稅務大樓藏屍案⓵|女地勤被殺 揭發兇手涉稅務大樓藏屍案|為何警方會走漏眼?|危險人物2.0【第三十五集】(中/英 字幕)

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The police found the telecom company. It transpired that the messages were sent from three different locations. One is Tai Po, which was where he lived The second was Kwun Tong, and the third is Yau Ma Tei. What was Chu Wing Keung’s job at that time? He was a van driver. The places he often hangs out were Kwun Tong and Yau Ma Tei If I were a policeman, I won't even ask But go straightaway to arrest Doesn't this people seem suspicious? Yung Ching Ching "Dangerous Person 2.0" Thank you all for watching "Dangerous Person 2.0" Next to me is Martin Yeung Today we're going to look at a new case This case is actually quite complicated I remember in 2005 I came across a piece of news I found it quite unusual After reading this news I really wanted to know more about what exactly happened What kind of case was that? It was in October 2005 Inside the Revenue Tower in Wan Chai, Hong Kong A female body was found in an air conditioning duct It was a well-dressed woman Who was found inside the Revenue Tower And the mysterious part is that the air conditioning duct where the body was hidden Could only be accessed by someone with a key or password And this case has been making no progress at all All we know is that she was a tourist from Thailand A jewelry merchant from a wealthy family She was killed inside the Revenue Tower and then She was hidden in this air conditioning slot. There has been no progress for many years But of course, after a period of time, Not only the case was cracked And the details were quite horrifying So, let's talk about this case. When did it come to light? Alright! The date was October 24th, 2005. Around 12:30 in the afternoon. Inside the Wan Chai Revenue Tower, on the 33rd floor. It's called the Air-duct room 45 00:02:15,866 --> 00:02:22,366 This is a place where air conditioning units are stored. It's specifically designated for storing these units. The entrance to this area is locked. There are two Air-Handling units inside. On that day, a worker entered the room and discovered a body on top of one of the units. Let me give you a heads up Actually, there were two workers working at that time. They wanted to take a break and take some time off They were planning ton get something to eat So, they need to take care of their work tools Because their tools are quite valuable. So they were looking for a safe place to store their tools. One of the workers then puts his tools in between of the gap of the Air-Handling Unit But when he tried to put them in something was blocking the way. He the pushed away the things and discovers that someone has played a prank by placing a mannequin doll inside. he thought it was a mannequin doll It looked like a "Mary" , a sex doll That was what he told his co-worker He said there was something stuffed in there. So they touched it. And realize the doll had real hair. the hair looked real Then they said some sex dolls were expensive They even use real hair. may be a bit pricey though They assumed it was fake. It was a dummy. They used an umbrella to poke at what they thought was a "doll." After poking, they realized it wasn't a joke. After poking, they gradually realized that it didn't look like a doll. Then they realized it was a human body But their belief at that time... Because the body had already bloated up like a balloon Because the body had already been there a few days. It bloated, one of the workers thought Oh no, a fat man got electrocuted he died of electrocution at work That was their initial thought. nevertheless….. the police come and conducted an autopsy. They found out that the body belonged to a woman around 40 years old. It was a woman. They had confirmed this Because someone already reported a missing person to the police. Someone had already reported her missing. A lady from Thailand traveling to HK as a tourist She was reported missing by her boyfriend. Due to the missing person report already filed At the Wan Chai police station the information reviewed that According to her boyfriend’s reports she had last been seen at the Wan Chai Revenue Tower So they quickly realized The dead body must be the tourist from Thailand When did she arrive in Hong Kong? She actually arrived in Hong Kong on October 10th Then on October 11th, her boyfriend asked her to go to the 40th floor of Revenue Tower where the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) was located To pick up some brochure her boyfriend was a photographer He was filming a movie in Hong Kong at that time His name was “John Muller" He was quite famous What’s so spooky about it? His movie was called "Count to Ten" It's a thriller movie A horror movie And this horror movie The story was very similar to his current case The movie was about a victim who goes into a government building and was murdered and hidden inside. After this incident came to light The entire team was too scared to continue filming with the movie and they stopped filming Yes, what a coincidence!? that such a scary coincidence happened It actually happened