear with your right hand, and apply force to assist your head to the right Maintain motion for 10 seconds Feeling a pull on the side of the neck Switch to the other side On the side of the neck and cheeks, just below the earlobe is Tianrong Point The position on the side of the neck at the height of the throat is the Tianchuang Point More stimulation can improve shoulder and neck pain, tinnitus, stroke, etc. The third action: arching the back and stretching the scapula Cross your hands and stretch forward Arched back at the same time Head down Maintain motion for 10 seconds Do it 3 times When stretching, feel that the entire shoulder blade is opened Inside the scapula, on both sides of the spine are ganoderma points More stimulation can relieve tight shoulders and neck, improve heart palpitations, asthma, etc. Slowly relax and get up The fourth action: the lateral extension of the scapula Put your left arm on the back Right hand catch left elbow Stretching in the middle direction Maintain motion for 10 seconds Switch to the other side Put your right arm on the back Left hand catching right elbow Stretching in the middle direction Maintain motion for 10 seconds Relax your hands Do it again around Where the humerus joins the scapula The four-finger-wide back side is "Xinhui Point" More stimulation can improve shoulder joint pain, upper arm neuralgia, etc. the other side The fifth action: turn your shoulders Put your left hand on your left shoulder Move forward by the elbow in a circle Pay attention when turning As large as possible The stretching effect will be better 15 turns left and right Switch to the other side This group of exercises can also stimulate the Jianhui acupoint Help relax the shoulder joint, prevent shoulder joint inflammation, etc. The sixth action: Massage the scalp to loosen and loosen On the top of the head is the "Baihui Point" With ten fingers Massage from the front of the head to the back of the head To relax the scalp Simultaneous stimulation of "Baihui Point" Massage 20 times Stimulating Baihui acupoint can improve insomnia, dizziness, headache and autonomic nervous system disorders, etc. The intensity of the massage is mainly comfortable Seventh action: Towel neck stretch Hold both ends of the towel Place the middle of the towel behind your head Push down with both hands Assist in stretching the head down Maintain motion for 10 seconds Do it 3 times This stretching action can stimulate the "Fengchi Point" at the back of the neck Helps improve dizziness, headache, shoulder and neck pain, etc. Eighth action: stretch left and right neck Head slightly to the left Push down with both hands Assist the head to extend to the lower left Maintain motion for 10 seconds Do it 3 times the third time Switch to the other side This set of actions also stimulates "Tianrong Point" and "Tianchuang Point" Multiple female stimulation can improve pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, goiter, etc. relax Hope everyone likes my sharing today Welcome everyone to leave a message and like it below And share with your friends in need Friends who came to my channel for the first time Remember to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell next to it There will be the latest teaching information videos in the future You will be notified as soon as possible See you in the next episode, bye!
Channel: Master Leung 梁教練
Views: 153,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 運動, sport, 梁艷霞, 香港上善武術中心, 養生, 健康, 治病, HEALTH, 抗疫運動, 穴位, 伸展, 伸展運動, 穴位按摩, 肩頸痛
Id: 6ddAqHFb96E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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