Muller asked his girlfriend When they came to Hong Kong for sightseeing By the way her name is Charitar Kamolnoranath (Peggy) She was a Thai Chinese She came to Hong Kong to visit Disneyland. She was a big Disneyland fans Disney was newly opened at that time. Was it? Around May in 2005, if I remember correctly. Um, they came for Disney She came with her boyfriend at that time. Her boyfriend was an artist, 28 years old. He was a little younger than Charitar Kamolnoranath (Peggy) The two of them came to Hong Kong together. They were staying at the Metropark Hotel Which is now known as the Metropark Hotel Kowloon This hotel was very famous Is it the one from the SARS outbreak? Yes, that one. This hotel was very famous then Nowadays, only the older generation would remember it. They were staying in that hotel. The boyfriend really wanted to film movies in Hong Kong And Peggy was with the jewelry industry She specialized in gemstones from Madagascar. So she wanted to open a shop in Hong Kong. So she went to the Revenue Tower to ask about it. Regarding the procedures to open a shop in Hong Kong? So her boyfriend asked her to go to the Film Commission as well to pick up some brochure. She first went there on the 11th. Yeah, she happened to arrive on a Hong Kong public holiday on the 11th. So she went back. She went again on the 12th. Since then, she and her boyfriend lost contact. Yeah, she has been missing since she went to the revenue tower She disappeared And her phone was off Her boyfriend couldn't reach her. Besides that, she had a younger sister. Yes, her sister's name is Lidai. Her sister and her, that is, the deceased, were very close. They talked on the phone every day. So it was surprising when she suddenly disappeared. Her sister was of course very nervous and immediately came to Hong Kong Actually, on the next day which was on the 13th the second day of her disappearance Her boyfriend and her family had gone to the Revenue Tower to search which was the last place she was seen But they couldn't find her anywhere And in the end, there was nothing more they could do her family was really united and they really care for her Because you see, Peggy She had been married before She had a 15-year marriage with a Thai Chinese named "La" The two had a very good relationship But unfortunately, Peggy couldn't get pregnant So of course, due to traditional family reasons They are all from large families So they broke up reluctantly By the time Peggie disappeared La travel to Hong Kong from Thailand He came to Hong Kong to search for his ex-wife It was also the first time he met her photographer boyfriend Anyhow They all joined forces to search for her They searched for many days She disappeared on the 12th, and they searched until the 18th They were unable to find her It was only then that the ex-husband, La, left Hong Kong and returned to Thailand So looking at her family, you can actually see what kind of person she was She was a good person So many people loved her Given that she and her ex-husband maintained such a good relationship You can see that she was an easy going person By the 18th Her family had no other option They could only wait for news Of course, they reported to the police On the 13th Her boyfriend had already reported to the police At that time, the police had already known That a tourist had gone missing after arriving in Hong Kong By the 24th As just mentioned some workers who are working there inside the air conditioning duct of the air handling unit the body of Peggy was found After the forensic experts arrived What did he say? About the condition of the dead body the height of the deceased was 155cm The weight was approximately 97 pounds The age was around 40 years old with black long hair But the forehead part was dyed with a little red It wasn't just black she wore a white round-neck T-shirt And a pair of dark-colored trousers She was wearing a pair of pearl earrings The left ear had another gold earring Remember she was a jewelry merchant She wore a Rolex watch on her left hand And a Tiffany bracelet Her body rested on top of the air handling unit Her hands were tied from the back with black plastic tape A pair of black Chanel high-heeled sandals were placed next to her You can see from her clothing, jewelry, and accessories that she was probably a wealthy person Her body was bloated and blackened she had been dead for a long time But there was something else important Her body, including her private parts had been wiped down with some cleaning agent The forensic examiner confirmed this the Revenue Tower had air conditioning running most of the time Although it would be turned off after office hours The body was relatively dry The forensic doctors said it was difficult to determine the time of her death Because of the way the air conditioning was operated Most time on but some times off There was a big difference with temperature And due to the inconsistency of temperature The physical development on the corpse could not be evaluated with a normal balance the forensic doctor found this difficult In addition, she had multiple knife wounds There was a knife inserted into her chest There were also many wounds under her armpits And many other stab wounds on her waist But the forensic doctors said that these stab wounds were not fatal Even the stab wound in her chest was not the one that killed her It was not fatal in one strike But her head was wrapped in a red plastic bag And this plastic bag was tightly tied When she was found 273 00:11:36,366 --> 00:11:39,100 there was a lot of liquid in her mouth Since the body was lying on its back, facing the ceiling So her own secretions It was enough to suffocate her to death Not to mention that the murderer had already placed the plastic bag over her head So she might have died of asphyxia In the end, the forensic doctor determined Peggy died of asphyxia At that time, due to the location of the Revenue Tower It required a key to enter The place was locked So the police focused their investigation On people that worked inside the building At that time, they suspected it might have been a staff member And the police did notice Her Rolex watch was still on her wrist It hadn't been taken off Neither had her earrings But what was missing? I want you to pay attention to this point Her expensive handbag was missing Remember, an expensive handbag Alright, the handbag was gone There was a diamond ring inside the handbag There were also bank cards and a little bit of money inside it. Based on this point, the police said it must be intentionally done to create a false impression Leaving the Rolex watch and jewelry behind 301 00:12:51,333 --> 00:12:52,933 to divert attention After solving the case, why didn't they take only the watch? Why didn't they take the earrings? And the Tiffany bracelet Why didn't they take the Tiffany bracelet? I'll tell you why later Actually, the reason was quite baffling Umm Alright, the police went to investigate who did it. Of course, many employees who had access to this area were questioned. Among them, they found a person who was here to repair the air conditioning. Now it's time for you to tell us Actually, the police knew that starting form mid- October It was at the beginning of October that the air conditioning maintenance project began at Revenue Tower Many outsourced workers were allowed to enter and work. It was also because these outsourced workers had access to this air handling unit Many people come and go into the air handling room. All thirty-something outsourced workers were questioned. One by one. There is someone…. We will keep people guessing at this point This guy Why would we not talk about this person at this moment? Because earlier, it was said that a bank card was missing. The deceased's bank card. Someone tried to use it for withdrawals. Where did he withdraw the money? He withdrew money from an ATM machine in Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po. Remember again, the ATM in Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, is also crucial. Alright, earlier, Martin mentioned that more than thirty people were questioned. There was one of them Why did he receive so much attention? It's because he lived in Tai Po, Tai Wo Estate Of course, when you have a case like this and someone happened to live there Although the police didn't specifically disclose this that they were targeting this worker in Tai Wo Estate But even so... In the end, the police thought that none of them were suspicious Yes, actually this omission led to having another victim later on The victim's family was quite upset about this the reason is that if the police had identified the person living in Tai Wo Estate as a suspect earlier the tragic incident that occurred three years later could have been avoided But of course, it's easiest to say this with hindsight We have to look back at the situation at that time Because there are many possibilities, right? There are always things that can be missed, isn't there? This is actually a very unfortunate situation now Alright, as mentioned earlier, among the thirty-some individuals one of them lives in Tai Wo Estate in Tai Po let's talk about Peggy's family background. Peggy is 40 years old. Her ancestral home is Chaozhou She was born in Thailand. Just mentioned earlier, she has a younger sister. Actually, her father was a wealthy businessman. He mined gemstones in Thailand and Myanmar. Eventually, he went to Madagascar to operate a large diamond mine. sound great She grew up without worries about food and clothing. She studied in the United States. She has a high level of language proficiency. She is fluent in English, Thai, Mandarin, and Cantonese is also good. That is, Cantonese is also good. However, two years before this incident, her father died in a car accident in Madagascar. Then her younger sister married and went to live in the United States. Only she took over the entire family business. She took over the family business. This time, when you saw her, you could still see some childishness in her. Because when she learned that Disney was opening she asked her boyfriend to come with her. Next, she actually wanted to go to Hong Kong to start a company. Start a business in Hong Kong. Actually, at that time, she was That is, just mentioned her father in 2003 Famous in Jewelry Business Thailand's jewelry businessman died in a car accident in Madagascar. In the same year, Peggy divorced her husband who had been married to her for 15 years. Actually, she was feeling down. Later, she met Mula. That is, the artist Mula. A 28-year-old artist. Started living happily again. Originally, coming to Hong Kong joinfully Then this incident happened. After this tragic incident occurred, their jewelry business could not continue. Their jewelry business in Thailand also could not continue. The business was left unattended. Peggy was originally a skilled and experienced businesswoman. She wanted to expand her father's business greatly. After this incident, Of course, there was nothing left. Before we move on to the next case, let's review the three key points. So that you don't forget. Firstly, the first thing is the deceased's expensive handbag. Secondly, her body was wiped down with a strong cleaning agent. Thirdly, and also very important, withdrawing money from the ATM in Tai Wo Estate. These three points are closely related to the next case. They have a significant connection. Yes, alright, so how was the case solved? The case was solved because of this bad guy. The murderer made the same mistake again. Actually, the truth is, between 2005 and 2008, we don't know how many more people he killed. No one knows. Or even before 2005, how many people he has killed in total, we also don't know. But what we have found are these two cases. But considering he is so skillful do you really believe that there are only two cases? This is really something for everyone to think about. Because many times when we find these serial killers, You'll only know how many he's confessed to based on how many you've caught him for. He won't tell you much more than that. But how many missing people are actually related to him? That's something else to consider. The time when another victim appeared, was on May 15th, 2008. This woman's name was Qiu Xiaoyan. Her English name was Yen. We call her Yen. Yen worked as a ground staff. worked an airline company at Hong Kong International Airport. She was on May 15th, 2008 and got off work at midnight because of the shift schedule It was a rotating shift After getting off work, she took a ride to Tai Wo in Tai Po She still had to walk a bit before reaching her residence It was a dark and lonely path Um What did she do last? She ended up went to the ATM in Tai Wo using her ATM card with drawing $400 Um The $400 was withdrawn by her And at that time, this Yen The deceased was holding an expensive LV handbag Um This LV handbag is just like the previous case When the body was found, the handbag was missing That means the killer is attracted to some brand-name handbags You can see this common point Alright, let's talk about the background of this deceased The deceased was 21 years old, as mentioned earlier, she worked as ground staff at the airport There's one called Jardine Aviation Airlines She worked in customer service Actually, she lived in a remote area In Kam Shan Tsuen in Tai Po That means you have to walk through a very remote and quiet road from Tai Wo to get there Of course, her parents live with her at home Later, her parents made a lot of effort to search for her together She also had a boyfriend Her boyfriend's name is Wade John Muller He also worked at Jardine Aviation Airlines This Wade John Muller is very important Her boyfriend is very important. This is one of her two boyfriends. This was her boyfriend at that time. Alright, this deceased Yen, before around 1 a.m. She withdrawn $400 from the ATM in Tai Wo. After withdrawing the money, she left. Until she was halfway through, she was targeted by the murderer. After being targeted, she was actually killed. She was killed right away. We will talk about the details of why he killed her later. But at 1:50, which is after Yen's death, someone withdrew $19,600 from the ATM in Tai Wo as well. Because it can only withdraw$ 20,000 per day. So Yen withdrew $400 Her remaining balance was $19,600 The $19,600 was withdrawn by someone else. Yen's cell phone was used to send messages to Wade John Muller using her SIM card. It was around 5:00 am. It seems that the murderer had gone through her phone messages. He knew Wade John Muller was her closest contact. So what did he say to Wade John Muller? He left a message for Wade John Muller saying that her friend had an accident and she had to leave for a few days Please apply leave on my behalf This is strange Because the murderer might not know Actually, Wade John Muller is not only the deceased's close boyfriend but also works in the same company with her So this doesn't make sense Because they work in the same company He knows her entire schedule Why would he say these things? in addition, if you really had something to do, Why didn't you call and send a message instead? Actually, Wade John Muller was constantly calling her asking what had happened but her phone was off Then someone went to withdraw money again Then, after... Actually, she withdrew $400 herself first Later, all the records came out And after the first $400 withdrawal, Within half an hour, someone withdrew $19,600 Then, the next day, the 16th It was another ATM in Tai Wo Estate A withdrawal of $20,000 was made at once Then, the day after, the 17th Someone withdrew the final $20,000 from the account Yes, I think those monies amounted to around $60,000 What about the murderer? After withdrawing the money the first time After sending a text message to Wade John Muller He went to find the victim's father He told the deceased's father, "I urgently need some money. Please quickly transfer this money into my account." He asked her father for the money. The father already felt something was very wrong. When he called, she didn't answer. At that time, her father had already gone to report it to the police. He said that his daughter had disappeared. It was the first time they reported to the police. It was their first time reporting to the police. But the report was not accepted. What was the reason? Because the situation of missing persons had not reached 24 hours. So at that time, the police only handled it as a record. Yes, and there were many questions asked by the police at that time. Because the police would ask some questions. It was said that the deceased had a childhood sweetheart. She had a childhood sweetheart, Chu Wing Keung, who she had known since childhood. His name was Chu Wing Keung. Due to disagreements and various reasons, Chu Wing Keung and the deceased... Although they were deeply in love, they had to break up unfortunately. And Chu Wing Keung has always been very depressed because of this. Because he loved her very much. He really suffered from depression. Yes, he later had a big issue. He was really pitiful. But her family actually wasn't very supportive They didn't want her to have too many lingering ties with Chu Wing Keung. It's not good to break up and then go back to him. But it's known that the deceased actually before the 15th. met with Chu Wing Keung So there is also a possibility. Could it be that she got into a fight with her new boyfriend because of the issue with Chu Wing Keung? So she got angry and hid away? So when they went to report it at that time, there was a slight suspicion that it might be a fight between boyfriend and girlfriend and that's why she disappeared. So until the 16th, someone went to the ATM to withdraw money again, that's when they started to feel something was wrong. The person was missing again, and the money was withdrawn again. Actually, the deceased's mother had already gone to the bank to investigate How did she know that when she went to investigate, which was on the 17th, the last $20,000 had been withdrawn Um Alright, the entire case was solved solely because of the murderer's greed If he hadn't done the following thing, it would have been like the Revene Tower case, where you would never have catch him What did he do? He sent another text message on the evening of the 19th He sent a text message to his boyfriend Wade John Muller, even starting to talk about ransom He was very pleased, he said the ransom could be anywhere from $1 to $500,000, take your pick Of course, as soon as they saw this text message The whole world was shocked The family members went to report to the police again together This was the third time they reported to the police Actually, the second time they reported to the police Was it because her mother noticed the money was missing? Her mother went to the bank to check On the 17th, she finally found out that all $20,000 had been withdrawn So that was the second time they reported to the police already. By then, the police already suspected there were some issues. But they weren't very concerned. They still thought it might be a quarrel between boyfriend and girlfriend. This time, the third time, when the police saw the ransom demand, they became very tense. This ransom demand was very unusual. In the end, they talked about a ransom of $100,000, right? Yes, they finally negotiated a ransom of $100,000 Negotiated a ransom of $100,000 Actually, by then, the police had already intervened. Hong Kong police are very capable in solving kidnapping and extortion cases. Basically, Hong Kong has never had a kidnapping case that I can remember that hasn't been solved. Actually, yes. But the police definitely solve these cases. And they solve them quickly. They immediately suspected her first boyfriend, Chu Wing Keung. Her mother went to the bank to investigate. She found out the location of the ATM where the money was withdrawn. It was in Tai Wo Estate. It was actually near Chu Wing Keung's residence. This was the first suspicion point. Secondly, the police found out by asking the telecommunications company Find that the location of the text message was sent from which palce Have three different places. First is Tai Po, which is where he lives. Second is Kwun Tong. Third is Yau Ma Tei. What did Chu Wing Keung do at that time? He was a van driver for transportation. He frequently frequented Kwun Tong and Yau Ma Tei If I were a police officer I wouldn't even need to ask I would immediately go and arrest him But I don't think that's the case After identifying Chu Wing Keung, the police went to arrest him It was actually 9 am that day A large group of police officers went there Chu Wing Keung drove out with a large truck And a dozen or so police officers rushed up to him Hmm After rushing forward According to Chu Wing Keung, he just beat him up They demanded him to speak up quickly Where did you hide the victim? Ask him where he hid Yen Ask him where he hid it Then they took him back to the police station for interrogation Of course, there are often many people saying Why do people who are arrested often suffer from violent treatment These things are actually endless to talk about It would take three hours to finish talking about them Of course, people who advocate for human rights would think That you shouldn't do this You can't beat the prisoner But if you say that the situation is critical someone's life is endangered Only the kidnapper knows where the victim is Using some extreme methods to save a person There is also another theory for this These are really difficult to argue about So according to Chu Wing Keung He was beaten very severely in the interrogation room But he didn't admit anything He said he didn't even know Yen was missing Because no one told him, he didn't know Um So Chu Wing Keung was arrested by the police On the evening of the 21st Around noon on the 22nd The deceased's boyfriend Wade John Muller received another text message Regarding the ransom Remember we had already received a text message saying from $1 to $500,000, you can choose This time, it was another text message about the ransom The police were of course extremely nervous and realized it might not be Chu Wing Keung So they arranged for this ransom collection procedure and arrest operation This is the police's expertise There were paparazzi who would disguise themselves as different characters lurking around the area This indicated that the kidnapper, that is, the murderer had specified using bus 72X in Tai Po and also specified a seat Wade John Muller was instructed to bring the $100,000 ransom Placed on this designated seat Since the bus's time and route had already been determined It actually helped the police a lot They just needed to send people on the bus I believe there were already many police officers on the bus at that time The police unit commonly known as the paparazzi on the bus They saw someone constantly sending text messages on the bus Someone was constantly sending text messages Yes, they had already guessed it was this person So they followed him all the way Until Wade John Muller placed the money They had agreed on which stop to drop the money After dropping the money, he got off the bus By this time, the murderer had already taken the 100,000 At this point, the police actually already knew it was this person But they still hoped that the victim, Yen, was still alive That is, he hadn't been killed yet So they didn't want to alert the murderer If the murderer had accomplices he might immediately notify them to kill the victim, which would harm the victim So the police didn't immediately arrest him, they just followed him How did he leave? This murderer was very cunning After collecting the ransom, he didn't sit until the end Actually, the bus could have taken him back home But he got off halfway and took a taxi But it doesn't matter what you take, it's already useless Because there were police officers at every bus stop And the bus was full of plainclothes police officers Of course, they followed him all the way home Where did they follow him to? His residence was Tai Wo Estate After following him there, the police of course entered the house Then they followed him inside the house where there were many people There were almost four or five people, all arrested Later, some items belonging to the victim were found inside the house Money was also found, including the $100,000 As well as the $20,000 he withdrew earlier There were also a lot of Taiwan dollars Then there were the victim's Not a phone, what else was found? SIM card? That's a SIM card A SIM card was found But it's strange, where's the victim's handbag? The expensive handbag is not here. Then they took everyone back to the police station and arrested them all. Later, they found out that the other people were actually the killer's family members. Those who were unaware were released. At this point, the killer began to realize. His surname is So. Uh-huh. He's 25 years old. We can reveal his real name now. Now we really know the killer's name is So Kam Tong . Here, I'll pause for a moment. We'll continue next time. Then we'll share the next part of the story with everyone. If you like this program, It's important to comment, like, and share.
Channel: 危險人物2.0
Views: 159,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 灣仔稅務大樓, 藏屍案, 泰籍華裔珠寶女商人, 謝麗萍, 環保署, 風櫃機 懸紅, 大埔林村河, 女地勤, 劫殺, 棄屍, 沉冤得雪, 丘曉彥, counttoten, 危險人物, 翁靜晶, 楊雲峰
Id: fny3H-gQ7wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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